The Deaf Mutant

By wolffie_03

219K 4.9K 1K

Y/n is a new Avenger, but she has her differences. She is deaf, Completely deaf she uses ASL to communicate... More

Author notes
Loki return
I guess she does have a voice
Overheated I think?
Loki's room
The sickness
Our little secret
Her Snuggle Buddy
Loki's New Beginning
Trust me love
No Promises
Good Night My Child
Scars Are Forever
Does It Look Bad
1k reads
Blue Button
No Ordinary Mortal
It's Cute
Girls Day Out
Secret room
Author's Bestie's😱😏😜
Come On Prince
Do They Know
Trip Down Memory Lane
Time you know...
I Can Braid It If You Like
Our Little Avenger
Did I Kill Anyone
You can speak
I'm Not Going To Die
See No Evil-Hear No Evil
I'm not a good person
Possibilities Of Tomorrow
She Wasn't Alone

I Should Choke You With This

294 7 4
By wolffie_03

Plopping on her bed Peter watches her open her eyes.

"Good morning," he sighs excitedly, looking at him she yawns.

"It's Christmas," she signs, rolling off the bed she hit the floor with a thud. Looking over the side of the bed he watches her pop up off the floor. Grabbing her hearing aids she smiles, noticing the snow still falling and resting on the window seal outside.

"What time is it," she questions

"Um like seven something," Peter mumbled

"You think Tony is awake," she questioned

"Nope. You think we should wake him,"

"Most definitely," she answered

As the doors open they look around at the floor Tony and Pepper stay on, walking towards the room, they stop when they see Pepper standing at the coffee machine.

"Good morning kids," she says without turning to look at them. Peter and Y/n made eye contact while standing still.

"Tony is still asleep, don't worry," she says, glancing back at them. Smiling, they quickly made their way towards the bedroom. Opening the door quietly they looked at each other.

"You go left," she signed, walking towards the right side of the bed. Standing on either side of the bed they watched Tony peacefully sleeping.


"TONY," they screamed in unison

"What, what's on fire," he yelled sitting up in his bed and looking around the room frantically. The two of them fell out laughing, holding onto the bed so they wouldn't fall on the floor.

"Peter, y/n," he says, watching them laugh. Letting out a sigh he rolls his eyes.

"Why," he asks as their fits of laughter begin to subside, looking at the smiling children he can't be mad at them.

"It was her idea," Peter says quickly

"As if,"

"Merry Christmas kids," he says standing up. Ruffling both of their hair he drapes his arms over both of their shoulders leading them out of his room.

"Hey you kids go wake up the rest of the team I will meet you in the common room," he says looking at them. Standing beside Pepper he watched them walk away giggling playfully and pushing each other on their way back to the elevator.

"You let them in didn't you,"

"No it's an elevator they both have access to, I may or may not have told them you were still sleeping," she says trying to hide a smirk.

As the doors open on their floor look at each other racing to the doors, standing at Natasha's door y/n begins to Knock, and standing at Clint Peter does the same. As the door opened Natasha looked at her with a smug look with one hand placed on her hip.

"Good morning," Nat says to her, y/n smiles

"Really," Clint says as he opens the door, seeing Peter's face. Letting out a sigh he nodes his head.

"Natasha," he says rubbing his face

"The kids are waking us up," he says almost as a question.

Opening Loki's door her smile fades seeing him sit in his chair reading. Glancing up from his book he looks at her.

"Well it's no fun if you're awake," she tells him

"Would you like me to pretend I am sleeping," he questions closing his book. Shaking her head she looks at his outfit.

"Nice reindeer," she says gesturing to his outfit

"That is not even the worst part," he says standing, turning around, reading the back of his shirt she tries to suppress a laugh.

"y/n... What nice reindeer," Peter says while walking into the room.

"I am a god," Loki mumbles under his breath

"Well reindeer games, we have a few Avengers to go beat with pillows till they wake up so see you upstairs," Y/n says while backing out of his room.

As the elevator doors open they look at each other picking a door. Walking into Steve's room she plops on the bed staring at him.

"Steve," she called

"Steve, hey, hey Steve,"

"Bucky," he mumbled to himself turning over

"Who's Bucky," she questioned, poking his arm, groaning as he slowly opened his eyes as he looked around his room.

