𝕋𝕙𝕖 π•˜π•šπ•£π• 𝕨𝕙𝕠 π•π•šπ•§...

By NoraRhee15

2K 66 51

Meallan hated him. She hated his perfect blue eyes. His stupid perfect blonde hair. Basted off the show More

07 (π’«π‘’π“‡π’Έπ“Ž'π“ˆ π“‹π‘’π“‡π“ˆπ’Ύπ‘œπ“ƒ)


458 14 2
By NoraRhee15



Many people think you have it easy right?
Perfect mom. Popularity. Even beauty.

My names Maellan. it stands for 'little lighting' but my mom likes to call me her lighting bug.

I'm 14 years old. Am I the 'perfect' kid? No. I would definitely not say that.

sure perfect grades and popularity all the personality traits a 'perfect'  kid would have but then there's some other stuff. Some stuff that's maybe not so perfect.

Flashback to second grade

My Math teacher sped through the hallway stoping at a window to look up then ran up all flights of stairs as fast as he could.

Then when he got to the roof he burst through the door to see a blonde curly hair boy standing at the edge next to a brown haired girl.

The girl is me.
Back in second grade.
The boy standing next to me is my old friend Percy.
Why were we up there? We saw something. At least.. we could have sworn we saw something.

The teacher led the two children inside as a Pegasus walked to the edge of the building spreading its wings.

When you say you saw something like that you end up in this dudes office with your old best friend. Good news though, he's saying you have nothing to worry about. It's all in our imagination,but if it happened again, you have to make sure to tell someone.
                        ⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆

But we both saw it again.

The blonde and brunette duo sat at a desk drawing when the blonde taps the girl on the shoulder to make her look out the window

It happened again.
These impossible things felt like they walked right out the fairytale stories you read back then. But it felt so real one minute, and the next..

The elephant like robot turned into a garbage truck.
Two boys in there year passed by there table making rude remarks making the brunette stood up and threw  her marker at them as they ran away.

Something changed over the years.
I met Nancy.

The now older brunette walked past the blonde's table as he sat with his new friend.

The girl had nothing against his new found friend so she just walked past them like she didn't even see them. But Nancy couldn't.

She walked by the table hitting the blonde's friend over the head with her bag making her friends burst out into a laughing fit and the brunette let out a small laugh that didn't go unnoticed by the blonde boy, and he goes to stand up but his friend pulls him back down making the blonde glare at the girls as they walk by.

                             ⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆

I still see some of the stuff today. But I don't have Percy anymore to talk to him about it. And Nancy would never believe me. I tryed telling her one time and tryed showing her but she just looked at me like I was crazy.

Do I wish I had someone to talk about to with? ofcoures.

But I'm happy with my life right now and nothing would change it, until something did actually changed it. Someone or something I should say tryed to come after me. But not only me.

Field trip day

Watching the passing buildings sitting next to Nancy  on the bus as we talked about random things till we arrived at the museum.

Walking up the steps with my friend group into the museum and looking around amazed at the statues even if we come every year it still amazes me and I love to just zone out and look at them.

The brunette let her dark hazel eyes fall on each statues not noticing the blue eyes following her every move.

Mr.Brunner talking snapped me out of my own head space. "What your see here, they are not frictions. They are not fantasies. What you see here are the truest and deepest parts of yourselves." I looked up at the statue of Athena with my mouth slightly open as I still listened to Mr.Brunner "Friends. The god, the monsters, the hero's you see here in this room are reminders of what we are capable of." He fished saying as I closed my slightly opened mouth to look back at him.

"Now, on your worksheets I want you to choose one of the subjects you see here" I look down at the clipboard in my arms and look over the paper. "And describe it." The words start to move around and I snap my head back up with a slight annoyed look on my face "not just how it look." He looks around at the states and continues "but how it makes you feel. Hmm? Okay,come one"

The girls hazel eyes look around and land on a person she knew all to well. As his blue eyes look up at the Perseus statue in front of him and he looks like he's in his own world. the girl just stood there looking at the boy, almost. Admiring him. But it was cut short when Mr.Brunner called the boys name.

"Percy?" He called him snapping Percy out of his daze and quite frankly my daze to.

"Mom?" Percy stated a little to loud making every turn towards him.

