Drawing The Line

By mimisarai

65K 1.9K 533

A Sports Romance/Brothers Best Friend/Enemies to Lovers (Hockey) • Two Enemy Hockey Players. One Need For Re... More

Main Characters Aesthetics
ᥫ᭡.│He's An Arrogant Asshole
ᥫ᭡.│She Wishes She Was Me
ᥫ᭡.│Spilled Chocolate Milk
ᥫ᭡.│Our Little Secret
ᥫ᭡.│It's All Fun And Games
ᥫ᭡.│The Kaye Family
ᥫ᭡.│Drunk Girl Activities
ᥫ᭡.│Homecoming Game
ᥫ᭡.│Living My Jersey Shore Dream
ᥫ᭡.│Gone Too Far
ᥫ᭡.│Ghosts In My Room
ᥫ᭡.│Fake Date And Not So Fake Kiss
ᥫ᭡.│Bestie For The Restie
ᥫ᭡.│Pucky Puck
ᥫ᭡.│Ski Masks
ᥫ᭡.| Crossing The Line
ᥫ᭡.│Bonus Chapter
ᥫ᭡.| Morhills Academy
ᥫ᭡.| Are We Dating?
ᥫ᭡.| From Date To Secret Mission
ᥫ᭡.| Christmas
ᥫ᭡.| I've Been Burned Before
ᥫ᭡.| New Years Baby!
ᥫ᭡.| Truth or Dare?
ᥫ᭡.| Sore Losers
ᥫ᭡.| A 6'7 Douche
ᥫ᭡.| The Line Is Back
ᥫ᭡.| Let Me Rot In Bed
ᥫ᭡.| Silent Treatment
ᥫ᭡.| The Truth Will Set You Free

ᥫ᭡.│On A Mission

1.1K 44 5
By mimisarai

Song: rubberband 

By: Tate Mcrae 

Dedicated to: Emily & Mariah 

The horror look on the cheerleaders is enough to satisfy me.

All the clothes we stole from the lake are hanging all around the school.

Kadie is the angriest one from the way she reacts. Well, she has every right to me, I may or may not have spray-painted C.C. on her white crop top.

It satisfies me even more when I see the look on Coach Carter's face. He's behind all the students, with wide eyes and a jaw dropped.

I'm standing next to Niko and the guys. They're all pointing to the bikinis, making stupid jokes.

"Oh Marshall, your mom has that same one." Niko snickers next to me which ears him a death glare from Everett, "Fuck off."

I roll my eyes at their immaturity and nudge Mencia, "Best prank or what?"

She nods her head and leans towards me so only I can hear her words, "Coach Carter looks like he's about to shit his pants."

We both look over at Coach Carter and he's still in the same reaction I described before.

Our giggles make the boys look over at us with raised eyebrows.

"What's so funny?" Reece asks and I press my lips together, "Nothing."

The only people Arius and I told about the affair Kadie is having with Coach Carter are Mencia and Niko.

While we do trust the guys, it's best to keep the secret small. In this case, we can use it without anyone else spoiling it.

Speaking of Arius...he's on the other side of me. He's leaning against his locker while watching everything unfold.

We haven't talked since he dropped me off at home the other night after the lake. This time I'm the one who's ignoring him as he keeps texting me to talk about our next move.

I know I'm the one who suggested we be platonic but I won't lie and say it doesn't hurt. He didn't even fight me on it...I so desperately wanted him to fight me on it.

"Alright, alright! Get to class!" Our principal comes to everyone's view and we all start spreading out, heading to our classes.

"You think they're going to get in trouble for this?" Mencia walks beside me and I put my hair up in a ponytail, "I'm counting on it. Double trouble. I heard the girls are banned from entering Morhills Lake and if they're seen on the property again, they'll get arrested."

She laughs as we head into our class.

Mission accomplished.

I was starving.

