Arlo's Boo!

By MunchWords

800 130 241

Arlo, a nonbinary human, just got their dream job! But- is in another city, far away from Gwen... Their ghos... More

Introduction to Arlo's Boo! - Arlo and Gwen
Introduction Arlo's Boo! - Marissa and Cleo
Arlo's Boo! - Ghost Rules
Comfort Food
Choosing what to watch
Pancakes and Blueberry Ferret Edition
Pizza Party
Marissa and Gwen / Cleo and Arlo
Beach Day
Chapter 1
Chapter 2

Christmas Special

26 9 2
By MunchWords

Living Room_Arlo and Gwen's Apartment_Night

"I truly don't understand what can make you cry about this..."

Arlo turns to Gwen, she floats under the covers. She stares at the TV, tears running down her cheeks.

"What do you mean!" She points at the TV "Is snowing, they are confessing their love- is CHRISTMAS!" Gwen blows her nose with a tear apart napkin.

"Hm..." Arlo looks at the screen, it didn't even snow on Christmas where they live.

"I knew you didn't have a heart- but this is a bit much even for you..." Gwen mumbles.

The credits roll. Arlo stretches and looks outside, the room's window is pitch black with a few light dots from the other light-up windows. The wind howls.

"Wanna go outside for a walk?"

Gwen's eyes brighten up.

"Yes!" she floats up the front door.

"Let me grab my jacket."

Room_Arlo and Gwen's Apartment_Night

Arlo walks up to their dresser, they open a drawer, and pull out a scarf and a bennie.

"Arlo! Let's go!" Gwen floats to them, grabs their hand, and pushes them to the front door.

Living Room_Arlo and Gwen's Apartment_Night

"Gwen! Just a minute..." They stretch and grab the jacket from the hanger "What is the hurry?"

Hallway_Arlo and Gwen's Building_Night

Arlo closes the door while Gwen floats away "Gwen! Gwen, we gotta close the-" Arlo closes the door and locks it.

"Now I know why you never remember to lock..." They mumble, following Gwen down the hallway.

City Street_Night

The street is a bit too crowded for their taste, Arlo thinks.

They turn around to see Gwen floating as she looks at the window shops. People turn around to see her, sad faces, angry faces, lots of whispers.

Arlo makes a straight, judgy look at the strangers, who turn away and walk away faster.

"Arlo, I'm going in there!" Gwen points at a green door.

"Are you sure?" Is so crowded..." They look at the different groups of people, they carry bags and presents, last weekend before Christmas-

"I'll be fine" she floats up to Arlo, she grabs their wallet from their jacket's pocket "You can stay, wait for me here, ok?"

She floats up to the store and passes through the closed door.

Arlo looks around. A crying toddler walks beside their mom and dad, couples hold hands and entire families pass by. The shop windows have fake snow, gingerbread houses made of cardboard, paper Christmas trees, and sparkles. The restaurants are full of laughter, and conversations. Christmas music blasts from the street's speakers.

"Gwen is right... Everything does seem a bit different around this time..." Arlo sighs.

"Did you say 'Gwen is right?'" Arlo turns around to see Gwen way too close to them, a gift bag in her hand.

"Hearing other people's thoughts is a very rude thing to do, did you know that?"

"Nope." Gwen shakes her head- they walk back to the house.

"Do you need something else?"

"Well- now that you say so-"

Outside Entrance_Arlo and Gwen's Building_Night

Arlo takes their keys outside their pocket.

Gwen yawns- She holds a McDonald's take-out bag and her gift bag.

Arlo looks at her and then back at the front door, keys on the key hold. They turn them around.

"Wait!"Arlo turns around, the keys hanging on the door. Gwen opens her gift bag, she unzips a small ziplock bag.

"Fall!" Her hand takes a full fist of fake snow, she throws it into the air falling on Arlo's hair.

"Gwen, what the fu-" Arlo looks up. The fake snow hits their face, they rub their eyes and look back at Gwen, her smile from ear to ear.

"It's snowing now! It can snow at Christmas time!" she patiently waits for their answer.

Arlo smiles "Merry Christmas Gwen."

"Merry Christmas Arlo."

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