"I'm right here, sweetie! Mommy's here!" I said acting concerned making my friends laugh and I smirked at Percy, as he looks away from us. And our substitute teacher calls to him.

"Mr. Jackson, you will learn to control yourself, do you understand me?" Mrs.Dodds turns to him.

"he can't help it, Mrs.Dodds. Percy's special." Nacey says smirking at her remark and others laughing right after but this time I didn't laugh.

"That's enough." Mr.Brunner stated in a stern tone. Pushing him self toward Percy and starts a talking to him but I turned away to look back at my friend group.

But it soon gets cut short as Mr.Brunner called me over "Maellan, can we take a little walk."
This better not be about the whole "mom" thing.

The brunette walks next to the older man in his wheelchair "how the little lighting?" The man turns his head to the girl "I've been good." She mumbles back to the man "you know Maellan." He pauses and thinks about his nexts words.

"what happened to you. You used to be the sweetest." Mr.Brunner looked up to the girl with a sad look

"yeah well if your sweet to the wrong people they can use it as a weakness." She folds her arms across her chest. Mr.Brunner looks at the girl with eyebrows tight together with a concerned look.

"but weakness can be used as a strength." The man grabs the girls hand and places a small chain into her palm and wheels away. leaving her standing there looking at the chain with a small bolt on it.

                      ⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆

Nancy was talking about something and if I'm being honest I wasn't paying attention I just kept on looking down at the chain in my hand.

"I'm gonna sit down." I walked over to the fountain and sat down still looking at the chain and I hear Percy talking and listened in.

"look, I get that Nancy and Meallan have issues-" Grover cut him off

"I was talking about Nancy." He grumbled and Percy rolled his eyes and continued

"I'm just getting tired of them taking there issues out on me." They swapped something on each others lunch

"I feel like... maybe it's time to do something about it." Now they got my full attention.

"You could make an appointment to see Mr.Kane" Grover suggested, honestly Grover deserves better. "He's really good at talking-" Percy cut him off.

"I was thinking more like shoving them in the nearest dumpster." He replied

"oh.." Grover just sat there in shock and Percy just had a big smile on his face "oh, No,no,no,No." Grover tryed stoping Percy from doing anything "No. if there's one thing I know about bullies. It is that you should never. Ever stand up to them." He placed a hand on Percy shoulder.

Percy looks down "that doesn't should right." How stupid is Percy like god.

"Look..." Grover starts "I know this place is hard for people like us and Meallan, but we're not gonna be here forever. There are better places out there."

Percy looks at him weird "what do you mean me and Meallan?" Grover look dumbfounded and before he could say anything a piece of cheese flys at Grover's head and I whipped my head around to look at Nancy "Oops" she smirked at them and then gave a dirty look and turns around.

I stand up going to stand up for Grover but Percy was ahead of me. "Percy!" Grover try's to stop him. Percy stops in front of her about to push her on the ground but before he could she flys into the fountain.

Meallan just stands there mouth open eyes going back and forth look at Nancy and Percy.

"Woah." She whispered out of shock "Percy pushed me!" Nancy starts yelling but Meallan steps in "No he didn't you tripped or something cause he wasn't even near you!" Meallan yells to Nancy, and Percy stands here confused.

Everyone started to ask Nancy if she's okay and some shouting he pushed her, but I go up to Percy.

"Just this one time Jackson." I state pointing my finger at him. I feel something in my palm shaking and I look down at my hand to see the chain in causing it. Looking over at Percy to see his pen doing the same . We look at each other confused.

"There you are~" me and Percy snap our heads up looking around then looking at each other scared but then we see Mrs.Dodds looking right at us "we're not fools, Percy Jackson and Meallan Kronos." She starts walking towards us

"Mrs.Dodds, you okay?" His voice a little shaking as he asked.

When ever another kid would pass by it was like she became less and less of a human. "It was only a matter of time before we found the both of you."  How was nobody seeing this!? "Where is it, half-bloods?" She screeched at us.

Me and Percy slowly start backing up "where is it?" She spreaded her wings and lunged at me and Percy, And he tripped, grabbing my arm pulling me down with him and Mrs.Dodds landed right on top of us, bring her face towards ours and I turn my head into Percy shoulder to hide my face. When I heard metal ringing and I take my head out Percy shoulder to see his pen turn into a sowed and stands Mrs.Dodds.

