My Alien Soulmate

By Sarah__Leann

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When Daisy was abducted by aliens and forced to work on their ship, she felt hopeless as she watched species... More



691 30 10
By Sarah__Leann

Waking up alone was torturous. I tossed and turned for most of the night, cried a lot and thought of nothing but Kai.

I was groggy and tired but I knew that I had to speak to him.

Dragging myself out of bed, I headed into the bathroom to relieve myself and freshen up.

I didn't dare look in the mirror, knowing full well that I'd look horrendous. Instead, I went back into the bedroom and quickly combed my hair, taking a few deep breaths before making my way down the stairs.

I was expecting Kai to be asleep on the sofa, but he wasn't. He wasn't even there.

Walking into the kitchen, he wasn't there either and my stomach churned when I saw an envolope on the table.

I stared at it for a moment before making myself a coffee. Taking my time, I kept peering over my shoulder, wishing that it would disappear.

I was afraid to go near it, reluctant to open it because I knew in my heart that it was Kai's goodbye.

I stirred my coffee, a lot longer than I needed to before sitting down at the table, the envelope infront of me.

If I just left it there and didn't touch it, whatever it contained would remain unknown. I could go about my day in the hope that I'd bump into Kai and whatever it was wouldn't matter.

Did I really want to bury my head in the sand and pretend that everything was fine? Yes, absolutely, but I knew that if I did, I'd only be prolonging the inevitable.

I placed my coffee down on the table and reluctantly picked up the envelope.

Blowing out a shaky breath, I slowly ran my finger along the edge, tearing it open to reveal a letter inside.

A lump formed in my throat and I swallowed it down as I pulled the letter out of the envelope.

It was folded neatly in half and a faint smell of Kai hit my senses when I opened it up.

A single tear rolled down my cheek when I read the first three words.

My dearest, Daisy

I wasn't sure I wanted to read the rest but I sucked it up and forced myself to find the will to carry on.

When I first met you, I was terrified that you would reject me and want nothing to do with me, but boy was I wrong!
You opened your heart and accepted me for who I was and embraced the soulmate bond completely, opening yourself up to me and my family.
I was astonished how quickly our bond grew, almost in an instant, like missing pieces of a puzzle, waiting to be reunited.
I knew that I was deeply in love with you the moment I laid my eyes on you, and to have your love reciprocated made me feel like I was on top of the world.
Unfortunately, I couldn't keep you safe and I failed to protect you on numerous occasions. First with Felix, then with Florna, again with Felix and then with Kordin and myself.
If you knew the severity of my actions and what it means to hurt your soulmate, then you would understand why I have no other option but to send you back to Earth.
I will never stop loving you for as long as I live and it breaks my heart to hurt you this way.
I am a coward for running away but without me there to distract you, I believe it will make your departure from Zandara a little bit easier.
I hope you can find it in your heart to one day forgive me and understand why I can't let this go.
I am a fool to think that I deserve you when I can't even protect you and I am ashamed of myself for not being a better soulmate.
Please take care of yourself and forget about me. You deserve to live a long and happy life and I'm sure that you'll find someone on Earth that will care for you better than I ever could.

All my love, until the end,

My tears were falling faster than my sleeve could wipe them away.

He's left me. He's rejected me and wants me to leave Zandara and return to Earth.

How could he do this to me?

I pulled up his name on my wristbamd and hit the call button.

I wasn't expecting him to answer but there was no harm in trying to get through to him.

After several unsuccessful attempts, I gave up.

So what if he hurt me, it was an accident. I couldn't understand how something so small had provoked such an astronomical reaction from him.

I didn't care what he had done, it really wasn't a big deal. Why did the zaviours think of it as such a monstrous act?

It felt like my heart was being ripped out of my chest, a feeling of pain that I had never experienced before.

It's true what they say about love.. It truely fucking hurts.

I read the letter over and over again, and my sadness slowly morphed into anger.

I was angry at Kai but I also found myself getting angy at his family too.

Why didn't they support him and have his back like most parents and siblings would?

If they were aware of what caused his outburst, would they be a little more understanding as to why he unintentionally hurt me?

I wasn't sure, but I had to do something to get Kai back so I decided to pay them all a visit, starting with Kordin.

Checking the time, I was surprised to see that it wasn't even seven.

Regardless of the time, I quickly got myself ready and headed out of the front door.

I sighed when I saw the snow on the ground. It had thickened overnight but I wouldn't let ten inches of the stuff stand in the way of me finding Kai.

Heading for the shuttle, I cursed when I realised that there were two.

"Shit!" I still had Haldon's.

If Kai didn't take one, it meant that wherever he was, he went on foot.

Unsure of what to do, I climbled into Haldon's shuttle and thought for a moment.

Would it be ok for me to send it back to the medical centre unmanned? Surely it would be, they were self driving after all.

Setting the destination, I quickly hopped out and watched as it began moving.

Without another thought, I hopped in the other shuttle and set the destination to Kordin's house before sitting back and calling Kai again.

