Lunar Flare Book 1: Crimson M...

By Vykerr

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A mischievous jester. A gentle soldier. A secret that could tear their lives apart. Noble born runaway turned... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 3

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By Vykerr

The jester and the soldier made their way back down through the levels of the castle and the mostly empty hallways. Between Beowulf's heavy armoured footsteps and the jingle of Thedrick's bells, they were not exactly the sneakiest of companions, and the castle guards posted throughout the corridors would look up towards them long before they arrived in proximity. But while the guards may have given the unlikely pair of them strange looks, there was no problem with their presence here despite the late hour, as they were both inhabitants of the castle.

The pair remained unimpeded on their way to the kitchen, and once they arrived, they found it empty, just as Thedrick had expected at this late hour. Beowulf started walking around the room to examine what they had at their disposal and to ignite the wall sconces to give them some light. Thedrick trailed behind him trying not to seem too much like a lost puppy, following him into the larder. Thedrick watched Beowulf start picking out the necessary ingredients from the shelves.

Beowulf turned back around with armfuls of ingredients to find Thedrick gazing up at him expectantly. "Do you want to help?" the soldier asked cheerfully as he moved past the jester and led the way back into the kitchen proper.

"I... don't know how to cook..." Thedrick mumbled as he followed Beowulf. The soldier was laying out the ingredients on a bench and glanced over at the jester when he said that.

"You don't know how to cook?" Beowulf asked in disbelief.

Thedrick shrugged sheepishly as he stepped up to the counter. "I told you... I'm from a noble house... I never had to cook before, the servants did all that, wherever I worked as well."

"Well then, guess I'll just have to teach you," Beowulf said matter-of-factly, and turned towards Thedrick. He reached down towards the jester, causing Thedrick to flinch away slightly. Then he was being grabbed under the arms and swiftly lifted up and deposited on the counter next to the workspace.

Thedrick's heart pounded at how easily the large man was able to lift him, as if he barely weighed anything at all, which was more or less true enough. The jester ducked his head, trying to hide the inevitable blush that would colour his pale cheeks. "Okay," he squeaked out, the pitch of the sound startling him and leading him to feel even more embarrassed.

Beowulf chuckled, and then started to remove his gauntlets. He set them down on the benchtop, out of the way of his work, then set to handling the ingredients. Even without his armoured gloves, Beowulf's hands were still unusually massive, and Thedrick glanced down at his own thin gloved hands in comparison, eyes widening slightly.

Beowulf took Thedrick step by step through the process of what he was doing, and the jester tried to pay keen attention, despite his mind's tendency to wander. Beowulf talked Thedrick through rolling out and cutting the dough, often guiding the jester by placing his large hands over Thedrick's small ones, which made Thedrick's heart beat faster.

With Beowulf's surprisingly deft skills, and despite Thedrick's 'help' likely being more of a hindrance with the number of times he managed to nearly cut himself with the knife because he was distracted, the pie was soon assembled. The soldier lit up one of the ovens and put it in to bake. Then the two of them chatted away as they cleaned up the area while waiting for the pie to be ready.

Thedrick was trying to crack as many jokes and make as many puns as possible, doing his best to keep the big man laughing. Outside of his performances for the king and queen, he didn't usually experience such positive reception to his wit, and he was enjoying it immensely. And as a newbie to the castle, the soldier was unfamiliar with the jester's material, so Thedrick got a chance to reuse some classic jokes that had become rather stale to others.

"So, when were you recruited into the army?" Thedrick eventually asked the question that had been playing on his mind, still slightly puzzled about not having seen this mountain of a soldier around before, despite him apparently living in the town. He seemed to be well into adulthood, so one would have expected he would have served as a soldier for several years already.

Beowulf took a hand and rubbed the back of his helmet, in a nervous gesture. "As I said... I've been training in the king's army for a few months now..." he started to explain rather awkwardly.

"But... how old are you?" Thedrick asked in confusion, raising one pale eyebrow questioningly.

"Nineteen summers..." The large man seemed rather embarrassed.

Thedrick looked the soldier up and down with an exaggerated thoughtfulness, cupping his chin in one hand and sticking his tongue out while squeezing one eye shut. "I'm struggling to see how the king's recruiters missed you..." the jester said doubtingly, gesturing to the man's stature.

