Knowledge is love

By JH_Studios

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Growing up, I always heard people telling my dad why is he teaching me about survival. What's the point? Thos... More

Part 1: Unlikely friendship
Part 2: School dra- what's going on?
Part 3: The Stone World
Part 4: A new companion
Part 5: A familiar face
Part 6: New mem- God Damn Old Timer
Part 7: Suflar and confession
Part 8: Grand Bout Begin
Part 9: Let the first rounds begin with a bang
Part 10: Getting hot in the arena
Part 11: New Chief is who?!?!
Part 12: Tales from the past
Part 13: Lost means war
Part 14: Playing dirty
Part 15: Sweet Treat
Part 16: Merry Christmas and surprise
Part 17: Saved by the gem
Part 18: Spelunking adventure
Part 19: Surprise
Part 20: Back to phones
Part 21: Glass, heat, batteries
Part 22: Message from past
Part 23: Prepare
Part 24: Plan to see you hell
Part 25: Enemy territory
Part 26: Captured by an old friend
Part 27: So we finally meet
Part 28: Ally by song
Part 29: Prison break
Part 30: Welcome back and you brought an ally
Part 31: What is he to you?
Part 32: Stone Wars
Part 33: Terms of alliance
Part 34: Backstabber and bloodshed
Part 35: You can't die on me
Part 36: Cold sleep and panic attacks
Part 37: You'll walk again, I promise
Part 38: Finding our new Captain
Part 39: New life with currency and wedding?
Part 40: Let's fly
Part 41: Reunited and map making
Part 42: Bread, Butler and Pictures
Part 43: Oil sailing
Part 44: Lets mine
Part 45: Winter boat troubles and campfire singing
Part 46: Getting closer as a couple~
Part 47: Set sail for adventure
Part 48: Treasure Island
Part 49: Distraction by any means
Part 50: Scars and beauty
Part 51: Infuriate enemy territory
Part 52: The power of a father's will
Bonus: Movie night
Bonus: Punches and ramen
What if: Y/n joined the spy team
What if: Y/n got petrified
Part 53: Striking back with old comrades
Part 54: Progress with Medusa
Part 55: Old allies, new threats
Part 57: The beginning of the second Stone Wars
Part 58: Foe turned to ally
Part 59: Flicker of hope turned to doom
Part 60: Science v Medusa
Part 61: Next Steps
Part 62: New project, allies, connections and home
Part 63: Beyond the new world
Valentine's day Special
Original Meeting

Part 56: Drones, guns and planning

216 10 1
By JH_Studios

While Moz was busy giving the illusion that the invaders are this powerful force and to help Gen recommended Moz attack the confident types since they'll oversell his strength so they don't come off as weak. And while Moz was doing that, you guys were busy prepping for the upcoming battle.

"Alright, this sneaky operation is simple but should still be effective," Senku said. "Very soon, we'll be able to make our move. Once our phantom warrior thoroughly freaks the enemy forces out, its go time."

So the plan for battle was as follows:

Step 1: You guys will discreetly plant the drone somewhere that'll be a good spot for take off

Step 2: Disguise yourselves in the same disguise Moz used and get spotted.

Step 3: Get Kirisame to throw the petrifaction weapon

Step 4: Launch the drone and let it catch the weapon

"It's simple, yes. But simple and likely are different things," Gen stated. "You should really factor your rotten luck since your plans never go according to plan."

"Maybe. This is the only way tho," Senku admitted.

Ryusui sighed. "It's as good of a strategy as any. But there's one giant problem. Senku, you know Moz is gonna show up for the final, don't you?"

Senku's face fell as Ryusi was right. In order for this plan to work, both Moz and Kirisame were gonna have to be present whether you guys liked it or not.

"So yeah, it's guaranteed. The second our drone grabs the weapon from Kirisame, Moz will turn his blade on us and take his prize," Ryusui said.

The mood turns blue as the thought scares them.

"Very true captain, but don't worry, we have a plan," you said.

This catches their attention. You point behind them and they see Kaseki hard at work. Using his old glass blowing pipes, he cut them up into little short tubes, stuck them in a wheel and made another fidget spinner.

"We made another fidget spinner," Gen exclaimed in disbelief.