She try's to reach for us but she turns into dust. "Holy shit." I mumbled when everything went black.

Percy was the first to wake up and see the group of students surrounding him and Meallan "is he dead?" Percy heard someone say as he squeezed his eyes shut and then opened them fully. "Give him some room please." Mr.Brunner rolled through the crowd, Percy stands up "what happened?" He looks over at Nancy and sees his regular teacher "Where's Mrs.Dodds?"  He asked still in a daze

"I didn't do anything to him!" Nancy yelled as the teacher guided her away "he pushed me!"

"Everyone go back to your lunches. It's all right." Mr.Brunner told everyone as Meallan started to wake up "they just need a moment, that's all" 

Percy went to help Meallan up but she pushed him away "I don't understand. Didn't anyone just see that? I know Meallan did."  Percy wanted answers and so did Meallan "where's Mrs.Dodds?" Meallan asked kinda scared.

Mr.Brunner and Grover look at each other before Mr.Brunner speaks up "Meallan, there's no one here by that name."  He tells the two 14 year olds in front of him. Grover gives them a sympathy look "all right everyone move along now." Mr.Brunner tells everyone to pack up.

                       ⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆

"The truth can be very hard to determine." The head master says as me, Percy and Grover sit in his office. I'm not even sure why I'm here. "But in this case, the truth seems very hard to deny. Mr.Jackson a number of your classmates saw you, Mr.underwood and Ms.Kronos arguing with Ms.Bobofit." I look to the side where some random man is sitting and he slimed at me and I just gave him a dirty look. That dude is creeping me out. 

"Yet you have offered no explanation for how she ended up in that fountain, other then" he flips afew pages "'I didn't touch Nancy.' Now isn't there anything else you'd like to say for yourself?" Before anyone could say anything I speak up.

"First off I'm friends with Nancy so why would I wanna do anything to her and second if we 'have anything we wanna say for our self' what's the point your gonna take Nancy's side cause of her daddy." I lean back in my seat and cross my arms rolling my eyes.

Percy goes to speak up "I didn't touch her." He sticks with his original statement.

The head master sighs out an "ok." And then looks at Grover "Mr.Underwood? Do you have anything to add?"

Grover sits up straight and studders a "yes" making me and Percy look at him "i do." Me and Percy look at him funny cause there is nothing else to add. Percy didn't touch her.

"Go on" the headmaster leans forward "Percy had told me earlier in the day he wanted to get back at Nancy. For all she'd done to me and him" he told them Percy looks hurt and decided to speak up "Grover?" His voice broke slightly "and he isn't being truthful about what happened at the fountain neither is Meallan." Now I speak up "Grover!"

The headmaster hushed me "Excuse me." I give him a weird look "you're excused, the hell is this" I'm not about to take shit from an old man who looks like he's about to crock.

"are you saying you saw Mr.Jackson assault Ms.Bobofit?" He completely ignored me and moved back to Grover. Me and Percy look at him expecting him to say no but he just looks at us and then back to the headmaster before letting out a breath

"yes. But Meallan ones the one who gave Percy the idea." Percy looks hurt but I'm pissed "What!" I stand up and stomp out the office before I hurt Grover.

Time skip to after there packed

I'm sitting next to Percy waiting to get picked up with my bags by my feet. "Real nice friend you got Jackson." I grumbled under my breath. Percy looks at me about to say something but Mr.Brunner Intervened before he could

"none of this is easy." He wheeled closer to us "not for you. Not for Meallan. Not for any of us." Percy shifts and I just scoffed and rolled my eyes "I'm very concerned about you two." Percy sighed "I saw what happened at the museum." He informed us

"I didn't touch Nancy." Percy said firmly "I know you didn't, and I know Meallan had nothing to do with it." He reused us and and Percy look at him funny "at least, I know you think you didn't."

Percy looks to the ground and I just sit there confused "do you want to tell me what you think happened?" Mr.Brunner asked us "you can tell me. I might just understand."  This makes Percy and I laugh

"you wanna bet?" Percy chuckles out to him.

