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By StrayJeans

23K 843 551

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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53/Epilogue
News: A New Book?

Chapter 49

280 13 5
By StrayJeans

"Everyone's here already? We're expecting anyone else?" Dokyeom, the literature club's president greeted the committee members as he entered the meeting room. "Nope? We're good to go?" He asked as he sat down at the president's spot by the table. "We're good to go." Jihoon, the vice president confirmed everyone's attendance.

Amongst the committee, you're among the group as well as a few new members and obviously Hanni's there as well, sitting next to you on her first outing with the club since she joined earlier this year. "Alrighty then~ Ladies and gentlemen, first of all, I would like to welcome a few new members of our club. Can the new members please stand up?"

So including Hanni, about five people then stood up from their seats. "So let us welcome... Minho, Seungcheol, Eunchae..." One by one, the mentioned names gave a wave to everyone in the room. "...Donghyuk and Hanni." And Hanni then also gave the rest of the committee members a wave with a light smile.

After a round of applause, Hanni and the new members then sat down as you gave her a teasing look and she just mouthed 'what~' to you, knowing that she's probably whining like usual before you just shook your head. "Okay now that we're done with the introductions... we'll head straight for the main discussion today."

"For the new members, every week we'll be assigning committee members at different sections within the hall and also within the office here..." Jihoon explained the way the club's running every week with every single one of the new members listening diligently. "...so usually we'll be allocating for you where you will be stationed on the actual day but if you feel like you want to try somewhere else, don't be shy to let us know and we'll see what we can do."

"Okay..." Dokyeom then took over as he had his paper ready and one by one he assigned each of the new members to a different area within the hall and the office. "...and the last one, Hanni Pham, you will be assigned to the poem writing booth with Danielle Marsh. Is that okay?" Dokyeom turned his attention to Hanni who nodded with a smile but seemed a bit hesitant.

"Actually Mr. President, I'm okay with the being stationed at the writing booth but... is it also possible for me to somehow get in the lineup for the poetry talk as well?" Hanni gave her an honest request and somehow you couldn't help but smile secretly. "Ohooy. Don't be smiling too wide Yongjae." Dokyeom somehow got the time to give you a tease as you just raised your hands with a chuckle.

"...sure thing Hanni. I'll keep that in mind later." Dokyeom granted Hanni's request. "...okay now that's behind us. Let us welcome back two of our committee members who just got back from a successful exchange programme in Australia, Danielle and Yongjae. Congratulations~" And the room was filled with claps for the two of you.

So the committee meeting continued for an hour or so, lots of things were being discussed for the club's further improvements in the future and the meeting was about to reach it's conclusion as Dokyeom and Jihoon went back to their seats. "And also now that everything's settles, now for the last and most important news for today. As of today, me and Jihoon will be officially stepping down from our role as the club's president and vice president as well as the other final year senior committees." Dokyeom said and it was predictable as the seniors' now in their last year of University and would be focusing on their final year.

"And of course with us stepping down, the club will be needing a new President and Vice President first and foremost and both Jihoon and myself had been discussing this matter for quiet some time already. So let's just cut to the chase shall we? Our new president will be honoured to Kim Minjung and then our new vice president will be Lee Yongjae..." And by the mentioning of your name left you in surprise as your eyes widened with your ears filled with nothing but the sound of the claps from everyone.

"Congrats~" Hanni whispered next to you as you could only chuckle, hand's scratching the back of your head while still in surprise with the appointment. "Step forward please you two." And both you and Minjung stood up before coming to the front of the table before Dokyeom entrusted the president seat to Minjung before she sat down with smiles and chuckles filled with honour and Jihoon entrusted his seat to you as you sat down before he gave your shoulders a few massage. This was all so sudden still for you but at the end of the day, you felt happy and honoured to be grasping the important position for the club that you love.

Fast forward two days later, it was Hanni's first day being an official member of the literature club and as of that day, she was assigned with Danielle for the poem writing booth for the first half of the day. And as for every member's first day on the job, Hanni also was nervous most of the time yet Danielle's being there with her always comforts her down.

