|| Love And War || Harry Pott...

Door yourdreamhufflepuff

2.8K 70 54

People say that love is the strongest force there is, but how true is that? Love can overcome many things, ye... Meer

!! Welcome !!
!! Here we go !! (~Prologue~)
!! Yr 3 !! (~You again~)
!! Yr 3 !! (~Death by bird~)
!! Yr 3 !! (~More boggarts more problems~)
!! Yr 3 !! (~A truce and the truth~)
!! Yr 3 !! (~Maps and mishaps~)
!! Yr 3 !! (~Caught in the dark~)
!! Yr 3 !! (~Snowfall at Hogwarts~)
!! Yr 3 !! (~Memories for the heart~)
!! Yr 3 !! (~Truth or dare~)
!! Yr 3 !! (~Talk about plot twist~)
!! Yr 3 !! (~The werewolf, the dog and the rat~)
!! Yr 4 !! (~Author's note~)
!! Yr 4 !! (~When we're apart my heart beats only for you~)

!! Yr 4 !! (~Bickering through paper~)

143 3 6
Door yourdreamhufflepuff

*Welcome to the year that your hopes will get extremely high but nothing happens!*

"Did you just touch my ass?"


*Third Person POV*

 "I need to go, write to me, yeah? I love you, bye!" With that, Y/n runs off to find her brother.

Draco is waiting for her with both of their trunks in his hand as he taps his foot on the ground impatiently. 

"How could you put Dovey on the ground?" Y/n quickly runs over to her annoyed looking brother and picks up her owl's cage. "Come on. The driver must be here by now." Y/n places Dovey in one hand and grabs her trunk with the other before walking off.

Draco stares at her for a moment, surprised by the fact that she can hold her trunk -that's heavier than his and Blaise's combined- with just one hand. 

"Come on, Draco! I won't wait for you!" Y/n yells as she's already near the car.

He picks up his things and runs after his sister, knowing that she'll leave him behind at any given opportunity. "Wait up!"

The car ride is slow and quiet as Y/n looks out the window contemplating her summer plans. Draco, on the other hand, is dreading the summer. He won't be able to have many group hang outs without his sister anymore since Y/n won't have the Gryffindor's to bother. Now he's stuck with her.

"Can you scoot over a little bit? It feels like your breathing down my neck." Draco says as he sits a good amount away from his sister.

Y/n looks at him annoyed, "I'm not even near you. If I scoot any more I'll fall out the car."


Y/n flicks Draco in the ear, starting an all out fight to the death. Draco is trying to hit Y/n in the face, his seatbelt stopping his arms from reaching, and Y/n is trying to kick him from her awkward sitting position in the car.

"We're here, Mister and Miss Malfoy." The driver says, his tone a mix of boredom and relief of not having to drive these two anymore. The car passes through the front gate and comes to a halt at the front door. 

"Finally!" They both say at the same time. 

The two jump out of the car and grab their bags from the trunk before running up to the front door. Draco pushes it open and runs in excitedly, leaving his sister in the dust.

"Mum? We're home!" Y/n shouts into the house, her words echoing back to her. "Are you?" She asks to herself as she looks around her eerily empty home. Y/n walks up the stairs to her bedroom, tired from the long train ride. She opens her door and throws her bag and trunk to the side, walks over her desk to place Dovey's cage down, and flops down on her bed in exhaustion.

She curls into a ball and hugs her pillow, but the peace and quiet doesn't last long as her door swings open to reveal her brother.

"Mum left a note on the fridge. They won't be back from the ministry for a while, apparently something came up. Wanna invite the gang over?" Draco hands the note to Y/n and sits in her desk chair, poking at Dovey while Y/n reads her mother's handwriting over. 

"I'll get the snacks and fort ready, you send the letters to them." Y/n says, agreeing to inviting their friends over. Draco nods and leaves her room to go write to their friends as Y/n sits up with a sigh.

"Parents of the year, they are." Y/n says, looking down at the note. 

Y/n looks at the small paper a moment more before discarding it in the trash bin beside her desk. She leaves her room and walks down the stairs to the kitchen. She grabs all of the snacks that she knows her friends like, drinks, napkins, and plates. 

"Dray, bring down the pillows and blankets!" She yells to her brother from the bottom of the stairs, her arms full as the items cover her entire head. 

Draco runs down the stairs with piles of blankets and pillows in his arms, almost tripping over himself more times than necessary.  

"Are they coming?" Y/n asks as she drops everything onto the floor in front of the couch.

