UNCHARTED WATERS, jj maybank...

By evanbuckleys

5.3K 244 2K

โ rule number five: never be seen with a pogue โž The war between pogues and kooks continues to rage as a stor... More

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522 17 265
By evanbuckleys

kooks and their ponds

JESSE JAMES MAYBANK remembered the day he first officially met Matilda Shoupe as well as he knew the back of his right hand.

It happened almost a year ago, during the second week of summer, and little did he know at the time that this simple interaction would serve as the catalyst for an unforgettable summer.

Prior to this day, he had already taken notice of the girl. For an entire week, she had occupied the same spot, adorned in either a sundress or a delicate pink bikini, with a cap perched atop her head to tame her unruly locks. Her toes were buried in the warm sand, while a book rested gently against her knees, as if it were an inseparable companion. It was a rare occurrence to ever see someone on this spot of the island, maybe the occasional jogger or dog walker. He had been observing her from a distance– John B quickly caught on and playfully taunted him about his hesitance to approach the girl. JJ was not the type of boy to shy away from the company of a girl.

After an hour of surfing, John B and he emerged from the water, their surfboards cradled in their arms, engaged in their own chatter. As they neared the girl, John B cleverly nudged him and swiftly walked away, leaving him alone with her. He vividly remembered the way her azure eyes met his gaze, accompanied by a shy smile, after he mustered a small greeting. JJ small-talked. Something he hated. He asked her if she surfed, and a goofy grin involuntarily spread across his face as she replied, "Yeah, but I'm nowhere near as good as you."

    A brief encounter that instilled some much needed confidence in the boy to continue striking up conversations with her throughout the week. It became a routine; he would venture into the water, while she sat on the beach, engrossed in a book. Occasionally, she would wander off to collect seashells or capture photographs, but whenever he returned, she was there, patiently waiting for him.

With his surfboard propped up in the sand, he settled down next to Matilda as she playfully complained about getting wet when he shook out his hair, a wide grin lighting up her face.

"I can't believe you're still here," he exhaled, reclining back on his forearms to gaze at her.

"I swear, you say that almost every day," she remarked. Her hands reached in her backpack and she pulled out a tupperware container— the one pink one decorated with flower stickers— that had somehow become his over the last few days.

The sight of it brought a wide smile to JJ's face, as he eagerly opened it to reveal a peanut butter jelly sandwich and a cupcake. Any kind of food made the boy ecstatic, especially sandwiches that weren't covered in mould. He was a firm believer that food was the way to a man's heart.

Without a word, he picked up the sandwich and stuffed it into his mouth, while the girl smiled at him, shaking her head. It had become part of their routine.

"What flavor is the cupcake today?" he inquired, his mouth still full of sandwich. If she found it repulsive, she never let on, always maintaining her infectious smile.

"Red velvet. But I didn't use cream cheese frosting for yours." she answered, swivelling her body to face him and crossing her legs. "I found something for you," she added.

"Do I want to know what you managed to find this time?" he chuckled, brushing his palms off against his leg after taking his final bite of the sandwich. Five bites, a new record. He pivoted his body to face her and mimicked her position, crossing his own legs.

"Promise, it's worth it," she chimed, extending her hands to place an object in his palms.

"Please tell me you haven't taken a sand dollar again," he said, looking down at the object and pausing momentarily. A smile of his own began to form on his face as he examined the blackened shark tooth in wonder. "You found this on the rocks?" he asked, briefly glancing at her before bringing it up to his eye, squinting exaggeratedly as if to verify its authenticity.

In response, she hummed softly, and their eyes, two shades of blue, locked in a captivating gaze. "You know, according to Hawaiian mythology, shark teeth are believed to be protective talismans," she concluded.

He shook his head in disbelief, watching her play with his plaited bracelet on her wrist before responding, "You and Pope would definitely get along."

"Does that mean I'll eventually get to meet him? Pick his brain about nerdy things while you complain and wish you were somewhere else."

