Hollow Fables: A Bug Fables a...

By Unwornbread7060

11 1 0

In the kingdom of Bugaria, a new duo of explorers set out to find the Everlasting Sapling. In Snakemouth, the... More

Chapter 1: A Dysfunctional Quartet

11 1 0
By Unwornbread7060

Kabbu, a knightly beetle, had just come from his homeland in the far east to new opportunity in the kingdom of Bugaria.

It is said that somewhere in the world, exists a sapling that, upon consumption, will grant eternal life. It bared a very self-explanatory name, being called, "The Everlasting Sapling." For obvious reasons, Queen Elizant II, ruler of the Ant Kingdom, had put a massive bounty on it and whoever brought it to her would be set for life.

While the mountain of berries it would buy was alluring, it was the honor of delivering it and becoming a hero of Bugaria that made him come around. Once he stepped into the city, he headed straight for the Explorer's Association. Unfortunately, according to Maki, one of the Queen's most favored adventurers, as well as leader of his own team, named after him no less.

Kabbu took it in stride and began thinking about how to find a new recruit to train up and explore with before a furious and boisterous bee shouted complaints relating to how she couldn't become explorer due to only being one bug.

By sirphilliam on a site called Fur Affinity. I don't think anyone should see what's on there unless they already know what they're dealing with.

Despite Kabbu's amazement from the concept of a bee bee-coming an explorer, of all things, Kabbu approached her. "Say, I myself have also been barred from joining the association for the same reason as you. Would you be opposed to forming a team with me so as to solve both our problems at once?" Suggested Kabbu kindly.

She looked around, seeing no other person to join up with. "Fine, since I have no other options, I guess I have to team up with you. I'm Vi by the way." Sighed the bee. "And I am Kabbu. I'm sure it'll be a pleasure exploring with you." Replied Kabbu. Maki came in in front of them. "Now that you've joined up, it's time to test your merit!" Declared Maki. "Oh yeah!" Cheered Vi raising a boomerang into the air. "I doubt you could do much that toy of yours." Remarked Maki.

"Don't doubt my beemerang!" Barked Vi, pointing it at her. "If you're going to make such statements than I suggest you back them up." Chuckled Maki, readying himself for battle. "I will!" Replied Vi, pulling back her beemerang. Kabbu and Vi then initiated a face off between them and Maki. Kabbu started off with a swing of his sharp and mighty horn, slicing Maki but due to Maki's experience, he didn't appear to register the hit nor take much damage. Vi followed up with a throw of her beemerang. It hit Maki before ricocheting off of him and back to her.

Once both of them had finished their turns, Maki moved in on Kabbu, sword raised, before hitting Kabbu just as he raised his hardened arms to protect himself. Maki then returned to her spot within an unsafe distance from the duo. "Woah! Are you trying to kill us?" Whined Vi, shocked at the force behind Maki's swing. "Vi, any explorer worth their sugar should know how to deal with a heavy licking from any creature that attacks them. If you want to succeed, you'll need to pain tolerance." Lectured Maki.

"Speaking of, Vi, you know how to fight, right?" Asked Kabbu, turning to Vi. "Of course I do! Shut up!" Snapped Vi, flapping her arms in frustration. After calming down, Vi took her beemerang and began spinning around. Once she finished, she let go and her beemerang flew to Maki and hit him four times before coming back. Kabbu sliced Maki once more and Maki sliced Vi. This went on for a few more rounds before our fateful duo was beaten to a pulp.

"You two did well, you showed quite a bit of potential. You've both earned your explorer's permit." Declared Maki proudly. "Are you sure? We lost." Panted Kabbu, confused. "Just take it and shut your stupid mouth." Huffed Vi. "Of course you lost but again, you showed promise and I'm sure you'll grow to be a fine team. Now, for your first quest, go into Snakemouth Den and find whatever is hidden inside its depths." Explained Maki.

