
De Guhcat

22 0 2

A furry sci-fi (short-ish) story I've been doing for like a day, I'm not too good at describing things so jus... Mais

Prologue, The Approaching Storm


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De Guhcat

As the day of the rally arrived, Esi and Ifis stood shoulder to shoulder with the thousands of workers and civilians who had gathered in the central square of Outer Terminus. It was a sea of voices and determination, a testament to the strength and unity of the people.
Esi couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and anxiety as she surveyed the crowd. The atmosphere was electric, charged with a revolutionary spirit that filled the air. They were all here for one purpose - to stand against the encroaching grip of Hedolok Interprises.

As the rally began, a speaker stepped up to the podium, his voice booming through the square. He spoke of the history of Outer Terminus, its legacy as a haven for freedom and independence. His words resonated with the crowd, stoking the fires of defiance that burned within them.

Esi and Ifis listened intently, their eyes glued to the speaker. He was an older man, weathered by time and experience, but his words carried a weight that demanded attention.

"Today, we gather not as individuals, but as a collective force," the speaker declared. "We refuse to be pawns in Hedolok's game. We stand united, ready to defend what is rightfully ours - our freedom, our autonomy!"

The crowd erupted into cheers, their voices blending together in a chorus of determination. Ifis turned to Esi, his eyes shining with fiery resolve. "We have to fight for our home, Esi. We can't just let them take over, not without a fight."

Esi nodded, her heart pounding. She couldn't shake off the worry that gnawed at her, the fear for their parents back on Vauliv. They were caught in the crossfire, innocent victims threatened by Hedolok's ambition.

As the rally continued, speeches were made, each one rallying the crowd, igniting a fervor that burned brighter than ever. But even as hope swelled within Esi and Ifis, a cloud of foreboding hung over them. They knew that something more would be required than just words to achieve true independence.

After the rally, as the workers and civilians dispersed back to their daily tasks, Esi and Ifis found themselves discussing the future. They sat on a bench overlooking the docks, the hum of activity filling the air.

"If Hedolok takes control, everything could change," Esi said, her voice heavy with concern. "We need to do something, Ifis. We can't just let them win."

Ifis nodded, his expression resolute. "But what can we do? We're just regular people, Esi. We don't have any power."

Esi looked out at the sprawling cityscape of Outer Terminus, her eyes filled with determination. "We may not have power, but we have each other. And sometimes, that's enough to spark change."

Days turned into weeks, and tensions continued to rise. The Hedolok ambassador reported back to the upper representatives, detailing the revolutionary spirit that burned within the hearts of the people of Outer Terminus. In response, Hedolok sent a blockade to Outer Terminus and Vauliv, tightening its grip on the star system.

Riots erupted in the streets as shock troopers patrolled, their oppressive presence fueling the anger and frustration of the people. It was during one of these riots that tragedy struck. A peaceful protest descended into chaos, and shock troopers opened fire, indiscriminately killing several civilians and workers.

The event became known as the Terminus Massacre, a turning point that shattered any hopes of a peaceful resolution. Esi and Ifis stood at the edge of the chaos, their eyes filled with horror and grief. Panic ensued as the crowd began descending into madness, people were running, and shots continued to be fired. Esi and Ifis ran for their lives, weaving in and out of the crowd to escape. "C'mon, hang on to my hand!" Shouted Ifis as he guided Esi through the crowd, eventually they made it back to their quarters where Esi slumped down onto a worn-out chair, her hands trembling as she tried to steady her breathing. Tears streamed down her face, a mixture of fear, anger, and despair. Ifis, equally shaken, paced back and forth in their small quarters, unable to find solace in the stillness that surrounded them.
"That... that was horrible," Esi whispered, her voice filled with disbelief. "Innocent people, Ifis, just trying to stand up for their rights. And they were killed, gunned down like they meant nothing."

Ifis clenched his fists, his face etched with a mixture of sorrow and determination. "This... this changes everything," he said, his voice faltering slightly. "They've shown us that there is no peaceful resolution. They've shown us their true colors, Esi, Outer Terminus needs to fight back."

Esi's eyes widened, she had never seen Ifis so resolute before. "Fight back?"

Ifis nodded, his gaze unwavering. "We've seen the depth of Hedolok's cruelty. Their grip on us will only tighten further if we do nothing. We owe it to those who lost their lives today to stand up for what's right."

