Melodies and Shots ✔️

By ParkMinMi45

22.4K 1.3K 320

A short Taekook story contains: top kook bottom tae boy x boy bp tae comedy romance fluff taekook no angst No... More



1.1K 81 60
By ParkMinMi45

Today I went get a haircut. Umm a bob cut and bought these pretty clips!!! Aren't they pretty?!


Author's pov

"Why didn't you join for today's shooting?" Jungkook asked as he opened his shoes

"I am a photographer jungkook. There was literally no work for me today during shoots and also I went to buy some stuffs" Taehyung said and passed a glass of water. Today was the fourth day of shooting and taehyung decided to not join the others for shooting and roam around bali

"Oh. Ok. What did you bought?" Jungkook asked after giving back the glass

"Well a new camera and few stuffs for myself. Remember we got wedding invitation from one of our team members which is also being held here in bali so I went to buy dress and shoes and jewelery" taehyung said as he went and brought the shopping bags

"Oh that's good" jungkook said and sat a little comfortably on the couch wishlst taehyung showed him whatever he bought

"CANON EOS R6 MARK II!!" Jungkook shouted as he looked at taehyung's new camera. Its a mirrorless camera , the reason why he shouted. Taehyung gave a smirky smile to him before taking out the stuffs he got

"Oh these beautiful" jungkook said and vigorously nodded his head

"So.. since I was buying stuffs for myself so.. I thought to... you know.. buy for you too.. who knows you might end up wearing all black. People might think you are going to attend someone's funeral so... yeah..." taehyung said and handed the shopping bag to jungkook with pink cheeks

"This was really not needed but thank you Tae.." jungkook said and opened his present. He was a little shocked seing it

[A/n: this suit]

"Tae.." jungkook called and put the tie shirt above taehyung's gown. Taehyung's eyes widened as he realised that their outfits are matching

"N-Nevermind.. matching.. matching.." taehyung said , cheeks painted with a cute shade of pink as he nibbled on his lower lip

"Yeah.. so.. *clear throat* when is the wedding?" Jungkook asked trying to change the topic and hide his smile

"Oh! This Sunday" Taehyung said with a neutral face which looked very cute

"Cool. Its Thrusday. We got time" jungkook said and neatly folded his clothes and helped taehyung with his gown as well

"Oh! I tried to make.. orange chicken today.. panda express style..." taehyung said tugging his hairs behind his ear

"Oh! I will come back after freshning up" jungkook said walked into the room. Taehyung smiled and collected the bags before going to plate their food. It's already 8 pm so they can certainly have their dinner already

Taehyung plated their food and just then jungkook too walked in.

"Its smells delicious. Hopes it tastes too" jungkook said and taehyung just rolled his eyes

"Naah added octupus brain in it" taehyung said and jungkook just stopped on his track as he blinked his eyes

"Didn't.. didn't.. i was just joking.. eat" taehyung quickly said seeing jungkook's reaction. Jungkook sighed and took the chopsticks to take a peice of chicken

" mmhh.. its really good~" jungkook said and took some rice as well. Taehyung smiled satisfied and sat down to eat his own food. They had rice , orange chicken , bangchan (side dishes) , Gokiguk (beef soup) and beer

Taehyung whined when there was a knock on the door. Jungkook tried to stand up to look at it but taehyung stopped him and told him to continue while he walked to see who is this now

"Yes?" Taehyung asked after opening the door but gasped seeing reporters. He slammed the door shut before the reporters could make a move and locked the door

"Jungkook!" Taehyung rushed to jungkook who stood up hearing his panicked voice

"What happened?" Jungkook asked holding taehyung's waist

"Reporters" Taehyung said pointing outside which caused jungkook to frown deeply

"Let me handle it. You continue" jungkook said and walked up to talk to the reporters

"Yes?" Jungkook asked looking so furious

"Jungkook-ssi is he your boyfriend?" One of the two reporters asked with the camera on

"He is my boyfriend , husband , my child's mother.. that's none of your business. Whatever he is to me shouldn't concern you! Tell me, do you have a family?" Jungkook asked in which the two reporters nodded their head

"What's your name?" Jungkook asked

"Garam" the reporter answered

"Let's take a person comes and shoves a camera at your family's face and asks them personal question-

"That's privacy invasion" the reporter named garam said cutting off jungkook who smirked

"Exactly. So you are a human?" Jungkook asked in which the two reporters were dumbfounded

"What type of question is that jungkook-shi? Of course" the reporters said in a duh tone

"Exactly then WHAT THE FUCK ARE WE? ALIENS? DON'T THESE RULES OF HUMAN APPLY ON US?! ISN'T OUR PRIVACY INVADED WHEN YOU REPORTERS COME AND SHOVE A CAMERA AT OUR FACE AND ASK US QUESTION ABOUT OUR PERSONAL LIFE?! You know we entertainment industry people aren't some fucking out of the world people. We too are human. We too breathe the same air as you. We too have the same red colour blood flowing in our veins." Jungkook said , face morphed in complete anger


"You are not allowed here!" Jungkook's manager shrieked at the two reporters who were lost at words after Jungkook's confrontation. At this point most of the guest came out of their rooms to see what are the shouts for

"Jungkook. Let's get in. You manager will handle them" taehyung said trying to drag jungkook inside

"Soojin I want to sue this two!" Jungkook shouted to his manager before taehyung finlly pushed him inside and closed the door

Jungkook huffed before stomping his way towards the couch and sitting there. Trying to calm himself down. This is not the first time. Many time before as well these stunts were pulled on him. Outside his apartment , in his apartment's parking lot and even when he is outside. This is now getting out of control

"Jungkook.. calm down" taehyung said and kept his hand on jungkook's shoulder. Jungkook held taehyung's wrist and pulled him on his lap before burrying his face into taehyung's neck and inhaling his vanilla and jasmine scent to calm down his mind

Taehyung was first shocked but soon regained his composure and patted Jungkook's head

"What are you doing to me..taehyung.. how do you have so much control over me? How come your scent is enough to calm me down? Why do I feel this burning feeling whenever some other man is around you? Why do I always run after you to gain you attention? Why do I always want you around me?" Jungkook asked as he pushed taehyung on the couch and hovered over him and looked directly into his eyes

"What are you doing to me jungkook.. why do i always have this urge to have your attention on me? Why do i always have this feeling to dress up and doll up just for you? Why do I like it when you give me attention? Just me.. why do I like your eyes all over me? Why do your touches give me butterflies in my stomach?" Taehyung asked back as he stared back into jungkook's black orbs


Lol. Main reason for this chapter is to show my new pretty clips 😅

All parts updated again

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