The Dark Pheonix

By bluesmeraldos1310

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& Pheonix needs to be burned again and again in the fire of blood and Vengeance. Sequel to 'The Vengeance.' More

Author's Note
SNEAK PEAK: Shadow of the Dark Clouds.
The Past crawls back
Half Truth
Chaos in Heaven
Silence that Hurts.
Let's Forget Today.
Let it burn again.
House Of Cards(1)
House of Cards(2)
Is it true?
Summertime Sadness
Blood, Sweat & Tears
"Burn Me"
Friend of a Enemy
Standing Next to You
Back to Milan
Things make Sense
Interlude Dawn
Maybe If I was There for You
Come back to Me
Heaven & Back
Good to be back
This wasn't supposed to be!
Sneak Peak: Life is a Circle
Come back to me, Please

We are Together

31 4 7
By bluesmeraldos1310

"Hyung are you sure???" Namjoon asks.

Yoongi looked at him, Namjoon.
They are friends for years but right now he is a little pissed off at his words.
He can understand Namjoon is taken aback but they needs to understand he is also someone who is greatly taken aback.

Yoongi nods, "Yes, 80% I guess."

"I believe him." Jungkook supports.

"I understand I may sound like an ass here but why Jimin would suddenly jump to harm the Lengkwaps?
I mean what I heard from him, he is a good friend of them, especially Intap."

A silence fills the room for a moment.
They are now at Eden's, Kim's main house.
They felt that's the most unpredictable and safe place for them.

"And I think that's the point." Yoongi replies as his index finger grazing his lower lips, he seems to be lost in deep thoughts.

Namjoon looks at him intendly,
"What do you mean?"

"Jimin had a head on with Intap specially when he was drugged. It was an easy game for him. He could have killed him or harmed him in some way which was life threatening.
But it isn't. Even it looked like a deep injury it isn't something that can't be healed!!!
Do you really think someone will barge into Lengkwaps Kingdom just to put a cut on Intap's arms????"

"And what was the reason to hurt you??" Namjoon enquiries.

"Hiding identity I guess."

The silence gets thicker this time. Everyone is lost in their own chain of thoughts, trying to reason and connect the dots.

Seokjin chose to speak,
"I agree to that. If Jimin is standing in front of you with a dagger and you are drugged, you are just as good as dead.

So if you are not then he has let you live.
Here it's Intap.
Also the way Yoongi nearly doesn't have any major cut??
A person who can enter Lengkwaps' Kingdom, I am sure they are capable to pull harming injuries.
Yoongi nearly looks untouched, even after having a head on. Sorry but it feels like it's carefully done."

Yoongi nods in agreement and Jungkook too.

For a moment, the moment flashed in Yoongi's mind.

The reflection in the mirror.
The eyes were blue,  blond hair nearly hiding them under the locks but there was a solemn expression.
When their eyes first met while Yoongi entered the washroom the eyes looked dangerous.
But in the mirror, it looked solemn and when those pair of blue eyes met Yoongi's own, for a split moment it looked like they were lost. They looked nearly soft and sad very much in contrary how an assassin's eyes should look while holding on a prey.
Yoongi tried to took advantage of the moment but he could not. When the assassin looked at Yoongi's own in the mirror, the expression of the face wasn't matching the strength he was holding Yoongi with.

Before Yoongi could think or infer anything, he was drugged and was loosing his consciousness. He couldn't put strength to resist anymore.
But somehow in that drifting consciousness, the way that assassin held him was too familiar. He could not pin-point it then.
And just when he nearly drifted off, he heard.
"I am sorry."
The voice was too familiar.

At the airport when the memories hit him again, his heart pounded loudly in his chest.
He lost a chance again. Only if he could figure out in that fleeting moment that it was no one else than his siren, things could be different now. But again, Yoongi was too concentrated over something else.
And fuck that.

He tries to brush off those thoughts, trying to concentrate on the good side.
Jimin is alive.

This time Yoongi turns to Jungkook,
"Jimin hated the Changretta's. Why???"

The questions makes Jungkook a bit startled,
"Everyone hates them. It's not my personal opinion, everything hates them trust me!!!!!
Even their own business partners."

"Like the Lengkwaps???"

