Merlin One Shots

By HollyBowden4

364 1 0

I've been watching Merlin again and I've decided to write some one shots, some might have two parts. More

Well you could say good-day to your daughter
Tell me who did this to you Merlin.
We Kiss in the Shadows
Merlin you cannot keep her

It's Okay to Cry Merlin

90 0 0
By HollyBowden4

Synopsis: It's Christmas eve and Merlin and Arthur have been married for nearly a year now. Whilst Merlin is out riding with Gwaine Arthur tries to find somewhere to hide Merlin's Christmas present but he finds a box belonging to Merlin with loads of trinkets inside. 

Whilst laying in bed together Merlin can sense that something is on Arthur's mind so he asks him, and Arthur tells Merlin that he found a box with trinkets in he asks Merlin about them and Merlin get's upset but he doesn't want to cry in front of Arthur.


Christmas in Camelot was always so magical, blankets of fresh pure snow covered the fields surrounding the mighty kingdom. The lower town was full of traders, music, happiness and laughter and inside the castle the halls were decorated with wreaths and garlands made from fresh pine tree cuttings, holly and stands of red and gold velvet ribbon. Fires glowed and Crackled beneath the marble hearths and candles set the corridors with a beautiful golden angel like glow.

Arthur's POV:

I woke to the sound of the great bells ringing symbolising that the day had dawned and a new day had begun, I rolled over onto my right side and saw Merlin sleeping peacefully beside me. His nightshirt had slipped down during the night revealing the druid mark on his left shoulder I reached my left hand out and gently traced the black swirls with the tip of my baby finger, and in this moment I felt content and happy because I had Merlin and I loved him more than life itself. 

Merlin looked so peaceful sleeping and I could have quite happily sat there watching him sleep but I had a council meeting to attend, slowly I pushed the covers back and went to get out of my side of the bed but I heard Merlin stir behind me I felt him move closer to me his right hand came to rest on my shoulder as he said 'Must you be in such haste to escape'. I smiled and glanced over my shoulder at Merlin meeting his beautiful eyes as I replied 'Were it up to me Merlin I would never leave this bed, but I'm afraid I have a council meeting to attend. But I think we could have 5 more minutes in bed together'. 

I saw Merlin's eyes twinkle as I said that he gently pushed me back against the pillows and said '10  minutes will be fine my love' I was not about to start arguing with Merlin I'd much rather be in bed with him than talking about trade routes and peace treaty agreements so I stripped Merlin of his nightshirt and made love to my wonderful husband.

Merlin's POV:

There was no denying that after we'd finally emerged from our chambers that Arthur was late for the council meeting, I had made plans to go riding with Gwaine and Leon this morning so I walked with Arthur as far as the council chambers the guards outside opened the doors and I watched with a smirk on my face as I watched the way Arthur walked like he'd been training all day non stop.

Once the doors closed I made my way outside to the stables where Gwaine and Leon were waiting for me, there was no doubt in my mind that these two loved each-other but for some reason they wouldn't admit it to each-other but it was so obvious to Merlin even a blind person could see it. As I walked into the stables I saw Gwaine and Leon arguing about something I looked down at the floor as Leon walked towards me before he could leave the stables I said 'Leon what's happened', Leon pointed to Gwaine and said 'Don't ask me, ask him'.

I turned to look back at Gwaine who was being brave and holding back the tears in his eyes, the stable boys bought mine and Gwaine's horses out and we both mounted up before riding out of the citadel towards the main forest road. At first the ride was silent and my concern for Gwaine grew as each second passed by until finally I broke the silence and said to him 'Gwaine I know something's been troubling you I can see it in your eyes, please tell me what is wrong', nothing could have prepared me for what Gwaine said to me in reply 'I was pregnant with Leon's child but I lost it during the jousting tournament last month, remember when Lancelot's jousting staff struck my abdomen'. 

I nodded clearly remembering that moment when the crowd all gasped in shock at the force the staff had hit Gwaine's abdomen, Gwaine carried on and said 'I had pains so I went to see Gaius but by then they'd stopped and then that night I started bleeding and I passed the baby in my chambers on my own, I cried but nobody heard me'. 