"So right after we collected about twenty poems, then we have to put them in those files right there." Danielle's explaining how to handle the booth as Hanni nodded while humming before doing what she instructed. "So every twenty pages, we'll put it into the files?" Danielle nodded to Hanni's question.

"Alright. I got it~" Hanni chuckled before her eyes reverted over the side of the stage and she saw you, walking from one table to another, with papers stacking in your hands. "Must be a hard job being president and vice president..." Hanni whispered to herself as she's worried about you.

"But you'll be there for him right? That's all he will ever need." Danielle's reply made Hanni chuckled silently as she nodded. "I can't wait to hear your poetry stage by the way..." And Hanni could only pout as she's already nervous since the start of the day. "...and it's okay to be nervous."

"Let's talk about something else okay..." Hanni suggested while blinking slowly at Danielle. "Then about the gym membership..." Danielle changed the subject as per Hanni's request and Hanni could only chuckle silently. "Yeah... I literally spent the entire night making this poem that I'm about to present later... can you believe that..." Hanni's chuckle was an awkward one.

"We're so going to the gym later on... Don't run away miss Pham~" Danielle gave her a playful smirk as Hanni whined cutely while swinging Danielle's arms playfully before the two got back to work as the session had started and people started coming over to the booths.

Both Hanni and Danielle's working together in perfect sync as the poem writing booth was running smoothly with the two taking turns in becoming the instructor and the compiler. As the hour passed by, you went over to Hanni and Danielle. "Hey, it's almost time. Let's gather at the side of the stage first." You told Hanni who just nodded her head.

"Good luck~" Danielle cheered for her friend as you and Hanni made your way to the tables by the side of the stage. "Okay, to the poets can you all form a line right here while the vice president's going to give his greetings..." Hanni and the other who lined up for the poetry talk complied to the new president's order as you're now got your way up to the stage.

And while being a bit nervous, you delivered your greetings just fine while Hanni was all smile watching you from the side. "Without further a do, our topic for today, You are the reason..." As you opened the poetry talk for today, one by one the poets in the lineup came up to the stage and delivers their pieces and granted great applause from the audience and the other members of the club.

And sooner or later, Hanni's turn came as she's the last in the lineup. "That's a very interesting twist in that piece, that's really good. Alright now's the time for our last poet of the day. Ladies and gentlemen, a round of applause for our newest addition to the team, Hanni Pham..."

With the sound of applause echoed, Hanni breathed out calmly as she made her way up to the stage and she saw you nodded at her with a comforting smile on your face while you're walking past each other and that gave her a boost in confidence yet a sense of calmness in her never ending nervousness.

"Hello everyone. My name's Hanni and the poem that I will be presenting today, I dedicate it to someone who means the world to me. I hope that this poem will reach him, eventually." You saw her peeking at you by her eyes as you could only chuckle on your seat.

With the microphone held tightly on her hand, Hanni breathed out silently before a soft smile spread across her face then her eyes slowly closed...

"In a world full of
half-loves and maybes,
you were my
once in a lifetime.

I did not love you
from a place of loneliness
or a heart in pain

I love you because
you were the dawn
in my never-ending night

They told me
I was too much,
too emotional,
too this, too that.

But with you
I was just enough

You were the reason
my solitude bloomed
into solace

You were the magic
in my mundane,
the fairy tale
in my ordinary

Like a spring rain to a drought
You completes my whole being.

With you,
I was just enough.
Your love was the poem
I've been longing to hear.

And now, as I turn
to the last page of us,
I realize
our story is my favourite.

And you are the reason why..."

With you clapping your heart out for her, Hanni had received probably the best reactions and applause from the audience today and you were so proud of her. As you wiped away the tears of joy and made your way up and she made her way down, the applause kept on echoing before you got to the microphone.