Beowulf chuckled awkwardly. "My mother is rather overprotective... she knew I would surely be recruited and didn't want me to be sent off to fight and die. So, when the recruiters were making the rounds, she would either hide me from them, or pay them off if they saw me," Beowulf explained. "But that couldn't last forever, of course."

"Wow, so you've only been training a few months and you already made the royal guard? The king and queen's closest protectors?" Thedrick said in amazement.

"Heh... well... it's easy to win fights when everyone is so much smaller and weaker than you..." The hesitant smile was evident in the soldier's tone. "Though I think they just wanted me in the throne room as an intimidation tool... make visitors nervous. It's fine though, ma is happy that it will keep me away from the front lines."

It was slightly hilarious, how this man could look so intimidating, but as soon as he started talking you would instantly realise he was just a big softy. Though that didn't rule out the fact he could probably crush someone's skull with his bare hands if the need arose. Thedrick was trying not to get over excited at the thought of the soldier's strength.

Beowulf retrieved the pie from the oven, sitting it down on the bench to cool. Thedrick had to admit that the smell was tantalising. Having a slice sounded great, though he just hoped he could keep it down, and that the big man wouldn't insist on trying to make him eat too much. He didn't want to seem rude, but also didn't want to explain why he was really so thin.

Thedrick wasn't sure if he was imagining that the soldier was standing closer to him or what, but it sure felt like he was standing rather close, still towering over him despite his seat up on the countertop giving the jester a little extra height than normal. It almost felt like Beowulf was leaning down towards Thedrick a bit as they talked, and the jester tried to keep his anxious excitement at bay.

As he was seated on the counter, Thedrick was facing the entrance to the kitchen, and so was the first to notice someone appear in the doorway. His eyes widened slightly as he recognised the woman who stood in the doorway, flowy white nightdress clinging to her pregnant stomach, soft face framed by long dark hair.

"Good evening your majesty!" Thedrick sang out in a tone of confusion, and Queen Vivienne took a hesitant step into the room, giving him an awkward smile.

Thedrick noticed how Beowulf's body instantly stiffened and straightened up, and the soldier mechanically turned around to face the door. "Y-your majesty!" he exclaimed in disbelief before ducking his head slightly, falling quiet.

"What are you doing here, sweetheart?" Thedrick asked jovially, ignoring the large awkward soldier beside him.

The queen sighed and smiled ruefully. "For probably the same reason as yourself, Thedrick; I was feeling rather peckish," she explained in a soft tone.

"Oh?" the jester said in puzzlement, hopping down off the counter in one swift motion. He noticed that Beowulf was still holding himself stiffly to attention, not moving at all. "But why wouldn't you simply send one of your handmaidens to fetch whatever you might desire?" Thedrick asked as he approached her with a gesture of confusion. He had to look up at her now, as she stood quite a bit taller than his small frame.

"Well, to be honest I was feeling rather uncomfortable in bed and thought it might do me good to stretch my legs, so I decided not to bother waking them," Vivienne explained sheepishly. "And, not to be rude, but what is that divine smell?" Her dark eyes look wide and eager.

Thedrick let out a short, sharp laugh. "Beowulf baked me a pie, but I'm sure there's enough to share with you as well your majesty," the jester said merrily, grinning from ear to ear.

The queen turned her head to give Beowulf a perplexed look, the big man shuffling slightly in place, looking as embarrassed as someone wearing a helmet can. Thedrick offered Vivienne a hand, and she placed her dainty fingers onto his glove, and he gently pulled her over to the countertop where the pie sat. As she got closer, she glanced up slightly apprehensive at the soldier, who had taken a step back to make room in front of the pie, still holding himself rigidly.

"Oh my, it looks truly delicious... are you sure it's alright for me to have some?" Vivienne asked with uncertainty as she withdrew her hand from Thedrick's grasp, her eyes now glued to the pie.

"Of course, of course, you're the queen after all, it would be our pleasure to share the spoils of our labour with you!" Thedrick reassured, secretly happy that he had a convenient excuse to have a smaller portion. "Beowulf, would you mind cutting a nice big piece out for her majesty?"