JJ knew she was absolutely right. Once he introduced her to the rest of the pogues, she would instantly become their friend, not just his. John B would steal her to watch murder mysteries, Kie and her would go watch turtles hatch, and Pope, oh god— he did not want to imagine that. They'd probably study together. During summer. The thought almost made him shutter, but at the same time, a sense of pride whirled through him, knowing his friends would adore Matilda.

"Hmm yeah, pretty much!"

She laughed at that, her nose scrunching up slightly, before her eye drifted to the shark tooth in his hands. "You could make it into a necklace or something," she suggested, gesturing towards the tooth.

"Like the Hawaiians?"

"Like the Hawaiians," she confirmed, "Besides, it might keep you out of trouble," she whispered in amusement.

"I thought you were into the whole bad boy thing," he teased.

"Oh yes, every sheltered, good girl dreams of macking on a bad boy at some point," she humored him.

"Macking on, you say," he grinned, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. "Want to make your dreams come true, princess?"

The memories of last summer lingered on JJ's mind, something he couldn't easily erase— and there were moments when he genuinely wished he could. The idea of how different his life would be if he had never approached the girl who sat on the beach, lost in her own world. Although he hadn't spoken to her since the end of last summer, he couldn't help but notice her presence everywhere he went for months after, as if the universe conspired to make it more challenging for him to forget.

JJ Maybank was never known for making wise decisions; impulsive and reckless choices were more his forte. Hence why, two months ago, when James Shoupe encountered him at The Wreck, he approached JJ as if they were old friends. In a moment of thoughtlessness, when James inquired about anyone in need of extra money, JJ blurted out a response without a second thought.

And that was how JJ found himself right back in the same place he was last summer, trapped in the centre of a tumultuous storm of emotions.

The arrival of his father in the early hours, intoxicated as always, was a predictable event. It had become a regular occurrence, something he had come to anticipate since a young age. Every night, confined within the four walls of their home, he would anxiously wait for it. The moment the worn-out fly screen slammed shut, the shouting would commence. Worthless. You're the reason your mother left. The impact of his hurtful words was just as painful as any blow. Living in that house was a constant state of fear, which drove him to seek refuge elsewhere whenever possible - whether it was at John B's or now, at the Shoupe-Baker residence.

This morning, he had chosen to escape to the latter's house. JJ found that tinkering was the only healthy pastime that seemed to distract him. Despite leaving his own home relatively unscathed, his mind was still filled with ongoing thoughts, he wished to escape; the constant repetition of words that left his father's mouth played like a broken record in his mind.

The sudden sound of footsteps approaching caused a jolt of panic to shoot through him, his thoughts racing with the possibility of losing his job for unknowingly trespassing. His muscles tensed slightly, hoping it was Matilda, but JJ knew she wouldn't be up before eight during the summer.

No surprise, the voice that greeted him was not Matilda's. "Didn't realise you were in this morning."

As he turned around, his fears melted away when he saw the familiar warmth in James' smile, a smile that reminded him of his daughter's. James did not even question his presence on the property, immediately engaging in conversation as if they were friends like always.

James had shown trust in him, a sentiment that JJ had rarely experienced from parents– they never liked JJ— Kie's parents looked at him as if he were a criminal. When he first encountered James, he was convinced he was in trouble and braced himself for a lecture about staying away from their daughter. However, what followed was completely unexpected.

No surprises awaited him as he took a seat on the worn wooden bench at Kildare County Police Department. The room was alive with the constant movement of officers going about their duties. This was a familiar scene for him, but the presence of the girl sitting beside him was different.

They couldn't have looked more different, sitting side by side. He sat slouched back against the wooden bench, his legs spread apart, his gaze fixed blankly on the officers who occasionally glanced his way or inspected his tattered boots and worn-out clothes.

On the other hand, Matilda sat with her legs slightly extended, her feet crossed, showcasing her pristine white converse shoes, now marred with specks of mud, courtesy of him. Her hair was perfectly braided, with a few loose strands that she habitually tucked behind her ear. She sat upright, radiating a soft smile towards the officers, who effortlessly returned the gesture.

It was almost laughable.

JJ caught her eye as she absentmindedly played with the bracelets adorning her wrists, and she offered him a gentle, halfhearted smile. He could not quite decipher if she was nervous or not, as she did not display any obvious signs other than her impending silence. Perhaps he didn't either, despite his own nerves.

