
By KatGee

30.3K 2.3K 489

Book 3 of the DeLuca Mafia Series Alessia DeLuca has known since she was a child that once she was an adult... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 6

1.4K 114 7
By KatGee


I'm here

It only takes a second for her to reply.


A smile tugs at the corner of my lips as I slip my phone in my pocket and exit my rental car. She knows we have plans but she doesn't know what we're doing yet. I didn't want to give her time to overthink or for the panic to set in before I'd even arrived so I kept it to myself. She probably won't be happy once she finds out where we're going but it has to be done and Viola hasn't helped things so I'm stepping in. She surprisingly hasn't questioned me over it but I'm sure that's due to her being happy with getting away from her family for a few hours and I love that I get to do that for her.

I approach the house and press the doorbell. A moment later Viola opens the door with a smile on her face, a guard standing close by monitoring our interaction.

She pulls me into a hug, planting a kiss on each of my cheeks as she beams up at me. "Alessia's still getting dressed but I'm sure she won't be much longer. Come in, I'll go let her know you're here."

I step inside, closing the door behind me and spot Riot and Luca lingering by the stairs as Viola climbs them and disappears onto the second level.

"Are you prepared to chase her when she runs?" Riot asks with a taunting smirk on his mouth and cold look in his eyes.

How anyone could look that man in the eyes and fall in love is beyond me but I'm well aware people aren't always as they seem.

"She won't run." I reply simply.

They're well aware of my plans and with Alessia's track record I'm sure they aren't convinced I'm right. But if there's one thing in this world I know for certain it's Alessia. All you have to do is pay attention to her, listen to her complaints and adapt things accordingly. She would be far more compliant if they'd just listen. Or maybe for them she wouldn't since they're pushing her into a marriage with me.

Viola comes back downstairs, giving me a reassuring smile. "She said she's putting her shoes on and she will be down in a minute."

"You know Dante, since I took over I've been going through a few things, looking through records, checking on properties, going over past deals." Riot states and I stiffen, unsure of where this is going. As far as I know my father hasn't been making any moves against the family and if he has I have zero knowledge of it. "One of the things I recently looked into were the records for incoming and outgoing flights over the last few years. I quickly noticed a very familiar jet coming and going even when the person who owns it didn't have business here. You wouldn't happen to know anything about that would you?"


His lips curl up into a menacing smile as if he can see my panic straight through the stoic mask on my face. If it were any other man questioning my actions or whereabouts I wouldn't care but Riot doesn't ask questions he doesn't already know the answer to. Which means he knows, he knows I've been stalking Alessia.

"If it was my fathers jet, I tend to use it more often than him so it was most likely me." I answered him vaguely.

"Most likely." He repeats.

Viola glances between us nervously. "Lorenzo, where are you going with this? What are you doing?"

He ignores her, his gaze focused on me. "If I pull up the surveillance footage throughout the city what will I see, Dante? Why have you been visiting Easthill without checking in with me?"

I glance over at Viola feeling slightly uncomfortable with having this conversation in front of her. "I like to keep an eye on Alessia when I get the chance."

He arches an eyebrow at me but doesn't look surprised at the revelation. "So you've been stalking my sister?"

My jaw tenses at the accusation although it's true. "Your men can't seem to keep up with her. When they lose her, I find her."

I know it's a dig and I should've held it back but I can't. Apparently he can look through surveillance footage to see what I'm doing but can never seem to track Alessia properly. Unless he's secretly allowing it.

Viola looks absolutely ecstatic. "Oh, thank god someone can keep up with her."

"I apologize if my overprotective tendencies came off as shady. I have nothing to hide. I only want the best for Alessia." I assure him honestly.

The last thing I need is for him to think I've gone against the family in any way. I haven't done that and I wouldn't.

"I'm aware and that's why I plan to let this go but I expect to be notified the next time you decide to check in on my sister. Is that clear?"

"Of course." I nod firmly.

"Just remember how lenient I was over this for future reference. You owe me now." He grins and I don't think I've ever seen someone smile so cynically.

"Of course." I repeat, refusing to show the fear I feel over owing someone like Riot DeLuca a favor.

"Have fun and keep her safe." He says walking toward the foyer with Luca following closely behind.

