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Kade Northwood, once a powerful, wealthy and corrupt businessman, now driven to commit murder in a fit of rag... More

V1 ‐ C1 - P1: Revenance Pt1.
V1 ‐ C1 - P2: Revenance Pt1.
V1 - C1 - P4: Revenance Pt1.
V1 - C1 - P5: Revenance Pt1.
V1 - C2 - P1: Revenance Pt2.
V1 - C2 - P2: Revenance Pt2.
V1 - C2 - P3: Revenance Pt2.
V1 - C2 - P4: Revenance Pt2.
V1 - C2 - P5: Revenance Pt2.
V1 - C3 - P1: Entrance Preparation Pt1.
V1 - C3 - P2: Entrance Preparation Pt1.
V1 - C3 - P3: Entrance Preparation Pt1.
V1 - C3 - P4: Entrance Preparation Pt1.
V1 - C3 - P5: Entrance Preparation Pt1.
V1 - C4 - P1: Entrance Preparation Pt2.
V1 - C4 - P2: Entrance Preparation Pt2.
V1 - C4 - P3: Entrance Preparation Pt2.
V1 - C4 - P4: Entrance Preparation Pt2.
V1 - C4 - P5: Entrance Preparation Pt2.
V1 - C5 - P1: Entrance Preparation Pt3.
V1 - C5 - P2: Entrance Preparation Pt3.
V1 - C5 - P3: Entrance Preparation Pt3.
V1 - C5 - P4: Entrance Preparation Pt3.
V1 - C5 - P5: Entrance Preparation Pt3.
V1 - C6 - P1: Combative Trials.
V1 - C6 - P2: Combative Trials.
V1 - C6 - P3: Combative Trials.
V1 - C6 - P4: Combative Trials.
V1 - C6 - P5: Combative Trials.
V1 - C7 - P1: Inability.
V1 - C7 - P2: Inability.
V1 - C7 - P3: Inability.
V1 - C7 - P4: Inability.
V1 - C7 - P5: Inability.
V1 - C8 - P1: Father Of Lies.
V1 - C8 - P2: Father Of Lies.
V1 - C8 - P3: Father Of Lies.
V1 - C8 - P4: Father Of Lies.
V1 - C8 - P5: Father Of Lies.
V1 - C9 - P1: Ravenous Wolves.
V1 - C9 - P2: Ravenous Wolves.
V1 - C9 - P3: Ravenous Wolves.
V1 - C9 - P4: Ravenous Wolves.
V1 - C9 - P5: Ravenous Wolves.

V1 ‐ C1 - P3: Revenance Pt1.

7 2 4

(INT) means "In Thought" as in thinking.
(MRY) means "Memory" as in remembering something.



The morning was quiet, as Kade stood near a counter and prepares his coffee, measured precision evident as he grinds rich, aromatic beans; pouring steaming water into the cafetiere, he patiently allows the grounds to bloom, before slowly pressing down the plunger, revealing a velvety, full-bodied brew.

Amidst the enticing aroma of the freshly brewed coffee wafting through the air, Kade's senses are momentarily captivated.

Kade Northwood(INT):
"Mmm, It's a beautiful morning today."

Kade hears a noise outside of the lobby and somewhere near the entrance of the apartment building.

Kade Northwood:

However, his attention remains undisturbed as he nonchalantly observes a cadre of police officers hastily making their way into the building, taking the elevator, a sight that prompts him to nonchalantly shrug off any concern.

Kade Northwood(INT):
"I wonder who the poor bast##d is to get an entire force that size for him."

With his freshly brewed coffee in hand, Kade steps into the elevator, its sleek doors closing behind him as he ascends to the upper echelons of the building, where the hallways eventually guide him to the entrance of his penthouse, a subtle hum escapes his lips.

As the elevator glides to a stop on the 23rd floor(which is the top floor), he exits out of the elevator and makes his way through the apartment corridors, the hushed echoes of his footsteps mingling with occasional sips from his coffee brew.