"Alright! Let's get on it!" Cheered Vi, raising her beemerang into the air. Shortly after they walked out and saw two bugs whacking a glowing yellow crystal. Curious, Kabbu walked up to the pair. "Sir, why are you hitting that crystal?" Queried Kabbu. "Well it's a Save Crystal! You hit it to record your progress in your questing as well as rejuvenate yourself. Blue ones don't heal you though." Said a ladybug with a wooden sword.
"Try it yourselves!" Incited an armored blue ant with a crested leaf shield.

Kabbu then stepped to the crystal and sliced it with his horn. Suddenly, both he and Vi were no longer injured from their examination from Maki. "Amazing!" Hollered Kabbu, inspecting himself. "I wonder how much these things sell for." Chuckled Vi, rubbing her hands together. "That's illegal." Denied the ant. "So, what are your names? Additionally, I'm Kabbu and that's Vi." Asked Kabbu. "Levi." Replied the ladybug. "And I'm Celia." Finished the ant cheerfully.

"Awesome. Kabbu, let's go through Snakemouth already! Time is berries!" Whined Vi, impatient. "Alright but you don't have to be sort forceful about it." Sighed Kabbu, following Vi as she ran out of town and to a gate. Sitting next to it was an ant guard with a wooden spear. "Oh, another brave duo. Let me check your permit." Said the guard, as if bored. Kabbu whipped it out and the guard inspected it thoroughly. "Everything seems right, go on through." Ruled the guard before the gate behind her sank into the ground.

Vi then ran past Kabbu and he hurriedly followed until they ran into a ball shaped plantlike creature with nothing but two feet for limbs.

"What is that thing?" Screeched Vi, a little grossed out. Kabbu took a second to look at it. "It appears to be a seedling, it's fairly weak but be careful, it will attempt a feint when it gets close." Warned Kabbu, letting Vi stay in the lead for experience. "Whatever, I bet it won't survive the first attack!" Laughed Vi, tossing her beemerang. "That's probably accurate." Agreed Kabbu. Once her beemerang landed, the seedling appeared to already be on its last legs. Kabbu then finished it off with a signature horn slice.

Once the beast felled, it disappeared and released a few berries. "That was pretty easy, I wonder how many berries we can make in an hour." Schemed Vi, sneering at a blueberry. "You'd have to subtract the cost of food and massive boredom." Sighed Kabbu, pulling her back to reality. They moved on and fought a few more seedlings before hearing the grunts of an old bug. Kabbu, out of earnest, went to help him. Vi, out of greed, went to collect berries.

"Good sir, do you require our assistance?" Offered Kabbu nobly. "Yeah, this darn shrub just won't go down! I'm Chuck by the way." Complained the elderly bug.

Kabbu looked at the problem and cut the shrub down with his horn. "Amazing! You know, since you did that, you can stay here whenever you want!" Laughed Chuck, lifting up his cane. "Thank you for your kindness Chuck." Replied Kabbu. "We'll be on our way now." Said Vi, pulling Kabbu along. They then took the path behind Chuck and quickly encroached upon the entrance to Snakemouth Den.

Living up to its name, the front of the cave resembled a giant, stone snake. "How threatening." Commented Vi. "Yes, many explorers lost their lives attempting to collect the artifact hidden away in Snakemouth. We'll need to be extremely careful in order surmount this task." Lectured Kabbu dramatically. "Then we better get a move on before one of the creatures in there comes and gets us." Chuckled Vi mockingly. Regardless, they trekked inward and we're flanked by a rolling spike ball.

"It's an inichas! You'll need to wait until I flip it to do meaningful damage." Suggested Kabbu, already flipping it with his horn. After which, the inichas was stuck upside down due to one of its spikes getting stuck in the ground. "Hit it while it's vulnerable!" Ordered Kabbu, pointing to it. Vi followed the command and destroyed the inichas. As a reward for their triumph, berries were presented to them.

