rise | fred weasley

By FifiJXo

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sophia malfoy has never subscribed to the beliefs of her family, and she is not afraid to state this. but as... More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty one
chapter twenty two
chapter twenty three
chapter twenty four

chapter sixteen

42 4 0
By FifiJXo

It was horrible, Sophia bit back tears as she watched the gruesome sight.

Then scabbers ran away and the group all chased after Ron, who was chasing him and Crookshanks.

Once they'd finally caught up, a huge black dog jumped out for nowhere. Sophia recognised him instantly, Sirius. She jumped on Harry to push him out the way, he grabbed onto Ron's arm and then his leg and dragged him off,

Roxie screamed in fear at the sight,

Once they'd finally gotten past the Whomping Willow, they made into a wooden corridor, it looked desolate. Sophia had told Roxie to back to the castle, but she'd refused and come with them. Eventually, they found Ron.

"He's the dog! He's an animagus!" Sophia instantly knew what Ron was talking about, she turned and stepped in front of her friends, not knowing whether she could trust the man before her. But her emotional side got the best of her and she ran to hug him, Sirius chuckled before hugging her back.

"Good to see you too Sophie" he replied, Hermione then grabbed Sophia and yanked her back,

"Not the time to be questioning this" she hissed, folding her arms. Sophia rolled her eyes and resumed the angry stance she'd had the moment before, Roxie hiding behind her.

Sirius then started talking about how only one of them would die that night,

"You sound mental" Sophia commented and he simply chuckled at her words,

The altercation injured them all, Sophia scrambled to make sure Roxie was safe before trying to help.

They heard footsteps underneath them, and Hermione yelled that they were there and that Sirius was too

Lupin came in, they all breathed a sigh of relief which disappeared when Lupin disarmed Harry.

Lupin began to ask Sirius all sorts of questions, which led to Hermione revealing he was a werewolf, Harry and Ron stared at her in shock, Sophia already aware of this was trying to figure what was happening. Sirius was an animagus he was friends with Lupin who was werewolf. They were friends with Harry's dad and Peter Pettigrew. What if Harry's dad and Peter were animagi too? But how did that... her eyes cast over to Scabbers. Holy shit.

Then the situation was explained. Sophia found out she was right. The rat was Peter Pettigrew. Sirius then explained how he'd meant to kill Pettigrew but had failed, then he tried to kill him once more,

Lupin convinced him to tell them the truth first, and Sophia desperately wanted the bits she was missing to be filled in,

A lot of it didn't make sense, but when she looked at Sirius she could tell he wasn't lying. And that he'd never lied to her, she felt instantly guilty for thinking he had.

Lupin told them the story of how he became a werewolf and how he'd used to transform in the shrieking shack, and how as Sophia suspected, his friends became Animagi. Lupin then began explaining how he felt guilty about not revealing that Sirius was an Animagus. Sophia had suffered the same thing that year too, she didn't know whether she should've told or not.

As they were told about the prank, Snape appeared, walking into the shack. Roxie whimpered in fear, and Sophia felt her eyes widen.

Sophia looked terrified as Snape attacked Lupin, although, Sophia lost her temper when Snape insulted Hermione,

"DON'T TALK TO MY BEST FRIEND LIKE THAT" she shouted, Snape stared at her shocked as did everyone else, "YOU'RE A GROWN ASS MAN! WHY DO YOU FEEL THE NEED TO BULLY CHILDREN!" She screamed, folding her arms,

"Watch your tongue Sophia, I will be writing to your father about this whole incident" she rolled her eyes and watched Sirius smirk,

"Oh I'm so scared" Snape ignored her and turned his attention to Sirius, now threatening him,

Although, when he went to leave, Harry blocked the door. Sophia smirked but then watched in horror as Snape insulted Harry's father, then Harry sent Snape flying against the wall.

"Wicked" Sophia smiled, Harry looked over and smiled too, Hermione was whispering about they attacked a teacher and Sophia tried to calm her down whilst also trying to calm Roxie,

Sophia continued to listen to the rest of the explanation, everything made more and more sense,

Sirius then revealed that he wasn't the secret keeper, he'd made Harry's parents switch it to Peter, knowing Voldemort would suspect him,

Scabbers turned into a man, a man Sophia didn't like the look of. A man who looked almost rat like.

