Mikaelson-x द्वारा

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𝐒𝐀𝐅𝐄 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐃| where Sarah Greene life turns upside down when the beginning of the apocalypse st... अधिक

𝐀𝐜𝐭 𝐎𝐧𝐞


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Mikaelson-x द्वारा

- Vatos

Sarah, who is currently following Glenn and Daryl as the three of them descended down the ladder, landing on her feet pulling the knifes out of her waistband when she noticed a couple of walkers walking by the fence, " it isn't too late to change your mind" Daryl commented eyeing the blonde women walking next to him seeing the anxious look on her face when she noticed the walkers on the other side of the fence.

"Nuh-Uh, if Rick can't change my mind what makes you think that you can" Sarah replied sending him a look causing him to let out a small sigh noticing the determined expression on her face and that no one would be able to change her mind. " has anyone ever told you how stubborn you are?" Daryl questioned causing Sarah to let out a small laugh as she couldn't help but think back to her family, " All the time mostly from my sisters"

"Just be careful out there it's not just you, you have to think about" Daryl told the blonde girl making Sarah smile mockingly as he placed her hand on her chest, " is that worry I hear in your voice. Didn't know you cared so much Daryl" the redneck scoffed shaking his head but couldn't help the small smile that appeared on his lips, " whatever, blondie" he then turned his attention to Glenn with an impressed look on his face, " you got some balls for a chinaman"

"I'm Korean" Glenn corrected him rolling his eyes in annoyance before he walked forward towards the gate located in the center of the chain-link fence and released its latch before looking over his shoulder at the blonde women, "Ready?" He questioned only to receive a nod of confirmation from the Greene women as Glenn grabbed Sarah hand pulling her along the crowded streets.

Sarah slowly walked on the sidewalk of the street, swiftly embedded one Walker in the head with her knife before pulling it out before Glenn pulled her along with him behind a burnt out car as they continued to make their way towards the centre of Atlanta where the massive war tank was and where the lost guns were. Glenn and Sarah both made it towards the bag of guns without drawing any attention when suddenly a loud snarl was heard behind them causing Sarah to stab it in its head before picking up Rick's hat placing it on her head.

Glenn shook his head in amusement at the blonde women before grabbing ahold of her arm as the two began to sprint away from the herd heading their way as they began to head back towards the alley where Daryl was only for them to come to a stop at the sight of two men beating up Daryl. One of the men noticed the two shouting in Spanish causing Glenn to push the blonde in front of him, " Go, Go,Go!"

One of the men launched himself at Glenn bringing him to the ground kicking him while the other snatched the bag out of his hold, " Glenn!" Sarah called out in worry narrowing her eyes at the two men kicking one of them in the balls and punching the other one in the face only for Daryl to shoot one of them in the ass with an arrow causing him to scream out in agony.

Sarah gasped in fright when someone wrapped their arms around her placing a cloth against her mouth causing her to struggle in their grasp before she slowly fell unconscious causing one of the men to pick her up just as a car came to a screeching stop, " Get off me! Sarah! Let us go!" Glenn called out watching as they put Sarah into a car, " Daryl! Daryl!" He called out causing the redneck to quickly get up on his feet to help them both but it was too late as the car drove away with Sarah and Glenn with bags over their heads.


"Sarah! Sarah!" Was the first thing the Greene women heard as she regained consciousness. The dull in her head seemed to be getting progressively worse as she tried to lift her head, her eyelids heavy as she reluctantly pried them open as she tried to raise her hand to pull herself up from the chair she was sat on, however she quickly realised that she was bound to a chair by her hands and feet.

Sarah groaned, her tone gruff and groggy as she tried to wiggle herself free of the tightly bound ropes, as she looked around frantically seeing she was in an unfamiliar room, " what the actually fuck..." she trailed off as her eyes glanced around the room only for Glenn to sigh in relief at the sight of Sarah who was now awake, " Oh, thank god" Sarah turned her head at the familiar voice only to see Glenn tied up on the chair next to her only for a worried look to appear on her face as she took in his appearance making sure that he's okay and wasn't harmed.

" I was starting to think that you were dead" Glenn commented as he looked over at the blonde women making sure that she's all right as she had been unconscious since they were taking from the alley by a group of people. " I'm okay" Sarah breathed out as she sent him a look silently asking him if he's okay only for him to nod his head telling her he's fine, " where the hell are we?" She curiously questioned as her gaze flickered around the room once again.

