The Academy

De Randompovs616

69.1K 2.4K 224

Y/n Nash is finally in their senior year of high school. They were popular and everyone had their eyes on her... Mais

Chapter 1: Senior Year
Chapter 2: Welcome to The Academy
Chapter 3: After Tryouts
Chapter 4: Party Time
Chapter 5: Spin the Bottle
Chapter 6: Humility is Attractive
Chapter 7: MIA
Chapter 8: Be Our Guest
Chapter 9: Be a Good Girl
Chapter 10: Blast From the Past
Chapter 11: Secret Club
Chapter 12: Heat Wave
Chapter 13: The Truth
Chapter 14: Not Another Fling
Chapter 15: Meet & Greet
Chapter 16: After Party
Chapter 17: Tensions
Chapter 18: Caught in Paradise
Chapter 19: Surprise
Chapter 20: Talk of the Town
Chapter 21: Popular
Chapter 22: Victory
Chapter 23: Only You
Chapter 24: Teasing Games
Chapter 25: Tragedy
Chapter 26: Stay
Chapter 27: The Proposition
Chapter 28: The Funeral
Chapter 29: Undercover
Chapter 30: Explanations
Chapter 31: Once Again
Chapter 32: Happy Birthday
Chapter 33: Skip Day
Chapter 34: Family Dinner
Chapter 35: The Reveal
Chapter 36: Aftermath
Chapter 37: A Dozen of Daisies
Chapter 39: Not So School Spirited
Chapter 40: The Breakup
Chapter 41: Healing & Hope
Chapter 42: Graduation
Chapter 43: The Waiting Game
Chapter 44: A Gripping Desire
Chapter 45: Deepest Cravings
Chapter 46: In Secret

Chapter 38: School Spirit

692 41 14
De Randompovs616

*Y/n's POV*

Wanda and her family had gone with me to the charity event last week. Of course, cameras were everywhere broadcasting the event and somehow I managed to get through this one. Usually Hazel went to represent my parents company but now I am forced to go to all of these. I had found an antique tea set that was just sitting in the garage to donate, but nothing at the auction really caught my attention.

Sometimes I feel as if I'm living a double life now. I'm back at school to try to get a so called normal life again but my weekends are just filled with the company since I'm not there for the week. I enjoy having Wanda's mother work with us, a lot of times she fills me in the details. Iryna saved up enough money for a new car and I helped with the process along the way to make sure she was not getting scammed of any sort. She seemed to be enjoying the company as Olek has been sentenced due to the Agents capturing him. I asked them to keep it out of the news for their family's sake. I didn't want reporters bombarding them. There were two other guys involved as well so the news flashed it more onto them and on William Fisk aka Kingpin who was behind it all.

Wanda and Daisy have gotten close. Daisy and I left on a weird note so I'm surprised Daisy and Wanda have became close. I don't know if it's because of the yearbook club or what, neither did I really want to ask for it to become sloppy.

"Hey you." I shut my locker and of course Jean Grey.

"Jean..." I sling my backpack over a shoulder as she begins walking with me.

"I actually just wanted to check in on you. See how you were doing."

"Oh..." I was thrown off guard that she just wanted to check up on me.

"You don't have to answer. I know things are probably really tough right now with the company and being here as well."

I chuckle to myself slightly, "yeah. Feels kinda weird if I'm being honest."

"Well, the school's glad to have you back." She said as she turned to face me before entering her class.

I give a polite smile to her as this was the first conversation I ever had with Jean not being possessive of me. "I should get going to my class. I'll see you around Jean."

"See you around Y/n." Jean lightly brushed my arm before heading into her class and I am in utter confusion.

Today I was not excited since it was the pep rally and then the girls football game. We were going against our rival school for some school morale bullshit. Each team has their senior captains participating since it was sort of a tradition so at least I'll be playing with Natasha and Carol.

Are you excited for the pep rally?

So thrilled!

Am I sensing sarcasm?


Daisy and I will be there taking
pictures for the yearbook. I feel like
we haven't hung out with each other
for a bit...I miss you.

I miss you too babe. But it's just
hard juggling life right now for me.
Plus , you're too busy for me now since
you've joined the yearbook club.

Well, I'll be cheering you on at
your game tonight. Along with
taking photos. I love you.

I love you too. See you later.

Wanda and I haven't hung out as often recently. She's been spending a lot of time with Daisy for the yearbook club. But I wonder why no one else helps with photos and it always seems to only be Wanda and Daisy. Of course I trust Wanda, I trust Daisy too, but Daisy and I just left on a weird note. We both liked each other and it just wasn't good timing and we forced ourselves to not keep liking each other.

