Angel(Grey's Anatomy Fanfic)

By NicoleVultao

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"Just like a shadow. I'll be beside you. I'll be your comfort. And let it guide you home. I will provide you... More

Clarissa Rose Grey-Forbes Montgomery(formerly Grey)


529 20 4
By NicoleVultao

*Dr. Sarah Crowe(Clarissa's psychiatrist and Virginia's sister. Also Arizona's love interest and the mother of Timothy and Mary)*

Meredith's POV

"The lawyer has been managing the estate with a limited power of attorney, but your mother's Alzheimer's is advancing so while she's still lucid enough to consent, she needs to sign everything over to you." Winona Night, mom's main caretaker says to me on the phone.

"Me? Look, Clarissa and I haven't slept in forty-eight hours. I'm getting my first shot at heart surgery this morning. I'm missing rounds to take Clarissa to her appointment with her psychiatrist. Are you sure there isn't anybody here, or the attorney? I mean, do we really have to be the one to handle this?"

"We're talking about her estate, her finances, her medical care. Since you're the oldest it falls on you and legally Clarissa isn't your mother's daughter so she doesn't have to be there. You really want to leave her life in someone else's hands? She's your mother." Winona says on the phone and I couldn't help but sigh.

"My girlfriend will be there as well to help with some of the legal stuff." Clarissa enters my room all ready for the day and hands me my coffee before I hang up the phone.

"Is everything okay with Ellis?" Clarissa asks with a look of concern on her face.

"I have to settle her estate today. Will you be okay by yourself? Addison's coming with me because she understands the legal stuff. Izzie is inviting her boyfriend over so Cristina and George will be here too."

"Okay. Can I invite Alex over one day? He is my best friend along with George and Cristina." Clarissa asks me.

"Of course you can. When are you and Amelia going out?"

"Next week. You will do well in your surgery today Mommy. I believe in you. " Clarissa tells me with a smile on her face.

"Thank you little one. And I believe in you my sweet little one." I tell Clarissa with a smile on my face before bopping her nose, causing her to giggle.


Clarissa's POV

"Clarissa, my darling little sister told me about your flashback. I know that you were diagnosed with ptsd when you were younger and that you had an unusual childhood, that you had to grow up much earlier than others your age. Meredith, you did a great job at raising Clarissa but with the flashbacks and the underlying trauma I want to try something with you two." Dr. Sarah Crowe tells us.

"Addie too?"

"Of course Addie will do it sweetheart." Mommy says with a smile before hugging me close to her chest.

"I want you to try age regression Clarissa. Age regression occurs when someone reverts to a younger state of mind. It can be done involuntarily or voluntarily but this helps a person relieve stress or deal with trauma. Based on what I'm seeing right now and the information that Virginia has told me, you already do that involuntarily. It's nothing to worry about, Meredith just treat Clarissa like you would a baby. Breastfeeding and skin-to-skin contact will help you strengthen your bond. Clarissa, this will be done at your pace." Sarah tells us.

"I do wet the bed still and suck my thumb when I am anxious, sad, nervous or scared."

"Clarissa, you also had a hysterectomy last year because of the trauma that you had physically experienced. But if it'll make you feel better we can get some diapers." Mommy tells me.

"Can you tell George, Cristina and Addie? Oh and Dr. Bailey, Virginia and Dr. Webber? I want to tell Alex and Amelia myself."

"Of course I'll tell them. They won't judge you, especially Alex. He's extremely protective of you and won't let anyone hurt you." Mommy tells me with a smile.

"I'm going to prescribe you some Zoloft for your ptsd. It's at the lowest dose for now." Sarah says before handing Mommy the script and we leave the extra office. Mommy kisses my cheeks before walking away and I walked in the other direction, bumping into Alex.

"Everything okay, sunshine?" Alex as the two of us started walking down the hallway.

"I involuntarily age regress due to the trauma I experienced. You are one of my best friends and I wanted to tell you myself."