Movement at the top of the stairs catches my attention, momentarily distracting me from the interaction with Riot as Alessia begins her descent. I fight a smile when I see she's dressed in a gray sweatsuit with her dark hair pulled up in a ponytail and not a drop of makeup on her face.

"Alessia!" Viola scolds her when she steps in front of us.

"Yes?" She questions with an eyebrow raised as she looks her Mother right in the eyes.

She knows Viola isn't going to verbally call out her outfit choice in front of me. Her silent rebellion against them is adorable when she's not putting herself in harm's way.

"You look beautiful." I say, stepping forward to brush a kiss across her cheek.

She gives me a beaming smile, eyes dancing with delight as if she thinks I'm playing along with her game and not actually complimenting her. "Thank you, Dante."

I offer her my hand. "We should be going."

I'm more than ready to get out of this house.

Viola nods. "Take care of my baby and Alessia please... behave."

"Always." Alessia smirks, taking my hand.

Viola lets out an exasperated huff behind us as I guide Alessia out of the house.

I take a deep inhale of the cool air when we step outside, feeling part of the tension in my shoulders loosen. I glance down at my hand engulfing hers and crack a smile.

"Where are we going?" She asks as I open the passenger door of my rental.

"It's a surprise." I reply, reaching in to buckle her seatbelt for her after she's seated.

She blinks up at me in surprise, amber eyes wide. "I could've done that."

"I know." I shrug.

I shut her door and round the car, slipping into the driver's seat.

"Are you okay? You look a little pale?" She questions warily as she eyes me from the passenger seat.

Considering I now owe Riot a favor, no, I'm not okay and my Father is going to kill me when I tell him. She doesn't need to know that though. I don't plan to tell her about my obsession with her anytime soon. Our relationship is a constant push and pull as it is, she doesn't need to know that between the two of us she has all the power just yet.

I give her a smile, liking that she's worried about me. "I'm fine."

"If you say so." She mutters skeptically as I start the car and reverse out of the driveway.

I pull onto the road and turn the music up a little. I like it when she sings along to the songs on my playlist, she has a pretty voice.

"So where are we going?" She asks again.

I should've known she wouldn't let it go that easily.

I can't help but chuckle, "I told you it's a surprise."

She groans, "I don't like surprises. Please tell me."

I glance over at her and she gives me a playful pout making me chuckle again. I love her like this. Relaxed and playful and sweet.

"Well since you said please." I smile but then grow serious. "I'm taking you wedding dress shopping."

"No you aren't." She scoffs as if thinking I'm joking.

"I am." I glance over to gauge her reaction and her face falls.

"I don't want to go wedding dress shopping, you know this. Don't do this, Dante. I thought I could trust you." She already sounds seconds away from panicking and we haven't even made it out of the community yet.

"You can." I assure her, reaching over and grabbing her trembling hand in mine. "It won't be like the boutique Viola took you to. I've set it up so things will feel less overwhelming."

She tries to tug her hand from mine but I don't let her. "I thought you actually understood me but now you're siding with them. Please stop the car so I can get out, I'm not doing this."

I do stop the car but not so she can get out. I grip her jaw and turn her face toward mine, meeting those glassy amber eyes. She has no idea how hard it is to look in those eyes and not give in to her every demand.

"Do not lump me in with them. I'm not here for them, I'm not doing this for them. I'm doing it for you." I demand. "Trust me."

She blinks silently at me but doesn't object so I release her jaw and continue the drive to the gate. She goes silent, her gaze focused on the scenery out the window. Hopefully I didn't screw up the progress I've made with her but if I did maybe the way I've set up our dress appointment will make things better. I know she's mentally panicking but I really did set this up with her in mind.

We make it to our destination without another argument and I take her hand and lead her to the door.

"It looks like they're closed." She mutters as we approach the dark store.

"They are. I told them to keep the lights low so the amount of dresses doesn't overwhelm you. I've chosen four options I think you'll like. We'll go straight to the backroom so you can try them on." I explained.

"Isn't it bad luck for the groom to see the bride in her wedding dress before the wedding?" She questions as I pull the door open and we step inside.

"I don't believe in superstitions but I don't have to see you try them on if you don't want me to."

Nothing will stop this wedding, supersitistions be damned.