"Are you awake,"

"Well I am now," he says rubbing his hands on his face

"Who's Bucky," she asked him again, watching him sit up and wait for an answer.

"He's a friend, an old one why do you ask," he says looking at her

"Because you talk in your sleep," Looking at her he almost scoffed at the realization.

"Did Tony make everyone personalized matching pajamas," smiling he rolled his eyes

"Yes... wait till you see Thors," Smiling she sighs

"He needs to find a better way to spend his time," she commented while watching Steve slightly stumble out of the bed stretching. Walking out of the room the sight of Peter on Thor's back made y/n stop, glancing at Steve she smirked tilting her head to the side.

"No," he said blankly as he tried to continue walking.

"Please," looking at her he caves, allowing her on his back both Thor and Steve walk in carrying the two teenagers. Glancing at Peter she watches as he is slightly higher up. Softly kicking her Peter tries to contain his smile. Kicking him back they continued, softly pushing each other.

"If you two don't stop we are both putting you down," Steve says, as the elevator doors open they walk out towards the common area, the sound of Christmas music fills their ears the closer they get to the rest of the team. Sitting the kids down by the tree Steve walks over to grab a cup of coffee.

"This is fun right," Peter asks, nudging her shoulder, nodding her head as she looks at the gifts that overflowed from under the enormous tree.

"Alright the kids first," Natasha says as the team gathered around taking their seats on the floor next to each other, holding his mug in his hand Tony watches with a small smile on his face as both Y/n and Peter scramble looking for a gift with their name on it.

"You first Peter," Y/n says with excitement holding the gift in her hand.

"It's from you," he says, unwrapping the gift. Looking at the item he examines it.

"Whoa," he breathes looking at it.

"It's a glass spider in a snow globe,"

"Not glass Ice," she says

"How did you do that," he questions looking at her in amazement.

"Well the globe itself is customized designed, I spent some time in the Lab and had help from Tony and the ice spider, learning how to do that was a lot of fun,"

"Okay now you," he says carefully placing the globe beside him. Glancing at the name on her gift she smiles.

"It's from Tony," unwrapping a gift she looks at it.

"It's a box," she says shaking his head he sighs

"Open the box," opening the box her eyes lit up at the sight of the items inside quickly picking up a pair she examined.

"It's a box full of socks," she said, clearly excited. Putting the box to the side she didn't even attempt to hide her smile.

"Loki next," y/n says reaching for a gift and handing it to him he eyes it.

"I am not a child,"
"Youngest to oldest,"

"I am over"
"In human years" she corrected, rolling his eyes as he sighed gently, taking the gift from his hands. Tearing away the wrapping he looked at the gift examining the box.

"Tony, did you get him a box of forks for Christmas," y/n questioned while looking at the box in his friend's hand. Glancing at him, he watched him try not to smile.

"Tony that mean," Natasha told him

"Just open the box," he said laughing lightly, eyeing him Loki opens the box pulling out a suit tie—a suit tie with daggers on it.

"Thank you, man of iron," Loki says

"What was that," Tony says acting as if didn't hear what he said

"That's my line," y/n says to him

As the gift-giving time continued y/n's smile only grew wider, the team joked and laughed at the odd boxes Tony put all of Loki's gifts in. Sliding a gift towards y/n Clint nodded his head. Taking off the wrapping she glances at the shape of the case. Opening she sees Clint's bow, looking up at him she smiles.

"This is your bow,"

"Now it's yours,"

"Thank you," she says, running her fingers along the bow. After about two hours of unwrapping gifts y/n felt a feeling she could not quite place. Wrapping paper plagued the floor, the sound of Clint singing Christmas music in the background as he attempted to clean up. She watched the team in their element in an environment that let the group of misfits thrive. She felt like it was all a dream and that at any moment she could wake up, but she didn't.


"Hey I wanted to wait to give you this," Loki says, taking a seat beside her as she stares outside the window watching the snowfall.

"What is it," she questions looking at him. Catching the sight of the box in his hand she watches him take in a deep breath.