"Mhm, they should be her around..." Draco looks at his wrist and taps his nonexistent watch. Just as he does this, the doorbell rings. "Now."

Y/n walks out of the living room and into the foyer to collect her friends. She opens the door with a happy smile on her face as she greets a smiling Blaise. 

"We brought pizza!" He says excitedly. 

"My favorite pizza delivery people." Y/n says as she steps out of the way to allow her friends in. 

Blaise walks in with three boxes of pizza in his arms, his eyes brighter than Y/n had ever seen. Daphne and Pansy walked in right after Blaise, their arms linked together. Pansy wraps an arm around Y/n's shoulders as they walk to the living room.

"What first?" Daphne asks as she struggles to pull her boot off of her foot.

Pansy and Y/n share an evil smirk as Pansy reaches for her bag.

"Makeup!" The two girls yell out as everyone shares a look of horror.

Blaise tries to get up, but Daphne grabs his ankle causing him to trip and fall on his butt. 

"If I have to endure this, you do too." Daphne says with a dead serious look at Blaise. 

He nods and gulps loudly, making everyone laugh. Daphne hits him in the arm as she laughs as well. 

"Who wants to go first?" Pansy asks with an excited look in her eyes. Blaise raises his hand hesitantly. "Great!" Pansy grabs Blaise by his arm and pulls him into her and Y/n, the two girls nearly falling over from the unexpected impact. 

Pansy giggles as she struggles to sit upright, like a turtle stuck on its back. Soon, everyone in the room is laughing hysterically as Pansy's socks slip, not allowing her to get up from the floor.

"Pans, g-get u-up on your k-knees." Daphne says through her laughs. 

Y/n and Daphne help Pansy get on her knees, finally allowing her to get up properly. Blaise and Draco are still laughing and hitting each other as they crack jokes about the situation. Pansy grabs her powdered blush from her bag with a pout on her lips as she looks at the two laughing boys. She opens the blush and uses a brush to make some of it loose before throwing it at the boys.

A cloud covers the boys and instead of laughing, they immediately start coughing. They cough for a few moments before the laughing starts up again, but this time it's at each other.

"You look ridiculous!" Blaise laughs out as he points a finger at Draco.

"No, you!" Draco says with a chuckle. 

Blaise reaches for Pansy's bag and dumps out all of her makeup.

"Can we?" Blaise grabs Draco's hands from grabbing it so that he can ask Pansy for permission. Pansy nods at him with an amused smile.

"Yeah, I've got tons more at home. Besides, I really want to see how this plays out." Pansy gives the boys a thumbs up, letting them know that they can continue.

Draco grabs a pink lipstick while Blaise grabs concealer, of course neither of them knowing what it is that they grabbed, they just put it on their hands and try to rub it on one another. It's a mess of colors, hands, and yelling as the girls just watch.

Pansy serves herself, Daphne, and Y/n pizza as the boys start to roll around the floor. 

"You will never win!"

"I shall be victorious!"


"Did you just touch my ass?"

"What did you just stick in my ear?"

"Pause! I have to use the bathroom."

Blaise gets up and runs out of the fort, his body covered in makeup from head to toe as he rushes to the restroom.

"Want some pizza?" Pansy offers a slice to Draco who happily accepts it.


Y/n pulls out a board game from under one of the blankets and places it on the floor between all of them.

"Monopoly? Really?" Draco looks at the game with a frown.

"You just don't like it because you always lose." Y/n says as she sticks her tongue out at her brother. Draco lets out a dramatic gaps and clutches his heart.

"Let's wait for Blaise to come back so we can play." Daphne says as she munches on her pizza. 

Everyone nods and continues to eat as they wait for their friend to come back. After another minute or so, Blaise returns to the fort and they begin to play the game. The game reaches an intense point, everyone yelling and complaining about it. 

"I HATE YOUUUU!!!" Blaise yells.


"Blaise, give Y/n your £200, you landed on her property." Daphne tries to reason with the two yelling kids. 

"NO! SHE'S IN JAIL, I'M NOT GONNA GIVE MONEY TO A CRIMINAL!!!" Blaise points a somewhat accusing finger at Y/n.

"THAT'S NOT HOW YOU PLAYYYYYYYYY!!" Y/n yells in frustration and flips the table over in anger, the pieces of the game flying in all directions.

"Draco? Why is Y/n screaming?" Pansy asks as she she looks around at all of the frustrated faces. 

"Shut the fuck up, Pansy. You don't get to talk after stealing my last railroad!" Draco pushes Pansy away from him with a roll of his eyes. 

"I WISH I WAS NEVER BORN!!!" Y/n yells into a pillow.