Glenn shook his head slightly with a shrug of his shoulders pulling on the ropes that was tied around his wrists, " I don't know. They put a bag over our heads as soon as they pushed us into the car. These men took us... it seems to be quite a big group though. I'm so sorry, Sarah... this is all my fault" Sarah frowned in confusion having no idea on why he was apolgizing to her, " For what? You couldn't have known what was going to happen"

" I was suppose to protect you" Glenn grumbled under his breathe as while he didn't want the blonde to come with him he had promised Amy and Rick that he would protect the women and now they ended up in this situation taken away from their own group, " this plan was suppose to be simple. get the bag of guns, get back to the others and search for Merle. And I couldn't even do that and now I've put yours and your baby life at risk"

Sarah had an understanding expression on her face as she glanced at Glenn, " you didn't know that this was going to happen Glenn. You can't blame yourself. This isn't anyone's fault. Sometimes bad things happen to good people and we can't control that... the only thing we can do now is to find a way out of here and make it back to the others" Glee furrowed his brows as he looked down at the tied ropes around their feet and wrists, "Erm, I think you're forgetting something. We can't actually do that when we're tied to a chair"

"Yeah..." Sarah trailed off as she couldn't help but think how they're going to get out of this situation that they could themselves in, " you weren't unconscious was you?" She inquired causing Glenn to shake his head in response, " how long was we in the car for?" Glenn frown deepened as he thought about it, " not that long around probably ten minutes. Why? What are you thinking?"

"We're still in the city then" Sarah stated with a nod of her head, " we can't just wait around for Rick, T-Dog and Daryl to save us we need to get out of here" Glenn had an hesitant expression on his face shaking his head frantically, " we'll get ourselves killed, Sarah. It's best just to wait and hopefully our people will come to some sort of agreement" Sarah rolled her eyes shooting him disappointing look and muttered, " fuck that. Hey! Hello! I know you can hear me! You can't just leave us here like a rat in a passageway!"

Suddenly, the door opened from across the room, revealing three Hispanic men who walked further into the room they were keeping Glenn and Sarah, " Not like a rat, like a defined lady. You will be released as soon as we have our guns and our man back" Sarah scoffed in disbelief glaring over at the man who seemed to be leader of the group, " So sleeping beauty awake. Took you long enough, didn't it?"

"What do you want with us? Who are you?" Sarah questioned as she tried to get as much information from this man as possible. The man let out a small sigh as he looked at the blonde women up and down as his eyes settled on her stomach with a surprised look before taking a step closer to her, "My name is Guillermo. As for what I want... I'm just trying to keep me and my people safe just like you and your friends"

Sarah turned her head sharing a look with Glenn who shook his head at the Greene women silently telling her to be quiet, " if that's true why did you take me and my friend here?" Guillermo looked between the two of them with a shrug of his shoulders and nonchalantly pointed out, " it was collateral damage. You were in the way. My people saw your guns, so we wanted to take them"

"Those guns weren't yours in the first place" Sarah pointed out as her gaze hardened as he glanced between the three men. " well, they're going to be ours... if your people ever want to see you both again alive" Sarah clenched her jaw keeping her eyes on him as she let out a laugh, " you really think that's going to work. Our people are going to be coming after us. People who could easily take out your men. They don't need the guns to do it"

Guillermo smirked at the blonde girl as he was impressed with her fiery personality but before he could say anything another man came into the room whispering something in his ear causing him to send one last look at Sarah and Glenn speaking Spanish to his lackey before walking out of the room. Two of his men made their way over to Glenn and Sarah Untying the ropes that bound them to the chairs.

"Hey! Get your hands off me!" Sarah yelled as she fought against his firm grip on her arms only he forcefully placed duct tape on her mouth and a bag thrown over her head. Sarah was pulled out of the room struggling in the man's grip as he pulled her up the flight of stairs until a door swung open feeling the cold wind against her skin knowing she was probably outside on a roof most likely.

"You okay, little man?" Guillermo questioned to the young boy that Rick, T-Dog and Daryl had taken hostage to exchange for Sarah and Glenn. The boy shook his his head slightly eyeing the redneck from the corner of his eye and spoke in Spanish, " They were gonna cut off my feet" Guillermo furrowed his brows as he glanced over the boys shoulder at Rick noticing the police uniform he was wearing, " so cops do that?"

The young boy scoffed shaking his head before gesturing over to Daryl who had his crossbow aimed at them, " Not him. This redneck, here. He cut off some dude's hand, man. He showed it to me" Daryl tightened his hands on his crossbow and hissed at the young boy, " Shut up!" The man that Daryl shot with his arrow walked out in the courtyard with his gun aimed at the redneck, " hey, that's that vato right there, homes. He shot me in the ass with an arrow, man. What's up, homes, huh?"

