A Dragon And A Goddess

By Serenity_Xiao

15.2K 398 78

There was a snarl and she froze as she saw blue eyes glow and she saw green fire. She wandered right into a d... More

The Betrayal
The Dragon
The House
Exes and Dragons
Family, Crystals and Secrets
Dragons Are Like Cats
Cock-blocking Fathers
Sex with a Dragon
Hearts Are Breaking
My Goddess
Babies and Baths
The Dragon Egg
Sadistic Tendencies

Dragon Babies

410 10 1
By Serenity_Xiao

Kiana was pacing worriedly around the hospital hallway. Serenity's been in the OR for hours. A doctor came out, and he was holding a baby. "Is it?" Kiana whispered.

"Serenity is going to be fine." The doctor hummed. "She is recovering from the c section." There was a cry from the child. "I have to take this child to the NICU."

"What do you mean?" Kiana asked.

"Because the child developed earlier than normal, she was having contractions as well. The baby will have to be hospitalized for a few weeks to make sure everything is developed properly."

"Can I see her?"

"Yes." Another doctor came out. "I'm the surgeon who helped deliver your baby." She smiled. "Miss Fujakante is resting. She did tell me that she needed the egg that she found?" Kiana sighed, and she threw her hands up in the air.

"That damn dragon."

"I'll go grab the egg." Cecila hummed. "Trust me, I'll be careful. You go in there and see Serenity. You need to see that she's alive. You were screaming as much as she did." With that, Kiana nodded, and she went into the room.

"She's a little groggy from the anesthesia."

"Kiana." There was a mumble. Kiana rushed over, and Serenity mumbled again. "Makato Fujakante-Kaslana."


"The baby. Where is my baby?" Serenity sat up, and she was soon pushed down by everyone.

"Your baby is in the NICU." The doctor hummed as he moved the bed up, and Serenity groaned in pain.

"I have acid in my tummy." Serenity whined. The doctor went to a nurse and ordered  antacids, and Kiana pulled a chair up. She leaned her head on Serenity's arm, and Serenity winced. "You're on my IV, Kiana." The goddess sat up, and she freaked out. "Calm down, Treasure." Serenity huffed. Kiana nodded, and Serenity patted the spot next to her. Kiana crawled in the bed opposite the side of the arm that the IV was in. The white-haired girl was sniffling, and the dragon was humming a lullaby, and Kiana fell asleep. She saw Sirin come in, and Elysia. Serenity put a finger to her lips, and they nodded.

"Mom went to go fetch your egg. Mei, Himeko, and Siegfried stayed to clean up the blood and to look after Syras." Sirin explained.

"I'm sorry I broke your mug." Elysia spoke. Her elf ears seemed to be drooping, and Serenity reached out and flicked her head. Elysia yelped, and Kiana woke up groggily.

"As if I care about some stupid mug. If it's not in my hoard room, then I don't care if it's broken." Serenity hummed.

"I have the egg." Ceceila had the egg, and she yelped as it started to crack.

"Quick bring it over here!" Serenity hissed. Cecila set the egg on the bed, and a white dragon head popped out. The dragons eyes zeroed on to Kiana and Serenity and tried to climb out of the egg. It tried again and was successful. With that, the hatchling crawled towards Kiana and Serenity. The dragon looked eerily similar to Kiana with her white hair and blue eyes. "Good, it imprinted on us." Serenity breathed a sogh of relief. That's when Serenity noticed something different about this particular dragon.

"What is it?"

"Ah, he's half dragon." Serenity hummed.

"He's like you?"

"You were born from an egg?"

"Yeah. Half dragons are born from a dragon and another species." Serenity spoke as though it was common.

"So why didn't you lay eggs?" Sirin asked.

"Because I'm half dragon. Some dragons lay eggs inside the female, and some females have the eggs already inside. It depends on if the mother is a dragon." Serenity hummed. "My mother was a dragon, and my father was human. Only full blooded female dragons can make eggs." Serenity hummed.

"What about him?" Kiana pointed to the hatchling who was purring in her lap.

"He's like me. I want to name him Albion. That's what his mother told me his name was." Serenity clenched her teeth, and she heard a cry. The doctor was pushing an incubator, and the dragon saw a child crying.

"Your child is all checked out." The doctor hummed. "Guaranteed, I don't know what dragon babies eat."

"We don't breastfeed." Serenity hummed.  "Because I'm half dragon, I can't."

"So what do they eat?"

"Milk like ever other child. Goats milk is the best." Serenity hummed. "I grew up with my mother, who taught me how to hunt." The dragon yawned, and the doctor hummed. "Will formula work?"

"Yeah." Serenity hummed.

"Don't dragon eat regurgitated food?" Elysia asked.

"Yeah, if you were a full blooded dragon." Serenity gagged. "I don't have that part that regurgitates food."


"There's this thing called a blender." Cecila hummed.

"Yes." Serenity hummed. "Well, I have to get another one because baby half dragons can't chew until we're like three."

"I have goats milk!" An intern came in, and Serenity pulled the child into her arms. The baby cooed at her, and Serenity purred. She was handed the bottled, and Serenity fed the child.

"We will leave you alone. I'm sure Cyras is missing me." Elysia hummed. Serenity nodded, and the doctor came in with a birth certificate.

"Would you sign here?" Serenity and Kiana signed the certificate, and Serenity went still.

"What's wrong?"

"I want food." Serenity spoke.

"Is there anything you want?"

"Ravoli. The kind that comes in the can. Chef Boyardee. With lots of shredded cheese."

"I don't think we have that here."

"I can go buy a can and some shredded cheese." Kiana spoke, and Serenity smiled. She was still high from the drugs.

"You're amazing. I'm going to marry you." Serenity giggled. The doctor set the baby in the incubator and kept it in.

"We will have a doctor come in every now and then to check on you and the baby." Serenity nodded. Kiana got up, and she kissed the dragon and left. Serenity yawned, and the doctor came back in with some jello. "Here is some watermelon jello for you for now." The doctor set the jello down, and Serenity ate her jello.

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