"This is for you," placing the box in her hand she smiles. Opening the box a gasp escaped her lips. It was a bracelet with blue and forest green gems all around but the one in the middle was a mixture of the two colors, it was like she was looking at the northern lights.

"This is," she stops and continues to stare at it in disbelief.

"I wanted to get you something you can wear, I know you wear your mom's necklace so I figured a bracelet would be just fine," he stops watching her facial expression and looking for what she thought about it.

"Do you like it," he questioned, finally meeting his eyes she nodded her head vigorously. "I love it, it's amazing," she explains, holding the bracelet in her hands she looks at the gem that was a mixture of different shades of blue and green.

Helping her put on the bracelet she smiles at the perfect fit.

"I love it so much," she says to him with a small smile lingering on his face. He was worried he wouldn't get it right or mess it up, but he was happy to know she liked it. Trips back and forth to Asgard were worth it, he would do it all over again just to see her reaction.

"Breakfast everyone," Steve called from the kitchen. Placing everyone's custom pancakes down in their usual seat Loki and y/n made their way toward the team

"Why are they green," Loki questioned, looking at his pancakes.

"Grinch," Steve says blankly while cutting his pancakes and beginning to eat.

"What is a Grinch," he asked Looking at him she stared at him looking away she began to eat her food.

"You will find out soon," Natasha said to him.


Sitting on the couch she grabs the remote. "What are we watching," Loki questions, taking a seat beside her.

"The Grinch," she says while watching Peter decide where he wants to sit.

"Nat said we have to be back in the kitchen to help with dinner," y/n says looking at her phone.

"That's a lovely bracelet y/n," Thor points out, a smile crept its way onto her face.

"Thank you," she says, placing her phone down in her lap.

"Did Loki gift that to you," he questions, eyeing some of the Asgardian gems but one he has never seen before, nodding her head, Thor glances at his brother.

"Might as well have given her a lock of your hair," Thor mumbles, grabbing a pillow Loki throws at him, slightly annoyed.

"Sit Thor," he says glaring at him.

"Parker sit down already," she says, watching him twirl in the same spot for a few minutes, his face flushed as sat on the floor.

"Sorry," he mumbles, searching for the movie she stops before hitting play.

"What do you mean Thor, give her a lock of your hair," Turning around to look at her he smirks ignoring the glaring look from his brother.

"Well in Asgard we have this tradition when two people are-,"

"Oh darling look, the movie is starting," he says, cutting off his brother and pressing play on the movie. Rolling her eyes she sighs. The lights dimmed and the four of them sat there in the movie room together and happily watched The Grinch Who Stole Christmas.

"I am not the Grinch," Loki protested while walking into the kitchen area. The sight of the team working together on dinner was rare.

"Look who decided to join the party," Tony noted while taking a sip of his drink.

"Is that scotch," Y/n questioned looking at the cup in Tony's hands.

"Yes, Natasha was taking too long on the eggnog,"

"Oh can I have a sip," y/n questioned, Tony looked at the cup deciding on how he should answer that question, looking up he noticed the stern look Natasha was giving y/n and the one Steve was giving him.

"All jokes," giving Natasha a lopsided grin in her eyes.

"Tony the correct answer was no," Bruce whispers to him

"So the kids will be working on desert Thor you're helping Sam," Nodding his head Thor began to walk towards Sam.
"What do I do," Loki questioned.

"Kid," Sam says before Steve could answer

"Then why is Thor with you,"

"Yea, Sam why," taking another sip of his drink Tony eyed Sam waiting for him to answer Loki.

"It's okay, Mr.Loki, you can help us make cookies," Peter says with a half smile.

"Mister," y/n questioned eyeing Peter

"Just Loki since I am a child,"

"Technically on earth brother, you're barely an adult," Thor points out, walking towards Peter, and y/n he doesn't say another word to Thor.

"Chocolate chip cookies?" Peter questioned them. Working together they began mixing the dry ingredients attempting not to spill any on the floor. Opening the chocolate chips y/n quickly glanced around making sure the boys were mixing. Pouring some in her hand she quickly puts them in her mouth.

"Are you eating the chocolate chips," Peter questioned while turning to look at her, shaking her head he eyed her not seeing the bag anywhere in sight. Turning back to the bowel he continues to mix. Moving the bag from behind her to in front of her she grabs them, catching the sight of Loki smirking as she holds the bag.

