ETHE[REAL] Lookism Fanfic (Ma...

By AprilSpring44

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Story of a boy named Haneul Geum, as he navigates his school life making friends along the way a series of dr... More

Authors Note
Character Description
Chapter 1: Transmigration of Souls
Chapter 2: J High School
Chapter 4: Elite Society
Chapter 5: Picnic
Chapter 6: Four Crews
Chapter 7: Meeting Johan
Chapter 8: Yamaguchi
Chapter 9: A Deal
Chapter 10: Garam
Chapter 11: Crystal's Investigation
Chapter 12: Fake Bank account (1)
Chapter 13: Fake Bank account (2)
Chapter 14: Fake Bank Account (3)

Chapter 3: Convenience Store

398 17 13
By AprilSpring44

The bell rang signaling the end of the school day. I said my goodbyes first to Daniel since he seemed to be at a rush for his part time job. This was rather an eventful day, I'm off to a good start.

"Bye, Haneul.!"

"Bye, Haneul~ See you tomorrow~"

"Bye, girls", I wave my classmates goodbye and leave the classroom.

[Boy, someone sure is popular]

There you are, Hyeon, where have you been all day? I could have used your help y'know.

[Hey, I was checking up on that thing you told me]

He visibly pouts. Hyeon has been acting my eyes and ears for a while. Since he can access anything and anywhere in this world, no one is as a reliable source of info as him. I ask him to keep an eye on some notable characters I should keep an eye on. 

So, how was it? 

[Well, they haven't made any moves yet. On the contrary they seem to think that Seoul doesn't seem to be much of a threat. They are all too focused on building their own strength rather than invading Central Seoul right now.]

That's right the one's that I asked Hyeon to look into are-

[The one's who seem to be really interested in Uniting the crews is, Workers]

The Four Major Crews.

It's not a surprise, Workers might be quiet now, but they're the ones with the strongest foundation among the crew. 

[So, you're still going to pursue that plan]

Do you need to ask? The biggest obstacle to the Main Characters is the Four Crews. I need to help Daniel destroy them and for that I need to unite Central Seoul first and lay the foundation of the Alliance. 

[It still sounds like a hassle, but I'm all for it if that's what you want]

...Thanks, Hyeon. Its kind of nice, having someone that will always be on my side, no matter what shit I decide to get into. 

*Beep beep* 

A sound of a distant motorcycle gets my attention. If Hyeon was to give me real time information about the four crews. He would be giving me the tools I need to carry out my plan.

"Garam, right on time" he takes off his helmet revealing his beautiful face and his long hair. He grew out his hair in recent years as per my request. 

"Master, I'm here to take you home" his right hand over his chest and bowing his head slightly, he smiles up at me. 

"Didn't I tell you to call me by name if you pick me up?"

Realizing his mistake, he lowers his head once more, "I apologize, but I don't think I'll get used it. However, I will try"

I'll say, a handsome man taking you home everyday after school.? I could get used to this. He gives me a helmet and I rode with him. He insisted to pick me up with a car, but there was no way I would let him pick me a Limo. It's too eye catching, and besides, who would believe that an Heir to a multi-billion dollar Corporate Empire is attending a vocational School? 

Well, I mean Jay, Crystal, and Joy are here,  but that's besides the point. Hardly, anyone knows who they are, so why I should I be the first?




Getting home I was greeted by my Siberian Husky, named 'Orion'. He leaped into the air and into my arms, "No offense, buddy, But you're getting heavier for this". However, he does not in fact care as he smothers me in licks and cuddles.

Ahh, this is healing my soul.

I found Orion during my trip to Siberia and we have bonded ever since. He's like my soul mate, my companion. What was I doing in Siberia you ask? That's a story for another day. Standing up from the doorway I drop my bag on the couch and walked up to the wide window. The view is splendid, up here. Never in my all my last life did I ever dream of having owned a penthouse at the top of the building before... that's a lie, I kind of did, but I never thought that it was ever gonna happen. And, look at me now looking down on the City streets seeing the people down there like they're little ants. 

The plan that I came up with was slowly conquering each crew, starting with the most easiest to deal with among them, 

"God Dog" 

The crew occupying the northern part of Seoul, led by Johan. Their ranks are flimsy at best, a tower without proper foundation would fall with even the slightest wind. Since Johan conquered them forcefully they do not have complete loyalty to him. After all, power obtained with brute force can be taken away just as easily when a stronger opponent arises. 

"You have what I asked for, Garam?" he nodded and went to get it.

I plan to completely disband God dog and have Johan on my side, and that's where Orion comes into play. "You wanna help me get rid of bad guys, Rion?" He barks happily and licks my face all over. 

"Oh yes you do~ Who's a good boy.?~ You're a good boy~ Hehe"  He barks happily and wags his tail in a cute way. 

River watches me smother Orion with love and sets up toys and snacks for Orion for me to play with him. "Master, here is the all the information, you asked for" he places a file of documents on the table. Those are everything I need to bring the previous leader of God dog and his lackeys down. 

