Isle of Amour: Klara x Male O...

By CrownEdelweiss

226 6 1

Kaito Hiiro has some spare time before his fight with Raihan, the Eighth Gym Leader of the Galar region. To m... More

The Isle of Armor
The Master Dojo
The Slowpoke Trial
The Eighth Gym

The Mushroom Trial

31 2 0
By CrownEdelweiss

Kaito exited the shower, changing into his new set of Master Dojo clothing before leaving the bathroom with his belongings.

At the same time as he opened his door, the door to the bathroom over opened too.

Both Klara and Kaito noticed eachother's presence, staring at eachother in an uncomfortable silence. Klara too had changed into her Dojo Uniform, and it suited her rather well. She couldn't help but notice his frame in the outfit though, of course he was tall - taller than her, but he was rather well built too...

"So, you gonna keep staring or...?" Mused Kaito, breaking the silence and scratching the back of his head.

"I-I wasn't staring?!" Argued Klara, crossing her arms and huffing at him.

She knew she was staring though, more than she would've ever admitted. Giving him a side eye though, she couldn't help notice that the middle portion of his jacket had loosened, slightly exposing his bare chest.

'Why the hell isn't he wearing a shirt?!' She internally screamed. However before she could spare a breath to yell at him, she grimaced, noticing a wide gash across his chest.

Her eyes widened in astonishment, meeting his gaze with her own.

"What... what's that on your chest?" Klara hesitantly inquired.

Kaito's own eyes widened too, hovering his hand over his chest, gently outlining his scar with his fingers.

"You weren't supposed to see that..." He sighed.

"Then why aren't you wearing your shirt you pervert?!" Klara justifiably argued.

The red-head just chuckled before fixing his jacket, covering up the exposed wound.

"It was too hot alright..." Kaito calmly argued back, leaning against the hallway wall with his arms crossed. "Anyways, I got this from... from a Haxorus at the beginning of my adventure... I got too cocky in the Wild Area and tried to catch something stronger than I could handle."

Klara didn't know what to say in response. She knew he held some high and mighty arrogance when it came to pokemon battles, and would've loved to have him be taught a lesson. But with that exact lesson being shown to her directly, she hesitated to admit it's what she would've wished on anyone.

For once, she couldn't match his gaze with a glare anymore. Her eyes only expressed sympathy, unable to think of anything to say.

Noticing her out of character silence, and weak expression, Kaito reached out and placed a hand on her head - garnering a hot blush on Klara's face.

"You don't need to worry about it Klara, kay? It was a long time ago, I'm fine now." He smiled sincerely.

She met his eyes once again, feeling her face heat up even more. The poison type trainer let out a "hmph" before swatting away his hand.

"Don't just assume that I care newbie." She scoffed, turning away from him. "Just come downstairs, the food should be done by now."

"Yeah yeah..." Sighed Kaito, quietly chuckling to himself as he followed her to the dojo's kitchen...


The pair arrived in the kitchen, a large table complete with every member of the dojo family present, and food spread before each seat.

"Lovely, you two could join us!" Welcomed Honey from one end of the table.

The only two remaining seats were beside the opposite end, next to Mustard. Either way it seemed Kaito and Klara would be seated next to eachother.

Kaito said his thanks as he sat at the furthest seat next to his master, whilst Klara silently, and begrudgingly sat next to him and began to eat.

Half way through the meal, Mustard looked up from his plate with a satisfied face.

"Hoho this is wonderful food Simon!" He complimented.

"Thank you Master." Answered another student from across the table, presumably Simon.

Kaito hadn't learned everyone's names yet...

"But I cannot wait to have a bowl of Max Soup full of Max Mushrooms tomorrow." Mustard chuckled. "And that's why students, your second trial tomorrow will be, mushroom picking!"

The table turned into yet another uproar of confused, but intrigued murmurs and gasps.

"Max Mushrooms are in fact the key to Gigantamaxing, they're red with a spiral pattern and I'm pretty sure they grow in dark, humid places. I'm tasking all of you who passed the first trial, with finding three!"

"So make sure you all rest up well tonight, because you'll need it for tomorrow's trial."

"Yes Master Mustard Sir!" Responded the students still partaking the trial.


The students still participating in the three dojo trials had all gathered in the main hall, waking up bright and early for the day.

However, despite having been awake for almost an hour now, Kaito was still visibly tired - yawning and slouching as Mustard gave the students more details about the Max Mushrooms.

It wasn't that his sleeping arrangements were uncomfortable, in face he slept better than he had been when camping out the routes and Wild Area of Galar. He just tended to sleep late and wake up late, he had a rather obscene sleeping schedule.

"And with that, your next trial begins! I'm countin' on ya!" Rallied Mustard, bidding his students good luck as they all rushed towards the island's forest area.

