
By Life_As_A_Book_Lover

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"Who was he?" I ask in all seriousness. "Nobody bout yuh business, yuh too nuff-" "Talia" I warn but she cont... More



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By Life_As_A_Book_Lover

Whitehall Avenue St Andrew📍
Friday October 10
3: 23pm

Natalia Campbell. 17

"Mhi honestly cya bada," Nalisia complains as we walk down the lane to our house.

She has been complaining about how hard  third form is and how the teachers are giving them extra work.

"suh wah yuh woulda seh bout fifth? sorry fhi yuh mhi luv but mhi cya help yuh," I pull the straps on my bag and look down at my shoes before looking over at her.

"Ya do upper six?" she asks and I roll my eyes,

"mhi cya wait fhi graduate and done wid da school deh and me fhi guh do upper six? Yuh funny," we reach the gate to our house and I pull out my key only to see our father washing his car while talking on his phone.

"Yuh pupa deh ya," Lisia chuckles and open the gate.

"Evening," we both greeted him and he nods.

We enter the house and I immediately went to the kitchen to get some water. "Ya do fhi yuh birthday next month?" Lisia asks taking a sip from her water.



"Nuh sure," I shrug.

"Want me and Shawn look a place?" she asks and I nod.

Nuh really care, nuh like celebrate mhi birthdays anyway.

"Can plan a trip or something," she scrolled through her phone as I drank another glass of water.

Mn. Water has never been this sweet.

I take my phone from my pocket upon feeling it vibrating.


Yuh aware ah Lisia a mek plans fhi yuh birthday right?

I'm aware, just gave her the go-ahead.


I turned my phone off and went to my room.

Ago bath mhi dutty body and buss a big bad sleep.


Oakridge Stillwell📍 St Andrew
October 11
8: 09 am

Armanii Billings. 18

"Big up pon yuh daii mhi killa🥳"

"+1 pon eh pussy dem enuh famo🎉"

"🔞know wah gawn now enuh"

"Happy birthday mhi fada🎉"

"Pussyole feel ya man now🎉"

"Big up yuhself on di Earthstrong celebration! 🎉 Wishing you joy, prosperity, and positive vibes pon yuh special day!"

"Madd love pon di Earthday, fam"

"Happy birthday bby😙"

"Mhi man🔞"

Kiss mhi fucking teeth.

Morning just light and dem people ya coming like some pess pon mn page. Tossing my phone onto the bed, I let out a frustrated sigh. The morning light streams in, but it feels like an unwelcome intrusion as these people keep encroaching on my peace. Kissing my teeth, I decide to escape momentarily and glance out the window.

Another day of fake smiles and fake love. Hate da day ya wid a passion.

I lazily walk to my bathroom that is attached to my room and strip out of my clothes. Stepping into the shower I let the cold water engulf me.

'burry mhi heart in ah vally cause mankind wicked and mhi cya run from eh
Ya tell mhi fhi call pon eh lord but
when mhi try it him nah ansa
mhi suh-"

Humming Silkboss "Sorry" I finish up bathing and step out the shower wrapping a towel around my waist and one around my neck.

As soon as I step out the bathroom my bedroom door flew open.


My parents and my two younger siblings burst into my room shouting. Shannon holding a it cake and the others surrounding her with big smiles on their faces.

"Happy birthday baby, yuh turn big man pon mhi," my mother hugs me tightly.

Dem nuh know privacy?

"A bawl ya bawl lady?" I ask and my father snorted.

"Give the lady some credit, she a try mek a effort," he roll his eyes.

Aiite mr bayka

"Thanks really, but right now mhi need fhi change," I slightly push my mother to the side.

"Suh blow out the candle nuh," Shannon pushed the cake in my face and I quickly blow it out.

"Wah piece right now," I grin and Dylan whips out a bread knife, almost hitting my face.

"Yuh out fhi kill mhi?" I step back and grab the knife.

"Hush nuh," he chuckles.

I cut a piece of the red velvet cake and run them out my room.

Deven know wah fhi do right now.

Put on yuh clothes crawsis

Putting on my underpants and sweatpants I was about to put on my shirt when my phone ring. Kissing my teeth I answer matthew's video call and set my phone on the dresser.

"Wah," I answer.

"Look how long man a call yuh," He instantly shouts.

"Yuh nuh come off-"

"Gyal a your time fhi shine a your night not even diamond a glow like yuh," he sings aloud.

"Ya battyman dawg," I chuckle.

"-a your night just enjoy yuh life, one more year pon eh pussy dem, picture perfect when yuh pose like suh, yuh make up look gud pon yuh" he continues both of us laughing.

"Swear to god mhi nuh like yuh,"

"Right. Yuh love mhi, yuh havi love mhi, mhi a yuh favorite cousin," he pops the phone on his bathroom counter and pulls out his toothbrush.

My father and his father are brothers which makes us cousins, first cousins to be exact.

"Wish mhi neva know yuh," I pull my shirt over my head and look at my hair in the camera.

Need a hairdo.

"Know seh yuh love mhi bro, a tell mhi a tell yuh dat," he laughs.

"Matthew why yuh doh leave yuh sista alone," I heard his mother shout in the background.

"Look weh mhi deh lady and ya talk bout trouble sista," he shouts back at her.

"Nuh fucking chat to mhi suh," his mother pushes his door open causing him to jump.

"Mommy sorry nuh," he held his hand in front of him, the base no longer in his voice.

Dem ppl ya drama enuh.

"Look, see Manii pon eh phone deh, yuh cya beat mhi in front a him," he pushes the phone in her face.

