sparks fly | gyuricky

By damieuwu

21.9K 1K 1.8K

where ricky, a rich college student, orders a pizza and the delivery boy just doesn't leave him alone. - a gy... More

00 | introduction
01 | oh god
02 | ain't no way
03 | eum- what?
04 | acquaintances
05 | lead-off
06 | solace in you
07 | mixed-up
08 | a little closer
10 | ignominious
11 | hold it in
12 | giddy giddy
13 | platonic, huh?
14 | oblivious
15 | unreciprocated
16 | likewise
17 | differences
18 | make-up
19 | yearning

09 | one-wise

902 50 205
By damieuwu

note : edited some parts in this chapter due to a loophole. nonetheless, happy reading !

"Do you think it looks okay? Ricky asked his cousin, who was mindlessly sitting on a corner, yawning like he was forcefully woken up from sleep.

"It's a fucking movie night, Ricky. Just make it comfy." He replied lazily.

"No like should I add some lights? It will look more aesthetic that way." Hao shook his head in disapproval. "Isn't that gonna be too much?" Ricky denied that question and made a run to his room. He remembered purchasing some fairy lights before and they were gonna help him after so many days.

He fetched those and ran back to the living room. Hao mentally facepalmed and groaned when the younger started draping those on the couch, trying to make them look the most aesthetic-ish they could look.

"You're so whipped." Hao murmured after a few moments, observing how hard Ricky tried to arrange a perfect movie night for Gyuvin. (I got all i need you know nothing else can beat~)

"I just want to repay his kindness, nothing else." The blonde mindlessly replied to his cousin's previous statement while staring at the finished decoration. It was eleven in the morning and he had finished arranging everything for the movie night. Starting from snacks, blankets, other decorations and of course the movies. He researched and selected a plenty, whichever Gyuvin would feel like at night.

But that's not the end. Ricky was determined to make this special for his friend, to show his gratitude towards the latter. Besides having store-brought snacks, he wanted to make something himself.

And that's how Ricky ended up exploring youtube videos and following the instructions to bake some chocolate chip cookies, with Hao's help obviously. They took their sweet time and loaded the dough with lots of chocolate chips because the more chocolate, the better. Ricky popped it in the oven and huffed in relief.

It was past noon when he decided to send a quick text to Gyuvin, in case he had some other errands to run. It was a simple "you're free tonight, right?"

Gyuvin didn't see that and Ricky didn't budge about it. He went on with resting and other preparations throughout the day. Hao accompanied him almost the entire time. Ricky had to admit, Zhanghao is indeed a good brother figure to him. But he would never admit it to the mentioned one.

Afternoon passed making the last minute arrangements. Even though he didn't show it, Ricky was deep down super excited. A few weeks ago he promised to hangout with the latter. They've done it several times in the meantime but those weren't specially planned. This movie night was the one Ricky promised him while watching the iridescent sunset.

He took out his phone to check if Gyuvin had seen his text. The latter didn't. Ricky cocked an eyebrow to himself and called him. Didn't pick up. The blonde tried again but still no answer.

So, Ricky hastily put on a jacket, wore a beanie and mask and yelled to the other room Hao was staying at, "I'm going out." And with that, he went out.

Honestly his mind wasn't calm, a bit. He just hoped Gyuvin was doing his work at his pizza shop or something. (he forgot Gyu has a day-off on holidays)

And bingo! When he followed the location and entered the shop 'Mission : Impizzable", his eyes searched for the tall brunette through every inch of the shop. Ricky couldn't find him. Maybe he was delivering or something? He called Gyuvin again, only for the call to be not received from the other side.

Ricky bit his lips and tapped his foot on the ground for God knows how long. He kept eyeing the whole shop for a good few minutes before a man approached him. Tall but not as much as Gyuvin, good-looking and a polite smile.

"How may I help you, sir?" Ricky only looked at him fully when the said guy spoke to him.

"Uh I was looking for my friend. He works here." The blonde managed to let out before looking down to his feet.

"His name?"