Esi searched Ifis' eyes, seeing the determination burning within them. She knew she couldn't let fear paralyze her anymore. The massacre had taken away everything she had once believed in.

"You're right," Esi said, her voice now filled with a newfound resolve. "We cannot let their deaths be in vain. We must fight for justice, for freedom, for Outer Terminus." She breathed sharply. "Not one less."

As the chaos continued to unfold, Esi and Ifis made their way back to grab some of their belongings from the docks. As they resumed their daily tasks, their eyes were drawn to a holoscreen broadcasting a live recording of the burning fields on Vauliv, their hearts heavy with the knowledge of their family's destroyed crops. The sight was gut-wrenching, flames consuming the livelihoods of their loved ones.
Esi's fists clenched in anger as she watched the devastation unfold. The phrase "Not one less" echoed in her mind from last night, a reminder of the lives lost and the countless others that could suffer under Hedolok's control. She knew in her heart that they could no longer rely solely on words and peaceful protests. Action was needed, and it was needed now.

The crowd that had gathered around the holoscreen turned their attention to Esi as she stepped forward, her voice strong and filled with conviction. "We have witnessed the depths of Hedolok's cruelty firsthand," she began, her words carrying through the air. "They have taken innocent lives, destroyed our homes, and now they have come for our very sustenance. We cannot stand idly by any longer!"

A chorus of agreement and determination filled the air as the crowd listened intently to Esi's impassioned speech. They were tired of being victims, tired of being powerless. It was time to take a stand and fight for their freedom.

"Today, we make a vow," Esi declared, her voice resolute. "We will not allow another life to be lost. We will not allow another field to be burned. We will push Hedolok out of Outer Terminus and restore freedom to Outer Terminus and to Far Hedda!" Esi's words struck a chord within them, igniting a collective desire to fight back against the tyranny that had plagued their lives for the last month.

"Not one less! Not one less! Free Far Hedda!" the crowd began chanting, their voices growing in strength and volume. The cries echoed through the docks, turning heads and drawing more people into the movement.

With each step, the crowd swelled, transforming from a group of oppressed individuals into a unified force. They marched purposefully towards a nearby garrison, where the shock troopers awaited their arrival.

The shock troopers formed a line, a formidable barrier between the crowd and the garrison. They braced themselves, unsure of how to respond to the growing sea of fury that threatened to engulf them. But this riot was different. The rioters carried not just passion but weapons, pieced together from scraps and industrial tools.

As the crowd surged forward, chaos erupted. A satchel bomb hurtled through the air, exploding amidst the shock troopers, leaving a trail of devastation in its wake. Several troopers were thrown to the ground, lifeless.

The sound of gunfire filled the air as the shock troopers, under orders from their remorseless superiors, unleashed a torrent of bullets into the crowd.

Esi and Ifis found themselves in the heart of the maelstrom, their eyes locking in a silent pact as they fought for their lives and the lives of those they had lost. Esi's grip tightened on a sharp piece of metal she had found, and with a swift tackle, she saved Ifis from the clutches of a shock trooper, driving the makeshift weapon into the trooper's neck.

People screamed and scattered, desperately seeking cover from the onslaught. Bodies fell to the ground, the echoes of their pain and suffering reverberating through the chaos. Panic gripped Esi and Ifis, but they refused to let fear consume them.

Esi's hands trembled as she reached for the fallen shock trooper's weapon, its weight unfamiliar in her grasp. She glanced at Ifis, his eyes filled with equal parts fear and determination, as he too armed himself with a stolen gun.

Esi shouted over the cacophony of gunshots, her voice tinged with a mix of determination and desperation. "We can't let them win!"

Ifis nodded, his claws gripping the weapon tightly. "We have to keep fighting," he said, his voice resolute. "For the lives lost and for our future."

Together, Esi and Ifis joined the rioters who had also armed themselves with confiscated weapons. They huddled behind makeshift barricades, their bodies pressed against the cold metal walls of the living sector. Esi could feel her heart pounding against her chest as she scanned the chaos around her. The air was thick with the acrid scent of smoke and the tang of spilled blood.

With each passing moment, the riot descended further into madness. The shock troopers, devoid of mercy, continued to unleash their deadly volleys upon the crowd, cutting down anyone in their path. But the rioters did not falter. They fought back with a ferocity bred from desperation, a determination fueled by the injustice they had endured.