I head into the gym stadium as the crowd starts filling in. The senior section was pretty much almost full already so I decide to lean against the edge and stand and watch as the band continues to play. I can see Kate and Yelena on the other side since they were juniors and they wave to me as I wave back.

"Smile!" I hear a camera go off as I turn around.

"Please delete that photo." I chuckle as Wanda comes up to me and gives me a hug.

"Nope. Can't do. Not deleting." I roll my eyes at her and just as I was going to lean in for a kiss we're interrupted.

"Hey Wands! I'm gonna get the other side if you wanna stay on this side." Daisy said to her as I didn't turn around to face Daisy.

"Okay! I'll be right out there." Wanda replied looking down to her camera. She seemed upset that we were interrupted as well.

"Since when did she get on the base of calling you Wands?" I chuckle leaning back on the bleachers crossing my arms over my chest. For some reason, Wanda couldn't look at me and was fidgeting with the camera.

"We've been hanging out a lot cause you know...staying after school for yearbook and stuff. Also, she helped me dress shop for the charity event that we went to." I press my lips together and smile nodding my head. I did not know she took Daisy with her to go dress shopping.

"You should probably..." I nudge my head over to the crowd.

"Can we grab dinner tonight or something after your game?" She asked stepping in front of me about to head to the crowd.

"Sure." I only said that cause I was expecting it to get canceled or it wouldn't only be us.

"Okay." I see a smile sneak on her face as she retreats to go start taking photos. I'm glad she found something that she likes. I've seen her take some photos here and there and they were really good. The world deserves to see how much talent she has. I watch as she tries to make her through the crowd and chuckle to myself. Crowds were never her favorite which makes it even funnier to me.

"Y/n! What are you doing down there?!" Carol shouted as I looked up to the gang all sitting together.

"I don't feel like sitting!" I lied cause I secretly just wanted to head out in the middle of this. I don't know why, but ever since coming back I feel social anxiety raving through my veins. Almost as if I detached myself from this place and coming back I felt like a stranger. Interacting with work phone calls, meetings, and the company made me a different person. I felt like my priorities were different now and didn't think playing a girls football game was on my list but here I was.

Principal Xavier comes out to start the pep rally and these events go out every year. Of course they always had color guard, band, dance and all the other teams perform whatever they were working on. Just then the cheerleaders were walking through the doors where I was standing.

"Hey you. What are you doing down here?" Nat said as her team walked passed us.

"I didn't wanna sit but I figured I'd still show school spirit though." I shrugged as she chuckled at me.

"We're gonna kick ass tonight." Natasha said as she walked backwards to the center of the gym. I give her a wink in agreement as she jogs over for their routine.

Next up were the senior superlatives and I roll my eyes cause I always hated these things. They were nothing more than a popularity contest. But most of the gang was out there as winners so of course I clapped for them.

"And for our last category, the senior who will most likely be your future boss is....Y/n Nash!" The MC announced as I slowly make my way to the center of the gym. The bleachers were filled with crowd screaming and cheering and I just felt overwhelmed at this point. They had all of us get in a group photo holding these little trophies for what we've won for a photo.

"Ready...1...2...3!" Wanda shouted as she took our photo. The group dispersed as I looked down at the trophy and walked back over to my spot.

"Baby are you okay?" Wanda said tugging my arm before I could go back.

"Yeah! I'm good."

"You sure?" She asked concerned stopping me from walking. I nod my head and give her a fake smile as I walk pass her to go back into my spot, but really I just wanted to dip at this point. I look around to make sure no one saw me as I begin to slowly back out. I head out to the school parking lot to go grab my gym bag for tonight until I hear little footsteps catching up to me.

"And where do you think you're going Y/n?" I chuckle to myself cause it was Yelena and Kate.

"What are you two spying on me or something?" I laugh at them as they start walking with me.

"No...that's not what we were doing. We just saw you leave and we didn't want to sit through it either." Kate said super quick. She always cracked me up because she could never take my sarcasm sarcastically.

"I'm glad this whole school spirit shit really means a lot to you two."

"It'll matter when we are seniors, but unfortunately in our really does mean a butt load of nothing." Yelena said. I laugh at them cause they're just tagging along with me like two lost little puppies.

"Are you ready for your game tonight?" Kate asked me.

"Mm yeah. Not looking forward to see our rivals though. How's archery going for you?"

"I actually placed first for district so I'll be going to nationals!"