"I'm proud of you for telling me. I'll never judge you or abandon you. You're stuck with me sunshine." Alex says with a smile on his face.

"Than you Alex. I love you so much."

"I love you too Clarissa." Alex says when we arrived at the nurses' station where George, Cristina and Izzie were standing.

"Alex, do you want to come over to my house later? Only if you are not working of course."

"I'd love to sunshine." Alex tells me with a smile on his face.

"I wish I could hold a heart." George says, referring to the surgery Mommy and Dr. Burke performed earlier today.

"A monkey could hold a heart." Cristina tells George, trying to make him feel better.

"George, I need more ice and chips." Izzie tells George.

"Who else did you invite?"

"Izzie, we said the list was jocks only. Surgery, Trauma, Plastics. Who else?" Cristina asks Izzie.

"Just some people from Peds." Izzie tells Cristina.

"You invited the preschoolers to Meredith's house. The next thing you'll say is you invited the shrinks." Cristina says before noticing Izzie looking away.

"She invited mental defects. This party's DOA." Cristina mutters.

"You know, Meredith thinks this is just going to be a little, small, meet-your-boyfriend cocktail thing. Did you clear this with her?" George asks Izzie before turning to face me.

"Did you know about this?" George asks me.

"No, but then again I did not know that Izzie was able to get a boyfriend." Alex, Cristina and George try not to laugh while Izzie glares at me.

"Well at least I have a boyfriend. Nobody wants to be with your retarded ass." Izzie says and I could see Alex clenching his hands into fists in an attempt to calm himself down.

"Actually I have a date next week with a neuro fellow."

"Yeah right!" Izzie says when Amelia walks over to me and kisses my cheeks.

"Hi there angel." Amelia greets me with a smile on her face.

"Hi Amelia. What are you doing here? I thought you were in LA until Sunday."

"I wanted to surprise you with lunch. Well that and I have the next two weeks off." Amelia says before I turned back to the others.

"Guys, this is Dr. Amelia Shepherd my date. Amelia, these are my best friends doctors Cristina Yang, George O'Malley and Alex Karev. And the blonde lady glaring at me is Dr. Isobel Stevens, but we call her Izzie."

"It's lovely to meet most of you. Do you guys mind if I steal Clarissa from you for a little bit?" Amelia asks the others.

"Of course you can." George says with a smile before Amelia and I leave the hospital.


Amelia's POV

"Clarissa, I'm addicted to alcohol and drugs. I've been addicted to those substances ever since I was a teenager. When I was five years old, I witnessed my father being murdered in front of me and after that my mother didn't want anything to do with me. I'm sober now and have been for two years with help from Addison and Mark. I still go to meetings and see a psychiatrist to help me with sorting out my feelings." The two of us are sitting on a bench in the park eating our salads.

"I involuntarily age regress due to the trauma I experienced. I still wet the bed and suck my thumb when I am scared, anxious, sad or nervous. I have never had romantic feelings towards anyone, except for you." Clarissa explains to me.

"I know I'm a mess...who talks too much and feels too much, especially my feelings for you. You don't see me as Derek's little sister or as an annoying addict. You see me as just Amelia. Nobody's really ever seen me as just Amelia or was even interested in just Amelia. You're my angel that shined into my life and I don't want to lose you."

"I see you Amelia and will make sure that you are always seen." Clarissa tells me before hugging me.

"I don't care that you age regress. It's just a part of who you are."

"I do not care if you are an addict because that is just a small part of who you are." Clarissa says before I hugged her.

"This isn't our first date, but I wanted to take you out for lunch today so I could tell you everything beforehand."

"I do not care where we go as long as we are together." Clarissa tells me.

"I know but I want you to have a magical first date."

"Derek ruined my first kiss. I do not even know how to kiss." Clarissa explains to me and I couldn't help the rage I was feeling at Derek sexually assaulting Clarissa.

"I'll make sure your real first kiss is a magical kiss." Clarissa smiles before kissing my cheek.

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