However, for some reason both Kaito and Klara remained present in the building. The pink haired trainer staring at him with an almost soft expression, as the red-head himself stared off into space with another yawn.

Kaito noticed her staring, and raised am eyebrow at her.

"Got something on my face?" He asked.

"H-Huh?! No! Hmph!" She stammered, crossing her arms and stomping out of the dojo hall.

'The hell's her problem...?' He internally questioned.

"Kaito my boy, it just dawned on me that you're brand new to this island." Mustard interjected. "And considering you were spaced out during my entire speech, I bet you have no idea where to even begin looking for Max Mushrooms!"

"Sorry Master, I didn't mean to be rude..." Kaito apologised sincerely.

"Hoho it's quite alright. I'm sure you aren't used to getting up this early. You were practically sleeping at the breakfast table." Mustard laughed. "It was especially amusing when Klara had to slap you awake!"

"That girl just enjoys hitting me..." He sighed.

Mustard chuckled and walked past him towards the main door. "C'mon. Let's go for a walk, and I'll show you some mushroom hot spots."

Kaito nodded, happily accepting his Master's kind gesture as he followed him through the island's marsh - eventually reaching the Forest of Focus.

"Now usually the Forest of Focus is chock-full of Max Mushrooms. But the thing is, a swarm of gluttonous Greedent came through and ate every last one here! So I'm thinking maybe you'll have more luck finding Max Mushrooms if you go check Warm-Up Tunnel. It's out on the other side of the forest!" Monologued Mustard. "Just watch where you're going in the forest, kay? It's easy to get lost!"

"Thanks for the help Master." Kaito smiled.

Mustard nodded, and turned to leave back for the dojo. "Anyhoo... Good luck with the hunt for Max Mushrooms. Catch you back at the dojo!"

And with Mustard's kind words of good luck and assistance, he left Kaito alone again - as the crimson haired boy began his search...


It had been a rough few hours of searching the Forest of Focus, and Kaito had only located one Max Mushroom so far.

Mustard really wasn't kidding when he said they were all picked clear of the forest...

Guess it was time for him to head to the Warm-Up Tunnel that Mustard suggested he check out.

He couldn't help but think however, that despite being inside the forest for a few hours, he had only actually seen Klara once that whole time. The other students he had encountered a number of times, sharing information and bantering with them - but for some reason it seemed Klara had just disappeared... 'Weird.' He thought, leaving the forest towards the tunnel.

There were a number of new, cool and interesting pokemon along the way to the tunnel, and inside the forest too - but Kaito had no time right now to catch them, he was on an important mission.

Almost immediately after entering the cave, Kaito thanked his lucky stars and dashed towards the large cluster of red spiraly mushrooms.

Although he already had one mushroom, before him lay a patch of three. It would exceed the limit he was given, but it wouldn't hurt to gain extra credit.

However as he bent down to pick them, he heard an all too familiar shout from the cave's entrance.

"Hold up a sec!"

He pulled away from the mushrooms, and stood to face Klara, who was rushing towards him out of breath.

"Helloooo, what's this?!" She panted. "Three Max Mushrooms in one spot? Here I thought they only grew one by one!"

"Yup, lucky me right?"

"You mean lucky US!?" Klara tried to correct. "Listen, I know you've only found one mushroom, and I happened to have found two so far! Sooooooo..."

"Pass." Kaito bluntly interrupted her. "I kinda want the extra credit~"

She recoiled from him with an exasperated look, staring at him with wide and irritated eyes.

"W-W-W-WHY?!" Klara screamed. "You arrogant jerk! I've been at the dojo longer and all. So it's only fair that you let me have 'em!"

"Well I don't wanna~" He smugly teased, giving her a wide grin.

"Hehehehe what's this now?" She sarcastically laughed, beginning to stomp her foot in irritation. "Are you giving me attitude? Gosh you're a pain in the neck... you just show up outta nowhere, and just happen to be talent and handsome!? If you're looking to get in my way, well, I think some vile poisons will take care of that!"

She readied her pokeball with a cute pose, despite her very ominous demeanour towards Kaito.

"Wait, did you just call me handsome?" Kaito smirked, a light shade of pink embracing his cheeks.

"SHUTUPNOIDIDNT!" Klara screamed. "Weezing, teach him to shut his trap!"

Kaito let out a small sigh, chuckling to himself as he readied his pokeballs for another battle.

"Let's set the record straight right here! I'll show you once and for all that I'm the better trainer!" Klara declared, pointing at him from across the cave.

"Lookin' forward to it Klara, let's show her who's boss Hanzo!"



The battle was another complete one sided affront...

Despite having her new Bulbasaur, and retrieving her Weezing from the PC, Kaito's team still destroyed her own. Just Hanzo and Shimu being enough to defeat her...

