Meeting the Gang

By AlixTheCoordinator

14 2 0

My debut story! About how Alix, Elliot, and Meko met the Pokegang in Hoenn! A tad bit of Contestshipping. Ver... More

Meeting the Gang

14 2 0
By AlixTheCoordinator

Alix: WOW! It's finally our debut story!

May: I know! It feels surreal!

Alix: May, you have the honor,

May:*Clears throat* Ahem. AlixTheCoordinator does not own Pokemon, nor anything else.

Alix: HEY! I happen to own this story, AND this account! But anyways, let's get to it!


Alix POV:

It all started with a contest. And a shipper. And a rose.

You see, I was merely signing up for a contest, when I heard a voice behind me.

"Hi there! Is this your first contest?" The voice asked. I spun around to become face-to-face with a girl, around my age or younger, with chocolate brown hair smiling at me.

I took my coordinating ID (AN:Is that what they're called? Idk) from the desk and quickly thanked Nurse Joy. "No! This is actually my first this Grand Festival year, though! But I've never seen YOU around before," I told her. Her eyes flashed with both embarrassment and curiosity.

"Oh! Sorry! But yeah, I'm kinda new at coordinating," She informed me. "My name's May Maple, and I'm travelling with my friends and brother. And you?.."

"Alix. Alix Chartreuse. I'm traveling with a couple of my friends as well. They're also coordinators," I said. "Oh! They're here! Are those other people your friends?" I pointed outside the glass doors.

There was six people approaching the contest hall. One with baby blue hair in twisted pigtails, another with pastel lavender hair that was of medium height and untied, and still another with a crop of messy-ish light emerald hair that matched his eyes. There was also a man with sharp brown hair and eyes that seemed forever shut, a younger boy with dark blue-green hair and large, black, round glasses, and finally, and guy with messy black hair covered by a cap.

"Oh! 3 of them are, and the green one with bad fashion sense is Drew, my rival. " She squinted.

"Ah, I see. Well, the girls with the pastel hair are my besties. They, like I told you, are also coordinators," I told her. "And I also know Drew. He started coordinating...last year I think? Yeah."

"Really? I didn't know that. I've only met him this year," May looked back at me with a hint of surprise.

"So I take it you started coordinating this year?" I asked her.

"Yup! I met Drew at this private beach where I was practicing for a contest with a pink frisbee. He caught when it went flying with his eyes closed, the proceeded to call it, a ChEesY AcT, even though, IT WAS MY FIRST CONTEST!" She exclaimed, growing angrier by the minute.

"Oh. Well, now I can introduce you to my best friends," I told her, as the rest of the gang (both of them) was by now around us.

"Hi Alix. Who's this?" My friend (the pastel lavender haired one) Meko asked. Beside her was my other best friend, with baby blue hair, Elliot. (Fun fact: Elliot and Meko are the OCs of my best friends in Gr.4, though Meko moved away) I ushered them all to one of the chairs.

"Meko, Elliot, meet May, another coordinator. May, meet Meko and Elliot, both coordinators," I introduced them.

"Hi! I'm May!" May shook hands with them.

"Hi there, I'm Meko." "Yo wassup!..Sorry, that was kinda weird. My name's Elliot!"

"Nice to meet you two! Okay, my turn! Alix, Meko, Elliot, meet my friends and brother, Ash, Brock, and Max," May said.

"Hello, I'm Brock." "I'm Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town, and I wanna be the very best Pokemon Master!" "Okay, Ash. I'm Max, May's much smarter younger brother." "HEY! Rude!"

"Wow May, I'm sort of surprised you made friends this quickly," Someone said mockingly. Unsurprisingly, it was Drew. May's face turned as red as her bandana.

"AND WHAT IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN, GRASSHEAD?!" May exclaimed, balling her hands into fists. Drew smirked.

"Well, considering your temper, I thought it would be pretty hard for you," He told her, producing a rose from seemingly thin air (AN: But seriously, WHERE IS HE PULLING THEM OUT FROM?) . She calmed down slightly, though she continued to bicker with him.

I glanced at my best friends. They gave me knowing looks. We could already tell, there was romance brewing. (AN: CONTESTSHIPPING FTW!)

"So, Brock. Are these two always like this?" Elliot asked as she pointed to May and Drew, still bickering.

Brock chuckled. "Yup, there has never been a time where these two have never fought," He told us, then paused. "Well, I guess there was the time on Mirage Island when they worked together."

"Wait a second, you've been to Mirage Island? THE Mirage Island?" Elliot asked incredulously.

"Yeah! You see, we were stranded and separated there because of Team Rocket. There was Brock, Max, and I, as well as May, Drew and this guy named Roderick," Ash butted in.

"OF COURSE I'VE GOTTEN STRONGER, YOU MOSSY ROCK!!!" May screamed out of nowhere.

Drew smirked. "Then I hope to see you in the finals."

"That's if YOU make it there as well! I seem to remember a time when YOU were beaten by GRACE?" May shot back with confidence.

"That was just a fluke. Won't happen again."

"Are you sure about that, Drew? How do you know one of us won't beat you?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. "You don't recall what we can do, huh?"

"Well, I DO recall beating one of you, though," He replied, turning his head to Elliot.

She glared at him. "Really? Well, I also recall you being CRUSHED by Meko straight after!" She shot back.

"That DOES seem familiar," Meko put in.

May looked at her in surprise. "Wait. You guys have beat Drew already?!" She exclaimed. Meko nodded.

"What was it, your 3rd contest? We thought you might be getting ahead of yourself for winning all the contests after Soli, so we beat you," I told proudly.

"Except I wasn't getting ahead of myself."

"So you say."

"Well, the contest is going to start in 20 minutes, so we'll see you guys then as well. We'll be going! Ciao!" "Bye!" "Be seeing you." My friends and I said as we opened the glass doors to leave.

"So, what do you think?" I asked when we got closer to the contest hall, which was just a little ways away.

"They seem nice," Meko replied after some thought.

"I wonder if May has met Solidad yet," Elliot asked us.

"No, I don't think so. She never said anything when Alix mentioned her," Meko observed.

"Aw! That's to bad. May would like her," I laughed.

We made our way into the contest hall. This was just the beggining of a new chapter in my life.


Alix: Wooh! That took me a while to type.

May: And the word count is......1119! More then a thousand! Wow!

Alix: Thank you, thank you. I can't believe this is a oneshot and not a chapter for a book...

May: Hint hint, nudge nudge.

Alix: Not finished typing yet! But anyways, thank you for reading, and ciao!

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