"What a way to end our poetry talk for today isn't it?" After the crowds calmed down you were about to end the stage before the new club president Minjung suddenly walked up to you. "Everything okay?" You whispered to her as she just nodded with a smile before getting the microphone off the stand. "We're not done yet..." She whispered to you as you're confused because there's no more people going onto the stage left.

"I believe as the new club president of this beautiful club, it's only fair that we somehow close today's poetry talk by letting you finish off today's stage with a poem. To mark the start of our new era." Minjung said calmly and you were confused but slowly cheers came from the crowd and the rest of the members as well, showing that in every poetry stage, your presence was one of the factors that this segment's been a constant success and the people's favorites. "...our audiences here have been looking forward to hear another poem by you for a while now Yongjae..."

"So let's give it off for our new vice-president, Yongjae shall we?" And the microphone was passed onto you and while you're still bewildered and the crowds continued cheering for you, you had your eyes on Hanni by the side, smiling at you filled with so much warmth that you don't even need a moment to think. "Okay then..." You heaved out silently to yourself.

"I appreciate all the support I received from all of you. Alright then... so to mark the start of a new era for this literature club, let's finish off today's stage with me dedicating this poem to someone that means the universe to me. This one's for you..." With Minjung walked down, you had the microphone on your lips, confidently keeping your eyes opened this time knowing that you're poetic soul was in full motion at that point.

"In the quiet hours
of the night
I've tasted the salt
of your tears
like the sea
whispering secrets
to the shore

In return
you've felt the ache
of my soul
a silent song
of shared sorrows
echoing in the hollows
of my heart

we are protectors
of each other's scars
promise keepers
in the dark.

I hope you understand
this world with all of its
chaos and beauty

becomes a little brighter
a little kinder because 
you are in it

Your existence is a
soft reminder
of goodness

In every sunrise
In every smile
you inspire someone
you inspire me

I am endlessly grateful
for the light you bring
into my life
So as forever as the stars
I will always be
in yours."

Finishing off with a smile, another round of applause echoed in the hall as you bowed down and the poetry talk for today ended spectacularly. As you looked over to the side and your eyes landed on Hanni's teary eyes yet she's smiling so joyous that you don't even need to say it to each other because with the eye contacts you shared already said so much.

"You are the reason of my existence..."

6th October 2024

It's Hanni's special day of the calendar as another year's added to her age with today's her birthday. And this year's somewhat a whole lot more special for Hanni as for the first time, not only you and her were celebrating her birthday as best friends, now you two were celebrating as lovers which made today's even more special by hundred folds.

With both of you were having a day off for the day, both of you were having lunch together and this time with both your parents. As it's been a while since both of your family and Hanni's family were spending time together, today's special day for Hanni just got a lot better.

The lunch were held at a local barbecue place which also happened to be both families' favorite and the timing couldn't be more right as it's been a while since both Hanni's father and your father have seen each other. If it weren't for them being best friends from their younger days, maybe you and Hanni wouldn't even met and somehow that's something you've been thankful secretly in your heart for so many years.

"I bet people would look at us and think of us as two bosses of a big companies trying to expand our businesses by setting up our children into a marriage eyy..." Your father joked along with Hanni's father while the mothers talked about other stuffs. "That stuffs only happens in dramas and tv shows. Even if it does happen in real life..." Hanni's father poured another shot of soju for the two of them. "...we won't let that happen to our children eh?"

"Cheers to that." Then the two fathers shared shots of soju while you and Hanni were on the other side, grilling cuts of meats for both of your parents in peace. "Should we like cut these into really thin cuts or not?" Hanni asked for your opinion as you're flipping the grilling Korean beef meats. "Maybe just a bit thinner... maybe like this much..." You showed her your preferred way with your thumb and fore finger and Hanni just let out a snicker with a nod. "Okay~"

"Okay everybody, the meats are ready~" Hanni placed plates of hot and freshly grilled meats for their parents and seeing how your parents and hers were enjoying the feast, made you and Hanni smiled at one another before you went on and grilled another batch for the two of you. "You want them thin or just like the usual?" You looked over to her who then had her chin rested on your shoulders. "Just like the usual please~ Just half of them is enough, you can cut the rest to your likings."