"ME TOO!" Pansy, Draco, and Blaise yell at the same time.

"You think I wanted this?!" Daphne face palms.





"Alright, calm down!" Daphne tries to relax everyone, failing miserably.

"I'M GONNA KILL YOU!!" Y/n lunges at Blaise and they roll around the floor as they hit each other. "Give me my money!"


"STOP!" Everyone freezes in place as Daphne yells. "Bedtime." Daphne looks down at her watch and gives a stern look at her friends.

"Aw man." Y/n says disappointedly as she collects the trash and throws in out. She cleans up the mess and lays down next to Daphne. "Good night kiss?" Y/n taps her cheek.

Daphne slaps a pillow on top of Y/n's face and turns her back to the Malfoy girl, trying to hide her laughter. Y/n scoffs in offense and pulls the pillow off of her face. 

"Rude." Y/n grumbles and turns on her side. "Good night Daph, night Dray, and last but not least, good night love birds."

"Uh...we aren't "lovebirds" anymore." Pansy says quietly from under her blanket.

Y/n shoots up from her laying position.

"Huh?!" She looks between her two friends. "Why didn't you tell me?!" 

"Or me." Daphne says as she stares at friends with a slightly hurt expression.

"You didn't tell Daph either?" Y/n looks at her friends expectantly, shocked that they didn't tell anyone. 

"You were so excited about our relationship. We didn't want to upset you." Pansy says with a frown on her face.

"Yeah, we just aren't meant for each other. We're better as good friends." Blaise says as he looks at Pansy with a smile. 

Y/n nods, "You could've told us."

"Yeah, we won't get upset. We love you two. Dating or not." Daphne gives Pansy's hand a reassuring squeeze.

"Wait." Draco holds his hand up and everyone looks at him concerned, scared that he'll be upset and dramatic like always. "You two were dating?"

Y/n throws a pillow at Draco's head. "Yes, you idiot. How slow are you?"

Draco throws the pillow back at Y/n, successfully hitting her in the arm. "Not as slow as you!"

"That's it!" Y/n grabs a pillow and starts hitting her brother with it as he uses one of his own as a shield. 

Daphne shrugs and join her friend in hitting Draco. Pansy is next to join, then Blaise. Resulting in a very long pillow fight to the death. Or until they fell asleep. 


"Y/n. Y/n! Y/n, wake up right now!" 

Y/n was currently being shaken awake by someone and she was not happy about it. She groaned and moved to swat their hand away from her but as she did this, the person caught her hand midair. 

Her eyes shoot open and she jumps into a sitting position immediately. 

"Father?" She asks as she looks around and notices her friends are no longer there. Neither is her brother. 

"We stay at work late for one night, one night, and you invite your friends over to make a mess. What is wrong with you?" Her father speaks through gritted teeth as he stares at his daughter with nothing but disappointment and agitation in his eyes. 

"Where's Draco?" Y/n asks, ignoring her father completely.

"Upstairs in his room where he belongs. Your mother took him up there to continue sleeping. Clean this mess up, now. Your friends have been escorted out and I expect this place to be cleaned by the time your mother and I come down for a meeting with our coworkers later."

"Yeah. Okay." Y/n rolls her eyes and bows her head to avoid eye contact with her father.

"Who had the idea to do this?" Her father asks as he looks in the direction of the stairs.

Draco had a three strike rule. If he broke the rules one more time then he would have three strikes and would be sent to a new school. They had given up on Y/n's three strike rule long ago, seeing as she was quite the rule breaker when it came to her father's stupid rules.

Y/n knew that she couldn't let Draco get his third strike, "It was mine. I had to force Draco to invite everyone."

"Why am I not surprised..." Her father looks down at her for a moment more before walking up to his bedroom.

Y/n looks down and clenches her fist in anger as she watches her father walk up the stairs. She takes a moment to collect herself before she begins to clean the mess. She picks up the snacks and trash and walks it all into the kitchen, organizing everything the way it was before. She grabs the blankets and pillows to bring back upstairs to a closet. 

Once she finishes, she collapses onto her bed and grabs a book. 

A tapping noise at her window stops her from reading and she looks over at what the noise could be. That's when she sees the familiar white feathers of Hedwig at her window. Y/n jumps up from her laying position to open the window for Hedwig. 

"Hi Hedwig! How's Harry doing?" Y/n pats Hedwig on her head and hands the owl a treat from her desk. Y/n grabs the letter tied around Hedwig's foot and smiles when she sees her name on it written in Harry's handwriting. She rips it open and reads it over quickly with a smile on her face.