"O-Of course!" Beowulf stuttered, picking up the knife and leaning over the counter slightly to reach the pie, deftly slicing through the crust, releasing a billow of steam. Thedrick was watching Vivienne's face, her eyes as wide as saucers. Beowulf cut out a third of the pie, grabbing up a small plate to place it down on. He grabbed a fork and bent over to offer it and the plate of pie out to the queen.

The queen took the offered plate and utensil, quickly using the fork to separate out a piece which she then scooped up and placed in her mouth. Beowulf had given her a small awkward bow before turning back to the pie to divide what was left up into two pieces, placing them on plates as well.

"Oh my, this tastes as good as it smells!" Vivienne exclaimed in delight, blinking up at the soldier in awe.

"Th-Thank you, your majesty," the giant stammered, before quickly clearing his throat. He handed another plate of pie and fork over to Thedrick, who accepted them with a smile. The jester quickly took a mouthful and made a sound of approval to agree with the queen's assessment of the pie.

The queen was looking up at the soldier with consideration. "Beowulf, was it...? Where did you learn to cook so well?" she asked him with curiosity.

Beowulf raised a hand to nervously rub the back of his neck. "From my ma," he said timidly. Then he raised his other hand to his head as well, using both to remove his helmet, freeing his mane of blonde hair. He placed the helmet down next to his gauntlets before picking up his own plate of pie and fork, the utensils looking like miniatures in his giant hands. He gave the queen a shy smile, before taking a bite.

Vivienne had raised an eyebrow at the soldier, though was too busy stuffing her mouth with pie to make any further comment for the moment. The large man looked rather self-conscious, and apparently Thedrick smirking up at him didn't help, as he glanced away.

The queen finished her piece of pie well before the jester, who was taking it slowly in the hopes of not upsetting his delicate digestive system. Beowulf also finished quickly, as the piece of pie seemed not much more to him than a small snack.

"That was amazing!" Vivienne announced as she placed her plate and fork back down on the countertop, before taking a few steps back. "Such a pity your talents have to go to waste with you just standing behind my husband all day looking scary." She gave a small, rueful smile.

"W-Well, your majesty, if you- if you would ever like me to make you any more pie, p-please, just let me know," Beowulf stammered out, giving her an apprehensive smile.

The queen let out a small laugh at that, which seemed to surprise the soldier. "Good gods, I really did misjudge you at first, like everyone else does I suppose," she mused. Thedrick tried to keep himself from laughing, knowing exactly what she meant. Beowulf just looked a little confused, giving an unsure smile.

Placing down his half eaten plate of pie first, Thedrick quickly slid over closer to the soldier and gestured to him dramatically. "Behold, the beast! The most terrifying, fearsome warrior on the battlefield, he can easily tear a man limb from limb! You best not get on his bad side; I hear he has quite the temper!" the jester announced in the most over the top way he could manage, smiling the whole time though trying not to break into laughter.

Vivienne covered her mouth with a closed fist to try and stifle a giggle that was escaping through her lips. "Aye, I can see that," she played along in agreement.

Beowulf's cheeks were reddening slightly. "Th-Thedrick..." He looked at the jester imploringly.

"I hear he was raised by a pack of wild wolves and has fought dragons with his bare hands!" Thedrick continued theatrically, encouraging the queen's mirth, which she was struggling to hide.

Beowulf looked like he wanted to hide away. "Th-Thedrick!" he entreated desperately.

"Well, aren't you two just the most unlikely pair of friends," Vivienne said with a smile. "The tallest man in the kingdom and the smallest."

Thedrick's cheery countenance dropped away immediately. "Y-Your majesty!" he exclaimed in a distressed tone, "If you start making fun of people like that, you're going to put me out of a job!"

The queen put a hand over her mouth again to hide her smile. "My apologies, I will attempt to refrain from upstaging you," she said.

"I'm only thinking in your best interests, your majesty; I don't think you will fit into the outfit," Thedrick said with false seriousness, tugging on his clothing to demonstrate his point.