"Not a word," turning back around he continues to help Peter. As Everyone came to a finish in cooking they began to fix their plates.

"Tony, did you have to make everyone customize pajamas," Sam questioned while taking a seat.

"Yeah, they look nice and now we can have photos where we look stupid on purpose," he comments while picking up his fork.

"I never look stupid,"

"Whatever you say curly," he says to Thor. As the team engaged in conversation y/n smiled wondering when was the last time her life was this good. She couldn't remember any point before or after leaving Hydra. She wanted to remember this day forever.

"So guys New years," Tony began earning glares from the team.

"No press whatsoever, we can have a chill guest list New Year's Eve party," looking around at everyone's faces he tries to gauge their emotions and how they feel about this.

"Look I haven't had a party in so long please,"

"Fine," Steve answers, letting out a sigh.

"Actually I won't be here," Sam says speaking up

"What do you mean," Y/n questioned looking at him

"I have been asked to return to the airforce," The room fell quiet, everyone's eyes were on him.

"How long," Steve asked

"I found out a week ago, I leave in six days,"

"Are coming back," Natasha asked

"Eventually, I'm thinking about counseling other soldiers after"

"Why didn't you tell us before now,"

"I thought I had more time I was going to tell you guys after today, but Tony with his party and the fact they might call me in early made me realize," Nodding his head Steve stayed silent.

"How long will you be gone," y/n asked him

"No longer than a year and a half then I will come back to annoy you," trying to hide her sadness she put on a small smile.

"I still have time, no need to get sad. Let's go back to this party Tony is talking about that somehow Cap agreed to,"

"He did agree didn't he," Tony says looking at Steve.

"It's New Year's Eve Party, it's like giving him a present," smiling at what he said Sam tried not to laugh.

"How do you expect me to go to this unless I don't." Getting excited at the idea of not attending the party y/n smiles.

"If I have to go so do you," Natasha whispers to her

"No press and technically the two of you are Stark Industry employees,"

"Yay," she says as a strained pained sound escapes her mouth. Looking slightly offended by her reaction, he takes a bite out of a cookie.

"My parties are not that bad,"

"No I just hate people," Loki snickered, looking around as he attempted to pretend to not know what he did.

"You're an avenger,"

"Yes, an avenger who hates socializing,"

"Then just drag Parker with you," Bruce suggests, pondering on his comment as she nods her head.

"I- have plans. I can't go to a party," Peter stutters

"Why because you will have homework," Looking at him as she awaits his answer, his checks begin to get heated trying to come up with an answer.

"No homework and no life, your life is my life because we are partners so you're coming," she says her eyes giving a soft blue hue, the smile painted on her face gave him chills.


"Blink twice if you need help," Tony whispered to him, but Peter just copied her smile not wanting to socialize with people as well.

"I'll tell Clint, he will be so happy to hear about the Party,"


"What happened to the little spider," Loki questioned while standing in the elevator with y/n.

"He had to go home, Tony drove him because of the snow," walking out of the elevator they caught the sight of the night sky.

"Why are we on the roof," Loki questioned watching her step out, white powder covered where they walked.

"Because it's snowing," she says, spinning around looking at the sky. Slowly stepping out he walks in her footsteps.

"It is quite a wonderful sight," he says watching her frolic in the snow, her white hair matching the snow.

"Do you have this on Asgard," as he opened his mouth to say something he stopped as his breath was taken from him. Trying to remember what he was going to say he lets out a sigh.

"Yes but-" he stops

"Not often,"

"I don't remember the last time it snowed like this and I didn't cause it," she says with a smile on her face. Falling to the ground she smiled as the cold of the snow engulfed her like a mother would her child. Copying her movement he laid beside her in the snow.

Glancing over at him she smiled attempting to suppress her laugh

"What is it,"

"Nothing," she says looking at him

"I'm blue aren't I," he says

"A little, but it's cute," she says laughing, bringing back the memory of the time he called her eyes cute. Letting out a sigh she watches as smoke escapes her mouth. Looking up she watched the dark blue night sky as the snow fell on them.