"Gyuvin, Kim Gyuvin."

"Ahh, Gyuvin! It's his day-off today." Ricky's eyelashes fluttered before he probably looked at the man before him.

"I'm so sorry, I completely forgot about that." He bowed a little and chewed on skin inside his mouth. Of course he had to embarrass himself again. Gyuvin clearly stated earlier that he didn't have work on holidays.

"No worries. Why don't you text or call him if you're looking for him?" The man asked. He was supposedly another worker here according to Ricky. The taller gently shook his head and spoke, "Tried that already. He isn't picking up." His voice was dry and a little frustrated.

"Is it urgent?" Ricky nodded.

"Why don't you go to his place then? Do you need his address?" The man asked again.

And it clicked to Ricky at that. He did know where Gyuvin lived. He could just go there to check on the latter. At that point, he was more worried if Gyuvin was safe and sound or not rather than his hangout plan.

"I have that actually. Thank you so much!" He bowed to the man and dashed out without any further delay.

Ricky called for an uber and followed the location.

He was a little skeptical when he actually entered the area. The buildings were congested and seemed very old. There were molds on most of the buildings and honestly the place wasn't hygienic. His heartbeat rose as he got off from the uber and stood in front of the designated building.

He didn't feel good from inside. The atmosphere seemed eerie to him.

But he shook that off and took a deep breath. Following the address, he stood in front of the apartment numbered as '43'.

He knocked twice and stood there in silence. When he heard some shuffling noises from inside, his heart thumped again in fear. He prayed in his mind to see Gyuvin's friendly face when the door would open.

And Ricky left a sigh in relief.

"Ricky!?" Gyuvin exclaimed. He had a towel hanging on his shoulders and seemed like he hastily put on a t-shirt before opening the door. His hair wet, a few water droplets dripping from the ends.

Ricky's ears went crimson red when he pictured the latter shirtless inside his home, right before meeting face to face with Ricky.

"What are you doing here?" The taller questioned and gestured the other to go inside of his abode.

Ricky shook his head and didn't move from where he was.

"Why weren't you answering any of my calls or texts? I was mad worried about you." He replied with a look of relief in his eyes. He was surely wondering where Gyuvin was or what he was doing. But seeing the latter safe and sound was just enough for him to be honest.

"Shit, I'm so sorry. It died on the way and I couldn't charge it." Gyuvin explained, scratching the back of head and let out an embarrassed chuckle.

Ricky stood there, trying to keep his expression unfazed. "Where were you?" He let out in a meek voice. He didn't want to believe that Gyuvin forgot their plans and went somewhere else. He was told how important he was to Gyuvin. Would the latter really neglect their promise?

"Oh! I went home. It was Yujinni's birthday and we celebrated it together." Gyuvin smiled upon thinking about the happiness blooming on the mentioned boy's face when Gyuvin surprised him on his special day. "Yujin?" Ricky's eyelids trembled momentarily. Of course there were more important and cherished people in the brunette's life. How naive was he to think he was prioritized? They knew each other for a few weeks, like a month or so.

"Ohh Yujin is my cousin. We basically grew up together or more like I babysitted him since I was three or four." Ricky's world darkened. He was thinking the whole time that Gyuvin would hangout with him instead of spending time with someone he had basically known his entire life.


"I see. I'll go then." The blonde calmly spoke, as calm as possible.

"But‐ do you need something or like did something happen?" Gyuvin asked. He was totally oblivious of Ricky's gloomy aura. He didn't notice how the latter's voice almost cracked when he spoke. He ignored the glow in his eyes slowly dimming down.

"Nah, it's nothing."

He was about to step away when Gyuvin grasped his arm. Ricky's eyes travelled to their hands and back to Gyuvin's worried gaze. "I feel like something did happen. Please tell me about it, Ricky." Gyuvin uttered ever so softly. Ricky almost melted until he pulled himself together again.

"Do you really not remember?" He asked, completely exhausted and frustrated.

"Remember what—"

"We were supposed to hangout today, Gyuvin." Ricky answered before the latter could finish his sentence.

