The Lost Rogue: Nothing Like...

By Sinbad-Seth

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Kion has been distancing himself from everyone in the Pride Lands due to an accident. He lost control of his... More

Arc 1: Jambazi(Rogue)
Sneak Peek
Arc 1: Vita vya Mashetani(Battle of the Demons)
Over 100 !!!!!!!!!!!!
New OC's
Arc 1: Uharibifu(Destruction)
over 500!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm stuck
Arc 1: Kumbukumbu, Safari, na Kuungana tena(Memories, Journey, and Reunion)
Arc 1: Nakuhitaji (I need you)
Arc 1: Huzuni ya Mama(Mother's sorrow)
New year vibes
Teaser 2
Kion update

Arc 1: Ingqumbo ye Intlekele (The Wrath Of Intlekele)

180 6 8
By Sinbad-Seth

*TRIGGER WARNING: HEAVY description of violence and sexual assault. Read at your own risk.*


A figure slowly crossed the snow-covered surface of the land. With every step he took, the life around him began to decay and fade away. It was as if this figure was a plague, sweeping all over the land. And whatever this figure was, it had a destination, and its motives were most definitely of malice.

Kiara was still cuddled up against Kovu, who was gently rubbing her back as soothingly as possible. However, it seemed to have no effect on her at all. Kovu sighed sadly as he gently kissed her cheek with a type of care he had never known until he met the old Kiara. The Kiara who made anyone laugh and could always brighten even the darkest of days. He would give his very so to bring that side of her back now. But that would be cruel to her. Kiara needed to grieve. She had just been through the most traumatic times in her life. She was broken.

"Kovu?" A voice broke through the tense air. Kovu turned his head towards the source of the voice and found Nala standing in the entrance. No words needed to be said. Kovu slowly got up and let Kiara sit on her own for a quick second before Nala took Kovu's spot and let her daughter rest on her.

"Kiara?" Nala broke the tense silence and got Kiara's attention. Nala broke down crying when her daughter's hollow eyes stared into her own. It was the same look that her son Kion had. Hollow and empty. Even though she has had to deal with this look from many loved ones in her life, she still doesn't have any resistance to it. What came out of her daughter's mouth drove a spike through her heart.

"Mommy....why did daddy have to die and leave us?" Kiara managed to whimper out before bursting into the most heart wrenching sobbing Nala had ever heard. The sobs were a combination of many emotions. There was anger, sadness, confusion, and pain. Kiara buried her muzzle into her mother's shoulder, pleading to whatever god or gods existed to please just let this be one bad nightmare that she can wake up from. She wanted the reality that allowed her to see her father again. The reality where she could wake up early and pull her signature pranks on him.

Nala just sat there and held her daughter, letting her fur get soaked once again but she didn't care. She would do anything to lift some of the pain from her daughter's mind. "I know it hurts, baby. I know. But you won't go through this alone. You will have all the support of me, Kovu, your grandmother, and your little brother. You will have us all to help you through this." Nala paused before holding her daughter closer, letting her own tears flow.

"I am sorry baby...I sorry that I wasn't here for you over the past few weeks. I have failed you as your mother and I can't take any of that back. But I am here now...and I won't leave you alone again." Kiara let the words sink in but at the same time, she hated them. She didn't want to live in a world where her father would be there. Not in a world empty of his presence.

She felt her claws slowly sheave out, pushing through her paw instinctively. Kiara was about to raise her claws to her neck when Nala gently pushed the paw back down to the ground. Nala now had tears flowing down her face and shook her head side to side. She knew what her daughter attempted to do. That wasn't that way. Suicide wouldn't bring Simba back.

Just as she placed a kiss on her daughter's forehead, she felt a spark in her spine. No....this wasn't a spark. What she felt was a full lighting bolt of pressure coursing through her body. Nala felt her body slump to the ground, as if she was being crushed from the inside. Strangely enough, Kiara was following her mother's movements to an exact T. Whatever pressure took over Nala had also overcome Kiara. This pressure was covered in malice and wrath. Then, after what felt like an eternity of suffering, the pressure stopped. Nala and Kiara were breathing heavily. And it wasn't just them.

Across all of the Tree of Life, everyone, including Rani, the Night Pride, and both Lion Guards fell to their knees. Even Bunga, who was the bravest animal to exist at this point, was curled up in a ball on the ground, sweating gallons as puddles of sweat formed around. His breathing was rapid and ragged. He truly knew what utter terror was.

Rani managed to stagger to her feet only to smell smoke. Only one thing came to her mind. Fire! "No...." The brown lioness muttered as she saw the fire closing in on her home. All animals near the bamboo forest came running past her. Some animals had been lit on fire, the flames dancing and digging into their flesh. "FOCUS RANI!!!!!" Surak roared at his niece, snapping her out of her trance. Rani turned back and looked at Surak, still in a sense of shock at what was happening. "Right...EVERYONE STOP THE FIRE!!!!!" They all nodded in response and went to work. Both Lion guards were digging fire ditches around the entire tree while the night pride worked on evacuating everyone towards the tree of life. Unbeknownst to them however, they had missed the true threat.

Sarabi and Kion were still asleep in the cave, Kion cradled in Sarabi's embrace. The dark tanned toned lioness slowly opened her eyes, shifting a bit to adjust to the added weight of her grandson. Sarabi smiled silently as Kion tried to readjust himself against her. Sarabi gently pulled Kion back into her embrace, purring gently into his ear, calming him back down in his unconscious state. "You are just like your father. So handsome and sweet, but even more adorable and precious." She whispered to herself as she gently stroked Kion's messy mane. Her grandson, even in this broken state, was still the most adorable thing in the world to her now.