"At your service my Princess." You said as Hanni could only chuckle and in no time you and Hanni had a great and fulfilling lunch and to have that with both your parents on this special day for Hanni made everything even more special. As your parents still conversing with Hanni's, she then gave you a gaze and instantly you knew what she wanted as you just nodded your head with a smile.

"Sorry to interrupt you all..." You then called out to the parents and gained their attention as Hanni moved closer to you before her hand slowly reached out to yours from under the table and you gently held her hand, fingers intertwined safely. "...me and Hanni actually have something to tell the four of you today."

"When is the wedding going to be held?" Her father's teasing nature got the best out of the situation and immediately took her daughter by surprise. "Dad~ No~ It's not about that... At least not now yet..." Her cute little whines made you snicker silently. "...this is about something else okay."

"What is it Yongjae? Anything happened?" Your calm mother asked. "Yeah, don't make us worry like this Hanni bunny." Her mother somehow saw the slight uneasiness in Hanni's face. "Actually mom, me and Hanni been having discussion about something for a while now and it's ummm, it's only fair that we get to tell you about it now as there's no better timing."

"Why is this sounding so serious? Is everything really okay?" Your father calmly asked as you just nodded your head. "Actually mom, dad, aunty and uncle, me and Hanni have decided that..." You could feel her fingers tightened on your hand. "...we want to live together. As in living under the same roof."

"You mean like in a house? Or is Hanni going to live with us or the other way around?" Your mother asked as Hanni just shook her head timidly. "Actually we're planning on getting ourselves an apartment aunty... Me and Yongjae have been thinking about this thoroughly and it took us months to seriously consider this decision and it wasn't an easy decision for us to make..."

"I'm not the only one who thought that my daughter's pregnant or something right?" Hanni's father jokingly said as he earned a smack on the arm from his wife. "I'm kidding. How are you planning on making it work honestly Hanni?" Her father leaned forward as Hanni looked over to you and you just nodded at her with a soft smile.

"Me and Yongjae will be covering everything once we got ourselves a home. We will try our best to support each other, provide for each other and we will try- No, me and Yongjae will make it work. No matter in terms of our foods, supplies, furniture and all that, we will support each other fully."

"Is this why you suddenly got yourself a job for the past months Yongjae?" Your father asked and you nodded. "Yes. I am prepared for this and I know this will not be easy, it never is. And I will not even say that I'm a hundred percent ready and feeling confident about this myself. I know there's always going to be obstacles along the way, me and Hanni will have our ups and downs, our highs and lows and we won't say that we will never fight as they'll bound to happen sooner or later..."

"...but I believe that's what makes a home feels like a home. And I don't want to have it with anyone else." You breathed out a long one as Hanni somehow had tears in her eyes after hearing your words before she wiped them away with a soft smile on her face while looking down.

"Why don't you ever say something deep like that when we're in high school?" Hanni's father somehow nudged your father's arm rather teasingly. "...your boy there is not a boy no more, he's a man. A man I'm willing to entrust my daughter in a heartbeat." Her father's words left you flustered as you could only bow your head down. 

"It still feels like yesterday that the two of you were running around in the background and playing with sands and dirt by the backyard and now you and Hanni are all grown up." Her mother continued calmly. "We have to agree to their request right? They're more than ready for this." She then held onto your mother's hand.

"Just don't forget to come visit us every once in a while okay?" You heard your mother's slightly cracked voice and that made your shed some tears as you couldn't leave your eyes off your mother. "I'm proud of you." Your father's words was affirmative and he sounded really proud and that lifted a burden off your shoulders. "...go on. Build yourself a home for the two of you the way your mother and I built ours, in fact, build a better one for you and Hanni okay? I know you two can achieve that."