"Hello Peter" Lupin said, Sophia was staring at the scene in shock, the man looked sheepishly around, "long time no see"

"S-Sirius? R-Remus!" He had a squeaky voice, "my old friends" they then began to discuss what happened to Harry's parents and Pettigrew began saying about how Sirius tried to kill him,

They kept talking, Sirius and Lupin trying to get the information out of the rat man.

"Voldemort went to the Potters on your orders, he met his downfall there.... And not all his supporters ended up in Azkaban, there are still many out there, pretending to see the error of their ways... if they got wind that you were still alive..." Sirius then turned to Sophia, "ever heard your father mention the traitor Sophie?" She thought, she had. One ex death eater gathering had led to them cursing someone they called the traitor, they were all wishing they'd been the one to kill him.

"Yeah, a bunch of his supporters gathered in the dining room. They were all talking about how angry they were at the traitor. How they wished they were the ones to kill him" Sirius smiled at her, urging her to keep going, "I'm sure my father would love to know that the traitor was still alive..." Pettigrew moved toward her but Sirius stepped in front of her, protecting her.

Peter continued to lie, trying to get out the situation. Hermione questioned some things, to which Sirius and Lupin had answers. Sirius revealed that Sophia's visits had helped him, because the dementors would be forced to leave whenever she was there.

After one last bit of explanation, Sophia could tell, Harry believed him.

Pettigrew then grabbed onto Sirius's robes, Sophia who had been standing behind him, shuffled back over to Hermione.

Pettigrew attempted to gain mercy from all of them, his method was slightly different when he reached Sophia,

"Oh you understand don't you? Your family supported him! He's too powerful... you must know..."

"DON'T SPEAK TO MY NIECE" he yanked Pettigrew away but he stumbled over to Harry and began talking about Harry's father, this enraged Sirius more.

He began claiming that he was terrified of Voldemort, and didn't want to die. Sophia thought that if it was Ron, Hermione or Harry, she would've died before she let Voldemort get to them.

Harry stopped them killing Peter.

They tied him up and began to leave the shack, Sirius put his arm around Sophia as they left. She smiled slightly, everything was okay. Roxie followed behind them, still trembling and not saying a word.

Sirius began explaining to Harry how he could live with him,

"That goes for you too little lady" he smiled down at her, "get you out of that house of psychos" Sophia laughed and smiled as she hugged Sirius once more, Harry smiled at her too.

Then she noticed it, the full moon shining above them. Sirius shouted for them to run, but they couldn't. Pettigrew made a motion to escape as Sirius transformed, trying to help Lupin. The rat ran off into the night, Sophia watched in horror as she saw Sirius bleeding, Roxie was hiding in her back,

Then they heard it, a yelp. Harry and Sophia set off at once, worried about Sirius. Hermione followed. Roxie stayed with Ron. The dementors were approaching, Harry shouted at her to think of something happy,

She tried, repeating the incantation, a deformed creature came from her wand before she passed out,

When she began to wake, she could hear Fudge and Snape discussing everything, once the talking stopped, Sophia pushed herself up, Harry had done the same,

They all asked if Ron was okay once Madame Pomfrey arrived, they also asked about Roxie. Apparently, they'd both be fine,

Her eyes widened in horror as she found out Sirius was getting the kiss, they all hopped out of bed. Fudge came rushing in, asking questions,

Both her and Harry tried to convince him of Sirius' innocence, but Fudge didn't listen.

Snape insisted they'd been confunded, Dumbledore walked in, seemingly believing them, requesting to talk to them alone,

They explained everything to him, Dumbledore kept repeating needing more time, and Sophia and Hermione's eyes widened in realisation, the time turner. He told them the information they world need before leaving,

Hermione hurriedly pulled out the time turned and placed it around their necks, Sophia smiled and Harry looked confused as they travelled back in time,

They hurried around as Hermione explained everything to Harry, eventually, they figured out they had to save BuckBeak.

They managed to free BuckBeak, although it took a lot of effort. BuckBeak kept trying to get back to Hagrid.

They then had to free Sirius, but they'd have to wait a few hours. Harry told them about the patronus. Harry thought his dad cast it, Sophia and Hermione tried to be gentle with the conversation but it wasn't easy.

Once the patronus glowed in the air, Sophia and Hermione rushed over to Harry. Hermione was mad.