When he claimed to be accustomed to this situation, he truly meant it. Being picked up by the cops and enduring the waiting game on if they decided to call his father had become a regular occurrence for him. There was a 65 percent chance that when they called his father, he would answer, and half the time they would keep him here until he did. And if his dad did show up, the moment the passenger door of his pickup truck closed, Luke Maybank would lose his shit.

Deputy Shoupe approached the pair, his expression hardening as he laid eyes on JJ. In his eyes, JJ was nothing more than a troublemaker, a good-for-nothing delinquent. JJ was pretty certain Shoupe had his own personal vendetta against him, and no doubt it would be worse since he now knows that his niece hangs around him. He was certain he received a glare from the officer before his gaze shifted to the girl beside him, instantly softening. Normally, JJ would have scoffed at such favouritism, believing it to be a case of the privileged getting away with everything or having connections.

"Your dad is on his way Tilly," Shoupe told the girl who nodded in acknowledgement. His eyes moved to JJ, "Yours didn't pick up. No surprises. This is the third time since summer started you've been here. You can wait until he picks up. You know the drill," he said.

As he clutched the edge of the bench tightly, a sense of calm washed over him as a gentle touch enveloped his hand, alleviating his anxiety. Looking over at Tilly, he caught her subtle squeeze, momentarily distracting him from his troubled thoughts. Shoupe excused himself, but JJ couldn't ignore the disapproving shake of his head at the teenagers' intertwined fingers.

JJ observed in silence as the girl sat upright, shifting closer to the edge of the bench while still holding onto his hand. Following her gaze, JJ noticed a man conversing with Shoupe, presumably the girl's father based on her reaction. Helplessly, JJ watched as the two men exchanged words, their tension palpable. JJ knew he would never see her again after this, and it left a bitter taste in his mouth.

"Hi, dad," Matilda greeted the older man with a sheepish smile as he joined them.

"The last thing I expected today was to receive a call about my daughter breaking and entering. actually that's the last i ever expected to hear," Matilda's father voiced, standing in front of the two kids. His appearance screamed Kook to JJ, a pristine powdered blue work shirt, perfectly pressed, and paired it with sleek black slacks.

"I'm sorry, I tripped," Matilda voiced.

"That's what you're sorry for?"

"Yes. and because JJ had to come back for me," She shrugged.

The man concealed a smile, his lips pressed tightly together as his attention shifted towards JJ, who was visibly anxious, to say the least. JJ had been observing the exchange, uncertain of what to say or even think.

"I should probably thank you for going back for my daughter here," the man uttered, his smile causing JJ to become even more jittery.

JJ attempted to avoid the girl's gaze, as she stared at him with a wide smile, clearly finding his discomfort amusing. Instead, he directed his attention towards her father. "Um, yeah. No problem," he muttered, nervously scratching the back of his head..

"You probably should have just left her," the man jested, playfully nudging his daughter with his arm, prompting her to snort in response.

Okay, where were the cameras?

JJ was convinced he had stumbled into some alternate reality by this point, and what didn't help was when Matilda laughed as JJ awkwardly shook James Shoupe's hand after he introduced himself. Or when he didn't have to wait for his father because James insisted that he already cleared it for him to leave with them.

After the encounter that morning in the shed with James, an unfamiliar sensation stirred within the young blonde-haired boy for the rest of the day. It was a mixture of contentment and unease, a conflicting blend of emotions that he struggled to comprehend. Perhaps it was a result of conditioning, a learned response where even positive experiences were tainted with a tinge of negativity. Or perhaps it stemmed from the belief ingrained in JJ's mind that good things were ephemeral for someone like him.

JJ perched on the edge of a scaffold on the balcony of a half-constructed house by Cameron Constructions. His gaze was fixed on the vast expanse of the ocean, lost in thought and silence, a departure from his usual self. Unbeknownst to him, Pope was engrossed in tinkering with power tools, Kiara was exploring the interior of the house, and John B was attempting to scale the roof. His friends seemed oblivious to his distraction, except for Pope.

