Scratches (Fred Weasley)

By supercomiCal

92 13 2

[Rewritten] "I'm feeling so impossible right now." "But I am the impossible." "Impossibly bored in class to b... More

Chapter 1: First of September

92 13 2
By supercomiCal

King's Cross was at its busiest on the first day of September, the people bustling about the station mostly comprised of Muggles trying to get to wherever their destination was, and the occasional Wizard or Witch attempting to cross the inconspicuous barrier to Platform 9 and three quarters, hopefully away from prying eyes.

    Jane Price knew the franticness of the first day of school all too well. Despite being a mother to only one daughter, she found herself brisk walking through the station in the company of two other children. The shortest one, Nicolai, had been struggling to keep up with her much taller friends, walking just a few paces ahead of Jane who was being silently tormented by her work shoes, but found very little time, if none at all, to complain about it as the children were on the cusp of being left behind by the Hogwarts Express.

    "Florence, dear?" she called out, the taller girl, who whisked her head around at her mother's behest, "Darling, won't you slow down? My old legs can't keep up at this pace!"

    "Mum, the train leaves in ten minutes!" she managed to protest, despite her ragged and labored breath, their exchange cut off as the shorter brunette let out a string of complaints about her trolley being too heavy to push, which had been remedied rather quickly as their tallest friend, a blond boy by the name of Alexander, stopped abruptly to pick up one of her trunks and transfer it onto his own trolley.

    At long last, much to the older lady's relief, they finally reached platform nine and three quarters, Jane taking the time to catch her breath as her daughter moved to plant a chaste kiss on her cheek, "Thanks for seeing us off, Mum." Florence smiled, her friends coming into view, "Thank you for letting us sleep over the last week, Mrs. Price." Nicolai said, Alexander nodding at the sentiment, "You have always been such a gracious host."

    "Nonsense, you two are hardly guests, no need to thank me." Jane said earnestly, "Now you three best take care of each other. I'll see you all during winter break."

    King's Cross station disappeared from their view as soon as they had crossed the barrier, greeted by the sight of the black and maroon steam train that took them to school for the last four years.

    "Fifth year," Alexander breathed out, in a tone that was simultaneously wistful and apprehensive, "OWLs year..."

    "Oh don't remind me." Nicolai groaned, "I was rather happy waking up this morning knowing this is going to be Penelope's last year at Hogwarts. Then she'll be out of my hair forever!"

    "You say that now, but I'm sure you'll miss her when she's gone, Nic." Florence pointed out, Nicolai laughing rather loudly at the thought of missing her sister, "It's like you don't even know me at all!"

    "Last call for luggage! Last call for luggage!" they heard a voice bellow, snapping them back into urgency, "Holy shit!" Nicolai cursed, as the three of them pushed their trolleys faster towards the train.

    After being scolded for boarding the train well into the last few minutes, the three had finally found an empty compartment at the last car of the train, sighing as they all sank into their respective seats, Florence leaning her head against the window, a slight frown dawning her face as she stared intently at the knitted nightmare of a hat that sat atop her friend's head, "Er, Nic... That's a rather bold fashion choice. Any reason in particular?"

    Nicolai scoffed, abruptly tugging the pink and lime green beanie in mention, her hair flying into different directions, "My nan knitted it for me, Gave one to Pen too but it wasn't as ridiculous of a color scheme." she muttered as Alexander chuckled, "Thought I'd bump into mum while we were at the station. She made me swear to the old bat that I'd wear it, and said it's offensive not to appreciate someone's labor of love."

    "Labor of love isn't exactly what I'd call it." Alexander tittered, Nicolai chucking the hat square in his face, "Git." she grumbled, before kicking her feet up to rest on his knees, though her legs had been too short that they were sliding off rather slowly.

    He flashed her a mocking smile, before throwing her legs off, making her topple sideways on her seat and onto the floor, Florence holding back her laugh at the expense of her friend.

