Falling For Fame

By 12_Reader_22

81 21 0

In the glittering world of celebrity scandals and carefully crafted images, Emma Clark, a down-to-earth books... More

Chapter 1: Emma Clark
Chapter 2: Aiden Turner
Chapter 3: Emma Clark
Chapter 4: Aiden Turner
Chapter 5: Emma Clark
Chapter 6: Aiden Turner
Chapter 8: Aiden Turner
Chapter 9: Emma Clark
Chapter 10: Aiden Turner
Chapter 11: Emma Clark
Chapter 12: Aiden Turner
Chapter 13: Emma Clark
Chapter 14: Aiden Turner
Chapter 15: Emma Clark
Chapter 16: Aiden Turner
Chapter 17: Emma Clark
Chapter 18: Aiden Turner
Chapter 19: Emma Clark
EPILOGUE: Aiden Turner

Chapter 7: Emma Clark

2 1 0
By 12_Reader_22

As we finished lunch and prepared to leave, Aiden's phone buzzed with a call from Kylie. It wasn't the first time she had called, citing an emergency in his hometown as the reason for our visit. The air was thick with curiosity, and I couldn't help but wonder about the details lingering in the shadows.

He excused hinsrlf to attend the call. After some time he came back looking worried. "Are you okay?" I asked worried. "Yes, i need your help."

In a whirlwind of uncertainty, Aiden and I arrived at an apartment. As we stepped out, my curiosity peaked, and I couldn't help but ask about our location.

"Where are we? Is this your house?" I questioned.

Aiden began to unravel the situation, revealing that his sister was dating Kylie, and the reason for our sudden visit was an abusive ex-boyfriend threatening his sister. How his sister had never told him and he found out recetly from Kylie. He needed me to take Kylie and his sister to safety while he dealt with the situation.

Feeling a sense of urgency, I agreed. Aiden handed me his apartment keys and explained, "I have to make a police complaint. Take the girls to my place; I'll send you the location."

Heading upstairs, we found Kylie and Aiden's sister. Aiden instructed them, "Thank you for calling me, Kylie. Jenny, go with Emma; she'll keep you safe while I file a complaint."

As we were about to leave, Aiden called out, "Freckles?" I turned, and he hesitated before saying, "I want you to be safe too. See you in a bit."

With that, he left, and I guided the girls towards Aiden's apartment, grappling with the sudden turn of events and the weight of responsibility.

As Kylie and Jenny settled in Aiden's apartment, I found myself pacing, the air tense with anticipation. The minutes ticked by, each one feeling longer than the last. I stood by the window, gazing out at the city lights, wondering about Aiden and the ordeal he was facing.

The apartment held a stillness that echoed the uncertainty in my mind. The soft hum of the city outside seemed distant, a stark contrast to the turbulence within. I checked my phone for any updates, my fingers tapping anxiously against the screen.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, I heard the door unlocking. Aiden walked in, weariness etched across his face. Our eyes met, and a wave of relief washed over me.

"Is everything okay?" I asked, concern evident in my voice.

Aiden nodded, "Yeah, I filed the complaint. The police are looking into it. Thank you for taking care of Kylie and Jenny."

I offered a reassuring smile, "Of course, Aiden. I am here for you. Is there anything else you need?"

He shook his head, "No, just knowing they're safe is enough."

As the tension eased, Aiden and I settled into the quiet of the apartment, finding comfort in each other's presence amidst the lingering shadows of the night.

Aiden and I spent the evening in Aiden's apartment, creating a makeshift haven amidst the unfolding chaos. The girls, Kylie and Jenny, shared stories and laughter, finding solace in the company of newfound friends.

As the night deepened, Aiden and I sat by the window, overlooking the city's skyline. The quietude allowed space for unspoken thoughts to linger, yet the connection between us remained palpable.

Aiden broke the silence, "Thanks, freckles. I appreciate your support today. It means a lot."

I smiled, "Always, Aiden. We're in this together."

The evening unfolded in a blend of shared experiences and quiet contemplation, forging bonds that transcended the unexpected circumstances. When the tension finally eased, Aiden, Kylie, Jenny, and I found ourselves in a peculiar camaraderie, navigating through the challenges that life had thrown our way.

With the ordeal behind us, Aiden and i returned to his house. The atmosphere though still tinged with the events of the night, felt lighter. The familiar surroundings offered a sense of refuge, a sanctuary where we could finally catch our breath. As we stepped through the doorway, Aiden let out a sigh, "Home, finally. I nodded in agreement, "Yeah, it's been quite a night. Aiden offered a small smile, "Thank you again, freackles. I don't know what i would've done without your support. I reassured him, "You don't have to
thank me, Aiden. I'm here for you.

In the comforting embrace of Aiden's home, we decided to unwind and take a break from the events of the day. Aiden suggested watching a movie to shift our focus, and we settled on a lighthearted comedy. Aiden opted for the timeless classic When Harry Met Sally. Me amd Aiden found moments of shared laughter.


Excitement bubbled within me as another week passed, bringing with it the anticipation of a public appearance. This time was different – an outing to an amusement park awaited. I dressed in a casual pastel purple top paired with jeans, my hair tied back into a playful ponytail, and a cap adding a touch of laid-back charm. Eagerly, I awaited the day's adventures, ready for the thrill and joy that the amusement park promised.

I waited downstairs, the excitement palpable, until Aiden joined me with a backpack slung over his shoulders. Curiosity getting the better of me, I asked, "Do we need to carry something?" Aiden grinned, "No, this is just some extra stuff we probably won't need. Lets go!"