"JJ," Pope's voice broke the silence, slightly higher in pitch due to the lack of response from JJ.

"Huh?" JJ responded, refocusing his attention. He glanced down at Pope, who stood beneath him with a puzzled expression.

"I said heads up," Pope reiterated, now that JJ was listening, holding a beer can aloft before tossing it in JJ's direction. JJ effortlessly caught the can, nodding in gratitude. "You okay, man?" Pope inquired.

"Yeah. Just picturing myself going all out with fancy towel warmers," JJ quipped.

"Did you see the pond?" Kiara interjected as she joined them on the balcony.

"JJ, you could have those koi fish," Pope teased.

"Fucking kooks," JJ chuckled.

JJ stood by the pond, his gaze fixed upon the vibrant lily pads that adorned its surface. His brows knitted together, a clear indication of the deep contemplation that consumed his thoughts. The world around him seemed to slow down as he processed the events unfolding in that very moment, his senses absorbing every detail of his surroundings.

"You know, my little sister wanted to put fish in this pond," she shared, breaking through the silence that had enveloped them since docking the HMS Pogue in Kook territory.

Words escaped him momentarily, leaving him at a loss for what to say. His eyes wandered, taking in the sight of the all-American white house with its expansive deck that stretched across the back. After a brief pause, he finally spoke, his tone more of a statement than a question. "So, you live here," he observed.

Matilda nodded, standing a few feet away from him, her brows furrowed in bewilderment. His next words slipped out, almost unintentionally, as he tried to make sense of it all. "I didn't realise you were a Kook," he remarked.

Her lips parted slightly, her blue eyes clouded with an emotion he couldn't quite decipher. "Is that a problem?" she inquired, her voice laced with uncertainty.

Quickly, JJ interjected, stumbling over his words in an attempt to clarify his thoughts. "No, no, it's not a problem. It's just... you don't act like one," he admitted, his confusion evident.

      "Is there a Kook rule book or something I missed out on?" she joked, a playful smile dancing on her lips.

In that moment, the weight of uncertainty crashed down upon JJ, engulfing him like a raging wildfire. It was ironic, really. Despite spending half the summer with Matilda, he had never bothered to ask about her background or engage in conversations about Kooks and Pogues. It was not her fault, of course. But now, he couldn't help but feel a sense of betrayal, as if he had been deceived all along.

JJ Maybank hated Kooks; he was pretty clear on his stance. Something he hated just as much? Caring about people enough that they had the potential to hurt him. Matilda embodied both of those things. When he realised he cared about a kook, he did what he did best—he ran, self-sabotaged. Yet, like clockwork, he found himself drawn back into the same cycle of tormenting himself with her presence, battling against his own emotions while also succumbing to the temptation.


    The ominous clouds cast a shadow over the lush green golf course as Matilda leaped off the rear of the golf cart, swinging from it before Rafe brought it to a halt. She propped herself against the side, gazing up at the impending storm, anticipating the first raindrop to descend from the sky.

    "Move, Rafe," Sarah huffed in annoyance, attempting to exit the golf cart from her spot on Topper's lap.

    Matilda diverted her attention to the bickering siblings, shaking her head as Rafe nudged his sister back towards Topper while grabbing his golf clubs.

    "Why'd we have to bring Sarah again?" Rafe grumbled, discontent evident.

    "I can hear you," Sarah retorted, her tone mirroring her irritation.

    "Why'd you bring Tilly, bro?" Topper questioned from beneath Sarah, prompting Matilda to shoot him an irritated look and roll her eyes. 

    "She's our friend, bro." Rafe responded with a hint of mockery to his tone.

    Sarah emerged from the passenger seat of the cart, her heated gaze fixed on Rafe as she made her way towards Matilda.

    "She's not mine," Topper muttered under his breath, his words audible to everyone yet conveniently ignored.

    The second cart pulled up with Kelce and Charlie, the two stepping out with broad smiles completely oblivious to the underlying tension.

    Matilda retrieved the second set of clubs from the cart, passing them to Kelce who expressed gratitude with a smile. Her gaze shifted towards Rafe, who observed her silently, evidently in one of his moods before he turned his gaze to Kelce once he realised Matilda was looking at him. Matilda shook her head and hoisted herself onto the back of the cart, settling in next to Sarah who was engrossed in her phone.