    "Traitor!" Nicolai declared as a giggle escaped her lips.

    Unlike any other friend group, there was hardly any happenings from the summer break to discuss amongst them, seeing as they had spent most of it in each other's houses or writing dutifully to each other on the days that they were apart. Alexander, Florence and Nicolai had been inseparable since their first year, and nothing was going to change the fact any time soon.

    Despite the lack of news, the first half of the train ride was still spent in endless chatter, mostly of their expectations for the new school year, as well as the looming terror that was the OWL exams. After some time, the two watched as Alexander checked his watch and rose from his seat, "Where are you going?" Florence inquired, as he fumbled around to fasten his Prefect pin on his regular clothing, "I got an owl the other day, said Prefects have to report to the Head Boy and Girl at some point on the train, something about special instructions. Think it's got something to do with the whole Sirius Black fiasco."

    It had been on every paper since the start of the summer, and rightfully so, as the fugitive in mention was said to be notoriously dangerous, especially being the only person known to ever successfully escape the holdings of the Azkaban prison. Florence's mother had spent a good portion of their week-long sleepover cautioning them of the changes that it would bring to Hogwarts, primarily the presence of the Dementors that have been stationed in the school by the decree of the Ministry, despite it being a rather threatening creature that had no business being around students who were yet to be taught how to defend themselves from it.

    Florence and Nicolai watched as Alexander disappeared into the hallway, closing the compartment door behind him, and much to their surprise, scurried back inside after a few short seconds. Nicolai frowned, opening her mouth to question such unusual behavior when a familiar blonde girl passed right in front of their compartment, Alexander's blue eyes trailing her until she was out of eyeshot. This made both her and Florence laugh as his cheeks flushed, growing more flustered than he had already been.

    "Do shut up." he scoffed, nervously fiddling with his prefect pin once more and smoothening his hair, Florence looking up at him, the teasing look on her face unwavering, "Somebody has a little crush." she mused, earning yet another hearty laugh from Nicolai, "Yeah, he might as well be snow in love with fire, because that is not happening."

    "That's encouraging." Xander drawled sarcastically, "I'm glad you have so much confidence in me, dear friend." he opened the compartment door once more, "I'll see you two later."

    "He's gonna make a great Prefect." Florence said, as soon as the door shut and their friend had walked out of their line of sight, Nicolai flopping back against the backrest of her seat, "I don't doubt that for a second. It's nice to have someone in the inside, should we need to get out of things."

    Florence frowned, "We?"

    Nicolai shrugged, "Yeah, we. Maybe you'd want to skip a few classes with me? Hang out in the kitchens, go back to our dorm room to sleep a little bit more..." she chuckled, "You've been a model student this whole time, it should be high time for you to get into some mischief."

    "Or maybe not?" she pointed out, "It's not a rite of passage. Besides, we'll be too busy with our O.W.Ls this year, we can't afford to waste any of our time sitting in bloody detention."

    "Oh come on, you don't have to be uptight all the time. No harm in living a little, Flo– hey!" Nicolai bellowed as their compartment door was thrown open abruptly, a pair of lanky red haired boys running into their space and slamming it shut, Nicolai glaring at them as Florence immediately recognized who they were.

    The Weasley twins were the epitome of trouble. She could hardly recall a ruckus that was not instigated by either of them, dating back to their first day in the Castle during the Sorting Ceremony when George had yanked the sorting hat from his head and threw it towards Fred who had already been sitting at the Gryffindor table. Florence was also rather familiar with them from Quidditch, having been able to play against them since joining the Ravenclaw team in her second year.

    "Oh hey," one of them said, snapping Florence out of her trance as she stared up at them, "Its Price, yeah? Ravenclaw chaser?"

    "Huh, so it is." the other one said, looking at her and smiling, his chest rising and falling rapidly, inferably from whatever it is that they were trying to escape from, "How's your summer been, Price?"