A woman with dark hair dressed in a white button up and black slacks greets us as we enter. "Hello, you must be Dante and Alessia. I'm Margo, follow me." She motions toward the back of the store.

We follow her through the dark building to a door in the back that leads to an illuminated hallway. She opens one of the three doors and motions for us to enter the room. It looks to be an office, the walls painted a calm, dark shade of green. There's a desk covered in papers with a computer amongst the mess and a brown leather chair behind it. Sketches of dresses adorn the wall behind the desk like artwork, along with different scraps of fabric pinned to each one. There's two dark brown chairs placed in front of the desk and a matching couch pushed against the opposite wall with small round tables flanking each side. Four dress bags hang on hooks on another wall along with a large mirror with an elevated platform placed in front of it.

"Would you like some champagne or sparkling water?" Margo offers.

"Sparkling water, please." I answer for the both of us and Alessia shoots me a glare.

The first time she went dress shopping she ended up drunk so we'll be avoiding alcohol during this trip much to her dismay.

Margo grabs our water from a mini fridge I hadn't noticed is placed beside the desk.

"I'll close my eyes while you try the dresses on so I don't see them but I'm here if you need me." I take a seat on the couch meeting Alessia's gaze as Margo approaches.

"Awww." Margo coo's quietly, giving Alessia a smile as she hands us each our waters.

"He's a charmer, isn't he?" Alessia says sarcastically.

I open my water with a smirk and take a drink before screwing the lid back on.

I sink back into the plush cushions of the couch, closing my eyes and listening as Margo talks about the different dress options hanging on the wall.

I called the shop and gave them the description of what I thought Alessia would like in a wedding dress and she emailed me options she came up with. I narrowed them down to four but told her to go ahead and keep a few of the others nearby just in case.

"Which would you like to try on first?"

"This one." Alessia replies.

The sounds of clothes being removed makes it harder to keep my eyes closed but I do. I try to mentally picture her in one of the four options I had chosen. I try to imagine her reaction to the dress when she tries it on, the look she'll have on her face. I wonder if her eyes will widen, if her mouth will fall open in shock at the sight of her in a dress that fits her personality as well as it does her body.

"Wow." Alessia mutters as I assume she sees herself in one of the dresses for the first time.

"And just think, it'll look even better when it's altered to your measurements. We'll bring the waist in a few inches, hem the length so you aren't tripping over it and bring the bodice out to keep you from spilling over the top." Margo explains.

"It's beautiful." Alessia whispers and I can't help but smile, the feeling of satisfaction warming my chest.

"It is." Margo agrees. "We'll try the other three on and then you can decide. If you don't like any of them we can discuss what you do like and I can always go grab something that fits the description."

I sit patiently, ears straining for each sound as I remain with my eyes closed until I hear Alessia pick her dress.

"You can open your eyes now." She says and she sounds much closer than I expect her to be.

When I open my eyes she's directly in front of me wearing an expression I can't read. Her glossy hair is free of the ponytail she'd worn when we came in and her clothes slightly wrinkled from where she had discarded them.

"You picked your dress." I say in a low tone.

I'm not sure how she's feeling after weeks of turmoil over having to make the decision and then it finally being done.

"I did." She replies softly, studying my face. "The options you chose were beautiful and very much my style. It's so weird, it's like you know me somehow."

"That's a good trait for a husband to have." I can't help but give her a smirk.

She shakes her head, pursing her lips but I can easily tell she's fighting a smile. "Lorenzo really knew what he was doing when he chose you." She huffs.

My chest aches at her words and I want to tell her he didn't pick me because she deserves to know the truth but Margo comes back in the room before I can. "Time to get your measurements."

Alessia gives me a long, lingering look as she turns and makes her way over to the platform where Margo motions for her to step up. I feel her eyes on me the entire time and damn I wish I could read her mind. I want to know what she's thinking about. That look in her eyes has my head spinning.

Once Margo is done getting Alessia's measurements we leave.

I take Alessia's hand as we exit the building and instead of walking toward my rental car I maneuver us in the opposite direction down the sidewalk.

I look over to see her brow furrowed, her thumb rubbing her ring finger. "Our rehearsal dinner is in a week." She states quietly.

"It is." I reply nonchalantly, keeping the excitement I feel at that fact out of my voice. "Are you nervous?"