    "I actually hate golf," Sarah confessed, glancing over at Matilda.

    "Embrace the kook life, my girl," Matilda replied sarcastically with a shrug and Sarah rolled her eyes.

    "They aren't even playing seriously," Sarah said, watching as Charlie playfully swung a club towards Rafe as he bent over.

    "Rafe and Top always do," Matilda observed.

    "The only thing my brother takes seriously, no surprises," Sarah remarked.

    Matilda completely ignored her remark, not really interested in getting between the two feuding siblings once again.

    Her eyes drifted back to the sky and she shook her head. The scent of rain lingered in the air, a subtle hint of what was to come. "I love how we are just pretending like its not going to rain in the next hour," she joked.

    "I've always wanted to kiss in the rain," Sarah randomly voiced.

    "I think everyone has," Matilda laughed softly at the girl's randomness. "Good thing Top is right here," she joked.

    "Tills?" Sarah voiced her voice softer now, her phone no longer relevant and disregarded as she turned her head to face her friend.

    "Hm?" Matilda hummed, looking at the girl from the corner of her eye.

    "How do you know if someone is the one for you?" Sarah pondered.

    "You're asking me like I've met the one and know that answer?" Matilda laughed in confusion, pausing as she took a look at the girl's face. "Is Topper hassling you?" she questioned in concern.

    Sarah let out a soft sigh, her breath escaping slowly as she glanced around to locate the boys. "I'm not sure I love him," she murmured, looking down at her white vans.

    "Understandable," Matilda muttered, receiving a look from the other girl. "Could you live life without him?" she questioned.

    Sarah hesitated before answering, "Yes."

    Matilda truly had no clue what she was talking about. Outside of familial bonds, she really did not know, and even then, she could not truly grasp the concept of love. The only love she could truly comprehend was the idealised version portrayed in the books she immersed herself in, and that seemed impossible in reality.

    "Would you spend every day missing him if you broke up?"

    "Maybe." Sarah said, her uncertainty evident.

    "Maybe?" Matilda probed.

    "At first.. but life goes on right?"

    "There you go. I mean do you really love someone if you could eventually go on like it never happened?" she remarked, presenting a thought-provoking question to the younger girl.

    Sarah turned the question back to Matilda, "Is that how you feel about someone?"

    Matilda's gaze drifted to the boys, Charlie and Rafe, who were engaged in a playful scuffle. "Maybe," she answered.

    Sarah raised an eyebrow, "Maybe?"

    "I don't think you have to be in love with someone to love them wholeheartedly," Matilda explained.

    Sarah's face remained etched with confusion as Matilda shifted her gaze towards her. Her lips were tightly pressed together, lost in deep thought. "I really, really like him though," Sarah confessed.

    "And I really, really like cinnamon rolls, but that doesn't mean they are good for me. Have you ever thought that maybe you don't like him, just the idea of him? Remember Blake?"

    "When did you get so wise?" Sarah marvelled.

    "I always have been." she smirked. The two fell into a comfortable silence, eyes fixated on the boys on the golf course.

    The sky began to shed tears, a lone raindrop landing on Matilda's hand as she gazed up at the clouds. "Hey Sarah?" Matilda whispered, prompting a soft hum from the girl next to her.

    "Could you live without me?" she continued, a hint of playfulness in her curiosity.

    "Would I be able to live without oxygen?"

    "Yeah for about four minutes," Matilda remarked, earning an elbow to the side from Sarah who playfully scolded her for ruining the moment.

&&.  NOTE

this is kinda a filler chapter!

i hope the flashbacks in jj point of view makes sense. i know there's a lot of them going on so i hope you can tell what is and isn't one. You probably won't get see JJ's perspective until way down the track so i thought i would write this to show his current stance before jumping into season one.

jj squared is my roman empire as you can tell

get ready for agatha and a cute sleepover next chapter !!

also, if there are random parts that are centred, please ignore them. i've been battling for the last hour and it keeps going back.

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