• Just Us •

De itsalexaaxo

33.8K 841 224

~ "Nobody has to know... it's just a "don't get caught game" ~ She's grown up around her older brother her wh... Mai multe

Get to know us!!
Meeting Atlas
First panic attack
Special event
Baking with the boys
A wedding day
Street race
"First kiss"
One bed
Club fight
"That's what makes you beautiful"
New Years kiss
Dance with me in the rain
He's drunk
Double trouble

Catch me if you can

1.7K 47 8
De itsalexaaxo

It was a sunny day and I remember it like yesterday. We were on a tiny trip for the weekend away from the busy city. The classic friend group. We decided to go camping to clear our minds from the stressful week we've had. Though I never wanted to come....

Once we had gotten to the forest we were about to spend the day and night in I looked at it in shock. It was a huge forest and you could easily get lost. Great. We all walked inside and looked for a place to set up our camp.
"You boys better protect us tonight" Addie laughs as she nudged Alex with her elbow which made him laugh and kiss her temple. Urgh they were so cute.

Atlas comes besides me as he wraps one arm around my waist and holds me close to him. I blushed and looked up at him. It was weird for some reason, he hadn't said "i love you" since that new years kiss... and neither did I. He didn't even take me on a date since new years which only made me question things between us yet I didn't care at that point, I was just down to spend the day and night with my friends in this scarily quiet forest... it felt wrong... but at least I was with my friends, right?

Once we had found a large space where we could set up the tents, me and the girls decided to head into the forest and search for wood for the fire we'd be making later on when the sun would set.

As the boys began to set up the four tents (one for Addie and Alex, Me and Atlas, Aurora and Andrew, Elena and Jayden) me and the girls made our way through the thick forest. I couldn't help but get the chills and goosebumps as it was oddly quiet... I shook the feeling off and walked with the girls to find wood.

"I don't know why we even agreed to come to this forest" I mumble as my eyes dart around the forest.

"Oh come on, it's nice and quiet" Addie laughs.

"Yeah but it's too quiet" Aurora adds with a nervous tone and Elena nods.

"You guys, you're just overthinking it, I mean it's just a forest and plus we have four strong boys to protect us" Addie laughs which only made my laugh at the "strong boys" part knowing that they could scream like little girls.

Once we had finally found some broken twigs we gathered them and began to make our way back to the camp... yet we didn't know where we came from. We all looked around nervously not knowing which way we should go.

"Shit I knew this would happen" I mumbled annoyed as I looked around the forest. The sun was slowly setting creating an orange lighting yet the lovely sky wasn't helping with this messed up situation.

"ALEX?!" Addie yells loudly hoping my brother would hear her. When we didn't get a response I felt my anxiety rise. We then heard the bushes ahead rustle and I felt my heart pace. It could be anything.

The boys then jump out and we scream. They laughed hysterically and I couldn't help but push Atlas in annoyance.

"Oh that was funny" my brother laughs as he looks alike over to Addie and wraps his arms around her. I looked at Atlas with an annoyed expression. "Not funny" I snapped and walked past him.

"What's her problem?" Jayden adds as he looks at my brother and Atlas.

"We probably just scared her, I mean she never wanted to come anyways so she might just be annoyed" my brother answered as they began to make their way back to the camp site after me.

Once we got back I threw the twigs in the centre of the ground as sat down on the "bench" out of wood. The rest arrived and put the twigs down. I ignored them. I just couldn't help but feel this weird eerie feeling of the forest being oddly off. As I remained sat on the bench I felt someone's hands wrap around my shoulder and pull me close to them. That's when I felt that musky cologne. Atlas. I looked at him and smiled softly. He looked at me with a warm expression.

"You ok?" He asked whilst slowly rubbing my upper arm "sorry if we scared you too badly" he says with a slight smile holding back a laugh. I rolled my eyes with a smile.
"It's fine... I just don't like this forest... it's just-... never mind" I looked away and slowly felt him turn my head my holding my chin.

"Don't worry about it... I'm right here, ok? There's nothing to be scared about" he whispers reassuringly and kisses my temple. I watched Alex and Addie laugh as they were eating marshmallows, Elena and Jayden were taking selfies and Andrew and Aurora were talking whilst he was holding her in his arms and playing with her hair.

"It's all in your head... we're all here and we're all happy" he whispers with a smile and ruffles my hair making me laugh as I push him, making him fall off the beach. I bursted out laughing as I got off the bench. The boys started laughing as they saw Atlas lying on the ground. The girls started laughing too with me.

