You're Busy Drawing Hearts...

By ChloeLouiseT__

18.7K 623 178

((Sequel to This Love Was Out Of Control)) "We're about to have a baby!" I scream at him, obviously frustrate... More

Chapter 1: Another Tour?
Chapter 2: Girls Night
Chapter 3: "Babe?"
Chapter 4: Milk
Chapter 5: Come Back
Chapter 6: Ew
Chapter 7: Home Sweet Hell
Chapter 8: Blood Boils
Chapter 9: Our Baby
Chapter 10: Other Woman
Chapter 11: beLIEve
Chapter 12: Had Enough
Chapter 13: Missing You
Chapter 15: Good Morning, Darling

Chapter 14: Waves Crashing

1K 37 12
By ChloeLouiseT__

Nicole's POV
*Back To The Affair Confrontation*

Tony stands there, looking very confused. He's really going to try this bullshit? Oh, please. I already know the truth. He just needs to admit it.

"Affair?" He scoffs. "You think I'm having an affair?"

"No, I don't think. I know you are so cut the crap, Tony." This is the most angry feeling I have felt in a really long time.

He looks down and shakes his head, "Can I take you somewhere?"

Does he honestly think I'm letting him take me anywhere? After all this!

"No!" I scream, obviously infuriated. "Are you insane?!?"

"Trust me, please." Tony holds his hand out for me.

Instead of taking his hand I just nod to him. He takes the hint and starts walking to the car. I walk behind him, seriously wanting to punch him. Wherever the hell he is taking me, it won't fix what he's done. Nothing can. He's such a douche.

He unlocks the car and opens the door for me. I don't acknowledge that he did anything and get in. Yeah, I'm being rude, but I sure as hell don't deserve to be cheated on. I'm done with guys after today, especially guys in bands. I will be single forever. I'll adopt a dog, do my college work, and raise this child on my own. Tony can come see her when he's not on tour, but he will have nothing to do with me.

I might sound crazy, but I know any other girl in this situation would feel the exact same way.

Tony breaks the silence, "Are you hungry? It's going to be a long drive."

Great! I'm stuck in a car with him for a long drive. Oh, how lovely.

"A little." I reply to him with absolutely no emotion in my voice.

"Anything specific you want?" Is he trying to win back my affection?

"I don't care."

He leaves it at that and pulls into a Baldos drive thru. He already knows what I want - chicken enchiladas. If he thinks food is going to win me over, he is wrong.

Once hes done ordering the food, I turn the radio up so I won't have to deal with him anymore. I wish I never agreed to this stupid car ride but now I'm stuck here with him. Lovely, right?

"Here's your food." Tony hands me the the to-go box with utensils.

I mutter under my breath, "Thanks."

I honestly thought I would say it more rudely but I didn't. Yay me!


I dig into the food and turn up the radio even more. The Hills by The Weekend is playing and I just leave it on. I don't want to do anything but sit here, eat my enchiladas, and drink my hortchata.


It's already been almost and hour and a half. I just want to get out of this damn car. My butt hurts, I need to pee, Tony keeps trying to talk to me, the music hurts my ears, the baby keeps kicking and it hurts, I feel like I'm about to pop from eating, and I just want to sleep. I groan and change my position in the seat to be more comfortable but it doesn't work.

"Are we almost there?" It's the first thing I have said to Tony since we ate.

"In about another 45 minutes." He tells me as he turns onto some road surrounded by trees. Is he going to take me somewhere and like force me to stay with him? Shit, I should've been nicer.


"Why the hell is it such a long drive?" I complain with a lot of attitude. I feel slightly bad for acting like this but I know he had am affair and he just threw away a marriage that could've went on forever. I think I'm allowed to be upset here.

He sighs, "I'll explain when we get there."

I'm too hormonal for this.

I sit there and think avout everything. I think of Tony and I's happy moments as a couple...


"Babe! Babe! Babe! Baaaabe!" I heared a voice chanting in my ear.

I stirred around and groaned. When my eyes fluttered open, I saw my child of a husband with a huge grin on his voice. I chuckled and grabbed his face, kissing him roughly.

"Hey baby." I whispered against his lips.

"How was your first night of being Mrs. Perry?" He wiggled his eyebrows in the cutest way possible.

I giggled and sarcastically said back, "Eh, it could've been better." I smirked so he would know I was joking.

"Hm, I guess I have to make that up huh?" The facial expression Tony had was seductive and dominate and really, really attractive.

I grabbed his sides, pulling him closer before crashing my lips to his, "I guess you do."

*End Of Flashback*

I chuckle and I can feel Tony's eyes on me. I don't look at him and every memory of us together comes flooding back in...

*Another Flashback*

I bit my lip and paced around, saying every curse words known to man in my head. Louise, Emily, Erin, Riley, Freedom, and Mae were sitting on the couch. They were trying to calm me down, but at that moment, I don't believe calm was even a possibility.

"How am I going to explain this to Tony?" I began my rant. "We aren't ready for this kind of responsibility. He's touring all the time because of the new album. I have school. You guys have lives. Why couldn't we just get a dog!??"

"Honey, I don't think you can get pregnant with a dog. A dog can get you pregnant though." Louise tried to lighten the mood. The other girls laughed but I was in pure shock and fear.

I continued to pace around when I heard a car pull up. My body froze and I began to shake a little. I ran towards the door and looked through the peep hole. The guys were out front and home from tour.

"Oh shit." I mutter before running back into the living room. "Shit, shit, shit, shit!"