    "Do you mind?" Nicolai bellowed angrily, the two swiveling around to look at her, "This compartment is occupied!"

    "Yes, we can see that." one of them deadpanned, causing the other one to crack a smile, "If it's not too much trouble, we'd be grateful if you let us stay for a few minutes, you see we're hiding from someone."

    Florence blanched, the thought of even being remotely involved in a Weasley twins scheme making her feel uneasy, "Rowena's sake, we're not gonna be accomplices to whatever it is that you–"

    "Worry not, nothing dangerous or illegal." the other one added, "Just a few frogs. In a suitcase. An unwelcoming sight, if you will." he smiled warmly at her, hoping to ease the growing scoff that was blooming on her face. Slowly, he did a double take at Nicolai, his hazel eyes widening in recognition, "Hang on, you're Penelope's sister." he said, tapping his twin brother's shoulder, "George, it's Pen's younger sister."

    "Ah, that makes it even better then." said George, "We'll be family soon, I suspect, with Perce dating your sister. Getting serious, so I've heard. You don't mind sharing this compartment with your family now, do you?"

    "You know what you could share? The shrubbery with the squirrels after I shove your arses out of this bloody train!" she snapped, pointing menacingly at the slightly ajar compartment window, Fred and George not quite fazed by her threat, "Now get out!"

    "Ravenclaws and your tempers," Fred muttered, "Would do you lot a world of good if you knew how to live a little."

    "Live a little?" Nicolai echoed incredulously, taking offense to the implication that she was a square, "I'll have you know that we–"

    "Guys, pipe down!" Florence bellowed, the three looking to her as she nervously looked around, the silence allowing them to hear as the train's wheels were slightly screeching. Rising from her seat, she looked out of the window to confirm her suspicions, the train was indeed slowing down into a stop. In the middle of nowhere, Hogsmeade not even close in sight.

    "We couldn't have possibly arrived yet." said one of the Weasley twins as the two moved to the window to peer outside with her, "We're barely halfway there, I think."

    She threw them an accusatory look, "You two wouldn't happen to be involved in this, now would you? Because if so, I swear to Merlin–"

    "Mate, we put a bunch of frogs in Lee Jordan's luggage, not destroy the bloody train." said George, Florence raising her arms in defense, "Okay, okay, just checking. Don't know what you two are capable of..." she muttered, just as the lights started flickering on and off in their compartment, the temperature dropping to a chill.

    The sun had been halfway down the horizon when the train came to a full stop, the dimming environment making the sudden halt all the more ominous. They could hear the commotion from the neighboring compartments, Fred and George prying the window open wider as one of them stuck their head out in an attempt to look for answers.

"Nothing looks broken." the twin with his head out the window reported, "Must be a quick stop, then."

The lot of them jumped at the sound of the door sliding open, everyone swiveling around to find Alexander, a few bags of candy in each hand. "Bumped into the trolley lady on my way back, thought I'd buy some— what..." he stared at Fred and George, then at Florence and Nicolai, the latter shrugging as if to say that she could not quite explain the twins' presence in their compartment either.

"D'ya happen to see what's causing the stop?" One of them inquired, Alexander merely shaking his head, still quite confused about their presence.

"Well, we ought to find out, Georgie." Fred, inferably, said, his twin brother nodding enthusiastically, "We definitely ought to." George turned to Florence and Nicolai, flashing them a kind smile, "It was fun, ladies. If you'll excuse us, Fred and I shall get to the bottom of this..."

"Yeah, you do that..." Nicolai muttered, watching as the pair shuffled out of their space, leaving them still somewhat confused in their wake.

Alexander's jaw slacked open, "Why were they...?"

"I couldn't tell you." Florence said honestly, "Something about a frog and a suitcase."

Xander looked alarmed, "Whose?"

"Not any of ours." responded Nicolai, his demeanor relaxing.