Her face suddenly lit up.

"Happy birthday Armanii, look how yuh come nice lakka yuh pupa man," she smiles and Matthew snort.

"Thanks Miss Deveen," I return the smile.

"Suh ya how old todeh son?" she ask

"Eighteen," I laugh when her eyes grew bigger.

"Damn boy, you growing to fast man, a wo-"

"Come affa mhi phone now lady now- WAIT"  the phone fell on the floor and I could see Matthew's ears turning red.

"Stop pinch mhi nuh oman," he screams.

Hear the big man.

"Yuh nav no fucking manners, just like yuh dutty pupa," his mother shouts.

"How mhi reach inna dis?" his father's voice echoed down the hall.

"Manii y-"

"Good luck bro ghee, bye," I hang up the phone still laughing.

Dem people ya a real drama to rass, mhi have places fhi guh.


Whitehall Avenue St. Andrews📍

4: 40 pm

Natalia Campbell

"Anuh like seh we a bad," Lisia cuts in.

"Mhi want the gate lock by 6 pon eh dot, yere dat?" he said pointing at me

"Suh why ya point pon mhi fah daddy?" I ask crossing my arms.

"Ya the oldest, mek sure everything good when mhi gone. This work trip is important and mhi ago go weh till next week Saturday," he points out.


"Mhi get it, just gawn yuh already late," I push him into his awaiting car.

After saying goodbye, Lisia and I went inside and she stood in front of my bed refusing to leave if I didn't cover for her.

"Wah yuh tek mhi fah? Clafffy? Mhi nah mek yuh go out wid no boy and worst cover fhi yuh?" I shout.

She roll her eyes.

"Jessica ago deh deh, Shawnee a guh wid wah girl cause you nuh wah guh, and Kelvin to, just mek mhi guh nuh," she pouts.

They all planned on going to some party and I'm not a fan of crowded areas. True, Shawn ask mhi fhi guh but mhi seh no, no way in hell mhi a mek she go alone

"Know a dah likkle boyfriend deh yuh wah guh wid enuh, just nuh bring in no baby in ya" I kiss my teeth.


"Guh one side," I told her and she left my room, slamming the door shut.

Taking my phone up as it vibrated I saw Shawn post on his Instagram story, it's been a while.

Which friend this? Mussi fhi him party dem ago.

Rass. Wah if a him Lisia wah guh see....

Ku at her to

Clicking on his @ it takes me to his page.

Pupa, a celebrity.

Lisia cya pull him.

Him have 200k followers and him only posted one picture with over 40k likes which was the one on Shawn's story. He hasn't posted since his birthday last year, funny.

Think him cute?

Ofc not, him look like-

Yuh not even see him face tho

Shut uppp.

I shook my thoughts away when I heard a car pulling up outside. I peeked through the window but the car sped away.

Pulling out my phone I text Shawn.


Can send mhi the location of the party? I change my mind.

Happy to. Want me to pick you up?

No thx.

Aiite seet ya xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

I plug in my phone and walk down the hall to Lisia's room. Push opening the door I saw her texting on her phone.

"What do you want," she asks not looking up.


Yav somebody can pick us up and carry us back home?" I ask and she immediately sits up nodding.

I chuckle, I felt bad for shouting at her and I hate feeling bad.

Even though she coulda just sneak out like she always does.

"Aiite, mhi have wah big weh mhi order from last month, come help mhi put it o-"

"Mhi a come," she cuts me off, jumping from her bed and putting her phone on charge.

We went back to my room and started gathering the things, spreading them out in my bed.

"Tek the foundation offa mhi bed child," I roll my eyes.

She not even know how sheet wash.

"Mhi hair already cornrow suh pass the wid cap," she did just that.

After gluing it down I let her cut it out and add more glue to the sides, using the blow dryer to keep it down.

I then use a blender to spread the foundation on the cap till it's evenly all over. "The thing cut lean," I complain.

"just do wah ya do, mhi ago find something inna yuh closet fhi yuh wear," she jumps up.

Know how long mhi nuh buy clothes.

After an hour I was finished with the wig and went to shower.

God know if mhi neva tie down dem edges ya....dem goodly woulda drown.

Walking back to my room I saw Lisia using my chapsticks. "Why ya wear dat deh short ting deh," I make a disgusted face.

"Mhi look good and mhi nav nothing else weh mhi like," she shrugs.

She does look good tho.

"Tek a picture fhi mhi and guh ready," she hands me her phone.

(Her fit^)

"Goodie look nice," she hypes herself up.

I roll my eyes and started getting ready. After an hour I was finally finished and went to get Lisia who had gone outside to direct the person she called.

"Nal," I shout.

She came inside and started smiling.
"See, yuh look good and ya hide inna the house," she pulls me outside to take a picture.

"Yuh know mhi cya pose," I complain.

"Nuh matta," she shrugs.

"Look, yuh look damn good," she nudge my shoulder.

"Yeah but it kinda short," I murmur.

"See Fabian ya," she picks up her bag and I lock the door.

"Who's Fabian?" I ask as I lock the gate.

"A friend" she said and got into the front seat and I got into the back.

"Evening," we both say and he greets back.

"Suh a you a mhi sista man?" I blurted out breaking the silence.



A ya suh nice.

"Ah," was all I say.

The drive to wherever took a good hour and a half since the traffic on Saturdays are terrible.

Idiot mhi be to rass.
Wah if dem kidnap mhi?

Daddy seh fhi lock the gate at six and now a afta seven and we nuh inna eh yaad.

What a condition.

Finally done wid this chapter.

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