Angel(Grey's Anatomy Fanfic)

By NicoleVultao

17K 704 100

"Just like a shadow. I'll be beside you. I'll be your comfort. And let it guide you home. I will provide you... More

Clarissa Rose Grey-Forbes Montgomery(formerly Grey)


534 24 0
By NicoleVultao

Amelia Shepherd's POV

Entering Seattle Grace Hospital, I headed towards the elevator since Addison told me where the neurosurgery department was. As I continued walking towards the elevator, my eyes connected with a young woman who looked exactly like an angel and I couldn't help but smile. The young woman smiled back before walking over to me and I couldn't help but feel nervous.

"Hi. My name is Dr. Clarissa Grey. Can I help you with something?" Clarissa says and it occurs to me that she's the girl Derek sexually assaulted.

"I'm Dr. Amelia Shepherd and I'm here to kick my former big brother's ass."

"It is nice to meet you Amelia. How about the two of us go to the cafeteria to grab some breakfast? My treat." Clarissa suggests to me.

"Like a date?"

"I suppose so. I am on-call right now so this is not the most ideal place for a date." Clarissa says and I give her a smile.

"Oh I completely understand." Clarissa smiles and leads me towards the cafeteria where we grab our food.

"I have autism, sensory and auditory processing disorders, asthma, ptsd and am hard of hearing." Clarissa tells me before paying for our meals and we go sit at a table close to the window.

"Addie told me about that already. She just wanted me to be prepared if I ever met you, angel."

"Why are you calling me angel?" Clarissa asks me before eating her breakfast sandwich.

"Because you are an angel. You're especially beautiful like one." Clarissa smiles with a slight blush on her cheeks.

"Aww, are you blushing for little old me?"

"Nobody has ever called me an angel before." Clarissa explains and I take a sip from my coffee.

"Well I'll always call you angel. How about I take you out for dinner next week?"

"I would love to go out with you." Clarissa says with a smile on her face.


Clarissa's POV

"I always divided surgeons into two categories: Those that remember the names of their patients and those who didn't. They all remember their surgeries, of course. Every damn suture." Elizabeth says as we were in the elevator, waiting for our floor so I could bring her to her room.

"But the good ones remember the names, right?"

"I didn't say that Clarissa. Now, some of the best ones, you know, distance themselves on purpose. They believe that the personal stuff clouds the medicine." Elizabeth says when we exited the elevator and a few surgeons and nurses greeted her. The two of us entered her room and I wheeled her bed back to where it was before.

"Was Ellis like that? Distancing her personal life from the medicine?" I asked Elizabeth as I poured her a glass of water and placed it on the table before sitting in the chair by her bedside.

"She was exactly like that." Elizabeth said when Mommy enters the room and stood beside me.

"Your mom's a bigger woman. Liz Fallon." Elizabeth tells Mommy with a fond smile on her face.

"You were her scrub nurse. Meredith Grey. She wanted me to send you her regards." Mommy states.

"That doesn't sound like her. The Ellis Grey I know didn't have regards for anyone except Ellis Grey. But you know that already, don't you? Where is she now?" Elizabeth points out to Mommy and I looked at her, silently asking if it was okay to tell Elizabeth. Mommy looks at me and nods in response.

"Ellis has early onset Alzheimer's."

"And she doesn't want anyone to know." Elizabeth tells us.

"Only our closest friends can know unless she's admitted to the hospital. Then everyone else can know the truth about her. She's in a nursing home and we're the only ones she'll allow to see her." Mommy tells Elizabeth.

"But if I know Ellis Grey, she made the nursing home sign a contract to that effect." Elizabeth says, causing both Mommy and I to smile.

"You know Ellis well." Mommy tells Elizabeth who nods in response. Mommy leaves the room and I looked over at Elizabeth.

"You don't have to stay here on your break dear. I'm going to be fine." Elizabeth tells me.

"My break is not for another few minutes. May I ask you a question ma'am?"

"Of course dear." Elizabeth tells me.

"I met this woman and I am feeling things for her that I never felt before with anyone, man or woman. How do I set up the perfect date? I am autistic and have never really been in a relationship before."

"Dear, a date doesn't have to be extravagant or perfect. It just takes some time and thought on your part. The best date that I had was when my boyfriend at the time made my favourite dinner for me at home and picked out my favourite movie. Just listen to her and trust your heart to know what she'll like." Elizabeth tells me and I couldn't help but smile.

"Thank you ma'am." I say before walking out of the room towards the elevators where photos of Izzie as Bethany Whisper was plastered on the elevator doors. Entering the elevator, I see Alex with a bunch of photocopies of the photo in his hands.

"Why did you do it Alex?"

"Because Izzie treated my best friend like garbage and thinks she's perfect. But she's not perfect and she's definitely not nice. She made you cry Clarissa and it breaks my heart when you cry because you remind me of my little sister. She needs to feel what you feel every time she hurts your feelings." Alex tells me and I hugged him.

"I have never had a big brother before. Thank you for standing up for me."

"Always Clarissa." Alex says before hugging me back.


Addison's POV

"You like Clarissa and are going out next week on a date?" Meredith asks Amelia while the three of us were in kitchen. Sadly Nurse Fallon passed away and while Clarissa understands that death can happen in our line of work, it still devastated her because she really bonded with that woman. Meredith knows of Amelia's past with drugs and alcohol and why she took them in the first place. When a mother sees her children suffering after seeing her father being murdered in front of her and doesn't do anything, said child will turn to harmful substances to deal with the pain. Mark and I got her sober a couple of years ago and she hasn't touched those substances since.

"Yeah. What does she like to do? What are her favourite flowers?" Amelia asks us.

"She likes to watch the boats at the docks in the morning. Loves to watch Disney movies at home and loves drinking hot chocolate. She loves lavender tulips and blue irises. She's not a sexual person because she was sexually abused by people in the past. If she does become intimate with you, go slow and explain what you're doing. She's intellectually smart, but emotionally she's sensitive and young for her age. You will have to explain to her about your addiction with drugs and alcohol."

"I was planning on telling her when I take her out. I want Clarissa to know everything about me because I truly have deep feelings for her." Amelia says and I couldn't help but smile.

"I reminded you before you went." We hear Izzie shout at George upstairs.

"I forgot when I got there. I'm also naked in the shower!" George shouts back.

"No, no. You were so passive-aggressive. They're just tampons, George. I really need tampons. God!" Izzie shouts. Another set of footsteps was heard walking to where they were and I knew that this was Clarissa.

"George does not have to get feminine hygiene products if he does not feel comfortable. Here are some pads and tampons Isobel. Now be quiet because I am trying to think and you shouting at George makes my head hurt. Sorry George." Clarissa calmly says before retreating back to her room.

"If it was up to me, Izzie wouldn't have any feminine hygiene products, but Clarissa's nicer than I am." Meredith says and I nodded in agreement.

"She's the one who bullies Clarissa?" Amelia asks us and we nod in response.

"If she hurts Clarissa again, I'm kicking her ass New York style." Amelia says with a glare on her face.

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