As if on cue, Nicolai's eyes caught a glimpse of the treats in his hand, eyes growing wide, "Are those choco balls?" she said excitedly, Xander nodding, "Yes, I had bought them for you. I also got droobles here– hey!" he shrieked, as the bags had been swiped rather viciously from his hands, Nicolai retreating to a corner of the compartment and greedily ripping the bag open, as though a wild unfed animal who had been offered raw meat.

"What? You were going to give them to me anyway!" Nicolai said in her defense, Florence watching her practically inhale her first chocoball, "Merlin's sake, have some decorum, Nic."

"If we're being honest, we're way past that, Flo."

She nodded thoughtfully, before turning to Xander, "Anything for me?"

He handed her a pack of jelly slugs and a cauldron cake, Nicolai's eyes widening, "How come she gets the cauldron cake?"

"I would have given you the option to have it had you not attacked me for chocoballs."

"Don't be a baby, I didn't even hurt you."

"You scratched my hand when you lunged at me! What are you, a werewolf?!"

Florence chuckled to herself as she watched her friends squabble back and forth, taking the seat opposite from Nicolai by the window. She had just started to unwrap her cauldron cake when she saw something zip past their window. It had been too fast, Florence seeing nothing but a blur of black. She blinked rapidly, turning to her friends who were still going at it, "Guys..." she said, her voice drowned out by their own.

She saw the same blur go by from the corner of her eyes, making her jump. "Guys." she said, a tad bit louder than the last. The lights started flickering more aggressively than it did a few minutes before, which had been enough to stir Nic and Xander from their relentless back and forth, the two looking up at the fixtures, just as it blinked off entirely. They were submerged in darkness for a good minute, listening to a few screams and shouts from the other compartments. Florence whipped out her wand, "Lumos..." she whispered, her friends doing the same, the combined light from their wands still barely illuminating the whole room.

"Well, certainly an interesting start to the year." said Nicolai in an unnerved demeanor, "I don't suppose they're just trying to scare us?"

"No way. Flickering lights, maybe, but stopping the train? That seems a little much." Xander concluded, Nicolai's yelping as she looked out the window, "Did any of you see that?!?" she shrieked, Alexander looking at her, perplexed, "You're not helping the situation!"

"No, she's not joking. I saw something a while ago. Something black, i-it was a blur but—"

"Dementors!" they heard someone from the neighboring compartment scream, the three of them stumbling back from the window as the black blur swished past once more. Their wands quivered in their shaking hands, though kept it pointed in offense at all times. They had not exactly been taught how to fight off the creature just yet, but it didn't mean they weren't willing to try.

Thundering footsteps were heard down the hallway, a rugged looking man with a long scar across his face yanking their door open and peering inside, "Children..." he called out to them, his breath labored, "Everything is going to be alright. Just stay in closed quarters. They are being handled right now as we're speaking."

The man left, just as fast as he had come, Florence quickly shutting the door in his wake, a sense of familiarity washing through her at a glimpse of his face in the faint glow of their combined wands.

Several agonizing minutes later as the screams died down and the lights started to flicker back on, the bone freezing chill had dispersed. They clambered towards the window, seeing nothing more but the night sky.

"Merlin's beard..." Nicolai exhaled, "We could have died!"

For once her melodrama was not entirely misplaced, Florence thought. It was safe to say that the unwanted visit had left nearly everyone shaken, this evident as the once lively chatter that usually ensued upon the arrival at Hogsmeade was replaced by wary looks and low whispers. Even the welcoming ceremony had been solemn, the only semblance of excitement radiating from the first year students who had been sorted into their new Houses. It was then followed by a rather lengthy speech from Dumbledore, who had apologized for the incident on the train, as well as warned the students of the Dementors' further presence in the school throughout the year.

"As unsavory as this whole situation is, there is little to be done for circumstances decreed by the Minister himself," Dumbledore said, with a little sigh towards the end, "Now, onto more lighthearted news, we have a new Professor that shall be joining us this year." he smiled, turning to the faculty table behind him and beckoning the man to stand. It had been the same man who was going compartment to compartment and reassuring everyone on the train.