"This is easy! How did all the other guys fail before us?" Wondered Vi, sending Kabbu into a panic. He covered her mouth and looked around hurriedly. "Vi! Never, under any circumstances, say that again." Warned Kabbu. Vi pushed Kabbu's arms away. "Don't be so superstitious, nothing's gonna happen." Dismissed Vi. "You're right but there's definitely a reason why so many explorers lost their lives here and odds are likely that we're going to find it out." Replied Kabbu listening for some unknown creature's skittering.

It wasn't there and the duo moved further into the cave, getting stopped by a moat whose bridge was far higher than they could ever reach.  "It appears we are at an impasse." Realized Kabbu. Suddenly, Vi noticed a rope nearby. "Not  a chance! My beemerang will beat this in seconds!" Laughed Vi. She lined up her shot and chucked her beemerang at the rope. It cut through and went back to Vi. In an instant, the bridge was shot down and fell down on the ground, allowing access for the two to walk across.

"Amazing work Vi, now, onward, to the artifact!" Cheered Kabbu, before pulling Vi across the bridge. Eventually, they marched into a room with a giant door and two pressure plates. It looked to be some sort of simple puzzle. Next to one plate, was a stone which could easily be moved by Kabbu's horn. Naturally, he tossed it onto a plate and the plate was pressed down and it glowed blue. However, the other stone was far above them.

They looked around and found a spring mushroom hidden behind some tall grass. They stepped on it and were launched onto the top of a pillar. Next to the edge, was the stone they wanted. Kabbu sliced it out of the grip of the vine which held it before jumping down to follow it. He then threw it in the remaining plate. Just like its twin, the plate went down and emitted a blue light. There was a strange rumbling before a blue mushroom fell onto a tile between the two plates.

"THAT'S IT?" Yelled Vi, feeling very cheated. "I suppose we'll have to report back to the association and call it a day." Sighed Kabbu disappointedly. Two went to collect the mushroom and once they stepped to the center of the tile, it opened up and Kabbu fell down. Vi, being a bee, was easily able to fly to avoid falling for the trap. "Well that was weird. I could get out of here but I think I should help Kabbu out too." Admitted Vi. She then flew down to Kabbu.

He was laying atop a large, blue mushroom. With a groan, he rose to his feet before seeing Vi and leading her down to the ground. They spotted a crystal and seeing how they had made some progress, they restored themselves using it. Walking a short distance foward, they saw a seemingly dead moth, entrapped in a web, as well as being wrapped in a layer of silk. "It appears we've found an intrepid explorer, lost to Snakemouth Den, just as we may be as well. A moment of silence for this brave bug." Sighed Kabbu.

Suddenly, the moth started to snore. "This man is alive! We must save this poor bug!" Realized Kabbu, shocked. He turned around and saw something coming fast. "Vi! Watch out!" Called Kabbu as he lifted her out of the way of a shot of silk. He also dodged the blow and the two were now up against a ginormous spider.

This is literally just the picture from a page in the fandom.
That was, however, until Vi ran away. "I guess I'll have to slay you myself," Kabbu turned to the spider. "I will you slay you, beast, in the names of all those who've suffered at your venomous maw!" Pledged Kabbu, determined.

In response, the spider roared intimidatingly. Despite the fear the roar invoked, Kabbu stood his ground, planted his feet into it and slashed the spider with his horn. It then bit him, failing to poison him. Suddenly, vibrations came from the wall. There was wood cracking and breaking before a section of the wall collapsed, exposing a peculiar bug.

"Sir, I strongly suggest you flee before you get hurt." Warned Kabbu, taking on the spider. In spite of Kabbu's warning, the bug dashed and swung his odd sword at the spider. To add to his mystique, the man spoke no words and simply stood in front of Kabbu in a battle stance. Choosing not to ask any questions, Kabbu prepared for a blow from the spider. It came for the bug instead and he guarded with a large shell that enveloped him, rendering the attack useless.

"Impressive. Where did you get that shield?" Asked Kabbu. The bug didn't answer. Regardless of their conversation, the spider didn't wait for them to finish and shot a strand of silk to the ceiling, pulling itself above the ground and a considerable distance above them. "Curses, that confounded spider has obtained an artificial high ground! Do you have any way to reach it?" Hoped Kabbu, frustrated.