Guillermo sighed pushing the gun in his friends hand down attempting to calm him down, " Chill. Ese. Chill" once the man calmed down he turned his attention back to Rick, " is this true? He wants Miguelito feet? That's pretty sick, man" Guillermo inquired as he looked between Daryl and Rick but the ex sheriff was the one who replied, " we were hoping more for a calm discussion"

"That hillbilly jumps Felipe's little cousin, beats on him, threatens to cut of his feet, Felipe gets an arrow in the ass and you want a calm discussion. You fascinate me" Guillermo scoffed shaking his head in disbelief keeping his eyes on the copper. " heat of the moment" Rick simply stated with a shrug keeping his gun raised in his hands encase things don't go as planned, " mistakes were made... On both sides"

Guillermo frowned as he looked between Rick and Daryl with a curious look on his face, " who's that dude to you anyway? You don't look related" Rick shifted on his feet letting out a breath and muttered, " He's one of our group, more or less. I'm sure you have a few like him" Daryl was still holding his crossbow glanced over at the five men and questioned, " you got my brother in there?"

The leader shook his head in response moving his gaze over to the redneck with a mockingly look on his face, " Sorry. Fresh out of white boys. But I got an Asian and a pregnant blonde chick. Interested?" Rick clenched his jaw tightening his grip on his shot gun, " I have one of yours and you have two of mine. Sounds like an even trade" Guillermo didn't seem bothered as he shared a look with his men before pointing out, " don't sound even to me"

"G, come on, man" Miguel pleaded with the man wanting to be as far away from these two men as possible. " my people got attacked... where's the competition for their pain and suffering. More to the point, where's my bag of guns?" He demanded narrowing his eyes at Rick who frowned and repeated, " Guns?" Guillermo nodded his head in confirmation and pointed out, " The bag Miguel saw in the streets. The bag Felipe and Jorge were going back to get. That bag of guns"

"You're mistaken"

" I don't think so"

"About it being yours. It's my bag of guns" Rick corrected keeping his gun aimed at Guillermo who scoffed once again licking his lips and resorted, " that bag was in the street. Anybody could come around and say it was theirs. I'm suppose to take your word? What's to stop my people from unloading on you right here and now, and I take what's mine" the men behind him all pulled out their guns and weapons aiming them at Rick and Daryl who moved a step closer getting ready to fire and arrow at anyone who dares to make a move.

"You could do that" Rick trailed off as he glanced over at the building to the left on the rooftop where T-Dog was with a sniper aiming at Guillermo head, " or not" Guillermo followed his gaze over to the rooftop turning his attention back to Rick with a smirk on his lips, "Oye!" Rick and Daryl looked up only to see Sarah and Glenn as the bags where ripped from their heads causing the blonde eyes to widened as she was stood on the edge of the roof letting out a yelp that was muffled by the duck tape on her mouth.

Tears welled up in her eyes as she was scared for Glenn and herself not knowing the lengths these people will go to just for Rick's guns. Sarah glanced at the people below before her hazel eyes connected with Rick ocean blue ones who couldn't help the worry and concern on his face for his people, " I see two options" Guillermo continued with a smirk on his lips, "You come back with Miguel and my bag of guns, everyone walks . . . Or you come back locked and loaded. We'll see which side spills more blood."

Rick removed his eyes from Sarah and Glenn looking back to Guillermo who smirked looking over at T-Dog before walking away as Sarah and Glenn were both yanked backwards from the edge of the roof and back inside the building these people had taken them hostage. Pulling them down the hallway, Sarah was just thankful that she or Glenn didn't have the bags over their heads having their vision to look around the place.

"Move!" The man holding Sarah snapped pushing her forward with a gun aimed at her back causing Sarah to clench her jaw with a furious expression on her face, " touch me, one more time and I'm gonna shove that gun down far up your ass you'll be seeing stars!" The two men pushed both Sarah and Glenn into a large room filled with people pushing them to take a seat across the room, " what the actual fuck..."

Guillermo made his way into the room a couple of minutes later, "Untie them" he ordered his lackey's before his gaze remained fixed on Sarah and Glenn as two of men removed the ropes around their arms and the tape that was across their mouths. Sarah hissed as she rubbed her sore wrists at the bright red marks it had left, "What is this?" She questioned glancing around the room as Guillermo smiled softly looking around the room at the elderly people, " we aren't as bad as you made us out to be. We help others best as we can"

"What's going to happen to our people?" Glenn inquired staring directly at Guillermo who removed his gaze from Sarah running his hand down his head and replied, " Hopefully, nothing as long as your people agree to our terms. Stay here" he firmly told them before making his way out of the room once again leaving Glenn and Sarah alone in the room filled with elderly people.