Dear Y/n,
You ran off really quickly earlier and I didn't get a chance to say goodbye. So...goodbye? I shouldn't have started this letter with that, sorry. I'll see you at the quidditch world cup, right? Ron's dad got us tickets! Will your dad be able to get you some as well? If he can, I'll see you there and I can't wait. I'll write to you again tomorrow.
I miss you,
Pottery :) 

Y/n laughs softly at the fact that she can see his awkward smile and embarrassed blush through his words. She grabs a pen and paper from her desk and sets it out, but gets interrupted by a hoot from Hedwig.

"Oh right, sorry!" Y/n gives the owl a few more treats and sends her off before running back to her desk. 

"Dear Pottery, thank you..." She begins writing her letter to him with sweaty palms. It takes her a while to write the letter as she struggles to find the right words.

Y/n smiles at the letter with a nod. "This should be good." She decides and opens Dovey's cage. She grabs a green ribbon from her desk drawer and ties it around the letter and Dovey's leg in a small bow. She tells Dovey who to deliver the letter to and sends the owl out of her window. "Good luck, you beautiful wizard pigeon!" 


Harry sits at his window, staring down at the street as he sighs for the fiftieth time that minute. "Do you think she liked the letter? Did I send her one too quickly? I mean it has only been a day... Do you think she thought it was stupid? Did she say anything to you?" Harry looks at Hedwig, the owl tilting her head at him. 

Just as he sighs again, he sees the familiar white feathers of Y/n's owl. "SHE SENT ME ONE BACK!" 

"Quiet up there!" A distant yell is heard but Harry pays it no mind, giving a quick and hollow "sorry" as he opens his window for the owl to fly in. 

He smiles and immediately reaches for the small letter wrapped in a bow on Dovey's leg. A little too quick for Dovey as she nips at his finger before he can get the letter. 

"Ouch! Sorry. Hello Dovey, nice to see you again." Harry nods at the owl and she nods back at him, lifting her leg to allow him to take the letter. He unties the ribbon and places it beside him on his desk before unfolding the small paper. 

Dear Pottery,
Thank you for writing that letter. You have no idea how incredibly bored I was. My father will most likely get tickets, it's the matter of him giving me one that might be an issue. He usually just takes Draco to those things. Never me. I'll try to convince him, though! I'll beg and beg until he wants to strangle me. :)
I miss you too,
Your favorite Slytherin <3
P.S. If you ignore this letter and I don't hear from you for the rest of the summer, I will kill you.

Harry reads over the letter more times than he would care to admit as he imagines Y/n sitting at her desk, writing a letter for him and only him. He grabs the ribbon and walks over to his unpacked trunk, tying the pretty green ribbon to the handle with a soft smile on his face. 

Harry walks over to his desk, grabs a plain sheet of paper, and begins writing. His tongue sticks out of the corner of his mouth the slightest bit as he concentrates on writing, his pen scribbling at record breaking speeds. Dovey and Hedwig watch as Harry's hand moves on from word to word as fast as his body will allow him. 

After and hour of writing and rewriting the perfect letter to give to Y/n, Harry gives his special letter to Dovey, who was patiently sat on his windowsill. She flies away and Harry watches as his very special letter to a very special someone gets delivered.


This goes on for the entirety of the summer. Letters going back and forth, Harry staying up late at night trying to think of something to write, Y/n waiting until her family is asleep to write. 

Dear my favorite slytherin,
Do you like long hair? I haven't been able to get a haircut lately, so my hair is a bit long. Hope you won't mind it when you see me.
Hairy Potter


Dear Potluck,
I don't mind long hair. Besides, I'm sure it looks very cute on you, so don't worry. My hair has grown a bit, too. I even managed to convince my mum to let me dye a chunk of it green! I can't wait to show you and Mione, she's going to love it. We were talking about dying our hair to match. I might even go full platinum blonde like my brother and be Elsa number three! Don't tell him I said that...


Dear Potter,
I'm bored.
Your very best friend in the whole wide world


I can't help you cure this awful case of boredom. Sorry.


Dear Pots and pans, 
What is the point of you existing if you won't help me with my boredom?


Dear Y/n,
I can finally balance my wand on my nose! Isn't that cool? I also saw a green and blue colored butterfly earlier, it reminded me of you. Pretty and gentle while also scaring the snot out of me.


Dear Y/n,
It's now my turn to be bored. Where are you?
~You know who this is


Are you okay? You're worrying me, why haven't you responded to my other letters?