"That was a bad move Lex" Atlas groans as he stood up and looked at me with a smirk. I knew what was coming. He sprinted towards me. I squealed as I rapidly ran around the tents trying to get away from him. I could hear our laughs echoing through forest as everyone was laughing. The boys started getting in my way to stop me but I dodged them as I tried getting away. I felt Atlas gaining since he was more skilled than me. I try turning around one of the tents to hide myself but only crash into his arms. He had tricked me by going around. I laughed as I crashed in his arms. He laughed and threw me over his shoulder whilst flexing his victory with the other (he held me whilst showing the group 💪🏼 with the other haha)

I laughed once he put me down. I looked up at him before feeling his lips on mine. The group whistled and laughed as they saw Atlas kiss me. It was oddly sweet.

As the sunset slowly passed the boys had made the fire. It was now almost pitch black, my anxiety had risen due to my fear of the dark and I was paranoid. Atlas held me close to him as we all sat around the fire. That's when my "genius" brother got a "fabulous" idea.

"You know...this forest is huge... how about we play a game" he says with a huge smirk. Addie immediately nods her head, she was always down to do anything. The boys looked at one another confused yet intrigued, I couldn't help but feel my stomach churn with nerves. I knew my brother could get some crazy ideas.

"How does a game of tag sound?" He smirks whilst looking at me. He knew I hated these games in the dark... and this huge forest wasn't helping.

"YES!" Addie laughs
"I'm in" Jayden agrees
"Sure, why not" Elena adds and Aurora agrees
"Could be interesting " Andrew laughs

I looked at Atlas with a nervous expression as he looked down at me seeing how nervous I was, he knew how paranoid and nervous I was when it came to the dark and in large spaces.

"That doesn't really seem like the best idea dude" Atlas shakes his head.

"Atlas backing down? Come on! It'll be fun" Alex nudged Atlas who sighed and agreed "fine" was all he said.

I looked at the group, my hands went cold due to how anxious I was.

"I'm not playing" I mumble as I looked away.
I could feel Atlas's worried expression on me yet I ignored it.

"Lexie come on! I'll stay by your side, I promise, come one! You never back down!" Addie smiles as she comes over to me and wraps her arms around me. "You in?" She smiles.

I felt my heart race as I looked at the boys who had smirks in their faces, except Atlas who was concerned for my well-being.

I closed my eyes and sighed "I'm in" I whisper. My brother smiled and clapped his hands as he helped Atlas up.

"Girls run, boys catch. You can't stop running until the boys catch you. No yelling names" Alex crosses his arms and smirks.

I felt like throwing up, the night was almost pitch black, the forest looked like if could suck you into the deepest corners of it and make everyone forget about you... what was I getting myself into.

Addie smiles as she goes over to Alex and kisses his cheek. "You better catch me soon"

Alex grinned and looked at the group.
"Once the boys find their girls, you return back to the fire and wait for the rest, ok?"

The boys nod and I looked at Atlas anxiously. He could see my bottom lip trembling as he came over to me and wrapped his arms around me. "Hey hey calm down, you'll be ok, I'll try to not scare you, ok? I'll find you, you'll be ok, I promise" he whispers in my ear and kissed my temple. I nod and go to the girls who were ready to run.

"You have five minutes to run" Alex laughs.
"3" Alex starts
"2" Jayden adds

My heart was pounding.

"1" Andrew adds
"Run" Atlas says

Run. Run. Run

I ran into the dark forest, my heart pounding as I could barely see, I saw Addie use her flashlight from her phone and followed her. I held onto her hand as she ran with me. I felt like I couldn't breathe for some reason, I felt my fingers trembling. I ran with all my power as I sprinted through the darkness.

Before I could even adjust to the darkness I feel Addie's hand slip out of mine. "Addie!" I yelled but she was gone... I stopped running and breathed heavily as I looked around the darkness, the trees high and covering the moonlight from reaching me. My anxiety was rising by the second as I heard the rustling of the leaves around me, the boys must've started running. I couldn't help but run too, I didn't care where I was running. Just run. Run until you couldn't breathe. Just. Run.

I ran at full sprint feeling my heart pound, the fast footsteps of the boys around me approaching, I didn't know who it was, I just wanted this stupid game to stop. I couldn't breathe as my fear was growing that anything was out in this forest. Animals. Serial killers. Drunk creeps. Aggressive criminals. Anything!

I felt my legs fail me as I breathed heavily, my lungs were in desperate need of oxygen as I looked around. My heart was like a drum at that point. I pushed myself and ran once more. How the hell were the boys going to know where our camp was after this? I had no clue.

Run for your life Alexa.

I heard a squeal in the distance, I recognised it. Addie. Alex had found her. One down.

I darted my eyes around the forest trying to indicate the others but no use. I could hear fast footsteps running past me. What if it was Atlas? I wanted to yell out his name but I remembered my brother's stupid rules of no yelling names. Shit I couldn't do this anymore.