*WARNING!! SEXUAL ASSAULT INCOMING!!!! Do not read if you are under 13*

*(Intlekele Theme)*

As Sarabi continued to groom Kion, she realized the scent of fire and smoke filled her nostrils. Sarah sat upright and was ready to shake Kion awake but then fear overwhelmed her entire being. All of her fur is standing on edge, her claws unsheathed, as if she was surrounded by a pack of hyenas. As she turned to her grandson to shake home awake, a dark, sadistic voice that she was...uncomfortably familiar to her.

"Move and you will have a slow and agonizing death."

The voice commanded her, and strangely as she turned to the voice, she listened and stood there in shock and awe. Tears started to form in her eyes as the figure walked toward her. She was too shocked to speak. And unbeknownst to her, she unconsciously bowed in his presence. She moved. When Sarabi realized what she did, it was already too late. She felt skin on her neck slash opening, allowing her to choke on her own blood. The lioness gagged and tried to stumble forward at the figure, only to be met with a paw covering her face, lifting her off the ground before she felt the back of her head slamming against the ground.

"You didn't listen kahaba(Whore). Now suffer."

Sarabi couldn't speak or scream as her blood blocked her vocal cords. She was helpless to defend from...whoever this monster was. She felt something slashing her flesh, opening more and more deep gashes and wounds across her body. Fortunately, Kion woke up and saw the situation. "GET THE HELL AWAY FROM HER!!!!!!!" Kion bellowed as he pounced forward at the figure with all his power. Unfortunately, Kion felt gashes suddenly stain his body. He then was flung back against the cave and some boulders collapsed on top of him, pinning him there. Unfortunately, Kion wasn't knocked unconscious.Then....the worst part came. Sarabi felt the figure place one of his claws on her throat, which she thought was.....until the claw slid down her body and stopped ... .at her entrance. Her worst fear was confirmed when she saw the sadistic smile plastered on his face.

"STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Kion roared as he tried and struggled to get out from under the boulders but to no avail. He was powerless to do anything. Kion was useless in this situation, once again. Sarabi gagged in pain as she fell 2 of the claws into her entrance. The pain she felt was unlike anything she had ever envisioned. Even in her darkest nightmares, she has never imagined such pain and misery. The figure was true to their word. This was her death...and it was truly the most agonizing experience of her life. And undoubtedly, it will be her last.

"You are much too small kahabora."

Sarabi didn't get to scream as the figure clawed the inside of her entrance, making it bigger. The pain was excruciating but it wasn't enough. Sarabi hadn't been through enough. And so...he entered and exited her. Over and over and over. All in front of Kion, who was paralyzed. He couldn't do anything.

He was useless. He was useless to save one of his loved ones. His "gama". His Grandmother was being raped in front of him and he was powerless to stop it. Kion could only do one thing, Kion bit his lip so hard that it drew blood as he saw red. Sarabi then felt the figure's fluids gush into her entrance, filling up her now exposed stomach. Her internal organs spilling out of her body. The blood masking her screams and pooling onto the ground. She slowly felt her life slipping away. Finally...she felt a light encapsulate her sight. A warm comforting light that let her see the one lion that she missed. "Mufasa...." Sarabi thought as she left this plane of existence.

"I'LL KILL YOU!!!!! I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU!!!! YOU ARE FUCKING DEAD!!!!!!!!" Kion roared as he thrashed around. The figure then...turned over to the boy and...smirked at him. Kion stopped everything, his breath ceased as he stopped moving. The face. The face. The face"this isn't real." "This very real, punkass. And you are the cause of it." The figure slowly walked away from Sarabi's deceased, mangled body and towards Kion, that sadistic smirk still being worn on his. Finally he stopped and gazed down at Kion, who was still too stunned to speak. "And trust me when I say. You WILL lose everything you love."

Kion let the words sink in. This was his fault. He wasn't strong enough to protect her. He couldn't protect his grandmother. Her death was on him. "Anyway...I think I'll take my pound of flesh." The figure walked back over to Sarabi and picked her up by her neck, her body flailing around with no sign of life. Kion got back his sense and tried even harder to escape, his thrashing getting even more violent and ferocious. However as he thrashed, he noticed the air in front of the figure swirling and opening something. A portal back to his original home. The Pride Lands. Kion finally escaped the boulder's, lunging at the figure. His scream echoing in the cave "STOP DAD!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Simba. The mysterious figure, covered in tattoos glanced but with a side away as slashes covered Kion's body again, stopping him in his tracks. Kion was now laying there in the ground in front of Simba, who said nothing as he just stared at the boy. Even though he said nothing, the message was clear, "You are too weak to stop me." Kion tried getting up but he couldn't. The pain was too great. He lifted his face up to gaze at his father, no, this monster. "Give her back...GIVE MY GRANDMOTHER BACK!!!!!!"

(Theme End)

Even though Simba's mouth was pressed down hard on his mother's neck, Kion could hear him scoff. And as he watched, Simba walked through the portal back to the PrideLands, and the portal closed, leaving Kion alone. And this time...recovering would have to be from a miracle. Because to Kion, he was now in hell, and somehow, deep in his subconscious, he knew that it could and WOULD get worse.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Kion stood up, only to vomit due to seeing his grandmother's blood splattered on the ground. He gasped and heaved heavily as he started to claw the ground. He clawed and clawed with all his might, causing his paws to bleed and leave blood stains every time he did so. "Die....die....die....why......why....why can't it be me.....why can't I die....why....WHY NOT ME!!!!!!!!! WHY CAN'T I JUST DIE??????"

*[Told you all I wouldn't hold back on this. Crazy part is that this isn't the worst the book will get. So however thinks I couldn't go this far, but remember that I can make things so much worse.]

*{Hope this lives up to the wait and I'll try to be more consistent. Anyway. Goodbye and have a great day]*

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