Veiled Alliances

Autorstwa MaryCrawley888

22.6K 452 11

Dive into the captivating world of 'Veiled Alliances,' a Rophie/Femtomarry fanfic that reimagines the wizardi... Więcej

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29

Chapter 4

1K 19 0
Autorstwa MaryCrawley888

"I is Mippy, master assigning me to you personal house elf. He ask Mippy to tell you that he is waiting for you in the dining room." 

Lyra blinked in surprise, her gaze shifting to the small, eager house-elf named Mippy. The creature stood with a nervous energy, fidgeting with a tea towel that was almost as large as itself.

"Master?" Lyra echoed, raising an eyebrow. "You mean... Marvolo?"

Mippy nodded enthusiastically. "Yes, yes! Master Marvolo is waiting for you. Dinner is ready. Very special dinner, it is!"

Lyra exchanged a quick glance with the enthusiastic house-elf before pushing her chair back. "Alright, lead the way, Mippy."

Mippy clapped his hands together with glee, causing a series of high-pitched squeaks that echoed through the corridors. "Right this way, Mistress Lyra! Mippy takes you to Master Slytherin."

Following the overzealous house-elf, Lyra traversed through the dimly lit corridors of Slytherin Manor once more. The atmosphere seemed to hum with an undercurrent of anticipation, and Lyra couldn't help but wonder what awaited her in the dining room.

As they approached the large double doors, Mippy performed a quick series of spins and twirls before bowing deeply. "Master Slytherin is waiting inside. Enjoy dinner, Mistress Lyra."

With that, Mippy vanished with a pop, leaving Lyra to push open the heavy doors and step into the grand dining room.

The room was bathed in a warm, ambient glow, the long table adorned with an array of exquisite dishes. At the head of the table sat Marvolo, his piercing blue eyes meeting hers as she entered.

"Ah, Lyra, right on time," Marvolo greeted, a faint smile playing on his lips. "I hope you find the dinner to your liking."

Lyra took a moment to survey the spread before her, a mixture of curiosity and caution in her expression. "You seem to enjoy these grand gestures. What's the occasion this time?"

Marvolo gestured for her to take a seat opposite him. "No particular occasion, just an opportunity for us to share a meal. Consider it a gesture of goodwill."

Lyra arched an eyebrow, skepticism written across her features. "Goodwill from the Dark Lord? Color me intrigued. Also, is it necessary to have to have our meals here? It is literally where you hold your creepy Death Eater meetings and kill anyone who says anything you don't like."

Lyra's skepticism lingered as the aroma of the dishes filled the room, accentuating the opulence that surrounded them. She eyed Marvolo, expecting him to immediately shut her down and in lack for better term, tell her to suck it up and sit down.

Instead, Marvolo, seemingly aware of her discomfort, leaned back in his chair, his piercing gaze fixed on her. "Fair point, Lyra. We can certainly change the setting if it makes you more at ease. Follow me."

He stood gracefully, and Lyra, still cautious, followed suit. As they left the grand dining room, they traversed through the shadowed corridors of Slytherin Manor once again. Marvolo led her to a part of the house she hadn't explored before.

To her surprise, the corridor opened up into a space that was anything but eerie. Warm light spilled from ornate chandeliers, casting a gentle glow on intricately carved wooden furniture and richly colored tapestries that adorned the walls.

"Welcome to the private chambers, it is only available to me and you," Marvolo announced, gesturing around the cozy and unexpectedly beautiful space. "I rarely dine here but if you prefer I suppose we can have meals here. But, I must warn you if we have any guests, we will be dining in the dining room."

Lyra surveyed the room, her skepticism softening. "This is... unexpected. I didn't imagine you had a place like this."

Marvolo gave a slight nod. "Slytherin Manor has many secrets. It's not all shadows and secrecy. Now, please, have a seat. Dinner awaits."

They settled into plush chairs at a smaller, more intimate dining table. The house-elves, having followed them, continued their duties with an almost rhythmic precision. The atmosphere in the private chambers was far removed from the foreboding air of the grand dining room.

As they indulged in the courses served by the diligent house-elves, a different kind of conversation unfolded. Lyra found herself captivated by Marvolo's extensive knowledge of magical history and traditions. There was an undeniable charm to him when he spoke about his love for ancient spells and forgotten enchantments, revealing a side that defied the conventional perception of the Dark Lord.

"Tell me, Lyra, what sparked your interest in magic? Was there a particular moment that made you realize the wonders it held?" Marvolo inquired, genuine curiosity in his eyes.

Lyra, momentarily caught off guard by the sincerity in his question, considered her response. "I think it was when I first discovered I could make things happen, even as a child. The idea that there was a world beyond the ordinary, filled with possibilities, fascinated me."

Marvolo nodded, a thoughtful expression on his face. "Magic has a way of opening doors to realms beyond our imagination. It's a force that connects us all, transcending the boundaries of time and space."

Their conversation continued, delving into the nuances of magical theory and shared experiences at Hogwarts. The private chambers echoed with laughter and the clinking of cutlery, creating an ambiance that felt strangely normal despite the extraordinary circumstances.

As the evening unfolded, Lyra found herself torn between the conflicting facets of Marvolo—the Dark Lord with a haunting reputation and the wizard who, in this private space, seemed almost approachable.

The echoes of laughter and the clinking of cutlery faded as Marvolo turned the conversation toward the impending marriage arrangement. Lyra sensed the shift in the atmosphere, a subtle undercurrent of tension replacing the previous levity.

"Lyra," Marvolo began, his gaze steady, "there's a matter we must discuss—the arrangement Dumbledore has proposed for our union."

Lyra's brows furrowed with confusion, her eyes narrowing slightly. "Dumbledore has a say in our marriage?"

Marvolo nodded, a hint of displeasure clouding his features. "Unfortunately, yes. He sent over a draft for the marriage contract, and I must say, it's quite... preposterous."

Curiosity mingled with apprehension in Lyra's expression. "What does it say?"

Marvolo produced a parchment from the folds of his robes and slid it across the table toward her. As Lyra's eyes skimmed over the contents, her expression shifted from curiosity to incredulity. The terms were outrageous, laden with stipulations that seemed designed to make a mockery of the union.

"He always did have a flair for the dramatic," Lyra remarked, her tone laced with a hint of sarcasm.

Marvolo sighed, his fingers tapping rhythmically on the table. "He's trying to exert control, to ensure that our union serves his purposes. I expected nothing less from him."

Lyra's gaze flickered with concern. "What do we do? I can't agree to this, but —"

Marvolo held up a hand, silencing her. "I'm well aware, Lyra. I have no intention of subjecting you to such terms. However, we need a counterproposal. A draft that reflects our terms and boundaries."

Lyra hesitated, her eyes fixed on the parchment. "I didn't know about this. I didn't know Dumbledore would involve himself in such a personal matter."

Marvolo regarded her with a thoughtful expression. "Lyra, this is not your fault. Dumbledore is known for his manipulations. I'll handle this."

A sense of relief washed over Lyra as Marvolo's words resonated with understanding rather than anger. She had expected a harsh reaction, perhaps even a display of the infamous Dark Lord's temper, but Marvolo's calm demeanor caught her off guard.

"What do you suggest we do then?" Lyra asked, her voice measured.

Marvolo leaned back in his chair, his eyes meeting hers. "Gringotts. We'll go to Gringotts tomorrow and draft our own contract—one that protects both our interests. Dumbledore will not dictate the terms of our union. Also, you should get an inheritance just to get a better understanding of what we are dealing with."

Lyra nodded in agreement, a determined glint in her eyes. 

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