"Defense?" Nicolai murmured, Florence nodding, "Can't be anything else, really. Last I heard of Professor Lockheart is that he's taken permanent residence at the Janus Thickey Ward."

"Such a shame that he was a fraud," Alexander tutted, "Gave us Ravenclaws a bad rep."

"At least he was easy on the eyes..." Nicolai sighed outwardly, both her friends casting her judging stares, to which she frowned, "What? He was!"

The feast was just as grand as ever, somewhat making up for what had transpired on the train, the incident long forgotten as stomachs filled up and laughter echoing from conversations among friends.

As the tables were cleared, Alexander bade his friends farewell, as he was to meet with a few prefects who were to help get the first year students settled in. Nicolai and Florence were making their way up to the Ravenclaw tower when something had caught her eye, "Look, Flo, the new DA professor." she whispered, stopping shortly in front of the staircases, staring at his retreating figure, "I wonder how Professor Lupin got his scar. A massive thing, isn't it?"

"Must be something personal, you shouldn't go around asking about it, got it?"

Nicolai deflated slightly, before letting out a grunt, "You're no fun sometimes." she deadpanned, making Florence chuckle, "Just trying to keep you out of trouble, Nic..."

— — —

Florence awoke for the first day of classes bright and early, most of her roommates still slumbering, with the exception of Marcy, who was notorious for rising with the sun. She had been combing her hair by the mirror as Florence threw open her wardrobe, taking out the first uniform set she spotted. "Good morning, Flo." said Marcy, who looked at her from the reflection of the mirror, "I didn't see you and Nic come in last night."

"We were playing Wizard's chess with Xander in the common room til about eleven. You were already asleep by then."

"That I was," she smiled, "I'm heading down for breakfast in a few. Would you like me to wait for you?"

"Thanks, but I still have to wake Nic after my shower." Florence said, the two glancing at the sleeping brunette, light snores coming from her slightly ajar mouth, "I don't know how they sleep in so late..." she tutted, before resuming combing her hair.

By the time Florence had finished her shower and changed into her uniform, everyone else had managed to stir themselves awake, including Nicolai, by some miracle, as her body clock was usually a contributing factor to her penchant for tardiness.

"Ugh, finally." Groaned one of the girls, Amelia, who had been waiting rather impatiently, judging from the scowl on her face, for Florence to vacate the bathroom, "You took forever in there!"

"Good morning to you too, Ames." Florence chuckled at the grumpy girl who had brushed past her to get to the bathroom. Nicolai looked to Katelyn, as she and Amelia were thick as thieves, "Gee, what crawled up her ass and died?"

"Don't mind her. Boy trouble," Katelyn said nonchalantly, as if it was a reoccurring thing, "She and her boyfriend had a nasty row on the train yesterday, found out he'd been writing to this fourth year Slytherin tart all summer."

"My... drama so early into the school year. At least it won't be dull for her." Nicolai said, moving to grab clothes to change to, as she had already showered before she had gone to bed.

The pair met Alexander in the common room as soon as they were finished getting ready. He stared in dramatic shock as Nicolai descended from the stairs, making her roll her eyes, "Alright, alright, get it out of your system." she said dully, "Well pardon me, this is the first year we're not running late for breakfast and our timetable pickup because we can't get you out of bed."

"That was one time!" Nicolai huffed exasperatedly, "In the second year."

"And the third." Florence reminded her, "And honestly, the fourth too."

"Fine, fine. I get it." she grumbled in defeat, "So are we heading down to breakfast or are we just gonna stand around and gossip?" Nicolai led the charge towards the exit, Florence and Alexander sharing a look, "I have this theory the real Nicolai's been abducted and replaced with an impostor." Xander whispered, Florence nodding in agreement, "That would explain everything, if I'm being honest."