The queen could no longer hold back, bursting out laughing at this, much to Thedrick's delight. But her laughter was accompanied by the deep guffaws of Beowulf, who Thedrick turned to look up at in surprise. The jester smiled as the large man tried to control his laughter, and once he calmed down a bit, he looked down at Thedrick. When he saw the jester's eager look, Beowulf blushed again. He quickly grabbed up his helmet and put it back on to hide his face.

"Ah Thedrick, you never fail to amuse me," Vivienne complimented, and Thedrick turned back to her to give her a quick cheeky bow. "Thank you both for the pie, but I'm afraid I must return to my bedchamber now before anyone realises I am missing."

"It's been a pleasure, my lady," Thedrick said, giving her a more serious bow now, and he could see Beowulf bowing in his peripheral vision.

The queen smiled, and turned to leave, though paused for a moment. "Oh, and Thedrick... good luck," she said, now grinning, before she headed out of the room.

Thedrick felt his whole body suddenly go rigid, heat quickly creeping up his pale cheeks again. The jester's eyes stayed locked on the doorway even after the queen disappeared through it, though could see out of the corner of his eye that the soldier was leaning down toward him slightly.

"What did she mean by that?" Beowulf asked innocently.

"H-Huh? I- I don't know!" Thedrick quickly lied, quickly turning and grinning up at Beowulf nervously. "C-Come on, let's clean up this mess," he diverted, gesturing at the plates.

Beowulf turned his head to look at the counter and seemed to be looking at Thedrick's plate thoughtfully. "Did you... not like it?" he asked about the half-eaten piece of pie, his tone forlorn.

"Ah? No no no, it was great!" Thedrick quickly clarified, waving his hands back and forth in front of himself. "I just... I'm just a little guy, you know, so I only need a little pie!"

"Oh... but I was hoping to feed you up a bit..." Beowulf said uncertainly. "Perhaps you could take it back to your room with you, in case you get hungry later on?"

Thedrick looked at the piece of pie apprehensively, betting from the already stabbing pain in his guts that he wasn't going to feel like any more later on. "S-Sure, I can do that," he said with a reassuring smile, reaching out and picking up the plate. He could always dispose of the evidence and return the plate to the kitchen later.

"Great! Let me just clean this up, and then I'll accompany you back to your room," Beowulf said happily, grabbing up the empty plates.

"Huh? Th-That's not necessary," Thedrick argued weakly, watching as the big man tidied up and put out the extra lights around the room.

"Nonsense, it would be my pleasure," Beowulf said insistently. Soon he was done and putting his gauntlets back on. He placed a large, armoured hand on Thedrick's shoulder, guiding the small man out of the room. The jester gripped the plate he was carrying tightly but tried to relax his expression.

It wasn't too long of a journey through the castle again, past some half alert castle guards who watched them pass by with tired interest. Soon they arrived at Thedrick's room, and the jester stopped and turned around to look up at the soldier. Standing this close, he pretty much had to crane his head right back.

"Th-Thank you," Thedrick said nervously, rubbing a thumb against the plate in an absent minded manner. "F-For everything, you know, like saving me from a beating from those fellas at the tavern, saving me from falling off the castle roof again, and making me a nice pie."

"You're welcome, and I enjoyed your company, little jester," Beowulf said with a smile in his tone, reaching out to give the jester a pat on the head. Thedrick felt his heart flutter in his chest and swallowed hard. The large soldier turned and started walking away down the hallway.

"I... I hope to see you again tomorrow!" Thedrick called out after him. Beowulf glanced back and nodded, giving the jester a small wave. Thedrick watched as he disappeared around a corner.

The jester let out a heavy sigh, before turning and opening the door into his room. Walking inside he placed the plate of pie down on an empty surface. It was very late now, so he started pulling off his clothes in a flurry of jingles.

He was trying to ignore the pain in his stomach, but soon it became too much, and once he had stripped down to his underclothes, he rushed across the room to grab out a bucket he kept in his quarters. He fell to his knees as he leaned over it, and soon was expelling the barely digested pie from his stomach.

Once he finished emptying his stomach, Thedrick slumped to the floor next to the bucket. This is what he got for daring to attempt to consume food. He lay on the floor, clutching his stomach and feeling terrible that Beowulf had bothered wasting his time trying to feed him.

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