Hm, what was that groups name again? I remember they revealed it at one point. I just kind of forgot. They sure are forgettable.

It's too soon for me to crush them yet, I have to make contact with Johan first before anything. And, in order to do that I'll have to 'coincidentally' meet him in one of our walks. "Garam, starting next week end I'll take Orion out for walks in the afternoon, so clear my schedule"

"Yes, master"

First Phase, is getting strong and having the appropriate funds to support the plan. Check!
Second Phase, is gaining allies. Still ongoing
Third Phase, is uniting Central Seoul and establishing a hierarchy, 
which I'm still figuring out. 

I'll worry about that later...




Waking up in a cold sweat from a nightmare, I clung onto my racing heart. Trying to calm myself down from that haunting nightmare. I look around trying to grasp where I was. 

Right, I'm at home. 

As if sensing his master's distress Orion whined, I patted him on the head. "It's alright buddy...just a nightmare" I look at the clock to see that it was 3 am. How ironic, it's the witching hour. 

Getting up from bed I put on a coat and leave, I couldn't go back to sleep so might as well clear my head. I walked around the streets of Seoul without a destination in mind and just letting my feet take me to wherever I need to go. As luck would have it I ended up infront of a convenience store. The place where Daniel works at. 

Now, that I'm here I should probably get acquainted with little Daniel.




The doors to the convenience store opened as a customer walked in. Odd, there are hardly any customers at this hour. Standing up from my seat on the cash register I stood to greet them, but I stopped after seeing who it was infront of me.

"Oh, hello" he greets with a nod.

It was Haneul! What's he doing here at this hour? He walks to look at some items and grabbed some stuff. I could see the bags under his eyes, he looks tired. He then walks up to the cash register with some food and... liquor? I didn't know he was the type of person to drink, then again I don't really know him well. 

"I-ID please" I look up at his stature, I never really noticed how tall he was. I hope he doesn't hit me. 

He took out his wallet but stopped as if he realized something, "Fuck" he whispered. That made me jump a little, he's clearly angry from the way he says it. He puts his wallet back and sighs.

"You can't sell me without an ID can you?"

"No" I struggle to meet his gaze. 

"I'll just put it back then" he takes it back to where he got it. That's it? he's not gonna get angry or cause a fuss?

"I'm not gonna take my anger out on you just because you wont let me buy beer, plus underage drinking is a thing here" 

O-oh, was I too obvious? and, does underage drinking not exist where he's from? Scanning his items my eyes can't help but wander onto his features. I always thought that he was handsome when we met, but carefully observing his features, he's more pretty than handsome. 

After paying for a few snacks he sits down. "Mind, chatting with me for a bit?"

I was a little surprised, I didn't know what to say but I had no reason to refuse. "Sure"
I sat down with him, and he takes out some pills and gulps them down. 

"Sleeping pills, I can't sleep without these. There's hardly anyone that comes here at this time right? So, keep me company. At least until the pills take effect" 

"U-uh, sure" so he has insomnia and can't sleep without relying on pills. "But then how will you get home when the pills work and you fall asleep?"

"Oh, don't worry 'bout that, they probably noticed I have gone, so they'll pick me up shortly"

"Wait what?" did he run away.?

"Anyway uh" he looks at my name tag "Daniel.? huh, you have the same name as my friend how odd" he laughs.

"Y-yeah its a common name" I laugh along with him. 

"Anyway, lighten up will you, it's not like I'm gonna hit you. I'm not a violent person"  He smiles. Which makes me feel guilty for thinking that earlier. Haneul was kind, at school when I'm in my second body and this time as well. I can see that he was a genuinely kind person. 

And pretty.. wait, what am I saying..? I can feel my cheeks heat up at the thought. 

We chatted for a bit about school stuff and he shared stories about his dog Orion, who he promised to bring next time. Almost an hour passes by and the pills were starting to work as Haneul seemed to be getting drowsier by the minute. 

"You awake"

"Yep.! Why do you ask?" he answered so confidently if it wasn't for the fact that he was too tired to keep his eyes open. Another customer enters, he was so tall probably over 6 feet, long black hair and a serious gaze. It was intimidating. He glanced at Haneul and approached him. Do they know each other?

"Master" I could hear him say, 

"Heyyy, it's Garaamm" Haneul hugs the guy and put his arms around him. Overwhelmed with shock I could only watch. The guy sighs and lifts him up, carrying him bridal style. He looks at him with affection, that I wonder what their relationship was. 

"He didn't drink, did he?" 

"Uh... no"

"Good, I apologize for the inconvenience but I hope you understand that no word of this ever gets out" its the way that he looks at me that makes me feel he was threatening me. I felt so small under his gaze. I watched them leave the convenience store.

Haneul... Who is he really...




I drifted in and out of consciousness and felt myself being carried off by someone. Oh, it's probably Garam. Looking up I could see that I was right. He looks good under the moon light that it doesn't feel real. Noticing my stare he turns his head to meet my gaze. I say nothing as he leaned closer to me. 