The Great Hall was almost at full capacity by the time they had gotten there, finding a spot towards the end of the Ravenclaw table, Florence immediately piling food into her plate. She was about to dig into her pancakes slathered in maple syrup when her name had been called from the other side of the table, looking up to see Roger Davies heading in her direction.

"Rowena's sake..." Nicolai groaned, "It's too early for that boy's energy."

"It's eight o'clock..." Alexander pointed out.

"Price!" Roger said once more, as soon as he was in closer proximity, giving her friends an acknowledging nod, "How's your summer been?"

"Just fine, Roger, and yours? Ready for Captaincy this year?" she responded politely, the new Ravenclaw Quidditch captain beaming at the query. "Very productive. Spent the whole time training. I hope you're ready for the season. Professor Flitwick wants to see that cup on his desk this year and no later than."

"Always ready, Captain." she nodded, her eyes flickering to the oncoming boy with shaggy brown hair, "I had a feeling you'd be lurking close by. How are you, Jere?"

"Florence, good to see you as always." Jeremy Stretton, a fellow Chaser, smiled, before slinging an arm around Roger, "I hope he's not already boring you with Quidditch talk. Classes haven't even started."

"It's not boring." Roger grumbled, "I can feel it, it's going to be our year."

"You say that every year." Florence pointed out, Roger giving her a look, "Well I apologize if I'd like to start the season with a sliver of optimism. Unlike you Negative Nancies."

"I call it being realistic." Florence deadpanned, eyes flickering to Jeremy, "Get your best mate's head out of the clouds."

"I've been trying. All this captaincy waffle's inflated his head. Seems like it's stuck up there for good." he joked, making the Ravenclaw captain roll his eyes, gaze eventually landing on the Prefect pin fastened onto Alexander's robe, "Congratulations on being Prefect, Haddlowe. Have you seen the bathroom yet?"

"No, but I've heard great things about it." Alexander replied earnestly, Nicolai's brows furrowing in confusion, "Bathroom?"

"Prefects, Head Boy and Girl, Quidditch Captains... we all get access to this special bathroom. There's a tub the size of a pool in there that's pretty wicked."

"Bathroom privileges... that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard of—" Nicolai felt a sharp kick from under the table, Florence giving her a look, "I'm sure it's great."

"Well, anyway, we start training this Saturday. I've booked the pitch bright and early so I better see you there." Roger said, Florence responded with a mock salute, before Roger and Jeremy made their way out of the Great Hall.

They stopped by Professor Flitwick's office for their Time tables after breakfast, comparing schedules in the hallway quickly before the bells rang for the first class. "Ah, shit! I've forgotten to drop Divination!" Nicolai cursed, looking at Alexander's schedule, "Aw, you and Florence have Charms together."

"It's ok, Nic, we all have History of Magic together after. It won't be that bad." Florence pointed out, "And you and Xan have Ancient Runes together."

Alexander frowned, "Are you not taking Ancient Runes?"

Florence shook her head, "I'm taking Arithmancy."

A look of repulsion dominated Alexander and Nicolai's faces, "But that class is bloody hard."

She shrugged, "I like it."

Xander shook his head disapprovingly, before looking back at his timetable, "Are any of you still taking Magical Creatures?"

They nodded, Xander huffing, "Well good. I meant to drop that too but I guess one more year won't be too bad."

"I'm rather excited to see what Hagrid has in store for us." Florence noted, as they started towards the direction of their first period classes, "He's always out in the Forbidden Forest, he ought to have real experience handling Magical Creatures."

"Merlin, I hope so. Wouldn't want to be sat in a classroom all day looking at ancient photographs like we did with Professor Grubbly-Plank."

The bells echoed throughout the hallway, students bustling up and down to get to class. Alexander and Florence walked Nicolai to the staircases for Divination, before bidding her goodbye.

"I swear I saw tears in her eyes." Xander chortled, making Florence smile, "Don't worry, she's a big girl. She'll make it one class by herself."

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