The bug jumped and swung its sword but missed due to jumping too far foward, landing on its horns and briefly being stuck before flipping itself over and shamefully trekking back to Kabbu. "What are we supposed to do, nothing? Are here just to suffer?" Whined Kabbu in sorrow and shame. The two were wrapped in a web made just for them. Before the spider could feast on their helpless bodies, a beemerang swooped in and hit the spider in its rear before coming back and freeing Kabbu and the bug. "I'm sorry for leaving and who is that?" Apologized Vi. "Thank you for coming back. Although I would've preferred if you had stayed for the duration of the fight." Jabbed Kabbu with contempt.

"I'm sorry okay?" Replied Vi. "Now Vi, now that we're back together, we must save that moth. Here's the plan, we free the him and run away, together and in the same direction." Advised Kabbu. "I could not possibly tell you how sorry I am for running away. Now shut up and fight that thing!" Barked Vi. Once Kabbu got over his hard feelings, the trio formed up and ignored the spider to do more damage to the web. It shot a ball of poison at Vi before the group managed to cut apart the web.

Kabbu then ram for and picked up the unconscious moth before leading his group into a tactical retreat into a crevice behind the spider. The spider attempted to follow them in but was fended off by a furious Kabbu. Once that was sorted, the group examined the moth. He was quite pale, likely due to the lack light in the cave.

@ZinZoa on DeviantArt...don't judge me, judge the algorithm, this was the most well drawn one I could find.

"So, mysterious comrade, do you speak? If so, please tell us your name." Requested Kabbu. The bug then dug around in its cloak before producing a tag with the word "Ghost" scrawled onto it, as if a toddler had very recently learnt how to write their own name. "...is that supposed to be an 's'? I deduce you're name is...Ghost?" Supposed Kabbu, unsure. Ghost then nodded. "Can you even talk kid?" Questioned Vi. Ghost shook his head.

"Nngh." The moth groaned. He slowly got up, still kneeling. "Nesysge shdxtfct?" Muttered the moth. "I think that poison did a number on his head." Remarked Vi. "It appears he can't speak our language." Sighed Kabbu, concerned. "No, we speak Bugnish." Corrected the moth. "And what's your name?" Said Vi. "Our name is Leif, we were sent here on a scouting mission and we appear to the only survivor." Recalled Leif sadly.

"How dreadful." Replied Kabbu, shuddering. "Can you fight?" Asked Vi. "Not part of scouting." Denied Leif, much to the dismay of both Kabbu and Vi as well as the indifference of Ghost. "Then it's no wonder you guys died!" Complained Vi raising her arms up. "Yeah, that makes a lot of sense." Admitted Leif. "Moving on, you've likely forgotten some things, let's get you up to speed." Offered Kabbu. Soon enough, they summarized what they experienced, as well as how he was rescued.

"So it was this you who saved us." Surmised Leif, looking at Vi. Kabbu simply shrugged while Vi soaked up the compliment. "That's right!" Vi smugly replied, smirking. "How humble. Moving on, we need to find a path out of this cave. Judging from our situation, that hallway is our only solution." Spoke Kabbu nobly. "Agreed." Agreed Leif. They marched through and found a huge expanse with a set of islands, closely connected in an underground sea. They encountered a small pillar with weird writing on it.

"They wrote gibberish on this sign!" Whined Vi. "No, I can translate. It is a warning to all explorers, it's saying we should turn back now." Translated Leif. "Too bad sign! We have things to do and berries to collect!" Laughed Vi. "Well said." Chuckled Leif, patting her head. They moved on and hopped to an island on the left of theirs. They were then attacked by a frail looking ant with a fungal appendage growing out its head.

Leif took shelter a safe distance of the battle and Kabbu and Vi took it on. "It's a zombiant, I shudder to think how it felt going through that process. I hope we may lay her to rest with this bout." Said Kabbu sympathetically. "Shut up and kill her!" Barked Vi, throwing her beemerang at the walking corpse. "Have some respect Vi!" Replied Kabbu, also attacking the zombiant. It the Came up and smacked Vi in the face with her stalk, doing full damage.