"No." She looks up at me, amber eyes glistening. "I'm scared."

I stop, not caring that I'm standing in the middle of the busy sidewalk. "Why?"

"The fact that you aren't is scary in and of itself." She releases a humorless laugh. "So where are we going now?"

I take her hand and start walking again. "I understand why you're scared and I know nothing I say will take that feeling away but when it comes to me you have nothing to be afraid of."

She gives me a skeptical look but doesn't say anything else. I take her to a nearby restaurant and she loosens up as we eat our meal. Her smile comes back and I can't help but absorb every second I get with her. Afterwards I take her for a walk in the park. Although it's dark, there are twinkle lights that line the pathways year round, so it's well lit to take a walk even at night. I keep her out as long as I can until I know I'm probably pushing my limits with Riot and then we reluctantly make the walk back to my car. Alessia chatters away on our drive but the closer we get to the community the less she talks.

One more week and I'll be able to get her away from all of this. It's the only motivation that makes me keep driving. Well that and I'd rather not die at the hands of Riot DeLuca.

She's silent as I shut my car off after parking in her driveway and doesn't attempt to make a move to get out, her eyes unfocused as she stares straight ahead.

"Alessia." I murmur her name quietly but she doesn't look at me, as if lost in a world of her own. I reach over and grasp her chin, turning her head toward me. "One more week of going in there and dealing with Viola and whatever other bullshit has been thrown at you. One more week and you can have more freedom than you've probably ever had."

Her eyes glisten. "And what if I don't believe you?"

"I guess you'll just have to wait and see for yourself."

I lean over the center console and brush a kiss across her forehead. Her head tilts up, our eyes meeting, breath crashing against my lips. My thumb caresses her soft cheek, nose filled with the scent of her perfume.

"Dante." She whispers.

The sound of my name on her lips like a caress. It sends a shiver up my spine.

"Fuck it." I mutter, my grip on her face tightening with purpose as I pull her into me, closing the minimal distance between us.

I swallow her gasp, capturing her lips with mine and gliding my tongue against hers. Heat builds in my groin, my body finally relaxing fully as I kiss her. She tastes like everything I've ever wanted, like mine.

I pull her across the center console, placing her on my lap as our mouths never part. She settles against my chest, melting into me with a knee on each side of my legs. It's a tight fit because I'm not exactly a small guy but I don't mind and she doesn't seem to either.

I groan at the feeling of her body molded to mine. The heat from her pussy teasing my dick even through our pants. I drag my hands down her back, palming her ass and grinding her into me. She lets out a long needy noise that makes my head spin. I want to touch her, taste her, make her come. I want to hear her crying my name as she orgasms.

I quickly break the kiss, turning my head as I force myself to slow down.

"Fuck." I pant breathlessly.

I turn to look at her, eyes falling to take in her swollen lips. I've never seen her look more beautiful than she does now. She looks stunning in makeup but bare faced, kiss swollen lips and seated on my lap is the best she's ever looked.

My eyes flick up to hers and my heart instantly sinks.

Her amber gaze glistens in the dim lighting as she brings a hand to her mouth. She quickly scrambles off my lap and into the passenger seat, muttering about how we shouldn't have done that as she rips the door open and runs.

"Alessia!" I rush to open my door, stumbling out as I go after her.

"Please go home!" She shouts as she makes it to the front door and pushes it open.

A cool feeling washes the warmth from my body that her kiss had filled me with away until I'm left feeling empty and cold.


Hey babe's, it's meeeeeee. So my plan was to double upload but when I checked the word count on ch 7 it's lower than I expected so I'm gonna finish it up tomorrow instead. But I didn't want to leave you waiting which is why this one is up now.

This chapter idk they just make me so happy lol he's so sweet with her ugh I love it. Someone totally called him taking her dress shopping lmao he's gonna marry her one way or another damn it 😂 also Riot kills me. It's so funny to me that Dante is genuinely afraid of him (let's be honest he should be lol). You know Riot, always gotta stay ahead of the game now he's got Dante owing him a favor, couldn't imagine how that will go 🫣

Poor Alessia is fighting the chemistry with this man so hard. I can't wait for this tension to snap 😈

Love youu🖤🖤

— Katy

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