Their flight on BuckBeak made Sophia smile broadly,

"This is incredible" she whispered, Harry nodded in agreement whilst Hermione hid in Sophia's back.

They broke Sirius out, who watched them, very confused. Sirius clambered on behind them and they got somewhere safer.

Before he left, he'd hugged Sophia close,

"You'll be okay Sophie, I promise" Sophia bit back her tears and smiled slightly. Hermione placed her arm around her,

They had to run back to the hospital wing, they nearly didn't make it,

When they returned Roxie was staring confused,

"But you...." She then laid back down, Sophia and Hermione shared a knowing smile and Harry breathed a sigh of relief,

A roar of fury caused all three of them to smile, they knew Sirius had escaped. Snape came booming down the corridor, screaming about how Harry had done something. He then accused all three of them for helping Sirius escape, he was right of course, but he couldn't prove it.

They then had to explain to Ron everything that happened,

Hagrid excitedly told them about BuckBeaks escape, and they had to feign not knowing how it happened. After they were told about Snape ratting out Lupin, Harry ran off to see him.

Once they returned to the castle, Cedric had hurried over to see if she was alright. Claiming to have heard she was confronted by Sirius.

"Oh are you okay? I heard you got confronted by Sirius Black!" He looked exceptionally worried about her, his hand went to her cheek.

"Oh I'm fine, in fact I'm better than fine" she'd replied,

"You don't seem fine..." he whispered, leading her into their windowsill. She sighed,

"I promise I am, I may not be great but I am fine" she insisted, a small smile was on his face.

"Alright... but we do need to talk, about us" she nodded and they'd had a long conversation and decided their ruse would have to end soon. They decided to stick out for a couple more weeks before making sure everyone knew they'd broken up. According to him, he'd been glared at by Fred everytime they'd seen each other and it was getting to the point where he thought Fred would murder him. Sophia also realised that Cho Chang had been sending her dirty looks everytime they passed one another in the corridors, so they both guessed their plan had been a success.

After those few weeks, she'd been discussing it with her friends in the common room,

"You know sometimes you're just better as friends" she'd shrugged, Hermione, knowing the full story smirked, Harry and Ron had awkwardly tried to comfort her,

"I don't know the protocol for comforting someone after a breakup..." Ron said as he patted Sophia's head, she'd laughed in response,

"What's all this about?" Fred asked, walking into the common room,

"Her and Cedric broke up" Hermione explained, Fred smiled broadly.

"Everything okay Fred?" She asked, her smirk growing, he smiled back at her, leaning closer.

"Everything is absolutely perfect Goldie" he winked before walking off with Lee and George, who appeared to be teasing him,

"I'm confused..." Ron stated, trying to work out what happened,

"I wasn't actually dating Cedric" Sophia explained, "I was just trying to make him jealous. And it worked" she smiled, satisfied with her work over the last year, Ron and Harry stared at her shocked,

"You had us fooled" Harry laughed, before long all four of them were laughing their heads off. 

Sophia had somehow managed to pass all her exams, she didn't know how.

Before they left, she ran into Cedric.

"Oh, thank you for the locket, I don't think I properly thanked you after Christmas..." she smiled, he stared back at her confused,

"I got you earrings" her eyes widened, she'd assumed they were from her parents, Cedric bid her goodbye before leaving. Who could've gotten her the locket? Then it hit her, Fred. She turned to see him watching her once more, a smile on her face. He offered her a smile. The teenager ran over to him,

"You got me the locket?" He nodded, smiling, her heart softened, truly realising how much she loved Fred Weasley.

"Yeah, it took you long enough to figure that out" he smiled, looking down at her. He reached out toward her, she went bright red,

"I always assumed it was from Cedric..." she gazed up at him, he smiled and leaned closer to her once more,

"I noticed" their faces were centimetres apart, Sophia had never been redder. "I'll see you soon Goldie" he turned and walked off, Sophia smiled to herself and hurried off to find Hermione.

Hermione announced she was dropping muggle studies as they rode the train back, but Sophia and Harry were both thinking of the Holidays. The Quidditch World Cup was that summer and Sophia knew she was going, but that also meant there was no way she'd be able to sneak out of the house, but her mood changed when a letter from Sirius arrived. It was giving Harry permission to go to Hogsmeade, and gifting Ron and owl. The group all smiled and laughed as they chugged home, right now, everything was perfect.

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