"Ewwww! She got her spores in me!" Cried Vi, quickly wiping them off of her. "Count yourself lucky that she can't infect us. Or else we would become the same victims of both that terrible disease and this horrid cave." Lectured Kabbu. "Shut up." Shut down Vi. Kabbu cut a bush and found a crunchy leaf. He handed it to Vi which she immediately ate to restore her health. Leif then followed the two as they hopped back to the right before traveling further down to their left.

They dispatched a second zombiant before seeing a red, heart shaped leaf with a yellow plus sign attached to it. "Vi, it's a medal! By the looks of it, it should increase the holder's tolerance for damage by a considerable margin." Explained Kabbu. "Awesome! I'll get it with my beemerang." Cheered Vi. She threw her beemerang, it somehow lifted the medal and carried it back to Vi. "This defies all logic." Commented Leif, annoyed. "Suspend some disbelief, will ya! Anyway, Kabbu, you should get this, I don't like getting hurt anyway." Declared Vi, shoving it onto Kabbu's hands.

"Why thank you Vi. Moving on, we need to move." Said Kabbu. They tried to move forward but realized that there was a platform missing from the way up. Instead, they chose another path to a line of bushes and one rock in the middle. Kabbu took the lead and cut through the leaves, only to be attacked by the ambushed by an inichas and zombiant duo. They quickly dealt with the two and they found a glowing blue button. Vi hit it and the missing stone from the way up rose from the sea and aligned itself so as to serve as a stepping stone for the group to traverse across.

"Sweet!" Cheered Vi. The quartet climbed up. Once they did a mushroom turned into a flying, tentacled cyclops and came at them.

Suddenly, Leif froze it in an instant, shocking Kabbu and Vi. However, as usual, Ghost just stood there expressionless. Despite this, one would get the feeling he's confused as well.

"Leif! Where did you learn that?" Screamed Kabbu, shaking in confusion. "We have no idea, it simply came out." Explianed Leif, just as mystified as them. "Do you really expect us to believe that?" Snapped Vi, crossing her arms. Ghost started trying to flag down the others, seeming panicked. "Leif, there are less than ten sorcerers in all of history, you are completely unique. Congratulations on such a beautiful gift." Spoke Kabbu, patting Leif's shoulder.

Ghost then grabbed Vi and used his sword to point in the direction of the frozen cyclops. "What is the darn problem?" Whined Vi. She followed the imaginary line left by Ghost's sword. "Stop worrying will ya, that thing's already frozen. Leif took care of it." Dismissed Vi assuredly. This did not calm Ghost down and the cyclops immediately thawed out and came back at the entire group.

Ghost then turned to Vi, arms crossed. "Well how could I know, Leif's the one with magic!" Defended Vi. Regardless of Vi's terrible defense. "Alright, that is a jellyshoom, it will tackle us or shoot a ball of poison in your direction. It's attacks should be easy to block but make sure to pay attention, never underestimate a foe." Lectured Kabbu, before taunting the jellyshroom. Leif summoned a glob of frost, it sunk into the earth, made its way to the jellyshroom and impaled the unsuspecting foe with an ice pike.

Vi threw her beemerang at it and Ghost shot out a black spirit which did big damage to the jellyshroom, finishing it off. "Okay, that was...impressive." Commented Kabbu, eyes wide although only one was visible due to the shade cast by his mighty horn. Ghost hugged him as thanks. "Awww." Squealed Vi. Leif patted her on the head. "You're cute too." Added Leif. "I'm a grown woman!" Rejected Vi, very offended.

"Sure you are." Replied Leif sarcastically. After some extra arguing and repeated assault, they moved on to a new room. In the middle, there was a massive door which appeared to have two locks, both closed. They went right and into the ruins of what appeared to be some sort of house.
In it, they found a second medal, it was purple, had two small black horns, empty eyeholes and a zigzag mouth with no teeth.