"To say the truth Lengkwaps are their rivals, but they puts on a very good facade infront of each other cause somehow both of them fear eachother. Due to the existence of Lengkwaps, Changretta's can't deal in there. And to be honest the reason, Jae Jun got so much powerful here was because he was backed by them."

"You mean Changretta's....."

Jungkook speaks a bit frustratedly,
"Jae Jun was a fool. Changretta's used him like a pawn in game.
Changretta's were a bit scared to deal with Lengkwaps so they used Jae Jun as a mediator offering him some places in return and some big deals.
And now as he is gone, things change."

"Then why Vincente Changretta was at Lengkwaps' party.
I mean if they hate each other, then why??"

"Vicente Changretta was there?????" Jungkook looks at him in a shocked expression.
"Why we don't know anything about him visiting???"

"I didn't know too, before I visited. But now the fact is he is dead." His voice sounded gravely serious.

"What????" Jungkook gasps.
"You are telling me, Vincente Changretta is dead." He gets up from his seat, he is looking at Yoongi as he leans over the dining table.

Yoongi nods quite reluctantly.

"Oh my god...." The youngest whispers & stands straight, fisting his hair in his right grip.
"And you are saying hyung was there??" He asks again turning to look at Yoongi again.

Yoongi nods again.

"Jungkook...." Taehyung calls in a bit serious voice.

"It's him.
Fuck......" He looks around the room and sighs deeply for a moment in n silence.
"Shit shit shit....... I should have known.....
It's him."
He nervously walks around the dinning, lost in some thoughts. His voice sounds so much shaky and panicked.

"Jungkook!?? What do you mean??" Yoongi asks this time.

"Hyung is doing shits......" He says, his eyes wide in horror as he looks at Yoongi.

Everyone frowns at his words while Jungkook flops down in his seat again, he plunges his face into his palms, a deep shuddering sigh passing his lips.

Yoongi takes the hint and ask quite seriously,
"Jungkook??? Did he killed Vicente's son???"

If the previous words were already making Jungkook nervous then this question maybe hits his sensetive point.
His eyes went more wide, shaking too much.
His breathe quickens, his fingers claws over the table infront of them.

"Fuck....." He mutters.

Namjoon and Seokjin gets impatient.

When Jungkook didn't answer they turned to Yoongi,
"Yoongi!!!" Seokjin asked.
"Can you tell us without keeping this shitty mystery vibes?"

"I met Si Oh at the party.
I didn't know but he deals with the Changretta's. And somehow he knows that Changretta's hated Jimin."

"They always did." Jungkook said, his voice has a tinge of rage now.

"But he said something more interesting. He said someone who is very much trusted by the Changretta's was stationed here for quite some time. And it wasn't for business but something else.
Si Oh suspected if they are the one who was involved behind the accident and stuffs!?"

"And why???" Seokjin asks again.

"Vicente Changretta's son was killed by someone but initially it wasn't known but they have this whole ass wicked rule of....."

"Shedding blood of the ones who shed bloods of the family.
And if needed shading blood of their entire family."

Yoongi frowns at him now.
"What do you mean???"

"I think I can understand why hyung left and did all the stuffs."
Tears are breaming at the corner of his eyes.
"He was saving us, hyung."

The rest of the room frowns at his words.
"Jungkook???" Taehyung urges as he puts a hand over his shoulders.

"He is saving us, Tae. He is saving us."
A drop of tears escapes his eyes which he quickly wipes of.
He looks at the rest of them,
"If he really killed Vicente's son....." He chokes on his word as he speaks,
"Then everything he did is to save us. Changretta's maybe found out and...."

"Threatened him???"

Taehyung frowns at Seokjin, hearing his words.
"What do you mean, hyung???"

"It's been quite some time. Me and Yoongi guesses he was being threatened for something, maybe our safety or something by someone."

"And you didn't tell us???" He asks, a bit pissed off.

"It's an assumption. We are not exactly sure. But we think it pretty much adds up with everything."

"But the point is now, if he was actually being threatened by the Changretta's and that's what made him to take such drastic decisions,
I guess I can understand why he is hunting down the Changretta's then." Yoongi says.
His voice sounds heavy, lost somewhere deep in his own thoughts.

"What you are thinking Yoongi hyung???" Namjoon asks on the side.

"I don't think he will stop anytime soon before erasing every bits of that empire." He huffs our and chuckles dryly.

