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Clover a young and bold girl, Duchess of the royal family hates her family and desperately wants to leave the... Еще

Chapter 1: that old piano
chapter 3: dreadful morning
chapter 4: missing
Chapter 5: Jace
chapter 6: What the hell!
Chapter 7: Blond haired boy
Chapter 8: Lunch And Tea

Chapter 2: the cold heart of a mother

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Inside the room stood four people, Queen Frankie, General Mae, Mother, and Princess Amber.

Clover held her head high showing a sign of power and high class. She walked slowly toward her family members pulling out a fan from her dress pockets.

the fan was light gray with teal lace at the end, perfectly matching her gray teal dress.

Clover opened her fan once she reached her fellow family members. "Greetings Mother" clover said holding her fan to her mouth. Her Mother didn't move or say a word, Clover ignored her "good afternoon your highness." Clover curtsied.

Queen Frankie looked down at Clover approvingly, "Good afternoon to you too Lady Clover" Frankie said smiling at her, "Where have you been?" her mother said coldly, clover looked up at her returning the same cold look. "I took Princeton into town..." Clover said folding her fan showing her displeased expression.

Clovers Mother glared at her but dropped the topic. "Addy, why so grim?" Frankie asked. Clover's mother turned to Frankie, "it's nothing dear cousin" she said smiling.

"Clover!" Princess Amber came rushing to her, Hugging Clovers waist she looked up at her with big eyes, "I'm so happy your back!" Clover returned the hug planting her head atop Amber's.

Amber wasn't much older than Princeton, she was 8 while he was 7.

"Can we play, can we play!" she said jumping while still holding Clover's waist. Clover had to squeeze Amber in order to get her to hold still "we can play later, Amber" Clover said sweetly to her, Amber gave her a big toothy smile showing her excitement "yay!" she squealed letting Clover go running off, most likely going to go get her toys.

Clover sighed holding her hand to her heart. Frankie laughed "thank you for keeping that girl entertained, Clover" Clover gave her a small smile "honestly I don't know what I'd do without someone to distract my dear daughter".

"Clover, was there something you needed?" her mother asked, Clover looked up at her "no there is nothing I needed" she said "if there is no reason to be here than why bother?" her mother said continuing to glare at her daughter.

Clover ignored her "Addy" everyone turned to General Mae "what is it, Mae?" her mother responded, "I need your help with something" Clover's mother rolled her eyes "ugh, what now".

Mae led Clover's mother to another room.

before Mae entered the room as well, she turned around back to Frankie and Clover. Mae winked at Clover signaling she was saving her from the trouble of her mother, Clover nodded in thanks but, Frankie didn't catch it and ignored Mae.

Mae turned back and followed Addy into the other room shutting the doors behind her.

later that night clover sat in Ambers room, laying limply on the carpet covered floor, numbly looking up at the ceiling.

"Clover, Clover!" Amber came running into the room almost falling on top of Clover, "can we play again?".

they had been playing for almost two hours, Clover was obviously exhausted, she even skipped dinner to continue to play with her.

"I'm a little tired, Amber" Clover said to her rubbing her hand against her face. "aww" Amber pouted.

Clover sat up patting Amber's head "I'll play again tomorrow, I promise." Amber's face lite up at that finally let clover go do her own thing.

Clover made her way through the hallways once again, finding her way to her brother's room. once at the door she knocked first, no answer, she knocked again this time calling to him "Princeton?", no answer, worry overtook Clover. Worried Clover opened the door.

it was dark inside the room, the sun had already almost fully set, it was cold too almost bone cold. but luckily peering into the room Clover was able to see a mound of blankets with a tiny hand hanging out of it.

smiling, clover strolled over to the heap of blankets. lifting them uncovered a little curled up boy.

his face was peaceful and his blond hair messy. this site alone was enough to make anyone want cry from the amount of dopamine they got.

not knowing whether to laugh or cry Clover covered him once again and lit a candle on his side table.

it was always routine to light a candle on Princeton's side table as he always tends to wake in the middle of the night, scared he would take the candle to light his way to Clovers room.

after checking on Princeton Clover made her way to her own room.

by then the sun had already fully set. Clover had lit multiple candles in her room, but it still seemed dark, it felt darker than usual, it was cold too, just like Princeton's room which was unusual as it was only August, the leaves hadn't even turned yellow.

Clover brushed it off thinking she was just getting sick as she had felt weird the other day too.

Clover sat down at her desk opening one of the drawers pulling out a leather journal. Clover flipped through the pages until she got to a blank page, she picked up an owl quill dipping it into the open inkwell on the table.

Clover neatly started to write. every night clover wrote in her journal, she wrote about anything whether it was about her day, feelings, or something random. whatever it was she always made it a habit to write every day.

she wrote about what she had for breakfast, then about how she when into town and visited Annie and Ava, and lastly, she wrote about how everything felt off and abnormal.

after Clover was done, she put her journal back in the drawer, then she changed into a nightgown, it was gray, had long sleeves, and was long, long enough to cover her feet.

after changing Clover blew out all the candles except for the one on her nightstand. once she was done Clover layed down stretching out her limbs looking up at the celling slowly feeling sleep overcome her until finally Clover couldn't keep her eyes open any longer.

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