Esi crouched behind cover, her breath coming in fast, shallow gasps. She watched as a rioter beside her, mere inches away, was struck by a bullet and fell to the ground, a life extinguished in an instant

The acrid scent of smoke and the tang of spilled blood filled the air as the rioters fought desperately against the remorseless shock troopers.

The rhythmic staccato of gunfire echoed through the narrow corridors of Outer Terminus. Esi's heart pounded against her chest, her breaths shallow as she stole a glance at Ifis, whose eyes mirrored a mix of fear and determination. Clad in their worn-out jumpsuits, the siblings gripped stolen weapons, unfamiliar and unwieldy in their inexperienced hands.

"We can't stay here forever," Ifis shouted over the deafening gunfire. "We need to push forward, take control of the Garrison!"

Esi nodded, her eyes scanning the chaotic scene. "On my mark," she replied, her voice determined. "Three, two, one—"

The rioters surged forward, a disorganized wave of desperation crashing against the shock troopers. Bullets whizzed past Esi and Ifis as they followed the tide, their weapons raised, and hearts pounding. The living sector turned into a battleground, with makeshift barricades providing sporadic cover.

The siblings moved cautiously, weaving through the chaos. The screams of the injured mingled with the relentless gunfire, creating a symphony of violence that drowned out all reason. As they advanced, Esi felt a sharp pain in her shoulder, the force of the impact sending her staggering.

"Ifis!" she called out, her voice strained.

"I'm here," he responded, pulling her behind a makeshift barricade. Blood seeped through Esi's jumpsuit, staining the fabric a deep crimson. Ifis glanced at the wound, his expression a mix of concern and urgency.

"Esi, we have to—"

Another burst of gunfire drowned out Ifis's words. He knelt beside his sister, torn between the fight and the desperate need to help her. Esi clutched her bleeding shoulder, her breaths ragged, eyes wide with pain.

"I can't... Ifis, I can't go on like this," she gasped.

Ifis scanned the surroundings, searching for a way to pull Esi to safety. The realization hit him like a punch to the gut – their fight for Outer Terminus might cost them everything, including each other. The harsh truth of the situation brought with it a moment of reckoning.

"Stay with me, Esi. We'll find cover, get you help," Ifis urged, his voice betraying a mix of desperation and determination.

As Ifis hoisted Esi up, gunfire continued to echo around them. The rioters pressed on, their fury unabated, but the siblings were forced to withdraw from the frontlines. Ifis dragged Esi behind a stack of cargo containers, the sounds of battle fading slightly in the relative safety of their impromptu cover.

Esi's breaths came in short gasps, her face pale. "We can't let them... take our home," she whispered her words more a mantra than a directive.

Ifis, torn between loyalty to his sister and the cause they fought for, cradled Esi in his arms. He looked into her eyes, witnessing the toll the battle had taken on her. The air reeked of desperation, and the distant cries of the rioters mingled with the harsh orders of the corporate soldiers.

"I know, Esi. We won't," Ifis replied, his eyes reflecting both determination and concern. He glanced around, assessing their situation. Corporate reinforcements were streaming in, their cold, disciplined advance contrasting sharply with the desperate fury of the rioters.

"We need to find a way out of here," Ifis muttered, scanning the chaotic battlefield. He helped Esi to her feet, supporting her weight as they moved from cover to cover. The distant cries of the rioters mixed with the harsh orders of the corporate soldiers, creating an eerie cacophony of despair.

As they maneuvered through the warren of cargo containers, Ifis felt a surge of anger. The massacre of the rioters was a stark reminder that their fight was not just against an occupying force; it was a struggle for survival against a ruthless enemy.

Esi's strength waned, and her steps faltered. Ifis guided her to a secluded corner, away from the direct line of fire. She slumped against the cold metal, her eyes reflecting pain and exhaustion. Blood seeped through her jumpsuit, staining it in dark patches.

"We can't stay here," Ifis said, his voice tinged with urgency. "We need to get you to a hospital."

Esi nodded weakly, her vision blurring at the edges. "Don't let them take Outer Terminus, Ifis. We have to keep fighting."

"We will," Ifis assured her, his eyes narrowing with determination. "But first, we need to get you help."

Ifis half-carried, half-dragged Esi through the living sector. The acrid scent of burnt metal and the distant echoes of gunfire lingered in the air. The siblings moved with urgency, weaving through the dimly lit corridors and ducking behind storage crates whenever the distant pops of gunfire grew too close.