After an emotional few minutes, Hanni and you went over and gave both of your parents a hug as a thankful gesture. You had tears yet couldn't afford yourself to cry because you have to be strong in front of your parents while you could hear Hanni's soft cry as her mother's calming herself down. "Thank you mom, dad. Thank you for bringing me into this world and thank you for raising me with nothing but pure love and dedication and I will never get tired of trying to repay everything that you've done for me."

"Don't cry~ It's your birthday today right? This is no doubt the best birthday present mommy and daddy have ever given you..." Hanni's trying to calm her light sobs down as her mother's caressing her back while Hanni's safe in her mother's embrace. "You're all grown up now..." Her father's soft voice while caressing the back of her head made her pursed her lips into a pout as she then went into her father's embrace. "...I guess you're still just my little girl even now." Hanni's father chuckled lightly as he's patting his daughter's back to calm her down.

Having made the decision to live together was never an easy decision for you and Hanni despite you immediately agreed with her the moment she asked you about it. It took you weeks and weeks of talking things through with her, it led you into making decisive decision in your life, sacrificing times and efforts just so you can build the foundation for it to work.

And now with your parents and her parents' blessings, there's nothing else for you to do rather than to work hard in order to make this whole thing a reality. And you will, you know you will. Because with Hanni's by your side, it's as you believed, every obstacles that come your way seems conquerable.

November 2024

"Make sure to finish this last assignments that I handed over before the start of the revision week in a few weeks okay? Class dismissed..." As soon as Hanni's lecturer ended the class, Hanni calmly getting her stuffs into her bag before her cheek were softly poked by Haerin next to her, gaining her attention. "Yes Kang Haerin-ssi~" Hanni turned her attention to her friend who just shook her head with a shy chuckle.

"Okay tell me now or I won't even move and we'll stay the night here" Hanni gave her friend a smirk as Haerin could only whine at Hanni rather soft and playfully. "I just wanted you to know... me and my parents will be going to Japan after our exams. And I'm planning on making a vlog about it..." Haerin told Hanni and Hanni just went 'ahh~' before chuckling. "Good luck and have fun in Japan."

After everything settled, Hanni and Haerin then made their way out of the lecture theatre and waiting for them were you and Danielle. "You sure you two couldn't stay for lunch after this?" Danielle asked as Haerin went over to her and both you and Hanni shook your head. "Maybe we can't today Danielle, me and Hanni have somewhere to go after this and I have work in about three hours from now as well..."

"Tomorrow we'll have lunch together Dani. For sure." Hanni ensured her friend who nodded with a chuckle. "Okay then, be careful you two. Me and Haerin will be going now." And by that, Haerin and Danielle excused themselves as you're left with your sunshine and your hands already tightly wrapped with one another. "We'll grab some food on the way there and we'll have to eat lunch in the car to save some time."

"Sure. But we better hurry..." Hanni then pulled your arm slowly as the two of you were rushing to your car and immediately drove out of the university and hurriedly got some food and drinks for your lunch. "Where exactly is this apartment building honey?" Hanni asked with her mouth full as you're driving your way past buildings. "Ummm it's around..." You then got your phone up before handing it to her. "...this area."

Hanni then took your phone before feeding you with the warm sandwich. "Oh~ Wait it's actually not that far from the University and the café..." Hanni was examining the location of the building through the map application and you nodded your head. "Even my workplace is not that far, this apartment's more like in the middle of all the places important for us so I want to give this place a check."

"I think the landlady's waiting for us by the front lobby..." After you arrived, Hanni and you quickly made your way into the building to the front lobby and the landlady's there. After greeting her, she immediately handed you a list of available rooms to rent and Hanni's looking over the list with you. "Should we try room 73..." She whispered at you as you nodded your head.

Then upon agreeing on a room to check, the two of you and the landlady went up a few floors and the two were observing the surrounding hallway and both of you were liking the way the hallway's a bit spacious before you two reached the apartment room 73. As soon as the door's opened, you and Hanni walked in with the light above the door automatically switched on.