Gently pulling on the reins I stopped my horse beside Gwaine's and leaned across to give him a hug as I said 'Gwaine I am so sorry, me and Arthur we had no idea. I really wish you'd told me, have you been to see Gaius to make sure everything's okay'. 

Gwaine looked at Me and said 'No I've not been to see Gaius, but I still get pains and a slight bit of bleeding', I took hold of Gwaine's right hand and gently squeezed it to show some support he gave me a smile in return and I said 'Gwaine I think we should go back to Camelot and see Gaius, I'll go with you. I promise you won't be on your own, and you need to tell Leon what happened'.

Arthur's POV:

The council meeting was so incredibly dull and boring and all I could think about was Merlin and how gorgeous his body was, as soon as the meeting was over I quickly left the hall and made my way down into the lower town to the tailors to pick up Merlin's Christmas present which was a new cloak made with the finest dark blue velvet material, with a gold clasp at the front.

Carefully I carried the box in my arms as I walked back up through the lower town into the citadel, as I walked through the gates I saw Merlin and Gwaine riding up through the lower town I couldn't let Merlin see his present before tomorrow so I ran across the courtyard and into the castle up to our chambers. 

Once I was in our chambers I began looking for somewhere to hide Merlin's present, the wardrobe wouldn't work because Merlin would find it in there so I looked under the bed and pulled out one of my old chests and put it in there, as I pushed it back under the bed I saw a small box right at the back of the bed. I reached under the bed and pulled it out, it was one of Merlin's and I debated whether I should open it or not but my curiosity got the better of me and I slowly opened the lid revealing it's contents which were trinkets. 

Inside the box there was.

A drawing that Merlin had done of himself and his friend Will.

A dark green neck scarf that belonged to the Dragon lord.

A glass vial containing a small red rose.

they all meant something to Merlin but I had no idea what, I decided to put the box back under the bed and ask Merlin about the items inside later. 


 Merlin's POV:

Once me and Gwaine got back to Camelot I took him to see Gaius, who was very sympathetic to Gwaine and gently examined him Gwaine looked at me worryingly and said 'Something's wrong isn't it' I looked at Gaius and said 'Gaius is everything okay'. Gaius gave both of us a reassuring smile and said 'Everything is fine, Gwaine the bleeding your experiencing is perfectly normal after a miscarriage, as are the pains. I'm going to recommend bed rest and a few days off training to let everything settle down'. 

After speaking to Gaius I walked to the stables with Gwaine where we found Leon grooming his horse I gave Gwaine a slight nudge and said 'Go and talk to him Gwaine, he'll never know if you don't tell him'. I watched from the doorway as Gwaine walked over to Leon and told him everything that he'd told me, I left the stables and walked through the castle up to mine and Arthur's chambers, I walked into the room and gasped at the beautiful Christmas garlands that hung from the ceiling. 

The fire roared underneath the marble hearth and the table was set for mine and Arthur's dinner, Arthur walked over from his desk and wrapped his arms around my waist as he kissed me passionately on the lips. After an amazing dinner Arthur and I laid in bed together in each-other's arms, as I lay there I could sense that Arthur's mind was thinking of other things I turned to him and said 'Arthur my love what's wrong I can tell your minds wandering'.

Arthur sat up and reached underneath the bed as he said 'Whilst I was looking for something under the bed this afternoon I found a box of yours containing some trinkets, I know I shouldn't have opened the box in the first place I was just curious and I still am my love'. 

I knew one day Arthur would find the box and ask me about the trinkets inside, I took the box from him and said 'These are all items that remind me of someone I've lost, the picture of me and Will reminds me that he was my best friend and was killed by Cannan, the Neck scarf reminds me of my father the last dragon lord killed by Cenred's men and the rose in the Vial reminds me of the druid girl I once loved long before I had feelings for you. Every day reminds me of someone I've lost and grieved over'.

Arthur's POV:

In all the years Merlin's been my servant and my lover I never realised quite how much he'd lost including friends, family and the girl he once loved. As he told me all about the trinkets and who they reminded him of I saw tears welling in his eyes he looked away from me and I realised he was embarrassed to cry in front of me, I took my left hand to his right cheek and turned his head back to face me as I said 'Merlin it's okay to cry, I'm so sorry I had no idea that you'd lost and grieved for so many people. I want you to promise me that you'll never struggle in silence and you never have to cry alone'.

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