"Yeah, what's wrong with that Gen," Senku asked with a mischievous grin. "Those little gizmos are useful for way more than just distraction."

"I built them like you asked but I have no idea what these are for," Kaseki admitted. He then frowned. "Honestly, I wanna work on the drone."

"I was imagining some kind of bad weapon since it's a counter Moz thing," Chrome admitted.

"Relax Chrome, this'll be plenty bad once it's all put together," you said.

The rest look at the pieces for this weapon to deal with Moz. There were a bunch of parts from the fidget spinner to a handle. All the pieces looked to be random but after taking a good look at it, the old world people realized what these pieces were for. Some were shocked while others were a bit scared.

"Everyone from the good ol days seems to know exactly what it'll be," Suika pointed out.

"Of course," Chrome said.

"It's not too complex in terms of structure at least," Senku said.

"It really isn't," you said. "I gotta say, I'm a bit shocked considering how strict the law for these bad-boys were back then."

Senku chuckled as you leaned against him and he put his arm around you.

"I recall inmates fashioning some from junk they had on hand once so I guess this really isn't that all difficult," Ryusui said.

"All the internal stuff is where things can get tricky," Senku admitted. "Packed gun powder made from nitric acid into a small pipe. Shove a bajingo ball in and cap it."

"Oh, and then the gun powder packed into the pipe goes boom! And the ball inside goes zoom, yeah," Gen exclaimed. "I actually understand for once in my life. It's really not that complicated at all."

"Love the enthusiasm Gen but don't celebrate just yet," you said.

"Huh? What do you mean y/n-chan," Gen asked.

"We need a detonator to ignite the stuff," Senku stated as he grins. "We aren't creating matchlocks here. So what else can we use? How about some good 'ol Mercury fulminate."

Gen gets a panicked look as Senku's words and sinister grin were making him nervous. Not to mention, bring back so painful memories of the other times he's seen that grin.

"You're already back to words and concepts far beyond me. I like to edtract-ray my last statement," Gen said.

"We can potentially get blown up from the smallest mistake," Senku admitted. "That's why I'll be doing the honors."

Senku mixed some nitric acid, mercury and alcohol. Then let the concoction dry and done. The only thing that was left was to hit the home-brewed detonator with enough force to cause the boom.

Everyone had different reactions about the gun.

"At the very beginning of it all, we journeyed to Mount Hakone and made gunpowder because we had no choice," Taiju said. "How many years have passed since then?"

"About three years now," Senku said. "Took a while but humanity still made it here after all. And I bet they're keeping my spot in hell nice and warm."

Senku frowns a bit which makes you sad. You gently touch his hand and he takes yours into his. He caresses your hand with his thumb and you lean your head on his shoulder.

"This isn't just any creation as some of you know. This is what allowed homo-sapiens to conquer the natural world," Senku stated, making everyone look at the gun. "An invention of Gods and Demons."

"Tools aren't divine or demonic. It's the wielder who chooses how they're used," Ukyo said. He looked up to see you all looking at him. "Sorry. I'm sure old platitudes are the last thing any of you want to hear right now. Bottom line is, I don't want to see anyone die. So please, think hard..."

"A platitude," Ryusui said, catching Ukyo's attention. "Ha-Ha. That wasn't mere lip service. Not killing isn't just cliche and ethical. It prevents people from bearing life long grudges too. Which of course includes us. To avoid that, we avoid killing others." He snapped his fingers. "It's only logical."

Ryusui's words made Ukyo smile a bit as it put a few of his worries at rest.

"Well said captain," you complimented.

"Yeah but there's no way this gun can kill anyone," Senku admitted. "We didn't even put rifling in, so aiming is gonna be a heck of a chore. With its lack of power and precision it's essentially a good luck charm. I guess it can be a tranquilizer gun in the best case."

"Um, it shoots darts then," Gen asked.

"No, but it doesn't really matter what we hit him with, right," Senku said with a sinister expression. "Because we'll have the petrification device. We'll petrify, set him free, and he'll be healed. It's no different than a tranquilizer gun in that sense."

"Seems like a stretch but I guess so," Ukyo said, not really sold on the idea.

"The way you said that so problematically, you're starting to sound like a mad scientist just so you know," Gen said, a bit nervous.