"What?! That's awesome Bishop! I'm so proud of you." I said giving her a high five.

"So uh. Where are you going?" Yelena asked curiously as they realized I was making my way to the parking lot.

"I was honestly just gonna grab my bag and throw it in the locker room. But now that you're suggesting, where are we going?" I teased.

"Can we go get ice cream or something?" Kate whined.

"Mmm yes! Ice cream!" Yelena agreed seeking approval from me.

I laugh at them, "your sister would kill me for having you skip."

"The day is like practically over Y/n." Yelena said hopping into my car already with Kate following in the back. I shake my head and get into my car and start the engine.

"On one condition though, I get to choose the ice cream place." They screech in excitement as I begin to back out of the student parking lot for us to go enjoy some ice cream.

*Wanda's POV*

The pep rally was finally over and I look over and couldn't find Y/n anywhere. It was getting more crowded as everyone was moving like a herd of cows to get out of the gymnasium. Carol steps down from the bleachers as I intercept her from leaving.

"Did Y/n leave?"

"I'm not too sure. She better have not cause we have practice in like 30 minutes."

"She probably just had to take a phone call or something." I said to myself as I begin to look at some of the photos I took.

"Are you guys okay?" Carol asked pulling me to the side where there was less people.

"I don't know. We seem okay, but we haven't had much time together recently. I just really miss her." I said shrugging to myself.

"Hey. Everything's gonna be okay. I know, with everything that's happened in the last several months, it's been chaotic. But...if you and Y/n can get through all of that...I don't see how a little distance could hurt you guys in any way."

"Thanks Carol."

"I need to go get my clothes for practice. But I'll see you later at the game okay?"

I give a slight smile and wave as Carol leaves. She was right. Y/n and I have been through so much together already and this shouldn't be affecting any doubts of us. If we could make it through all of those events, a little distance would be nothing compared to what we've gone through together. Y/n was acting a little weird earlier though. She's been off ever since she came back to school. I was super excited that she came back but she seemed as if she didn't want to be here and regrets it, but this was the only time I would really see her since she came back. I guess I miss the attention that I usually get from her before she left school.

"Ready to go upload these photos for edits?" Daisy said as she made her way over to me.

"Yes!" I said as we made our way back to the yearbook room.

We begin uploading the photos so we could categorize which ones to edit and pick out as our favorites to put in the yearbook. My thought was really only on Y/n at this point. I hope she made it to practice. The first photo pops up from my camera and it was the back of Y/n watching at the very start. I press the arrow to look through the photos and find a photo I took of her as she was leaned up against the bleachers looking up to the senior class. I smile and pause and admire her side profile. I felt so in love with this girl, but I don't know why I feel this sadness too.

"I would tell you to take a picture cause it'll last longer, but you already did that." Daisy said which snapped me back to reality.

"I'm sorry." I whispered as I favorited the photo for myself.

"What's going on?" She asked me teasingly pushing her laptop aside.

"I don't know. I feel secure in my relationship but Y/n and I haven't been seeing each other as often and it's either I've been too busy or she's been too busy. I don't know." I said shaking my head trying to focus on the photos.

"I can have someone else take photos with me Wands."

"No! I love taking photos! She's been off ever since coming back. I'm worried cause she never asks anyone for help and I don't want her to stress herself out even more. Plus, I like spending time with you to keep me distracted."

"So that's what all of this is about?" Daisy scoffed.

"I'm sorry that came out totally wrong." I sighed to myself.

"No I agree. You find a hobby to distract yourself from your problems."

"Excuse me?" I asked not liking her bluntness.

"Wanda what are we doing?" Daisy asked me.

"What do you mean?" I said pushing my laptop to the side. Daisy stands up from her desk and sits in the one next to me.

"I mean, you're always volunteering to come shoot with me for events when I can do them by myself. We've gone out to eat almost every other night, we've been meeting up in the library to study with each other. Some days we meet earlier to go get coffee in the cafeteria cafe...those times we hang out...I'm sure there were some times you could've hung out with Y/n instead."

"I...umm we're friends Daisy..."

"Do you hang out this much with Natasha and Carol?"

" don't but..."

"But what?" Daisy said leaning a bit closer to me.

"Y/n is a great person I understand that...but you guys are just on different paths right now. I have been here for you for the last several weeks and you don't even realize it." She whispered to me.

"Daisy...I..." My heart was pounding in the moment as I see Daisy leaning into me but for some reason my body was not pulling away. Fuck. Why is this happening to me right now?

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