Turning around the corner, Kade takes a casual sip from his coffee, only to spot a gathering of police officers and apartment staff outside his penthouse door in the distance; tension escalates as one of the staff members shout.

Staff Member #1:
"He's right there! Get him!"

Without hesitation, Kade swiftly hurls his coffee at the approaching police officers and bolts, as he races throughout the corridors he unapologetically pushes and tramples over a man and his wife.

Kade Northwood:

He sprinted towards the stairs, intent on a rapid descent, evading the encroaching authorities.

With his energy dwindling from the rapid descent down the stairs, Kade pushes himself forward, charging through an open door in a fervent attempt to reach the front entrance, only to be met by a squad of waiting officers who swiftly notice his presence.

Kade Northwood:

Kade redirects his course, bolting towards the back exit door of the apartment building, deftly leaping over a counter in a nimble maneuver to evade the law enforcement.

Bursting through the back exit, Kade rushes into the alley where he stashed his car; hastily tossing aside a black poly tarp, he swiftly climbs into the vehicle and starts the engine.

Police officer:
"Out of the vehicle, now!"
"Get out of the f##king car!"

A police officer, pounding on the car door, attempts to force it open and points a gun at Kade, who promptly retreats into his car, accelerates into the street, and speeds away, leaving the officer behind.

The police officer urgently speaks into his radio, alerting nearby units.

Police officer:
"Suspect has entered a vehicle and is fleeing the scene."
"He is driving a red Honda Civic Si."
"Requesting additional units and authorization for pursuit. Suspect is wanted for conspiring with criminals and multiple counts of murder."

A cascade of additional police cars racing through the streets to join the pursuit. Kade, navigating the bustling streets of New York, maneuvers with precision, mindful of avoiding collisions that could lead to dire consequences—aware that a crash could not only endanger his life but also result in his capture, sentencing him to the confines of prison.

Kade punches the steering wheel in anger, confused to how they've found out about his crimes.

Kade Northwood:
"F##K F##K F##K!"
"How the f##k did they find out!?"

As if Kade's predicament couldn't escalate further, the situation intensifies with the presence of two news helicopters and three police choppers hovering above the city, their collective gaze fixed on Kade.  Amidst this aerial spectacle, Kade continues his reckless race through the city, narrowly avoiding a collision with a family, five other individuals, and a group of teenage boys, the gravity of his situation amplifying with each precarious encounter.

Police Chopper #2:
"Stop the vehicle, a##hole!"

from above, a news channel operator hovers in a helicopter, narrating through the microphone

News Reporter Noel Chávez:
"Kade Northwood, co-owner of N&L Investments in partnership with Heiden Lathers, implicated in a shocking series of crimes including—"

"Kidnappings, murders, criminal conspiracy, tampering with evidence, human trafficking, financial fraud, wildlife smuggling, extortion, bribery, manufacturer of a controlled substance, and a clandestine of drug operations."

"Currently, a high-speed pursuit ensues as law enforcement mobilizes to apprehend Kade Northwood."
"My name is Noel Chávez, and stay tuned for updates on this unfolding situation."

Embarking on a lengthy drive, Kade knows that if he can reach Lake George, nearly four hours away from the bustling city, there's a slim chance of escaping the relentless pursuit.

With foresight and contingency planning, Kade had strategically hidden a car in the alley behind the apartment, a crucial element of a plan he had devised for moments like this. Taking swift action, he removes the tarp from a decomposing corpse strategically placed in the passenger seat, intending to use it as a decoy temporarily, creating the illusion that he perished in a car accident to potentially throw off those in pursuit.

This would give Kade alot of time before they test the DNA on the corpse.

Timeskip(Nearly 3 hours).

After three-hours, Kade arrives at Lake George, only to find a waiting police force armed with tire-spikes on the ground. With quick thinking, he deliberately guides his car's right side over the spikes and skillfully maneuvers into the forested hills. Taking a daring leap, he opens the door and jumps out just as the car careens off a small cliff, plunging into the lake below, with Kade diving in after it.