"Just what have you got that I don't...?" Whimpered Klara, looking down in defeat after returning her fallen Slowbro. "Is there... Is there something wrong with me?"

She continued to self-loathe, clutching her fists together tightly as she muttered out her complaints.

Although Kaito had wanted to tease her, he genuinely didn't like seeing her like this. So defeated and depressed.

He approached the mushrooms wordlessly, picking all three and walking towards Klara.

"I'm trying as hard as I can! What am I missing?!" Klara's anger towards not only Kaito, but to herself because louder and more aggressive as he closed the gap between them. "Fine, you can have those silly mushrooms! I'm going to find better ones anyway!"

She turned to run away, a slight look of desperation and sadness tinged within her incredibly pissed off visage. But before she could leave, Kaito grabbed her wrist, causing her to glare him in the eye.

"What?! Just wanting to gloat hot shot?!"

"No actually, you tried to leave before I could give you this." He let go of her wrist and outstretched his other hand, presenting her with the single Max Mushroom.

Klara didn't know how to react. A plethora of differing emotions were brewing within her. She was pissed off due to the outcome of their battle, she felt inferior, and humbled in a humiliating way - and to top it all off, now this guy who she envied, and hated so much, was pitying her?!

She scoffed, and glared at him. "I don't need your pity."

"It's less pity and more-so what I was planning to do anyway..." He admitted, scratching his cheek with a slight blush. Kaito readjusted his vision, meeting her gaze once again. "Look, I'm sorry Klara. Truthfully, I was gonna share with you when you asked. But I figured..."

"You figured what?" She spat, still feeling irritated. "Figured that you would put me down AGAIN!? Show me who's the boss around here?! Who's the oh so amazing, and incredibly gifted-"

"No Klara." Kaito interrupted, grabbing her shoulder which caused her to blush slightly. "I just..." He let out a deep sigh, and looked away with a redness across his cheeks. "I just wanted to tease you because you're so... adorable..."


Any anger and irritation held within Klara had completely vanished. Her cheeks flushed a deep crimson that matched the colour of Kaito's hair, and she looked up at him with wide, adoring eyes. Her heart pounded faster and faster, as the compliment echoed over and over in her mind.

"I'm sorry okay..." Kaito confessed. "I just figured I'd go along with the battle, and then give you the mushroom."

"You're unbelievable!" Klara pouted. She grabbed him by his jacket, and pulled him into an awkward hug. "You stupid! Idiotic! Narcissistic! Jerk faced! Handsome, dickhead!"

"You called me handsome again..."

"Gah just shut up!" Klara frustratingly argued, punching him lightly in the chest. "I want to hate you, but you keep just being so nice to me! First of all you completely destroy me in battle, but you make sure to compliment me even though I LOST?! And THEN you had the audacity to get me back my dojo uniform, let me choose Bulbasaur, you call me adorable, and give me the Max Mushroom despite me losing AGAIN to you!"

Whilst venting out most of her frustrations, she had been clenching onto Kaito's jacket, grasping harder and harder as she let out her thoughts.

"So why can't I hate you?!"

The crimson haired male didn't know how to respond to her turmoil. He could only look down at her with an expression of worry and sympathy.

"I'm sorry Klara..."

"I don't want your apologies!" She argued, pulling away from him. "I want to defeat you! And show everyone that I'm the better pokemon trainer!"

Noticing that she held no hostility towards him with her words, Kaito only let out a light chuckle as he met her passionate gaze.

"Don't laugh at me either newbie! I'll show you, I'll show everyone!"

"I wasn't laughing at you Klara. You're just so cute that I couldn't help but chuckle a little bit..."

Klara recoiled in embarrassment, her cheeks flushing pink once more. But she recovered her senses when she noticed his outstretched fist.

"I'm looking forward to seeing the day. Rival."

Hearing him, of all people address her as his own rival sent a wave of excitement within Klara. She had always half assed things if there was no guarantee she could win. But despite knowing there was a slim chance she could ever beat this man standing before her, she knew she wanted to become stronger. For herself, and to show him that she can stand by his side as an equal, and maybe even above him as the better trainer...

Her hand shook with nervousness, as she breathed in to calm her rapidly beating heart. She raised her hand with her fist clenched, and met his fist with her own - a determined smile etched on both their faces...


Kaito and Klara opened the doors to the Master Dojo together, having walked back in an awkward silence.

Both of them wanted to start up a conversation, but Klara's nerves, and Kaito's fear of being kicked again blocked them from trying.

At least they were home...

"Hey there Kaito, Klara!" Welcomed Mustard. "Welcome back! Looks like you two nailed the trial! Congrats on finding the Max Mushrooms! Trial number two was no problem for the two of you!"

The pair looked at eachother with wide smiles, giving eachother a grin.