By now, he would know that I had read his letter and I hoped that he would eventually give in and answer my call. One of them at least.

My mind was fuzzy and I couldn't concentrate. I no longer felt whole. A piece of me was missing and without it, a permanent void would forever live inside of me.

I must have called Kai at least thirty times on my way to Kordin's house and by the time I got there, I didn't have it in me to try again.

Stepping out of the shuttle, snow seeped into my boots but instead of caring, I march over to the house and knocked where I thought the door was.

I wasn't completely sure where it was, and when no one answerd, I moved over and began knocking on different parts of the house.

After a few minutes, the door finally opened and I stood there shivering, my knuckles in pain and my feet like ice.

"Daisy?" Kordin looked down at me, concern on his face as Yara appeared beside him.

She gasped when she saw me and practically dragged me inside.

"What are you doing here? You're supposed to be at the medical centre." She frowned. "Take off your shoes. Kordin, close the door. Come on, let's get you warmed up."

I'd never heard Yara be so bossy, and if the circumstances were different, I would have found it funny.

Once my boots were off, I peeled my soaking wet socks off of my feet and looked up at Yara. "I'm sorry. I should have chosen something a little more suited to the weather."

"Come on, we'll get you something else." She smiled sweetly, leading me to a room that was covered in rails upon rails of clothes.

"Use my machine and get yourself some super thick socks and a pair of heated snow boots."

I gratefully accepted her offer and within minutes, my feet were thawing out in my new socks and boots.

"Thank you, Yara, I really appreciate it." I forced a smile.

"You're more than welcome. Are you hungry? I can get you something hot to eat if you'd like?"

"No thank you." I muttered, following her to the living room where Kordin was sat on the sofa.

"So, are you going to tell us why you're not at the medical centre and how you ended up here so early in the morning?" Yara asked, sitting down and patting the seat next to her.

I sat down, looking over at Kordin. His face was blank as he looked back at me and I could have sworn I saw him eyeing up my bruise before looking down at his hands.

"He's gone." Were the only words that I could muster.

Saying it out loud confirmed that I no longer had Kai and it hurt, so fucking much.

I tried not to cry but I failed miserably, wiping my eyes with my sleeve.

"Oh, Daisy. I'm so sorry." Yara spoke quietly, wrapping her arms around me in an attempt to comfort me.

"What am I supposed to do? He's ashamed of himself for what happened. I don't understand why he's making such a big deal of it. He didn't mean to hurt me, it was an accident." I sobbed.

Yara and Kordin looked at one another and I knew they were communicating with their minds.

"Um.. Daisy?" Yara spoke softly.

I looked up at her through teary eyes and she let out a breath before speaking.

"On Zandara, there is an unspoken rule that soulmates don't hurt each other. Rejection is the only form of pain that is morally allowed, even hurting a fellow zaviour is considered  shameful."

"He didn't mean to hurt me though, it was an accident." I huffed.

"Daisy?" Kordin interrupted.

"An accident could be forgiven but what Kai did.. It wasn't an accident. He knew what he was doing when he threw you across the room. I know he didn't intend to hurt you but he did. He would have thought a zaviour was behind him and we can handle a shove like that, but you are different, you're human. You can't handle a scuffle like we can and your body can't cope with the strength of the likes of Kai."

"We both know that's not true. It was an accident." I defended him.

"It isn't just that though." Yara stated.

"What do you mean?"

"When Kai was younger.."

"Yara." Kordin said sternly, cutting her off before she could say anything more.

I looked at her, willing her to go on but she didn't.

"What about him? What happened when he was younger?"

"That doesn't matter, Daisy. The fact that he hurt you is enough to bring shame upon him and our family and he won't be able to live his life with you knowing that it could quite easily happen again."

"Are you ashamed of him? Do you think so low of him that he deserves to live without his soulmate?" I questioned him.

"I think he should have kept a better hold of his temper and I think hurting you isn't something that will easily be forgiven." He spoke sternly.

"This is bullshit." I hissed, standing to my feet. "The only reason he was so worked up in the first place was because of you. You're a hypocrite, Kordin. You left a visible mark on my face yet you carry on as normal while Kai gets treated like a monster."

I was wasting my time with Yara and Kordin so I decided to try my luck with Klaus and Kiara.

"Thanks for the boots." I nodded at Yara before hastily making my way to the front door.

As I reached my shuttle, Yara called my name.

Turning to look at her, she stepped outside, closing the door behind her.

"He loves you, Daisy. Don't give up on him." She stated.

"I don't intend to." I sucked in a breath, nodding at her before climbing into the shuttle.

Setting the destination to Kiara's house, I sat back and replayed what Yara had said in my mind.

'It isn't just that.. When Kai was younger..'

Kordin was keeping something from me. I wasn't sure what it was or how significant it was in Kai's decision to leave me, but I intended to find out.


Poor Daisy. I wish Kai would answer her calls so that they could talk about what went wrong.

Did you enjoy this chapter? Although it's a sad one, I really liked writing this part so please feel free to let me know what you think.. Good or bad is fine 😊

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