Feeling bad for taking the heart plus medal, he gave it to Vi. "You should take this poison defender, it'll increase your fortitude while poisoned. You will still suffer from the effects of being poisoned though. I would suggest intentionally taking the infliction when you're already on your lowest, since poison can't knock you out, only weaken you considerably." Explained Kabbu. "I don't want to get poisoned!" Argued Vi.

"It's considerably better to benefit from the loss of your good health than simply lose it." Advised Leif, putting a hand on Vi's shoulder. "Fine, I'll take it but I don't want to have to use it!" Accepted Vi begrudgingly, stashing the medal away for later use. They got out of the house and headed right. In doing so, they trekked through a large portion of the cave, gaining experience and increasing their capacity for teamwork until reaching a large gray crystal, the bottom of which, had a small bit of machinery.

"How peculiar. I wonder what this switch does." Commented Kabbu, walking up to and inspecting it. "Only one way to find out!" Replied Vi, hitting it with her beemerang. The switch turned blue, the entire cave rumbled and a pair of pillars behind the switch lowered into the ground. "We think this may lead to something dangerous." Leif worried. "Nonsense, we'll make it through this." Reassured Kabbu, although he wasn't quite sure of that himself.

"Of course we will, we're the best!" Cheered Vi, raising her beemerang. "We thank you for such comforting words." Sighed Leif, calming down. They went through the now opened path and fell onto a large stone platform. "Lucky we landed here huh?" Laughed Vi. "Yes, no one had to leave anyone behind." Said Kabbu. "You lived didn't you?" Questioned Vi. "We suggest you both drop it before we all end up as part of the zombiant horde." Warned Leif. Ghost also joined in by pointing his sword disapprovingly at Kabbu and Vi.

They calmed down begrudgingly, Kabbu being slightly embarrassed, and hopped down with Leif and Ghost. "That door changed." Noticed Leif, pointing to the big door. Now, one side of the door was glowing blue and the lock was at the top, likely meaning it's movable. "Maybe we can open it now!" Hoped Vi, running up to the door. She squeezed her hands through a small margin between the sides and pulled as hard as could.

It didn't budge. After several more tries, as well as the entire team pulling, they concluded they would need to find a way to unlock the other side. The team headed the only other way they could find, left. It required Leif to freeze falling water to make a block of ice. They jumped onto it and made their way up. Ghost spotted a blue mushroom and collected it before following behind the others. He then presented it to the others.

"That is an average mushroom, it restores your stamina while doubling as a cure for those afflicted with poison. We've already collected one, but the more, the merrier!" Explained Kabbu, putting it into a satchel. He patted Ghost between his horns and turned around, leading the group through the next section of the cave. It involved a series of geysers, which Leif used magic to freeze and allow the group to traverse across.

Additionally, there was also a handle-rail-less bridge, safety inspectors would be infuriated. Despite the terrors of the incredibly dangerous, wooden, enemy-less bridge, they somehow managed to survive the perilous trip. Once they made it to the opposite side, Kabbu sliced a bush and found a magic seed. As he immediately said, it was a seed which, upon consumption, would awaken the eaten from unconsciousness and leave them with a substantial amount of stamina.

As usual, he stored it away and moved on. Because of this, they found another switch which they immediately hit. This invoked movement in the bridge as it spun on its center. Scrambling to catch up to it, the quartet jumped onto it at once, holding their position as the bridge swung to a new hall. This led to large room with a platform, which looked to be made of the same odd material as the switches, floating just inches from a switch, in the air.

"Is this thing magic?" Wondered Vi as she hit it with her beemerang. It didn't react to this at all. Ghost made some cautious steps onto it, he jumped on top of it several times and it didn't budge. Insured that it wouldn't fall under their weight, the others walked onto it and Leif pressed the switch. The platform they stood on started floating towards the other side, stopping at a small, naturally formed stone pillar. It was equipped with the same platform and switch as the first.