Mr.Brunner laughed at this "Percy..Meallan.. I've seen a lot of young people go though this sort of things in my time" he paused and looked at me and Percy "but of all the, I suspect that you two might have the most difficult journey." This caught Percy's attention and he looked up at the man talking "I suspect you two are special."  Percy rolled his eyes

"So much more than you think." Now I had to stop him there "just..stop." I stand up "okay?! I don't need any more of this!" I was just pissed at this pont.  "I don't wanna talk about any of this anymore! I don't go to school here anymore so respectfully sir, I don't have to listen to this bullshit."  I see my mom's car pull up "I'm going home." I grab my bags and throw them in the car as my mom rolls down her window.

"Hi Mr.Brunner" my mom smiled to him before looking at Percy "get in kid your mom asked me to pick you up" her warm smile never leaving her face. I hop into the front seat as Percy put his stuff next to him.

"I didn't tell Percy to push her." I broke the silence in the car "and he didn't touch her." My mom glanced back at Percy through the mirror and then at me before looking back at the road. "I believe you." Is all she said I look at my mom to see if she looks angry but she just look relaxed. "I wanna know your side after I get off work." Is all she added and the car fell silent again for rest of the way home.

                       ⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆

The rain started to fall a little harder as we grabbed out stuff and ran into our building and make our way to our apartment. "There's nothing wrong with the plumbing in this building." We could hear someone  arguing with and with Percy step-dad. Gabe. "Percy, if you want a break just come to our apartment. You and Meallan can hang out like the old time." My mom was the nicest person you could know. She's too nice to people though they just walk all over her.

"It's okay Ms.Kronos I'll be fine." Percy smiled at my mom before his apartment door swung open and a plumber walks out and lets a long sigh out and Percy just stands there and the man turns to see Percy and they start a conversation but I walk into our apartment across from his and close the door heading right towards my room.

"Honey I'm leaving for work!" My mom shouts to me and she goes to walk out the door "If you need anything go over and see Sally!" She closes the door behind her and I walk back into my room and put my headphones in and fall asleep to some random song in my playlist.

Time skip to about 20 minutes


After I told my mom about what happened she told Gabe she's gonna take the car then she walks towards the window.

"you take your shoes off before getting in my car you understand me." Gabe points a finger at me.

"we have a lot to talk about, but that storm out there" she talks to me as she packs "it's getting angrier, so let's go." She then pauses "I'm just gonna call Alyssa and get Meallan, we'll talk at the beach, okay?"  I look at her funny what does Meallan have to do with this?

"Pack a bag let's go." I stand there for a few seconds then hurry to pack

Third person::

The Kronos girl was wrapped up in a soft blanket with her headphones softly playing so she could hear the rain drops hit her window as she slept.

But the peaceful moment was ended just as it started when she heard knocking on the door, she gets up in a daze and walks to the door. Scared to open it she looks through the peep hole and sees Sally Jackson standing on the other side.

The younger girl unlocks the door and looks at the lady in Front of her "Mrs.Jackson?" She asked rubbing her eyes still tired "my mom's not home but I can have her call you when she is" Meallan looked behind Sally to see Percy standing there with bags packed.

"actually honey, I just got off the phone with your mom I need you to pack and bag, don't worry she'll meet us when we get to where we are going"

Most people would call there parent to confirm this but the girl trusted Mrs.Jackson with her life and that way saying a lot. Meallan rushed to her room and packed as fast as she could and met Percy and his mom at the car.


The car ride was quite I just put my headphones on and rested my head on the window drifting off back into a sleep.

Loud thunder woke me up and I look out the window to see we are here. "We're here." Mrs.Jackson wipes the tears off her face. "On three?" Percy looks at the both of us "ready?" She starts to count down but me and Percy get out before she could say three running into the cabin.

                    ⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆

I sat by the window looking out as light struck. I still had my headphones on so I didn't hear Percy walk out the bathroom to talk to Sally. I just watched as each rain drop hit the window and watch each and every droplet run down the window.

Percy walked up to me and tapped me on the shoulder and I look up at him "we gotta tell her now." I immediately knew what he meant.

We sat around the fireplace my leg slightly bounced up and down "I'm used to feeling weird." I look to Percy as he speaks "I'm used to the world feeling weird to me." He sighs "like a puzzle with half the wrong pieces." He starts to talk about how his ADHD has gotten in the way.