"This is beautiful," she says as the snow begins to let up slowly, revealing the cold dark blue sky. Glancing at her, a smile painted its way onto Loki's face.

"Yes it is," he says to her, but he wasn't talking about the sky. They lay there enjoying the cold night air as their breath created fog right before their eyes. The feeling of the snow under them made them both feel a certain Deja Vu, a memory or maybe a dream they can't quite remember.


Looking in the mirror she glances at the dress she chose for the Party. Paired with a pair of black sheer tights and heels. The sound of knocking at the door pulled her away from the mirror. Attempting to put her earring in she walked towards the door, opening she saw Loki slightly stressed holding a piece of fabric in his hand.

"I need," he stops looking her over.

"You look nice," he smirks

"I know you didn't walk over here to tell me that," she says walking towards her mirror to put in her other earring. "No," he says following her to the bathroom he watches her put in her earring.

"I can't tie this Stupid thing," looking at him through the mirror she smiles. The sound of someone trying to open her window she sighs.

"Hold that thought," she says while walking out of her bathroom watching Peter crawl in his suit as she looks at him, her hands placed on her hips. Ripping off his mask he looks at her slightly guilty

"You are late,"

"I know," he says throwing his mask on the couch

"Your suit is in my closet, hurry because we have to meet Tony in the Lab in ten minutes," she tells him as he walks towards the closet, tapping his chest she watches as the suit loosens on his body.

"What was I doing again," she questioned Loki, stepping back into the bathroom, he looked at her with a smirk on his face.

"Darling it's just a party no need to stress," Loki says watching her sigh.

"The tie," she says, placing the fabric in her hands she guides him leaning him against her sink, standing in front of him she wraps the fabric around his neck measuring.

"You do look nice," he says as she ties the fabric for him


"So what's the importance of today anyways," he questions while watching her

"The celebration of a new year, like a birthday for Earth or something." Standing at the door Peter watches y/n finish tying Loki's tie. He watched Loki watch her, not paying attention to the tie but to her.

"Come on Parker," she says stepping away from Loki and walking over to her she does the same steps.

"I should choke you with this," Looking at her he rolls his eyes.

"You wouldn't," he challenges

"I would,"

"Hey Loki," Peter says, glancing behind her to the man who was adjusting his collar in her mirror. Finishing the tie she adjusts Peter's collar and sighs rubbing out the wrinkles.

"Let's go," she says to the boys, grabbing her shoes she holds them in her hands as they make their way to the elevator. Waiting for the doors to open she began to mentally prepare herself for the amount of people and nodding and smiling she would have to do.

Walking into Tony's lab she catches the sight of the rest of the team dressed talking to Tony.

"I'm here," she says, joining the group, the sight of Pepper at Tony's side, his hand wrapped around her waist.

"Me too," Peter says standing beside her, Peper glanced at y/n slightly surprised hearing her speak but didn't make a big deal about it. Spending time with the team her trust has grown along with her confidence in speaking and communicating when need be.

"Yes, my Stark interns here you go," he says, handing them cards.

"Huh, I feel official," Examining the card they catch the sight of their face and name along with other information.

"Full clearance," Peter questioned,

"Security measures and you can use it if you ever diced to use a door,"
"Why would we want to do that," she questioned looking at them

"Windows are more fun," Peter adds, smiling. Looking at the kids the team sighs.
"Let's go," Tony says, leading the team towards the elevator. Waving to the team Peter and y/n head for the stairs to get to the employee elevator. As the elevators began to move y/n attempted to put on her heels.

"And you got on me for being late,"

"No I was not late, I just didn't want to put these on until I had to," she says, holding onto his arm so she wouldn't fall. Standing up straight they watch as the doors open. Clipping on their IDs they walk through the scanner, watching the bouncer nod their head and move the red rope aside as they walk through. Smiling at each other as they walked around looking over the decorations.

"Tony outdid himself,"

"Well you know what they say about him and parties," she says while looking around at all the people here
"The alcohol is good," glancing over at him she tries not to laugh

"No- they usually end in a disaster but I like your idea better." walking around they attempted to socialize with the other workers.

"Hey you guys look a little young," a guy says to them, glancing at their badges he nods his head.