In a desperate bid for survival, Kade submerged himself nigh-deep beneath the water, propelling through the depths with a sense of urgency, aiming to put a considerable distance between himself and the crash site in the hopes of finding solid ground far enough away.

After a substantial passage of time, Kade arrives at the predetermined location he had estimated, coughing out water as he emerges from the lake, quickly running and disappearing into the forest to evade any prying eyes or surveillance.

Strolling through the forest adjacent to the roads, Kade patiently waits until a car stops by.

"You needed a ride?"
"Come on in."

Kade offered a seemingly genial smile to the driver before abruptly forcing them out of the vehicle, subjecting them to a vicious assault until unconsciousness ensues.

Seizing the opportunity, he appropriates the driver's brown leather jacket, their black and white sneakers, commandeers the vehicle, and embarks on a journey from Lake George back to New York Manhattan.

Following an extensive drive back to Manhattan, Kade navigates into a concealed alleyway where he had discreetly stashed a bag containing guns, ammunition, and a stash of cash; with a hint of reluctance, he retrieves the bag before returning to the purloined vehicle.

Subsequently, he stops at a shabby and unassuming hotel, utilizing the cash to rent a room that matches the establishment's inexpensive and less-than-appealing appearance.

In the meanwhile, Kade purchases a bottle of Hennessy from a nearby liquor store, needing to unwind the lingering adrenaline from the recent high-speed chase; feeling the need to calm down, he takes a substantial gulp from the bottle. Seated in frustration, he turns on the TV, furiously scrolling through news channels in an attempt to discern who ratted on him.

He muttered to himself in frustration.

Kade Northwood:
"I swear to God, I will kill whoever did this to me."

He continued to scroll through the news channels, gradually growing in frustration and impatience.

Kade Northwood:
"Where the hell are you?!"
"Who the hell do you think you are–"

Kade's eyes widened in sheer disbelief upon discovering that the individual who ratted out him to the police was none other than Heiden Lathers. Seated on the bed, he remained motionless, frozen in shock, his gaze fixed on the TV for long period of time as the weight of this realization sank in.

News Channel:
"Heiden Lathers, co-owner and partner of N&L Investments with Kade Northwood, has bravely stepped forward to the public, unaware of the heinous crimes committed by his business partner."
"Shocked by the disturbing contents revealed in a message sent anonymously to Kade's emails, Heiden promptly took decisive action, heading to the police and filing for the arrest of Kade Northwood."

The news channel seamlessly transitions to a live recording capturing Heiden Lathers seated behind a podium, encircled by police officers; his countenance reflects a profound sense of sadness and heartbreak as he addresses the public.

News Channel(Heiden Lathers):
"Kade Northwood, if you're out there... please surrender yourself to the police."
"I don't want to see you causing any more pain than you've already inflicted. Having known you for so long, it hurts my heart to learn about the things you've done to those poor people."
"Please, Kade... for the sake of your life and others, turn yourself in."

Kade Northwood:
"After everything I've done..."
"Just for you to throw me away like this..."

In a state of inertia, Kade sat motionless on the bed, only to break the stillness by extracting an Uzi from the bag and absentmindedly using the gun barrel to scratch his nose.

He took two more substantial sips from the bottle of Hennessy, before hurling it against the wall and kicking a chair over in frustration, initiating an agitated pacing around the confined motel room, occasionally smacking his forehead in visible vexation and maniacal shouting.

In a manic frenzy, Kade lunged towards the TV, feverishly pointing at Heiden, whose image was displayed on the screen.

Kade Northwood:

A few moments, Kade had gradually regained composure, his countenance shifted into a dark, and furious visage. He menacingly brandished the Uzi's gun barrel at the screen, his words carrying an ominous tone.

Kade Northwood:
"I will end you..."
"Even if it kills me."

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