Mencia had texted me that she was already at the cafeteria, adding how she was trying her hardest not to murder my brother for sitting with her. Along with all his hockey friends. She did kindly add how Arius is there too.

I told her about the platonic friend's fiasco and let's just say...she can tell I was hurt over it.

It's whatever. I truly don't need another guy messing with my heart again anyway. Been there, done that and I rather not go back.

Speaking of guys who messed with my heart, I find Darien leaning against some lockers, on his phone.

His eyes look up and lock with mine, I see the way he straightens up.

Oh no


Please, do not do this again.

"Aylee, can we talk, please?"

I walk past him, ignoring his cheating ass.

But he grabs me by the arm and spins me back around.

"I just need one minute." He pleads to me with his eyes and I try to yank myself away, "Let me go."

I'm unsuccessful. He keeps me trapped.

"Look, I'm sorry for what happened, Aylee. I fucked up."

I rolled my eyes and angrily spat out, "You fucked her, Darien. At the party, I fucking threw for you. So, fuck you and your apology."

He starts to become angry, frustrated that I won't stop trying to wiggle free from his hold. To make matters worse, his grip tightens and starts hurting me.

"Let me go," I say again but he doesn't budge.

"Aylee––" He starts again but I cut him off, "No! You broke the rules, Darien. No sleeping with other people. It was a rule created by YOU! I don't care to hear your made-up apology or how sorry you are. It's over now and I need you to let me the fuck go. You're hurting me."

He doesn't though.

"I was fucking drunk and she came onto me. I didn't know what I was doing."

I begin to push him, using my whole body force to try and yank myself away from his hold.

His fingers are going to leave a bruise.

"Like you didn't know what you were doing when you slashed Niko's tires?" I glare up at him and his jaw clenches, "Your brother gave me a black fucking eye. I couldn't practice for a week."

"It doesn't give you the right to do that shit. Now, let me go!"

I finally yank myself away from his hold, almost tripping over my own feet.

Darien's eyes cast down to my wrist which is now red with his fingerprints. He realizes what he's done and steps towards me. But I quickly brushed past him and held my wrist to my chest.

He called after me but I kept walking.

The tears hung in my eyes as I tried to distract myself from the pain in both my wrist and heart.

Boys fucking suck.

I'm playing with my food when Niko finally asks me why I've been in a sour mood all day.

"Seriously, man, I haven't seen you like this since the first time Kadie broke up with you."

Yeah, it sure does feel like a fucking heartbreak.

"I'm fine, just tired." I push my plate away from me and start to wonder where the girl I was so gloomed over was.

"If you say so." Niko shrugs before sneakingly taking my plate and eating the food.

Mencia, sitting across from us, scoffs out, "Didn't you just eat a full meal five minutes ago?" Niko pops the chicken into his mouth and smirks, "So? I'm still hungry."

She rolls her eyes before glancing over to the main doors.

"Where the hell is Aylee?" She whispers to herself and I almost tell her that I was wondering the same thing.

My foot begins to tap on the floor, anxiously hoping she will walk through those doors any second.

Everett and Reece are next to me, being goofballs as they try to balance an Oreo on Everett's nose.

Eric, a teammate, comes up to us with urgent steps.


"Not now Castillo, I'm trying to win this bet." Everett waves him off but Eric ignores him, "Someone just saw Darien talking to Aylee outside."

It's as if the whole cafeteria has gone silent. Everyone becomes tense and from the corner of my eyes, the Oreo on Everett's nose falls to the floor.

"What did you just say?" Niko fumes with anger next to me and Eric looks scared, "Uh, Darien and Aylee are outside."

It was all we needed to hear.

I was the first one to get up and pace out of the cafeteria.

Niko and the guys are on my heels.

When we open the doors to the hallway, Aylee is turning the corner in the hallway with Darien calling after her.

He didn't see us coming, by the time he noticed we were all behind him, I was swinging my fist.

"You're going to fucking regret talking to her."

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