Suddenly, the sound of someone struggling to breathe was heard through the room causing Sarah to immediately stand up as she was about to go over to help but Glenn grabbed her arm, "What are you doing?" He questioned causing Sarah to pull her arm back sending him a look and resorted, " He needs help. I can help him" Sarah moved forward crouching down in front of him taking his hands in her own, " Hi, my name is Sarah. Take some slow breathes... in and out. That's it."

Sarah continued to help him through his breathing, " does anyone know what caused this?" An elderly women explained that the man had Asthma holding out the inhaler to Sarah as she took it handing it to the man but he continued to struggle to breathe and all that she could do was hold his hand and tried to comfort him hoping to calm him down so he'll catch his breathe back.

It didn't take long until the doors slammed open as Rick, T-Dog and Daryl all walked into the room with Guillermo and his bodyguards walking over towards Glenn and Sarah, " what the hell is this?" Rick questioned looking around the nursing home as Glenn looked over at him and answered, " An asthma attack. Couldn't get his breathe all of the sudden" T-Dog scoffed narrowing his eyes at Glenn looking between him and Sarah, " thought you guys were being eaten by dogs, man!"

Sarah raised her brows as she looked over at the three small Chihuahua dogs and couldn't help the giggle that escaped her lips as Rick took Guillermo to the side to speak with him privately before they walked out they room and into the hallway but it didn't take long until he released them as Rick had given them some of the weapons but not all of them, " are you all right?" Rick questioned walking over to Sarah who nodded her head wrapping her arms around his neck, " Yeah, yeah. I'm fine. Thank you for coming back for us. You didn't have to but you did"

"Yeah, I did. Lori and Carl would kill me if I let anything happen to you" Rick whispered in her ear before the two pulled away from each other. It didn't take long until the group made their way back on the streets making their way back towards where they left the van. " admit it, you only came back to Atlanta for the hat didn't you ranger Rick" Sarah teased nudging Rick who smiled in amusement, " don't tell anybody"

"You've given away half our guns and ammo" Daryl grumbled under his breathe in annoyance, " for what? A bunch of old farts gonna die off momentarily. Seriously, how long do you think they got?" Rick let out a sigh shaking his head, " not nearly half. How long do any of us have?" The group turned around the corner only to see that the van had disappeared from where they had left it, " where the hell is our van?"

Glenn shook his head frantically with wide eyes and questioned, " we left it right there. Who would take it?" Sarah and Rick shared a knowing look before speaking in unison, " Merle" Daryl eyes widened as he glanced over at Rick and informed, " He's gonna be taking some vengeance back to camp" Sarah looked around at everyone before speaking up, " come on. We gotta get moving if we wanna get back to camp before nightfall"

Not having any other option, they began running back to camp as fast as they could, Sarah had her hand under her stomach when the sound of screaming was heard, " Amy" Sarah whispered as she ran as fast as she could back to camp only for her eyes to widened at the sight of numerous walkers scattered around camp, " Amy! Amy!" She called out frantically glancing around her friend.

" Sarah!" Amy yelled out in horror before screaming out as a walker bit into her neck. " No! Amy!" Sarah ran forward making her way over to her friend only to gasp as a walker came out of no way grabbing ahold of her causing her to use all her strength to hold it back before grabbing her knife and stabbing it in its head pulling out the gun Rick gave her shooting the walker feeding on Amy in its head.

Sarah catches the blonde girl in her arms before she fell to the floor tears welled up in her eyes, " No, No, No, No, you're going to be okay. Stay with me... stay with me..." placing her hand on the wound on Amy neck as Andrea rushed over to the two girls looking down at her sisters body in Sarah arms, " Oh, God. No, this can't be happening. Oh, God, I don't know what to do"

"Hey, Hey, Hey, keep your eyes on me. It's gonna be okay." Sarah tried to soothe Amy placing her hand on the side of her face who reached out for her sister struggling to breathe before her eyes fluttered close causing Sarah to place her hands on either side of her face bursting into tears noticing that she was no longer breathing. Lori gasped at the sight moving over to Sarah who stood up rubbing her blooding hands on her top pulling her into a tight hug as she cried into her shoulder as Jim quietly muttered to himself, " i remember my dream now... why i dug the holes..."

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