I stop running as I leaned against a nearby tree. I was panting like crazy. My mind was spinning. I felt like I was hallucinating as I couldn't feel my legs.

"God make this game end" i remember mumbling under my breath before beginning to walk around the tree until I stepped on something. I looked down and saw a bat? Splattered with blood. (I'm still traumatised till this day)

My heart started pounding as I felt like I was hearing stuff, my eyes darted around the forest. I was alone. Vulnerable. Very very very vulnerable.

I began running. I began running with my legs sore. Where the heck was Atlas?! I hear another squeal. Recognised it. Elena. Two down.

Not long goes by and I heard another yell. Aurora. Three were down.

Just me. I felt like I was being hunted. All I could think about was I was alone.... I didn't know where Atlas was. Tears began rolling down my cheek as I couldn't push myself anymore. I was out of breath and my legs were sore.

That's when I heard fast footsteps from behind. I felt as if my heart would explode. I felt frozen as I turned  around. I saw a figure running towards me. My heart was pounding. Then I saw those eyes being lightened by the bare moonlight. Atlas. I gasped in relief as I pushed myself to run in his arms.

I crashed in his arms breathing heavily. His hands wrapped around me. Holding me close to his body. I could feel his heart racing just like mine, only maybe even faster. His strong arms held me in his, his chin resting on my head as he couldn't bring himself to say anything except "I've got you"

He wiped away my tears and kept holding onto me. "I've got you, you're right here, I'm here" he was panting and I couldn't help but sniffle back my tears.

As I looked up at him, my eyes sparkled in the dim moonlight. "Where were you?" I whispered anxiously.

"I tried. I tried so hard. Lex I had caught all the other girls except you. I was the first to catch all the girls. I caught Elena and then Aurora and then Addie. I just couldn't find you" he cupped my face in his hands and rested his forehead against mine. "I'm so sorry you were all alone, are you ok?"

I nodded as I finally managed to slow my breathing down and calm down. That's when the splattered blood on the bat hit me and I breathe heavily again.

"Atlas get me out of here" I say rapidly as i looked up at him. He instantly knew something was off and grabbed my hand tightly as he pulled out his phone and checked the location. He had the location of the camp where we had set up our tents on his phone so he rapidly checked it. Once he had found the pinned location he began to run with me behind him. His grip was tight around my arm. He had no intention of letting me be by myself.

I ran behind him breathing heavily. My eyes started  looking for any danger. That's when I saw it. A shiny object in the distance. Not on the ground... in someone's hand. "ATLAS RUN!" I yelled.

He immediately saw the object and ran at full sprint.
"Shit Alexa run, come on!" He held me closer to him and brought me in front of him so he could shield me from behind. I could hear additional footsteps in the distance. I ran until I could see the fire from the campsite. I immediately pushed myself over the edge and ran at my full speed until it busted through the bushes into the campsite.

The others stared at me and Atlas in absolute worry.

"Lexie!" Alex rushes over me and hugs me.

I was traumatised and terrified.

"We're leaving!" I snap and Atlas wasted no time to grab my hand and run with me to the exit do the forest to the cars parked outside. The others were in pure confusion before hearing footsteps run from the forest closer to the campsite.

"HECK NO" Jayden yells and grabs Elena before running after me and Atlas. Aurora and Andrew do the same. Alex threw Addie over his shoulder and rapidly left all the tents behind as he ran.

We immediately all get in the two cars we were with and drive off. All of us panting.

I was in the car with Atlas, Alex who was driving and Addie.

Jayden, Elena, Aurora and Andrew were in the other car. They both drove off at a high speed. Me and Atlas both sat in the backseat panting. He held me close to his body as he could see how traumatic that experience was.

"I'm not coming back to this fucking forest ever again" Alex says full of anger and out of breath from the running.

Once we got to a more open area, we noticed other parked cars ahead at a different campsite. My brother parked his car close to the other cars and so did Jayden with the other car. Once we all got out we saw multiple people in their sleeping bags stargazing. Definitely more child friendly being with multiple people rather than being alone in a creepy forest.

We grabbed our sleeping bags from the car. I decided to place my sleeping bag on the trunk bed of the jeep that Jayden drove (the jeep was his dads car) Atlas placed his sleeping bag besides mine and got in it as we both rested on the trunk bed whilst the others placed there's on the grass besides the rest of the people.

I sighed deeply as I felt Atlas pull me closer to him in his sleeping bag. I shifted my body close to his as I rested beside him.

"Are you ok?" He whispers and kissed the top of my head.

"For now..." I whisper and close my eyes. I was so exhausted and scared from everything that happened that I began to drift to sleep.

(Truly sorry for how long this event was, but since it was so scary and traumatic for me I had a lot to write about. I can't truly express how scared I was writing this, just the thought of how scared I was back then has me having goosebumps)

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