Under the bright sun, Aiden and I ventured into the amusement park, the air buzzing with excitement. We kicked off our day with a roller coaster ride, the exhilarating twists and turns leaving us laughing and breathless. Aiden asked "Ready for the next one?" I nodded enthusiastically, and we embarked on a whirlwind of attractions, from spinning teacups to a towering Ferris wheel that offered breathtaking views of the park. Between rides, we indulged in cotton candy, popcorn, and shared laughter that echoed against the vibrant backdrop of the park. Aiden said "You know, I haven't been to an amusement park in ages. This is fantastic."

Our next stop was the haunted house, where mock scares turned into genuine laughter as we navigated the spooky corridors. I smirked amd tasemgly asked him "Think you can handle a roller coaster in the dark?" Aiden said "Challenge accepted!"

As the sun began to set, we stumbled upon a charming carousel bathed in golden hues. Aiden surprised me with a playful twirl, and for a moment, time seemed to slow down. Aiden asked "Having fun, Freckles?" I basically screamed "Absolutely! Best day ever."

As the day concluded with the vibrant lights of the park illuminating the night sky, Aiden and I reflected on the sheer joy of the day's escapade. Their laughter echoed in the air as they strolled out of the amusement park, the echoes of a day filled with thrills and camaraderie lingering in the warm night.

As lunchtime approached, Aiden and I had conquered nearly every ride in the amusement park. Feeling a bit parched, I exclaimed, "How are there no stalls here? I want water." Aiden, seemingly prepared for every scenario, reached into his bag and produced a water bottle.

"Thank you, I just wish it were cold," I remarked, only to be surprised as he pulled out another bottle, this one refreshingly cold. "Here you go, Freckles," he said with a grin. I couldn't help but jest, "So what is this? A magic backpack? Everything I want will magically come out from there?" Aiden chuckled and shrugged, leaving an air of mystery.

"I need my lipstick," I said, testing the limits. To my amazement, he retrieved my makeup bag. Confused, I questioned, "How did you get this?"

"I asked Mia to get it for me just in case. Anything else, Freckles?" Aiden smirked. Determined to catch him off guard, I exclaimed, "I need... my favorite red jelly beans." To my shock, he produced a container filled with just red jelly beans.

"W-what? How? Why do you have a box full of just red jelly beans?" I stammered in surprise. Aiden, looking a bit embarrassed, explained, "Remember the first day you came? I had a bowl of jelly beans on the counter, and you ate every red jelly bean. So whenever I eat jelly beans, I save the red ones for you."

I was genuinely taken aback, "Oh my god, I don't know what to say. Thank you, Aiden." He looked up with a genuine smile, "No problem, Freckles. Now let's go; we still have a lot of rides to do!" With that, we ventured into the park once again, the magic of the day heightened by unexpected gestures and shared laughter.

As the day unfolded, Aiden and I continued our adventure in the amusement park, trying out a mix of exhilarating rides and whimsical attractions. The sun began to dip below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the vibrant colors of the park.

Aiden suggested a detour to the carousel, a classic ride that held a certain charm. We picked our favorite horses and laughed like children as the carousel spun, momentarily transporting us to a simpler time.

Amidst the joyful chaos of the park, we stumbled upon a photo booth. Aiden suggested capturing the day's memories, and we squeezed into the small booth, making silly faces and striking poses. The printed photo strips became cherished mementos, frozen snapshots of a day filled with laughter and connection.

As evening set in, the park transformed with a cascade of twinkling lights. Aiden, with a mischievous glint in his eyes, led me to the Ferris wheel. At its peak, we marveled at the panoramic view of the illuminated park below, a breathtaking scene that felt like a shared secret between us.

Before calling it a night, Aiden steered us towards a cozy spot where we enjoyed some cotton candy while sharing stories under the stars. The night air was filled with a sense of contentment, and our laughter echoed in the stillness of the park.

As we left the amusement park, our steps filled with the fatigue of a day well-spent, Aiden turned to me with a genuine smile. "Thanks for making this day unforgettable, Freckles." I smiled back, feeling grateful for the unexpected magic that had unfolded in the simple joy of a day at the amusement park.

In the days following our enchanting adventure at the amusement park, Aiden and I found ourselves drawn even closer. The magic of that day lingered, casting a gentle glow over our interactions.

One afternoon, we decided to take a leisurely stroll through a nearby park. The golden sunlight filtered through the trees, creating a tranquil atmosphere. As we meandered along the winding paths, our conversation flowed effortlessly, touching on a myriad of topics ranging from dreams and aspirations to the simple pleasures of life.

During our walk, we stumbled upon a quaint café tucked away in a corner of the park. Intrigued, we decided to take a break and indulge in some freshly brewed coffee. The aroma of the coffee beans filled the air as we found a cozy corner, continuing our conversation with a shared pot of tea. Aiden said "You know, Freckles, there's something special about moments like these. Simple, yet incredibly meaningful." I agreeing said "I couldn't agree more, Aiden. It's the small moments that often leave the most lasting impressions."

Our shared laughter and thoughtful conversations became a hallmark of our growing connection. It felt as though each passing day added another layer to the tapestry of our friendship.

Aiden and his wife, name still unknown had been spotted at the annual amusement park. Aiden was never one to attend these things. Perphaps his wife is the reason. We can all see their love. They are the hottest and mist poplular couple right now. Aiden will have to leave in a couple of months for his overseas shooting. Let's see what is in store for these two love birds.

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