The confused heart

By Afrah9693

6 1 0

This is a fictional story about a girl named Aoba chan who is 16 years old and it has her day to day Life sto... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3

Chapter 1

3 1 0
By Afrah9693

Aoba's mother thinks that it's a great idea to enroll her in an academy and is even better that she goes with someone
The next day aoba's mother get contact information from Misaki's parents and talks to the professor at the academy and even the professor and the academy's team agrees to take aoba chan after an interview
They inform aobas mother that she can start joining the academy from 1 September Monday
And for the date only five days were left and Aoba chan was quite scared because she did not even attend Academy other than learning online.
The timing for the academy was from 1 PM to 4 PM in day after the school ended at 11:30 AM
Aoba chan's daily routine was
Waking up at 6 AM in the morning and attend school by 6:45 AM, and then attend all the classes and get school finished by 11:30 AM and then go home with Misaki together and reach home till 12 and rest the entire day after but it was no longer gonna be the same because she now has to attend Academy with Misaki after Academy, do the homework she is assigned to till 5 PM or more and then finally taking her device and using social media till a very long time and when she finally gets tired of it, she starts her computer and start talking to Misaki online and talk about their never ending conversations
And then, when she finally comes out of her room, she sees her brother Fujito giving her some strange looks and continues to study his subjects on his computer, and as he is very studious, he has gotten spectacles of very high number but he isn't afraid that would effect his eyes, but rather it would affect his studies if he did not study on computer
Aoba : whenever I see Fujito he is always savouring onto some candy, and I always wonder why he always carries candies with him and always eat them and Aren't he worried that could have some tooth decay or tooth damage
A bet he don't care about his tooth because the number of times I have seen him is uncountable. I mean they must be a reason why he is always savouring into some candies and I think he won't reveal it to me ever but I am her sister I will take it out of his throat even if it takes me anything
*aoba starts her academy from 1 September*
It was her first day to the academy and she was very nervous and she had butterflies all over her stomach and she could not control her excited Ness at the same time to go to an academy for the first time ever
Siri met with misaki near a restaurant and as they had planned before that they were going to go together, they were gonna do the same now
They called a cab with their devices and a few minutes later the cab arrived, and they hopped into the cab and Misaki started to tell her more about the academy and discussed questions like how many students were there in their Academy of the grade? How many people or average below average and above average?
What was the result of not doing the homework they had been assigned to ?ha ha ha ha 
As soon as they saw, they had arrived at the location and Aoba's heartbeat got fast as they were just going to enter into the academy
She was trembling all over inside, but she pretended as if nothing happened to her, Misaki was constantly asking if she were scared or nervous and wanted to go from the back door, but she refused and wanted to try entering from the front door itself.
After2  minutes
She entered the (front) gate and saw 50s of people sitting down and they were glaring so strongly at her as if she had taken money from them and until then she heard a strong voice, welcoming her and greetings , it was none other than the academy's professor himself, and he was trying to figure out if she was the one who's parents called and asked for an admission and the same girl who had given the interview because she was dressed very differently from the day that she had met professor and her style and which was very basic as to consider as a night suit night suit or track pant which is again very basic and very different because the day she had met Professor she was dressed in a cottage core midi dress and some extra jewelleries because she was of a belief that ' if it's my first time meeting a person I have to dress well, because the first impression is the last', she was also of the belief that ' I don't have to dress prettily every day because these were the people she was gonna study with and did not have to worry herself about the outfits she had worn. Because she had already a lot to worry about herself and couldn't bother herself to get ready every day because she was just as lazy any other high school student and didn't want to pressure herself more with this
The professor recognised her after 50 seconds approximately and told her," sit down here and suit yourself with any subject you want"
aoba nodded and agreed and starting learning economics and after an hour later she was still unfamiliar with the people around and some people even said hello to her but she pretended that she didn't hear it and continued learning her subjects, some minutes passed and the professor saw that something was wrong with her, and she was suffering with some problem, he asked," any problems aoba?"
Aoba replied hesitantly ," I did not understand that why did people wanted to Ban or pass the NRC and CAA act at first place?"
Professor calmly explained what was the act? How it came into being? How was it proposed? What were the results? How riots started? Etc
*It looked like she understood the part but still had doubts*
Prof again asked got any queries?
She hesitated but asked the questions she had and he again calmly explained her and it looked like her concept was clear this time
After she was done with economics she asked him what to do further and he said her to start with mathematics maybe because he wanted to test her if she was even good with her math or only with learning subjects
*she started finance*
And she solved some problems and some sums and when she showed it to her prof he was shocked not because she did so good or well but she did everything wrong including the MCQ's and she messed up so bad at it
Seeing her iPad (on which she was doing finance) He knew at first glance that she is very bad at math and had to put much more efforts to improve or be better at it
It soon was 4pm and the prof asked aoba if she was done and wanted to go home with some other girls?
She refused and said she would go alone instead and 5 minutes later she proceeded to pack her bag and she did eye gestures to misaki to tell her that she was going and as the prof knew that misaki lived close to aoba and it was also misaki's mom that asked the prof and gave his no. To aobas mother so he told even misaki to pack bags and leave with aoba
*they were both now out of the place and started their way*
Aoba said," Do y'all always stay so long in those academies?!"
Misaki replied funnily," noo aoba but idk why prof left you so late maybe because It was your first day?"
Aoba said," omgg I don't have to do this everyday, I wanna leave this place"
Misaki again said funnily," there's no way bestieee, your mother already paid the whole year's fee"
Aoba:," what the freak what?! , nooo can't be happening!!"
Misaki said," and yes it has happened and now there's nothing you can do about it!"
Aoba said," I guess I am now helpless and have to be here everyday"
Misaki laughs hysterically
*misaki's house comes first and she bids aoba goodbye and hugs and leaves*
Now it was just aoba alone
She reached her house and her mother asked,"how was your first day?"
She replied,"uhm just the average and nothing good or bad happened"
Mother said ," oh really? That's great I hope you make friends real soon and improve at your studies too inshallah"
Aoba shockingly replied," what did you just say?!"
Her mother answered so steady,"I made some new Muslim friends and they conversed it so prettily that I adapted this from them"
She said," anyways I'm tired I'm going off to rest"
Mother said,"allahafiz"
She was again shocked but not surprised and went on to rest

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