Another student, Simon, approached the group from the kitchen, taking off his kitchen gloves. "All of us ended up getting lost in the forest." He chuckled in shame, every other student present all too harbouring expressions of shame and disappointment.

"Turns out finding the Max Mushrooms was the least of their problems!" Mustard added. "It's a shame, but I guess only the two of you will pass the trial..."

The present students grimaced in response, defeated knowing they lost their chance to attain the Armor of the Master Dojo.

"Well, first things first - a proper meal!" Cheered Mustard. "Let's have the Max Mushrooms made into a delicious Max Soup, shall we?"

He gestured for everybody to follow him to the kitchen, as Kaito and Klara, aswell as Simon surrounded Honey - who was presently preparing a broth within a giant pan.

"Mmm, mmm, mmm! I've really outdone myself this time!" Honey happily hummed. "Now all that's left to add are these lovely Max Mushrooms you've brought us!"

Kaito nodded, as he opened his bag to gift Honey the mushrooms. However he was stopped by Klara, who grabbed his shoulder and gave him a smug wink.

"Ms. Honey, please, I want you to use my Max Mushrooms in the Max Soup!" She pleaded. "I really want to share my hard work with everybody here!"

"Oh Klara..." Smiled Honey. "Well if that's what you want, then I'm perfectly happy to oblige!"

"I hope you don't feel your thunder's being stolen Kaito..." Chuckled Simon, taking Klara's mushrooms, and beginning to prepare them aside Honey's broth.

"Nah it's sweet, Klara worked just as hard as I did after all." He side eyed her, noticing she was eyeing him up too, giving him a cheeky grin.

With their one sided hostilities presumably squished by now, the two of them only broke out into a light laughter, only wanting to one up one another further.

"Well we are a family here, and families share! So... we'll go ahead and use Klara's mushrooms today!" Chimed in Honey. "It's just so rare for her to actually try hard at something, I really want to reward this."

"You can hold onto the Max Mushrooms you found Kaito." Mustard suggested. "I'm sure you'll find a good use for them!"

Kaito nodded, happily accepting the outcome of the trial, as everybody began to crowd around the kitchen and take their places at the dinner table.

Kaito and Klara shared another pair of smug smirks, before joining the table - seated next to eachother once again...

"Alright everybody, the soup's on!" Declared Honey. "The famous Max Soup of the Master Dojo!"

"Well I'm famished!" Cried Mustard. "Time to dig in!"

"Let's eat!"

After finishing their meal, the table was all but empty sparing Kaito, Klara, Honey, Mustard, and Simon.

Mustard turned towards Kaito and began to speak. "Oh, I never did explain the big deal about this soup, did I? You see, when one drinks this dojo's famous Max Soup... you Gigantamax all big and strong!"

Kaito's face lit up like a child's at Jigglypuff Land, a man's excitement surging within him.

"No shit?!" He excitedly gasped. "I gotta tell Gloria and Hop about this! Marnie and Bede too!"

'Gloria... and Marnie...?' Thought Klara. A weird feeling of jealousy rising within her chest.

However, the boy's wild wonders had to be shut down, as Honey coughed from across the table.

"No, you don't... That kind of thing doesn't happen if a human has the soup." She corrected. "But! Things are a bit different when certain pokemon drink the soup. Those with a distinct potential, much like your Inteleon or Gengar - their Dynamax forms will change into a Gigantamax form!"

Although Kaito's short lived dream of becoming like an Eva had been tarnished, he sat up from slumping in his seat. It was probably more useful being able to Gigantamax than titan shift anyways...

"I can help you brew up some Max Soup anytime you need too." Cheered Simon, also from across the table. "You too Klara!"

"Now then, let's wrap things up!" Clapped Mustard, standing up from the table. "I've said it once, but I'll say it again, I'm proud of you two for your success over that last trial. And last of all, thank you for the Soup Honey, Simon."

"Yeah thanks guys, it was great!" Cheered Kaito.

"Mhmm!" Agreed Klara.

Simon blushed in embarrassment and scratched the back of his head, whilst Honey smiled with delight.

The remaining few people still within the kitchen area left, Klara happily skipping off towards her room. Kaito stood to follow behind her, meaning to jump in the shower before bed. But he was stopped by his Master just shy of the stairs.

"By the way, Kaito! Meet me in my room a little later tonight, and bring Klara with you too would you please."

With a nod and a smile, Kaito was left to do his own thing, until the meeting between himself, his Master; and his new Rival later that night.

He headed upstairs prepared for a long shower, and well deserved nap...

Yeah, I cooked ngl...
Looking forward to writing the next fee chapters, because despite how short this fic will be, I'm excited to see how it all plays out.

Thank you once again for reading, and I shall see you, next chapter.

- Weiss

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