I sat down and quickly turned the tv on, pretending like I didn't totally just see them outside. My heart was pounding and I felt like I couldn't breathe. I couldn't tell Tony. He was ready so stressed about the band and everything else in his life. I was pregnant. That would only make it worse.

I heard the door begin to open and we all stood up. We rushed over to the door to great our boyfriend and/or husbands. Louise to Jaime, Riley to Mike, Vic to Emily and Erin and Mae (they were all single at the time), and Me to Tony.

I swear I almost had a heart attack when he kissed me and hugged me. I felt as if he could feel I was pregnant. I don't know how that would be possible when I was at most a month.

"God, I have missed you so much." He kissed my face everywhere over and over.

"I missed you too." I tried to say without making it obvious I was hiding something.

He pulled away from the hug quickly, "Everything alright?"

I bit my lip. I couldn't speak at that moment. I was tongue tied. Tony took my hand and began to drag my body into the kitchen. I wasn't going to fight him because, well, I was too busy freaking out to fight against it.

We got into the kitchen and he lifted me up like a child, setting me on the counter. He stood in front of me and was inbetween my legs. I was scared to look him in the eye. I was scared for him to know.

"What's wrong, babe?" Tony asked again but in a more serious tone that time.

"I um..." I trailed off, trying to find the right words to speak. "I'm uh..."

"Whatever it is, I'm sure it's not a big deal."

Oh, Tony.

"I'm, I'm.." I took a deep breath before finally spitting it out. "I'm pregnant."

Tony went from worry to shock. I got really nervous and I remember thinking of every bad scenario that could happen. Then, he started to smile. His eyes filled with tears and he let out a sob.

"A baby? Our baby?" His smile was so wide. The Earth had stopped moving for a moment and I had started to smile as well. "We're having a baby!" Tony shouted with joy. "I love you so much babe, oh my God. A baby. Our baby. A family. Our family. Forever. I love you." He rambled and it was the cutest thing I had ever seen.

"I love you too."

And with that we kissed.

*End Of Flashback*

A smile creeps onto my face. No, I can't be smiling. Not right now. But our memories, they are perfect. They are so perfect you can't help but to smile. If only he meant those words when he said them.

"I love you so much babe, oh my God. A baby. Our baby. A family. Our family. Forever. I love you."

The words replay in my head and I actually go from angry, to sad. I feel empty, used, gross. I feel like the world is crashing down on me, like I'm losing someone I love all over again. Except, this time it's worse. He'll still be everywhere. I'll still have to see him. There is no getting away.

What the hell am I going to do?

"Here." Tony says as he outs the car in park.

I look out the window and see a trail with lights. I raise an eyebrow as he opens my door for me to get out. He puts his hand out as a gesture for me to walk with him. Since I am curious, I take his offer. Our fingers intertwine and I feel the butterfly feeling I get 24-7 when I'm with him. It's still the same after all this.

But right now, I think I may be wrong about his affair.

"Where are we going?" I speak only one of a million questions I have.

"Just trust me."

I don't respond to him, I obey him. I trust him to take me wherever.

As we walk down this strange, dimly lighted path, I try to figure out where we are. I wasn't paying attention in the car at all so I have no idea what state we are even in. I give up on trying to figure out where we are and actually trust in Tony.

"Wear this." He holds up a black blindfold.

I glare at him and just as I am about to go off on his ass, he puts it on me. I don't try and fight it. It's late, I'm tired, and I'm just too lazy to fight anything right now.

"You ready?" His hand is removed from mine and I hear him move behind me.

I don't speak, I just nod my head. I feel him begin to remove the blind fold. My eyes are closed tightly because I'm afraid of what I'm about to see.

I'm afraid that I was wrong.

I feel the blindfold fall off my face. I take a quick, deep breath before opening my eyes to see a beautiful cottage standing in front of me. Next to it is an empty stable. My mouth falls open. Its all so beautiful.

Its a standar log cabin but there are some white flowers on the roof. The trees make the entire place even more gorgeous. The stable I can tell is for horses. One question though...

"What is this for?" I ask, but do not look at him for I am too amazed but what I already see.

"I would never cheat on you Nicole." My heart begins to break because I have accused someone I am supposed to trust of having an affair. "I am so in love with you that no other woman on this planet can even capture my eye for a moment." The tears begin to form in my eyes and the guilt builds. "I built this, all of this. It was going to be our getaway place."


"I-I-I'm so sorry." I apologize with one-hundred percent sincerity.

"I understand why you would think I was. I shouldn't have lied and said I was touring when I was really out here taking weeks to months to build this." He sighs. "Or I should've told the guys so at least they wouldn't have ratted me out."

"How'd you know I had already called?" I question him, finally turning to face that is covered in tears.

"They called me right after, asking where I was. I had hoped you wouldn't ask about it but that was a stupid idea." Tony looks down as his feet quickly before looking back up to my eyes. "I should have told you the truth-"

"No. I was overthinking and overreacting. I accused you of something you didn't do." I wipe my tears. "And I am sorry."

"It's okay darling." He pulls me into a hug, triggering me to start sobbing.

I sob into his shoulder and feel the guilt start to go away. I feel the safeness once again of being in his arms. My heart picks up its beat and I start to smile. For months I have missed this feeling. Now I have it back and it is here to stay.

"I love you." I lift my head off his shoulder and look at Tony deeply in the eyes.

"I love you too." He leans in for a kiss.

Our lips come together like waves crashing in the oceans. It's beautiful, slow, romantic. It's perfect.

It's mine for eternity.



Anyways I hope this makes up. Over 2000 words. And theres only one chapter left.


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