"He's always been mad," Taiju said.

"That is true. People at school used to call him Frankenstein Jr," you said.

Ryusui grabs the gun and examines it.

"You made it pistol size so it wouldn't track unwanted attention. Question is, who will be the Stone World's first gun slayer," Ryusui asked. "Y/n?"

"As much as I would love to, I don't really have any experience with guns," you admitted. "As you're aware, few Japanese people were even allowed to carry a gun, let alone train with one. Closet thing I got to practicing with a gun was a bow-a-arrow."

"I'm sure with time, you'd be able to be a female-John Wick but unfortunately we don't have time," Senku said. "So that leaves one option left."

Everyone looks at Yo's statue and realizes that he really was the only option, being an ex-cop and all. So you guys cloth him and then reverie him. Senku hands him the gun and Yo looks at it with shut a happy expression.

"Wait, think this through you guys," Chrome said. "Giving a bad weapon to a bad dude is- i-is a bad call."

"That's uh, so face," Soyuz said, a bit nervous by how happy Yo is holding the gun.

"You see. That look alone tells us all we need to know," Chrome stated. "It's the look of a bad guy."

"I won't necessarily say that," Gen said. "Yo's more of a devil-may-care with a sizable need for approval rather than a real devil."

"Actually makes him ridiculously easy to control," Senku said.

"Honestly. You can buy the bastard with a wink and a smile," you said.

"It's history in the making, ladies and gentlemen," Gen announced with a mischievous grin. "I present to you the first sheriff of the new world."

Amaryllis huffs as he forces herself to blush. Yo then noticed her as she approached him with soft eyes and blushing cheek. She then presses herself against his arm.

"Goodness me, that um, I rather nice rod," Amaryllis said softly and sexy.

Yo immediately falls for her act as you roll your eyes. With a sudden need to prove himself, he puts three bottles on the table.

"Leave the sharp shooting to me everyone. No sweat," Yo said. "I shot trouble markers all the time when I was a cop. Just because."

"That's not a good thing," Yuzuriha said, a bit worried.

"No, no it's not," Ukyo said, equally as worried.

"Maybe giving the gun to an ex-cop might not be a good idea after all," you said.

Yo gets a smug look as you all wait to see how good of a shot he is. He takes out the gun and aims it at the bottle. He fires three rounds at them causing a smoke cloud. Once it clears, it's revealed that he didn't hit a single one.

"Uh-oh. Yo didn't even nick a single one," Suika said.

"That's disappointing. Smug as can be but he missed every shot he took," Chrome said.

"I wonder if it's too late to let y/n-chan try," Gen said.

Suddenly a snake fell dead to the ground. This made you guys realize that Yo must of changed his aim from the bottle to the snake. This restored your faith in Yo's skills with the gun. Though you notice he seemed worried which makes you wonder if the snake was just an accident. But you didn't say anything as you didn't know for certain and Yo was gonna practice with the gun anyway so why bother spoiling the good mood.

"In order to cut this Medusa's head off, we're gonna need four items," Senku stated. "As soon as we got these crucial pieces of equipment, our mission can begin. We'll have hooded warriors serve as bait to lure Kirisame out. Gotta think of a way that has a ten billion percent chance of her throwing the weapon or else we're doomed."

"Right. Six hooded warriors ado," Ukyo said.

So to help get the material needed to make the cloaks, Amaryllis stole food and clothes from her village's storehouse. With the fabric, Yuzuriha made the cloaks.

But you guys were making too much noise so Amaryllis had to find a way to mask out the voice. Using her charms, she managed to do so and you guys were able to work, without fear of catching attention.

Thanks to the noising drums Amaryllis caused, Yo was able to practice aiming and was getting better.

"So, I know this gun weapon is supposed to slow Moz down but there's one part of this plan that I still don't get," Chrome admitted.

"Yes. How do we obtain the dreaded Medusa itself," Gen asked. "You said it be a mid-air battle using the drone but it's a ramshackle pile of scrap. Her toy's tied to a rope too. We'd be lucky if said rope gets tangled in the propellers."

"Well look at you answering your one question," you said.

"Ten billion points to the mentalist," Senku said.

"Which means it's gonna be a tug of war. Might be nice to have a little muscle," Ukyo said.