"But Changretta's aren't easy, hyung." Jungkook debates.

"What I have heard of, they are one of the most powerful ones in Italy along with the Cassano's and they have quite a strong foot in Russia and America. Their most businesses are at these three places." Seokjin supplies.

"Do you guys think Jimin really give a fuck to those??? If he decides to kill he just kills....." He trails off.

A pain is settling inside his chest, a part of him is screaming to save his siren from whatever danger he has chosen to jump into.

Jungkook sighs deeply too.
"I agree. If he has really decided to do this, then he really went through whatever shit or fucks can happen and already has a blue print in mind. He doesn't give a fuck to their status."

Taehyung clenches his jaw beside them, a frown settled deep on his face.
"He is goddamn over confident."

"And I think all this mess or whatever, plotting his own death, arranging everything so that things are not chaotic & not leaving a trace behind is a part of it."
Yoongi states as a fact.

Namjoon nods in agreement,
"That I agree.
So what should we do now???"

"Do what!??? We need to find the asshole as soon as possible before he creates more mess." Taehyung says.

Yoongi clicks his tongue.
"You know your best friend, Taehyung. We were trying to trace him for months. But we weren't even sure if he was alive."

"Then what?????"

Yoongi gets up, putting his hands inside the pockets of his trousers.
"We have two ways I guess.
One try in the same way to trace that menance of century.

"Or????" Seokjin asks.

A cryptic smile forms on Yoongi's lips as he answers,
"Or throw ourselves in the fire, and wait for him to come and chase us down.
Either we chase him or he chases us.
There is nothing in between."

Min Yoongi fell in love with Jimin for a reason, and Jimin fell in love with Yoongi probably for the same reason.
Somewhere they were each other's mirrors, counter parts that would pull you through hells and heavens if needed.

He looks at the rest of the people in the room as he speaks,
"But I think it's better to keep Hyowon away from it.
I know there is no gain from stopping Jungkook. And Namjoon it's your call.
It's not something for Black Diamonds, it's not something related to my family. As a person who works for me you are not obliged to follow me in this personal vendatta of mine.
But as a friend...."

Namjoon instantly got up from his chair,
"Hyung!!!! Jimin is your family.
I know it.
We all know it.
And you are my family too.
Jimin is also someone who is as close as my brother. So I am not in it for being someone who works with you, rather as your family."

A soft smile forms on Yoongi's face and Namjoon returns a warm one of his own.

Yoongi knew Namjoon will be following him, even if he asked him not to, still he would.

"Woah, what a drama!!!" Seokjin scoffs as he speaks,
"And for your information Min Yoongi, I am older than you and you don't have any power over Hyowon's decisions, it's me who has it. And being the elder here whatever decision we are going to take, the last call is mine."

"Hyung!!! You know what will happen if...." Yoongi tries to debate.

"We are not fools hyung, we know and understand what will happen if we agree to this.
But Hyowon is already enough tainted. It doesn't matter if it gets tainted more to save someone who kept us alive and safe." Taehyung states.

"I agree with my brother. So whatever we are going to do, we are doing it together. And don't dare you try to pull same tricks of your boyfriends'.
I am going to disown you then."

Yoongi rolls his eyes at the elder, but internally he is grateful to each one of them.
He doesn't know which of his good deeds earned him these good friends.

"So then first we need to confirm if it's really Jimin who killed Vicente's son or if it's really the Changretta's who were threatening him. We need to confirm that he is chasing that empire before we decide to cause a fire to burn it down."

Everyone agrees.

Once Park Jimin chose to burn the whole Lee empire to keep everyone in this room safe.
Yes, he had a personal reason behind it too, but it doesn't erases what things he did or what extend he went to keep each one in this room safe and sound.
He had the chance, the option to use all these people for his gain. But he didn't.

He could have used these people for his gain but he chose to burn himself to keep them warm.
And maybe that's what makes him son of Park Hye Soo and not the son of Lee Yang Cheol.
When Yoongi will meet Jimin next time, he will tell this to him.
He is sure his siren will be happy to hear this.

(To be honest, I am so fucking tired and burned out.
But I think I will try to post chapters as soon as possible.

A bit sorry for a short chapter, cause things will flow in a bit different direction after it.
Take love.)

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