Dear Pottery ,

You miss me? Sorry for not writing for this past week, my mum and father have been up my arse about studying my French. At least now I can talk about Draco to Pansy and Daphne without him knowing. Mum says that she didn't want to teach Draco, allowing it to just be our special thing to do together. I can teach you a few words when we see each other again if you want. I'm planning on telling Ron all of the bad words mean good things so that he's an unintentional menace. Speaking of menaces, Blaise and I went shopping in Diagon Alley for our school supplies yesterday, and this old lady passed by us in a book store. She was so sweet by the way! She gave us candy and hugged me, almost made me tear up for real. Anyways, This dude kept looking at the cat that she was holding and he had this weird look on his face as if he was constipated or something. So this dude runs up to the granny and he tries to steal her cat, but before the dude can even reach out, the cat scratches his hand and the guy starts yelling at the old lady to control her cat. His hand is bleeding, he's yelling, the cat is hissing at him, the granny is apologizing like crazy, and Blaise and I are just shocked. So, I do what any normal person would do. I kick him in the shin and push him to the ground as Blaise carries the old ladies basket to the register to pay for her things. We escorted the old lady to a safer area after all of that. Crazy right?

The better looking Malfoy <3


Dear the overly confident Malfoy,
How do you always find yourself in these situations? And yes, I did miss you. You disappeared for a week and I was left to letter Ron. RON! Do you know how those conversations went? 'Hey mate.' 'Hi.' 'Good summer?' 'Yeah, it's been cool' 'Nice.' 'Yeah.' 'Okay, see you in August.' 'Okay, see you.' Boring. I would give anything to watch Ron get slapped in the face for accidentally calling some girl ugly instead of beautiful because you said that's what it meant. Maybe after that his letters won't be so short and dry.
Lightning man


First of all, I am not overly confident. I just state the facts. And secondly, never call yourself lightning man again. You're a man when I tell you you're a man and never before.
The girl that can kick your ass if you say that I'm overly confident again


Dear my lovely Y/n,
Why such a short letter? Did I upset you, darling? I won't do it again, I swear. At least not on purpose. As for you telling me when I'm a man, I don't really like that idea. How about I'm a man when I say I'm a man. I would love to see you try to even touch me, you wouldn't get two steps in. 
Lightning man.


Dear Potter,
That's a lot of confidence coming from someone who got scared by a stray hair touching his leg. Here's your first lesson in French, Écoute mon pote, si jamais tu dis que tu peux m'emmener dans un combat à nouveau, je me donnerai pour mission personnelle de te prouver le contraire encore et encore jusqu'à ce que tu ne puisses plus dire où tu es.
A severely pissed off Slytherin <3


Dear my serpent girl,
I have no idea what any of those words mean, but I bet your nose was scrunched up and your eyes were squinted as you wrote it. That's what you tend to look like when you're concentrated. Here are some words from my special language, hiss hiss hisssssss hiss hisssss hiss. That means 'I'm sorry, I'll buy you some snacks at the quidditch cup to make it up to you.' Sound good?


That sounds very good, thank you. It's a date. For me and the food, not us.


Dear Y/n,
I made it to Ron's house. I forgot how awesome it is here, wish you could be here with me to see it. We're gonna stay here for a few days and then leave early in the morning to go to the cup. Hermione will be here tomorrow, so Mrs. Weasley is making the twins and Ron set up Ginny's room for her. I thought I would take this very short alone time to write one last letter to you before we see each other. I can't wait to see you again, it feels like it's been so long!
Lightning man


Y/n smiles at the letter she holds in her hand as she halfheartedly packs her bag. She places the letter down on her bed for a moment and finishes packing as fast as possible. "Clothes, a book to read while I tune Draco out, pen and paper, and shoes. I'm ready!" Y/n checks the items off of her mental check list and calls down to her brother. 

She slings her bag over her shoulder, grabs Harry's letter off of her bed and walks over to her desk. She opens a drawer and places the letter in it, and there it sits among the many other letters Harry had sent her those past weeks. 

Y/n runs out of her room and down the stairs, ready to leave for the quidditch world cup. The place that she would be reunited with all of her friends and Harry again.



Hello my beautiful readers!

I loved writing the letters so much, who would've thought? I thought this would be a cute little filler chapter for our lovely couple. 

How many times did I say letter: 31 (I think?)

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! I'll try to get back on my old posting schedule. Thank you all for the votes and comments! It all means so much to me! I love reading your comments, they make me so happy. We're almost at 1,000 reads! I never expected my book to grow this much, thank you all so much!

Thank you my Y/ns,
~Vee <3


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