"Was it another nightmare?"

I nodded, "Thanks for picking me up" I had little energy to speak up.

"Orion was scratching at my door, and when I went to check up on you, you weren't there... Please... don't disappear like that again.." He pleaded I could feel his grip on me tighten. 

"I won't... what would I do without you, Garam" 

We stayed like that for a while,  me hugging him to provide him with some sort of comfort. In a way, I understand where he was coming from. I always have something to do or somewhere I need to be and when I'm in an emotional slump I tend to wander off and leave. I sometimes find myself neglecting him unintentionally, I didn't mean to, honestly. I just don't know how to treat him sometimes.

Getting back home, he put me on my bed and was about to leave when I held his sleeve, "Stay..." He knew very well that I hated being alone when I have these nightmares. He's gotten used to all my selfish requests and I've gotten used to being taken care of by him that I ask myself if I could ever somehow continue to live without his warmth.



I open my eyes to the sun shining brightly outside, it was morning and beside my bed was Orion barking to greet me in the morning. I sat up noticing the empty space beside me. Greeted with a series of licks and cuddles from Orion, I made my way downstairs where Garam was waiting for me with breakfast. 

"Did you sleep well?" I nodded, still a bit drowsy. at least I managed to get a few hours sleep in rather than none at all. 

"Please do not worry me like that, master. If you have nightmares please come to me and not wander off alone"

"I have the tracker so there's nothing to worry about" my earrings had a built in tracker in case of emergencies, with my sense of direction it was expected at this point.

"Even so... I can't help but worry for you" he knelt down in front of me. I made him worry, it wasn't my intention I just wanted to cool off a little. 

"Please... rely on me more" he buried his face in my hands, I can see he was desperate. I have kept him in a distance when I arrived because I wasn't use to his treatment of me. My actions were different from his previous master that always relied on him on every little thing. Suddenly not knowing what his master is thinking made him anxious, he doesn't know what to do to best aide me and me disappearing late at night is not helping in the least. 

I should alleviate his worries, even just a little, "There's something I need you to do"




Getting ready for school Garam insisted that he drive me but I refused, knowing him he would insist on taking the car, that black limousine. No thanks, I'd rather walk there and it's good exercise as well. Arriving at school I slump down onto my seat, Jay noticed my state and was a bit worried. 

"I'm fine, Jay, I just didn't sleep all that well, that's all" he seemed to be still worried despite my assurance but he let that slide. It wasn't long before I was surrounded by a few girls in my class. They sure are fast in flocking around me like a group of vultures. 

"Hey handsome~ Whatcha you doing?~"


"Hahah you're so funny"

"Do you have a girlfriend?"

If I did, it certainly wouldn't be you.

"What's your IG name?"

"Can I get your number?"

Haha, no

"How tall are you?"

"With bags under his eyes just makes him a whole lot hotter"

Girl, wtf.?

Entertaining all their questions was a little exhausting but not hard. Overtime I learned to deal with such people, well, working in a bar in your previous life you will tend to meet lots of unique individuals that you would naturally grow accustomed in dealing with them. As I was immersed, not really, in the conversation with my classmates. I noticed Daniel's gaze on me and thought it was probably because of last night. I offer him a smile which he returned with a blush and looked away...that was weird...hope he isn't crushing on me this soon, hueheh. No, I'm getting way into my head.
When classes were over and it was time for lunch I ran into a very depressed looking Logan in the halls. 

Oh... He probably heard Zoe say to Big Daniel that she was just kidding about the whole 'liking the piggy', and got super depressed about it. I remember this caused him to loss a ton of weight that made him unrecognizable to everyone. Remembering the description made in the webtoon I couldn't help but laugh to myself. Pfft his Buddha became Ghandhi, lolol.

Walking down the hall I ran into Jace and Vasco again, "Oh.! It's you guys" I enthusiastically say and walked up to them.

'It's the pretty boy from last time!'

"I'm Haneul thanks so much for your help last time" I say with a cheery smile. 

"It was no problem at all, I'm Jace and this is Vasco" 

Yes, I know, but I can't say that. "Nice to meet you.! You guys from, Architecture?"

"How did you know? Are you a telepath?" Vasco says with a child-like excitement. 

Cute, baby but no. "Your uniform" I pointed out

"Oh, right!" 

I chatted with them for a bit and went to the cafeteria where I had lunch with Jay and Daniel. Both me and Daniel didn't know what to get and Jay insisted in buying everything. Pookie, you can't use a black credit card for a High School Cafeteria. 

After much persuasion, we ended up with paying cash instead. I love Jay, but he can be helpless at times. Sitting at our table, Daniel invited a certain someone to join us. 

Jiho Park

All I could do was smile as he joined us. I can't really be mad at him for the things he hasn't done but that doesn't mean I can welcome him in open arms either. Knowing what he does later on, I wonder if there was anything I can do to prevent it all. I can't sympathize with him since there is no one to blame but him for the way he turned out. But he hasn't turned out like that yet, can I really change the course of fate.?

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