As they navigated the maze-like passages, the clatter of their footsteps resonated against the cold metal underfoot. Ifis glanced at Esi, her fur matted with sweat, blood seeping through her jumpsuit. She had passed out from the pain, her body limp in Ifis's arms.

"Stay with me, Esi," Ifis muttered, his voice a desperate plea. He needed to find a way out of the living sector, away from the blood-soaked battleground that had claimed the lives of so many.

The distant hum of an elevator caught Ifis's attention. A flicker of hope sparked in his eyes as he changed course, heading towards the lift. The sounds of conflict grew distant as they ascended, leaving behind the horrors of the living sector.

The lift doors opened to a relatively quiet corridor in an industrial district. Ifis staggered out, Esi still draped over his shoulder. The surroundings were eerily silent compared to the chaos they had left behind, but the signs of unrest were everywhere. Broken windows discarded makeshift weapons, and scuff marks on the walls bore witness to the recent turmoil.

Spotting a local hospital nearby, Ifis quickened his pace. He burst through the entrance, attracting the attention of the staff who were tending to a few other injured individuals. The medical professionals, though shocked by the state of the siblings, sprang into action.

"We need help!" Ifis shouted, laying Esi gently on a nearby stretcher. The medical team hurried to assess her injuries.

"Gunshot wound to the shoulder," one of the doctors noted, her face grim. "We'll do what we can, but we're running low on resources."

Ifis nodded, his eyes never leaving Esi's unconscious form. The hospital, a local establishment untouched by the influence of Hedolok Interprises, became a sanctuary in the midst of chaos. The medical staff worked with a mixture of urgency and precision, trying to stabilize Esi's condition.

As the medical team attended to Esi, Ifis paced back and forth in the cramped waiting area. The adrenaline that had fueled his fight now left him drained and haunted by the events that unfolded in the industrial sector.

A Sendailli nurse approached Ifis, her eyes conveying both sympathy and worry. "She's stable for now. We've done what we can with the resources we have."

Ifis nodded, gratitude etched across his features. "Thank you. Is there anything I can do?"

"Wait here. We'll let you know when she's conscious," the nurse replied, guiding Ifis to a small seating area.

As Ifis sat in the dimly lit waiting room, his thoughts were a tumultuous whirlwind. The weight of the recent events pressed down on him, the loss of fellow rioters, the brutality of the corporate forces, and the precarious situation Outer Terminus found itself in. He clenched his fists, vowing to continue the fight for justice and freedom.

Hours later, Esi stirred on the hospital bed, groaning softly. Ifis rushed to her side, relief flooding his features. "Esi, you're awake."

Esi winced, her hand instinctively reaching for the bandaged shoulder. "What... happened?"

"We're in a hospital. You got shot during the riot, but you're stable now," Ifis explained, his voice filled with a mix of concern and determination.

Esi's eyes flickered with realization, memories of the chaos flooding back. "The riot... the people... Ifis, what happened?"

Ifis hesitated, then sighed. "The rioters were rounded up. Most of them... they didn't make it. It got worse after we left."

Esi groaned, a dull ache pulsating through her wounded shoulder. "How long was I out?"
"A few hours. You took a hit during the riot," Ifis replied, his gaze drifting to the bandaged wound.

Memories of the chaos flooded back, and Esi winced at the pain both in her shoulder and in her heart. "Ifis, we can't let their sacrifice be in vain. We have to keep fighting."

Ifis's expression darkened, and a shadow passed over his eyes. "Esi, we lost so many out there. I don't know if I can keep doing this. I'm scared we're going to end up like them."

Esi, despite her own pain, reached out and grasped Ifis's hand. "I'm scared too, Ifis. But we can't let fear paralyze us. If we don't fight, who will? We owe it to those who can't fight anymore."

Ifis nodded, his grip on Esi's hand tightening. "I just... I don't want to lose you."

Esi managed a small, pained smile. "We'll watch each other's backs. We're in this together, no matter what."

As Esi's strength slowly returned, Ifis helped her navigate the hospital corridors. The scent of antiseptic filled the air as they stepped out into the dimly lit industrial district. The rain, a constant companion, dripped from the awnings, mirroring the somber mood that enveloped them.

Returning to their quarters, the siblings found the small room just as they had left it—cramped, dimly lit, and filled with the stench of despair. Ifis helped Esi settle onto the cot, her wounded shoulder a constant reminder of the battle they faced. The room felt smaller, the air heavier with the uncertainty of their future.

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