"You guys are the stark internship kids,"

"Yeah, we are,"

"How old are you anyways"
"Were both 16 and 17,"

"Who's older," someone else asked, smirking as she glanced at Peter.

"She is," he answered

"Well, when you not too busy with stark you guy should come hang with us,"

"Yeah you should you guys seem smart," glancing at each other they smile at the comment

"I'm Liam and that's Nix,"

"Peter and Y/n,"

"Well, it was nice to meet you guys," watching them walk away Peter and y/n gave each other a look.

"That wasn't so bad,"


"Hey, you wanna dance," Peter asked her while standing awkwardly. Grabbing his hand she takes him to the dance floor

"So how are you and MJ," she asked while they danced

"You know," he answered vaguely, looking at him she smirked

"I don't think I do,"

"You like her a lot,"

"Yeah," he says quietly.

"I have a plan you know," he says proudly looking at him she

"Foolproof," she questions

"Peter Parker proof, I am even going to get her a necklace of her favorite flower." smiling at him she twirls him around

"I'm pretty sure it's supposed to be the other way around," he says while coming back around and placing his hands on her waist.

"I don't think I care,"

"What about you and Loki," he asks

"Were friends," she answered

"Yea right," he says

"What we are," she says, hiding her smile.

"I'm going to tell MJ are you going to keep your end of the deal,"

"Yea," she answered hesitantly


"I just don't want to ruin something good you know, he is like-" she paused searching for the right word

"He is my best friend and more maybe I don't want to jeopardize that,"

"I see the way he looks at you, I mean everyone does," hearing the music stop they leave the dance floor to find drinks and continue the conversation.

"If I'm wrong about Loki you can give me a good punch to the face," brings the cup to her lips she thinks about the offer

"I'm not wrong so don't go fantasizing about it," nodding her head he smiles at her.


"Look at those two," Tony says pointing to Peter and Y/n Who was dancing?

"They are something else," Bruce adds

"They are both equally awkward," Clint says while taking a drink from the bar.

"You know it surprises me how well y/n can dance,"

"Really," Natasha asked from behind the bar.


"She was an assassin, she had to be trained in many skills,"

"Pretty sure that's supposed to be the other way around," Thor says as the team watches y/n spin Peter while they dance.

As time passed and they talked to some of the Stark employees, the night began to draw to an end.

"I would like to thank everyone for coming out tonight," Tony said into the microphone, all the eyes fell on him and Pepper who stood at the front under the huge clock that was counting down till midnight.

"This year has been something special, I would like to personally thank every single one of the Stark employees. Thank you guys for your hard work, for your contributions to this company," he says reading a note card. Handing the note cards to Pepper he sighs.

"One last thing,"

"My Interns that are somewhere in this room, thank you. Those brilliant minds of yours are something to protect. love them as my own" Looking at each other Peter and y/n smile at what Tony said about them.

"Anyways looks like there are 5 minutes left till the new year so let's go out with a bang,"

"He was- he was kidding," Pepper says into the microphone giving him a stern look. Stepping down off the platform the music continued and chatter began to fill the room once more.

"5, 4, 3, 2,1" cheers echoed throughout the room while golden confetti fell from the sky. Everyone cheering high fiving one another and celebrating the new year.

"Happy New Year partner," Peter says playfully bumping into her

"Happy New Year," she signed, smiling at him.

As the room began to clear Peter made their way towards the team.

"Happy New Year," y/n says to the team. Smiling, she watches Tony grab a bottle and pour it into champagne glasses.

"This is nonalcoholic right," Natasha questioned hesitantly handing the kids a cup.

"Yes, I learned from Christmas,"

"What do you mean by that," Pepper questioned him with a pointed look.

"Oh you're in trouble," Clint taunted while watching Tony come up with an explanation.

"Anyways, toast to a wonderful year and our new recruits," he says while raising his glass. Taking a sip Loki Coffs sliding his glass towards his brother.

"Do you not like it," Thor questioned, looking at his face.

"This is quite horrid," Loki admits. 


hello my lovelies, I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Happy New Year's Eve, I am setting this to automatically post so I don't forget to post it. Love you guys stay safe. see you in the next chapter...

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