They did the same and reached halfway through. They fought a zombiant and hopped on two other platforms before they eventually made it to the remaining switch. "This should unlock the door for us." Noted Kabbu. "And likely allowing us passage to the artifact." Added Leif. Ghost jumped in what was probably happiness. "Then let's go!" Ushered Vi, hitting the switch impatiently. Like last time, the cave tumbled, and a gate opened. They went through and fell onto a huge, soft mushroom cap. It was close enough to the ground to safely jump down to the ground.

The team walked down to the door and found that it had opened while they were gone. Quickly, they moved in, reaching the artifact, it was floating inches above a stone pillar. The land they had stood was surrounded by a moat, fueled by four large waterfalls and above them, was a sky light, giving the area in front of the artifact a nice spotlight.

Getting close to the artifact somehow made Leif nearly collapse and spout gibberish. "Leif, are you okay?" Worried Kabbu, coming to help him. "Yes, we simply sensed a strong magic in here. That mask is probably the artifact we came here for." Assured Leif. Vi went for the artifact. "Are you sure you're okay? We can take a break if you want." Offered Kabbu. "No, we're fine." Reassured Leif, getting up. Vi then bagged the artifact. "We're gonna be rich!" Vi cackled, rubbing her hands together and imagining the massive amounts of berries which would come flooding in as a reward for their trials and tribulations.

The cave rumbled, possibly in annoyance from Vi's greed. "Look up!" Called Kabbu, pointing to the ceiling. The spider from earlier crashed down and roared at the quartet, likely looking for revenge. "Ready yourselves team, this spider won't let us pass without a fight and retreat is not an option!" Declared Kabbu, going in front. "That thing isn't gonna stop us now!" Taunted Vi, performing a tornado toss. Leif froze a spike of ice out of the ground and into the spider, Ghost and Kabbu both sliced into it.

It rose into the air with a string of silk before shooting a ball of poison at Vi, catching her off guard and activating her trap card, raising her pain tolerance. "I don't feel so good." Huffed Vi, on the verge of regurgitating breakfast. "Better than you would've without that medal!" Chuckled Kabbu. "We agree, although you shouldn't have taken that poisoning in the first place." Commented Leif.

"Shut up!" Shouted Vi, chucking her beemerang at it. The spider fell to the ground as the shock from the beemerang snapped its web. Ghost shot a spirit at the spider. Leif summoned a huge icicle above his head and launched it at the spider. Kabbu then sliced the beast. Likely in unbridled rage, the spider roared and somehow summoned an inichas and jellyshroom to aid it in the battle.

"No fair! How come that thing has friends?" Whined Vi, stomping her feet. "Life, it finds a way." Quoted Kabbu. "Frankly Vi, you having a friend is just as likely as that spider." Jabbed Leif.  "What's that supposed to mean?" Shouted Vi. Leif stayed silent. "They're attacking." Warned Kabbu, preparing to take the brunt of the damage. The inichas headed for Vi, but her medal allowed her to nullify the damage with a perfectly timed block. The jellyshroom aimed a poison ball at Ghost, missing entirely.

The spider then sprayed a poison mist at the party, taking a large amount of willpower to resist the effects of. Braving the gas, they coughed several times before catching their breath. This left the spider vulnerable and the team spent the rest of their energy focusing on the spider, felling it and causing its minions to run in fear. "Alright! Now we can get rich!"  Cheered Vi, raising the artifact into the air.

Immediately after, the cave flooded, shooting the team out of the it and onto a small grassy area. They were unconscious for a while but Kabbu was the first to wake up. "What a terrible flood. Team, are you alright?" Worried Kabbu. "Hurk. Did we keep the artifact?" Wondered Vi, looking around. "There it is!" Laughed Vi, pointing to the artifact which was a very small distance forward from them.

"How convenient." Remarked Leif as he got up. Ghost however, didn't get up. "Ghost? Are you alright?" Asked Kabbu, poking the man. This caused his head to split, letting a large amount of black ooze out of the now halved skull of Ghost's corpse. His cloak dispersed into nothingness. "Oh gods! Did I just kill him?" Shriveled Kabbu. "Well he's definitely dead." Sighed Leif. "Well at least we got the reward." Offered Vi, trying to comfort the others. Suddenly, the black ooze flew into the air, formed into a ball and proceeded to develop into a black copy of Ghost with glowing white eyes.

