That Distinct Party [TNT Duo]

By Jayfeaathr_

2.1K 121 49

Soon, Wilbur worked up the courage and approached him. He cleared his throat nervously. "Excuse me. That's a... More

1: Across the bar
2: Instrumentalist
3: Romantic
4: Two lovers
5. The start of what feels like forever
6. Art
7: Dancer
9: The Nest
10: The Band
11: White Rose
12: The Breakfast
13: Who knew dancing about swans could be so frightening.
14: The Band once more
15: The Rooftop
16: Swan Lake and Lovejoy
17: The Beginning of Now

8: After the Rehearsal

90 6 3
By Jayfeaathr_

After the rehearsal, Quackity and Wilbur walked back to Wilbur's in a stony silence. That feeling of unease still lingered in Wilbur's stomach lingered there, and he kept stealing glances at Quackity, who was staring straight ahead.

"I'm sorry about inviting him to your music tomorrow," Quackity said quietly, meeting WIlbur's gaze when he glanced over for just a split second too long. "I just... He challenged me. He... I wanted to prove to him that I was capable of choosing eligible suitors."

"Eligible suitors?" Wilbur mumbled; he didn't want to say anything but the question slipped out. He wanted to know what his lover meant by this, he could sense there was another meaning but he was nervous.

"Sorry, I... I mean... That I'm capable of dating people other than him. Of which I refuse, by the way," Quackity explained, a small blush seeping across his nose.

Wilbur looked down as he spoke, his tone soft and unsure. "I think that proving yourself is great but..." He wanted to tell Quackity that he hadn't asked for a show, but he didn't want to offend. "I don't need you to impress Schlatt-"

"No, I need you to impress him. I want to show him I can have a proper relationship, with people who are just as successful as him," Quackity said through gritted teeth, and watched as Wilbur unlocked the door to his apartment.

"Alright... I'll try my best, I suppose," Wilbur said slowly. He barely ever felt nervous before performing, but now, taking in what Quackity had said, he just wanted to do his best for him. "Quackity?" Wilbur started, his voice soft. "I want to talk to you." He needed to talk to him, it had to happen or he was going to explode.

"Of course, Wilbur," Quackity replied, as Wilbur closed the door gently behind him. "Anything."

"I- uh..." Wilbur didn't know how to speak. He was trying to think of the right way to phrase it but he just couldn't. His tongue felt too big for his mouth, his voice felt too high. "It's... Schlatt..." he finally said. "I feel like the more he's around, the more you want to impress him. To please him." He kept looking at Quackity in the eyes. Quackity scowled, walking to the kitchen, to which Wilbur followed. "I'm sorry, I just-"

"Wilbur, the only way I can please Schlatt is by sleeping with him-"

"No, Quackity, he's your producer," Wilbur said softly. "He just wants the best for you, he..."

"Wilbur," Quackity said firmly, sitting down on the small kitchen table and putting his head in his hands. "I hated the way he spoke to you."

"Don't worry about me, Quackity. Just... Schlatt wants the best for your career, and if he wants anything more than that, then you shouldn't be working for him," Wilbur said softly, running a glass of water for Quackity.

"That's good advice."

"Thank you." Wilbur nodded, watching Quackity drink the water after taking it gratefully. "I just don't want you and Schlatt to get so close that... You begin to care more about him than me."

"No, Wilbur. I'll let him go after we go to the Nest on Saturday, and then he'll be out of my life forever, I promise." Quackity said intently, standing and taking Wilbur's hands in his own. "I promise. We can go around together, you can play music and I can dance or some shit like that. I'll get a new producer, a woman, maybe. Or maybe someone else who's gay. Everyone in my studio is."

A small smile slid across Wilbur's face. "That's great."

"It is," Quackity replied, smiling fondly. "Inclusive."


Wilbur hadn't even realised he was gay until he met Quackity at the party only a mere night ago. He'd taken such a liking to Quackity since then, and maybe he did want to be gay, maybe he did want to spend the rest of his days with Quackity. Wilbur leant forward and brushed Quackity's lips with his own, a smile on his face. The kiss was gentle and loving.

"Is there anything else you want to speak about?" Quackity asked, his hands still on Wilbur's.

"No. I'm happy. You?"

Quackity shook his head. "I am." He wrapped his hands around Wilbur, and Wilbur rested his head atop Quackity's his hands on Quackity's back, holding him closer.


A short little chapter just to prove that I'm still alive :P

More updates soon, though I may try and wrap up this story soon as I am working on something else which happens to be non-au (exciting)

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