"You promised me last weekend. I prepared everything to make it as perfect as possible. You didn't like anything fancy, so I prepared everything at home. But you, out of all people, you forgot. The one whom I thought considered me important." Hot tears streamed down his cheeks. His voice broke after a few words and his heart hurt. He looked so vulnerable in front of Gyuvin. He was ashamed of himself to be this hurt over someone who didn't even care that much for him. Over someone who was pathetically oblivious.

"Oh my god, Ricky." Gyuvin removed the grip on Ricky's arm and took his palms in his hold instead.

"I'm so sorry. I thought you would inform me before the plans. I didn't know you offered that was intended for today." His apology was sincere, his eyes were sincere and full of regret. That broke Ricky even more as sobs escaped his lips.

"I expected too much from you. It's not your fault." He said in between the sobs, barely understandable but Gyuvin made it out.

He wasted no time to bring Ricky in a hug. The blonde buried his face in the crook of Gyuvin's neck. Gyuvin placed on of his hands on Ricky's waist to keep him in place. And the other went to his hair which wasn't styled due to the rush. He gently stroked the bleached hair and reassured Ricky.

"You matter so much to me. I'm sorry I couldn't show it well." He whispered. His own eyes were glistened. His heart ached hearing the hiccups from Ricky. He was penitent that the cause behind Ricky's tears was none other than Gyuvin himself.

"It is my fault, Ricky. I'm so so sorry for ruining your day." Ricky shook his head. Gyuvin felt it on his hand and on his collarbone.

"Don't be. I understand you." He looked up to Gyuvin and smiled a little.

"How about I make it up to you?"


"Wait a minute. I'll put on a hoodie and we'll go to your house." He grinned and ran inside his apartment, or his room.

Gyuvin yawned. They were already on their second movie, cuddled up under the comfy blanket on Ricky's couch. They devoured the snacks as they both were the biggest sweettooths.

He laid himself down on Ricky's lap without thinking much. He was always the clingy type of friend after all. But that didn't help Ricky's thumping heart. He was already aware of how their thighs touched under the blanket. But Gyuvin's head on top his lap? Oh hell, he was all mushy from inside.

Gyuvin snuggled closer to feel the warmth of Ricky's body. His eyes didn't stay opened for long. He was so comfortable and tired that after a few minutes, Ricky heard snores.

He looked down and found Gyuvin sleeping, while curling into a semi-ball on his lap ; His forehead exposed and mouth agape.

Ricky tried to restrain himself but Gyuvin looked adorable. A positive feeling emerged within the elder. Gyuvin, being exhausted all day and finally ready to rest, came all the way to Ricky's house to make up for something that wasn't even his fault. Yes, Ricky knew he should have informed about the movie night beforehand.

He smiled to himself for no particular reason. He just liked Gyuvin and his company.

He contemplated whether he should do it or not and in the end, he said 'fuck it' in his mind and did what he was dying to do.

He placed a subtle, soft and endearing kiss on top of Gyuvin's forehead.

He giggled to himself when Gyuvin chewed on the insides of his mouth. He was probably eating something in his dream. And that sparked even more affection within Ricky.

The movie that was playing was long forgotten as Ricky stared at the sleeping male on his lap, with so much love and fondness.

"You're so whipped." He looked up at the voice and discovered his cousin looking at him with a 'you're gone' look. He poured himself some water and chugged it down.

"Slow down?" Ricky commented.

"I was thirsty as fuck but I didn't wanna break your little moment together." Hao replied nonchalantly. He shot a look to Ricky, somewhat of encouragement and set off for his room again.

Ricky looked down back to Gyuvin and the smile returned to his face. He replayed everything that had happened throughout the day. So many things, sad and happy, teary and full of smiles but the only conclusion he came to was realizing his love for Gyuvin and Gyuvin only.

Ricky, with his whole heart, was in love with Kim Gyuvin.

2.2k words

also thank you so much for reading this book T T we're at 5k reads already <3

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