"Woah..." Hanni and you were walking on the somehow spacious enough hallway that led to the kitchen on one side and the living room on the other side. "The kitchen's separated from the living room here honey..." She whispered to you and you nodded, somehow glad as Hanni's preferred it that way. The two were being toured around the kitchen before heading to the living room. So far, both Hanni and you were happy and satisfied with what you're seeing.

"So here's the master bedroom..." You and Hanni immediately walked into the room once the landlady opened up the door for the two of you. "It's quiet big right honey?" Hanni whispered to you as you agreed with a nod as you're scanning the room structure. "I assume there's a bathroom in here also?" You looked over as you noticed another door by the corner of the room.

"Yes, this apartment has two washrooms, one outside and another one..." The lady walked over to a door by the end corner of the room. "...here." She tapped the door as you nodded at her. You and Hanni spent a lot of time in this apartment with the landlady showing you every parts of it from top to bottom.

It's been a month that you and Hanni had been searching for suitable apartments to rent and now the two of you eventually found one that somehow located almost like in the middle of everything. Middle from your house and hers, both of your workplace, the university and the town. And to top it all off, the apartment's somehow quiet nice and Hanni actually felt comfortable the moment she stepped into the apartment.

"Although this building is just like any common apartment building, but we ensure you that our securities is trustable as we do have one of top notch security systems installed in every rooms in this building." And hearing that gave you a sense of relief. "Also we provide free Wi-Fi connections specifically for our tenants."

"That's great..." You said rather satisfied as you and Hanni then went over to the empty living room to have your discussion. "So what do you think about this place?" You asked her as Hanni was letting out a soft hum as she's trying to reach a decision. "I actually like this place than the last place. I somehow felt relief that the kitchen and the living room are separated and the bedroom's got its own bathroom is a great thing as well..."

"How much is the rent she said earlier honey?" She asked. "500,00 Won per month. I think we can manage with that amount of rent don't you think?" You asked as she's thinking hard while considering everything. "I mean the last place was 650,000 Won and somehow it's a little far from where we work and the University..."

"You're right honey..." Hanni breathed out a long one as she have decided. "...I thinks this place is great and everything seems to be great in here and I felt comfortable the moment I walked into here. Do you want to secure our home here? I want to here." Hanni told you her decision and you gave her a nod and smiled. "Me too. I love this place as well, the environment, the views outside, the vibe in here is just nice."

After having decided the most important decision, you and Hanni got back to the nice landlady and agreed in taking the apartment for rent. "So we'll walk through a series of documents downstairs and once everything's settled, we can proceed with everything else and in no time the apartment room 73 will be rented to you in a few weeks time."

As the landlady were about to head down, you and Hanni took one last look at your 'future' home with eyes of excitements and anticipations before you and Hanni got over to the landlady's office to complete sets of required documents and all the necessities.

Upon completion, you and Hanni got back into your car with reliefs and satisfaction. "That was somewhat intense back there. I'm afraid that at some point we're not eligible to rent at this building but I'm thankful that everything went smoothly." Hanni heaved out in relief as you smiled lightly.

"This is it honey... This is where a new chapter of our story will be staring..." You couldn't leave your eyes off the apartment building next to you and Hanni couldn't help but looked at you full of admiration before she held your hand and you looked back at her. "We'll be okay honey. As long as you're here with me, I'm sure everything will be okay. We will be okay. We're in this together remember..."

Hearing that made your heavy shoulders felt lighter as you leaned over and gave her a soft kiss on her lips which she gladly gave you back. "I know we will..." You then heaved out a sigh of relief before she gave your cheek a gentle caress with her softest of smile. "The life we're dreaming of, the future  we're building, the eternity we're searching for... Let's start it here..."

I still haven't decide whether to continue writing or giving myself some break off writing. For now, I hope my dear readers who's reading this will be blessed with wonderful days and beautiful nights as they're the one who stayed with me, stayed with this book even though there's dozens other more worthy, more amazing stories and books out there. 

Thank you for staying, thank your for spending your precious times reading my not-so amazing writings and repetitive wordings and thank you for being here in general. Love you all.

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