"Good thinking Ukyo," you said. "Let's get some."

"Raise and shine! Our power team is on deck," Senk exclaimed.

He threw some revival fluid on Niki, Magma and Kinro. They saw the statues behind him and Kirno asked you guys to tell him what happened to Ginro. So you guys had Amaryllis explain to him what happened since she was the one who witnessed it. She felt bad telling Kinro this news and Kinro was about to break down but he held it together..

"You thought he was dead," Senku asked.

"Yes," Kinro admitted.

"But thanks to Kohaku, he'll live to see another day," Senku reassured.

"Yes," Kinro said softly.

"Kinro, here's the deal. We need you to lead the decoy team for our plane," Ryusui said. "If we don't have a skilled spearman leading the fight, they'll see right through our bluff."

Senku chuckled. "But bare in mind, there's a ten billion percent chance that the squad leader will get thrashed."

"Fine. Bring it one," Kinro said.

He got suited up in one of the cloaks and got a new shield along with a new golden spear.

"We're gonna save them," Kinro stated. "We'll triumph in battle and save everyone."

"Yes," Taiju exclaimed. "Gotta train the power team up tho."

He gives Magma an end of a rope and the two do some tug of war. However the rope snaps so you guys have to make a stronger rope. Using a cotton candy machine, you guys turn some tar into 'black cotton candy'. Then you spin the black cotton candy a bit to create some carbon wire.

"Uh huh, which is great. Know what's not great," Gen asked as he began to sweat. He then cried as he began to spin some black cotton candy with Amaryllis and Suika. "Hours of this! When the rebirth of your tools mark the return of our labor! It never ends!"

Seeing the tops Gen and the girls are using are spinning in midair, stable as a rock, it catches Chrome's attention. He asks Senku how that works and Senku explains that things that spin at high speed don't waddle and it's called the gyroscopic effect. Hearing that, Chrome gets a good idea for the drone. He points out the main issue for the drone is it is shaking so you guys should put a fidget spinner at the drone's core. This will allow the gyroscopic effect to keep it steady.

Senku states that Chrome was absolutely right since making a control to stabilize it would be a pain. Chrome gets proud of himself since Senku admits his idea is both easier and better. However his moment was cut short as Senku shows him he already did that for the mark two. Chrome falls to the ground as he couldn't believe that.

"Did you have to ruin his moment," you sighed.

Senku gives you an innocent smile with that cute-innocent expression he does. You playfully shake your head at him.

Senku starts up the drone and you guys see it's much more stable than the other.

"And the finishing touch," Senku declared as he held up a metal pipe wrapped in copper wire and a kind of switch on it.

"Ahh! I don't know what that is but it clearly involves much more winding! Please, enough spinney type work," Gen cried.

"I think Gen has been traumatized. Spin based shock," Ukyo said, feeling bad for Gen.

"Well, he has been the victim of most of Senku's tasks and he's not used to it compared to us who have been around Senku longer," you said.

"Well, suck it up cause each propeller needs one," Senku stated.

Turns out that Senku was holding a wire-wound variable resistor. Sliding the switch up and down to adjust the voltage. This can allow you guys to change the power in a single propeller with it, making the drone swerve.

"So to keep the drone balance as well as air-born, someone has to control this manually, right," Ukyo said.

"Yep. Exactly right," Senku confirmed.

"That's um, probably tough," Suika said.

"We need someone used to steering then. Someone with a talent for reading wind patterns on the fly," Ryusui stated. "But who?"

You all look at Ryusui with innocent smiles. This makes him realize that he was gonna be in charge of the drone.

But, he seemed to be a natural with it which shocked you guys but also made you guys a bit upset.

Ryusui snapped his fingers. "Ha. It's like a video game. My pro gamer training paid off. A few thousand years later."

"I forgot, this kid had the cash to buy cheat codes for anything and everything," Senku said.

"It's amazing what money can do," you said.

Yo got interested in the drone but Senku reminds him that this isn't a game, that it is training. You guys then called Moz to tell him that you guys were reading and the whole thing was gonna go down tomorrow at sunrise. It will be at the cliff of the howling seas since the loud waves crashing to the shore are loud enough to drown out the noise of the drone.

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