"it doesn't feel like day dreaming it feels..." I spoke up and Sally looked at me with her head tilted "I don't know real..but I'm not the only one right Percy." I try to get him about to being the one talking

"But then we were at the museum and.." he hesitated to even say it.

"You saw something." Sally continued "something that felt real to you, but no one else could see it but you two?" Percy nods his head but I just looked at the ground.

It's silent for a few seconds "what did she say to you?" She? How does she know it was a she, I looked up to Mrs.Jackson.

"she? How did you know it was a she?" I stood up and Mrs.Jackson face dropped as she realized what she said "where's my mom I wanna go home." Mrs.Jackson looks back down at the fire

"Do you know why we come to this cabin every year?" She asked Percy ignoring what I asked.

"because it's near the septic tanks, it's cheap." And he turns to look at his mother "mom, how did you know it was a she and what we saw?" Now he was getting frustrated.

"We come to this place every year because this is the place I met your father." Percy's face softened a little "my dad? What does my dad have to do with this?"

"Not to cut this moment short but what do I have to do with this." I fold my arms and Mrs.Jackson pulls me down to sit next to Percy

She starts to talk about a guy she met here. Percy's dad. And how special he was "he wasn't like any other man I met.. because h.. he wasn't a man at all." She paused thinking of her next words "he was a god."

I scoffed "no offence Mrs.Jackson your saying your fell in love with god? Like Jesus."

"Not god. A god. Percy..." she clears her throat "the stories I told you about. The Greek gods and monsters. There real." She grabs his shoulders "mom-" he try's to stop her "you know how I told you how some would have children together.." she try's to get us to hear her out but Percy just keeps on asking her to stop.

"Children called demigods... and sometimes they are known as half-bloods" I felt like the breath out my lungs had been sucked out.

"That's what the monster called me and Meallan. mom, what's happening?" I want my mom. I need her right now. "You two are Half-bloods." She looks at the both of us "and half-bloods are not safe in the world." She signed before continuing "once they reach a certain age and they begin.. to understand what they are, terrible forces are drawn to them.. they are driven to harm them before they have to strength to fight back. That it what you guys have been feeling. It has always been apart of who you are.it was always coming, I just-"

"Why are you telling me this? Why are you telling us this." Percy spoke up "I know this is hard to understand, but you have to believe me, this is real."

"No, this is crazy! Okay? We are not gods. There is something wrong with us!" I intervened I couldn't take it anymore and apparently neither could Percy.

"I understand that I'm weird believe me I get it!" He stands up next to me "but I'm afraid something may be really broken now." His voice broke as he spoke
Sally tryed to reassure him but he just cut her off

"And now you're telling me stories?! Like it's gonna make it okay?" Sally grabs one of his hands a reaches for one of mine "well, I'm not a baby! I know monsters don't exist! I know there is no such thing as gods, and I know for certain. There is no such thing as demigods."

Someone started to pound at the door "mom!?" I yelled out running to the door. "No Meallan. Who's there!" Before she could grab me I open the door to see my mom and Grover "mom." I smiled up at her and wrapped my arms around her.

Mrs.Jackson walked up next to me and turned to Grover and my mom "I asked to have the night, you said we could all leave in the morning" I look down to see Grover half goat? "Holy shit.." I look up at my mom my mouth slowly opened.

"Grover?.." Percy tryed to intervene Grover's little ramble on how we are in danger and how he couldn't wait.

"Grover!" He stoped talking and turned to me and Percy. "Why is there half a goat in your pants!" He looks down at his legs. Or I should say goat legs?

"Oh!..." Grover turned to Mrs.Jackson and my mom "you didn't tell them about me."

"Your early." Is all Mrs.Jackson told him leaning on the door. And she walks towards her bags and my mom walks towards me and Percy.

"You two go pack okay, we leave as soon as possible."  Her voice was so stern I've never hear her speak like that, if I'm being honest now I'm terrified.

                           ⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆

Word count: 4,549

Just edited this and thank you to my friend Ava who made me the ⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆ im obsessed with it😝

I wanted to do the whole episode in this one chapter but DAMN the episodes are long. MORE PERCY AND MEALLAN SCENES SOON TRUST!! Pls vote and comment:) and my TikTok will have updates and everything posted 🫶🏻

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