"Ghost? Is that you?" Hoped Kabbu, wiping his tears. Unlike the real Ghost, it responded, by slashing at Kabbu. "Ghost! We apologize for you getting hurt, we had no idea this would happen!" Reassured Kabbu, blocking. Before the ghost of Ghost could cause any serious damage, Ghost came in from behind the team. Somehow, he had managed to survive dying and teleported nearby instead of having to maintain whatever body he swapped himself with.

For whatever reason, his dark doppelgänger stopped attacking, perhaps in respect for his power. Despite the thing giving up, Ghost seized the opportunity to slash it, causing the thing to pop into several inky balls before dissolving into Ghost's body. "What the heck was that?" Yelled Vi, just as flabbergasted as the others. Ghost stood there, attempting to figure out how to explain it without talking. He then resorted to raising his sword and stabbing himself to death.

This was met with the immediate dismay. "Does he want to die?" Wondered Leif. The ghost then came back but shortly after, Ghost came in again and absorbed it once more. "So whenever you die, an evil version of you is left in your place, you regenerate somewhere nearby and you are able to then defeat your ghost?" Deduced Kabbu, which was met with a vigorous nodding from Ghost. "That's amazing!" Exclaimed Vi, slapping Ghost in the back.

"Well, we should begin making our way to the Adventurer's Association to see what to do now that we've retrieved the artifact." Spoke Kabbu, walking in front of the group. "Sounds like a good idea." Agreed Leif. They set off to find their way back to the kingdom, which they did, almost immediately. They were met with Eetl, who was sobbing loudly.

"Thank the gods you're safe! I thought you were gone for good!" Cried Eetl, bear-hugging the team and somehow not noticing the fact that there were two new members in it. After Eetl began continuing to explain his worries, Maki walked into the conversation. "So, Kabbu, Vi, it appears you have done the impossible and also brought along two new recruits, impressive. Seeing as you've found the artifact, I highly suggest you follow me to Queen Elizant's throne room." Urged Maki.

They did exactly that, shortly reaching the castle, it was grand and had what appeared to be a large blue crystal, which was surrounded by a rope fence. "Incredible decoration." Noted Kabbu, very much impressed. "Yes indeed, this is quite the extravagant place. Now, it's time you four come before the queen." Maki stood aside, leaving the quartet to enter the throne room by themselves. Cautiously, so as to avoid embarrassing themselves, they entered.

"Kabbu, Vi, and apparently, you two recruits, I commend you for the feats you performed in Snakemouth and because of them, I will dub your group, Team Snakemouth, in honor of your bravery. Now, hand over the artifact, so that I may give you your reward." Requested Queen Elizant, gracefully. "Not until you give us the berries!" Denied Vi imprudently.

"How dare you address the queen like that! You should be eviscerated for your tone alone!" Threatened the queen's guard, as well as the only guard in the room that looked like they would be useful in a fight. "Ohohoho! Few do I spare the rod for such careless words! In appreciation for your actions, I'll do exactly as you said!" Laughed Elizant. Begrudgingly, her guard gave them a crystal berry and 30 berries. "Wow! That's incredible!" Exclaimed Vi, holding the berries in astonishment.

Kabbu handed the reward over and the queen's guard stashed it away. "Now that that's done, I'd like to request your aid in getting a new artifact. It's near the Golden Settlement, it should be an easy feat seeing as you cleared Snakemouth." Asked Elizant. Suddenly, a soldier entered, seeming concerned. "My queen, I have urgent news!" She said, annoying the queen. "Then spit it out, what is this about?" Demanded Elizant. "It's about...that." Replied the soldier. "I shall dismiss you all, except for you," she pointed to the soldier. "Now leave me at once." She commanded, regaining her composure. The people did exactly as she said and that was that.

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