Y/N 10 : Hero Of Heroes

By anirud11

24.3K 539 678

I don't own ben 10 or the characters , it's owned by man of action , but the story and characters , or variat... More

Episode 1 : And Then There Were 10
Episode 2 : Animal Mayhem
Episode 3 : The World Of Steam
Episode 4 : Krakken
Episode 5 : Slimy situation
Episode 6 : The Rise Of Lucky Girl
Episode 7 : Sludgepuppy Wedding
Episode 8 : Phil Billings And The Null Void
Episode 10 : Y/N 10,000
Episode 11 : Tetrax And Bounty Hunters
Episode 12 : Meeting Xylene
Episode 13 : Gwen 10
Episode 14 : Zs'Skayr
Episode 15 : The Fentons
Episode 16 : The Clown's Last Laugh
Episode 17 : Y/N V.S Malware (Re-Write)
Bio (Update)
Episode 18 : The Forever Knights
Episode 19 : The Big Tick
Episode 20 : The Vengers
Episode 21 : Aqua Mania
Episode 22 : Ken 10 Part-1
Episode 23 : Ken 10 Part-2
Episode 24 : Blast To The Future
Episode 25 : Nature's Judgement
Episode 26 : Y/N V.S Albedo / Verdona's Visit
Episode 27 : ???
Episode 28 : Negative 10 Part-1
Episode 29 : Negative 10 Part-2
Secrets Of The Omnitrix : Part 1
Secrets Of The Omnitrix : Part 2
Secrets Of The Omnitrix : Part 3 (End)

Episode 9 : Trouble In New York

532 14 2
By anirud11

The team was currently enjoying their time , where you may ask? , they were in the big apple herself , New York city

They were just in the hotel with their luggage , Lucy only had one bag full of stuff , while our trio had multiple luggages, gwen practically had the most , 2 large backpacks, grandpa max was working on getting a room

Y/n: (taking his backpack off , yes , he actually managed to squeeze his stuff into a little bag , most of their stuff is still in the rust bucket) Jesus gwen ! , did you bring your whole rack from your home?

Gwen: (breathing heavily) well , not really....my parents insisted I should carry this much stuff , there's books , alot of heavy ones at that , my laptop , which is practically old and crummy now , it's so slow ! I'm saving up for a new one! Well , yeah , I think there's also my hair dryer , brush , and I don't even remember half the stuff !

Y/n: are you sure your parents aren't trying to make the first sentient brainiac on this good green earth we are walking in right now?

Gwen: (sighs) I don't even know anymore!

Lucy: well , small talk aside! , how do these , you know , hotels work?

Gwen: well , they're like a temporary home people who visit places alot , but you have to pay money out of your own pockets to live !

Y/n: Yeah thats how it works , I think so the same with motels too(turning to gwen) it's the same with motels right?

Gwen: Yes actually , good job on growing a new brain cell

Y/n just scoffed and rolled his eyes , then turning to lucy

Y/n: so Lucy, what was your home like ?

Lucy: well , on lepona , it's usually pretty wet , covered in tall landscapes , mostly muddy water , we are a very and hostile in the universe , but the wedding last weekend formed a truce with our kind and ours!

Y/n: (suprised) thats...actually intresting

Gwen: your right about that!

Lucy: thank you , I'm excited to learn more about your planet and your people!

Just then , grandpa max met up with them , giving a thumbs up

G.Max: were officially checked in kids! The staff will be here shortly to help us with our luggage!

Gwen: alright!

Y/n: (smiles) that's nice grandpa ! , I'm gonna ask you something , I'm pretty and haven't anything since breakfast, can I go to the arcade play for awhile , I promise I'll be back!

G.Max : well , okay , but be back before lunch !

Y/n: you got it

Then he instantly ran out of the building

Lucy : sooo , hey gwen! Can you show me around new york? I want to know everything about this place and why it's called the big apple!

Gwen: (sighs and smiles) well I don't see why not , but uncle max has to agree first

Lucy:(turning to max and giving him the puppy dog eyes) pwease uncle max , can we go ?

G.Max: I don't see why not , but just like I told y/n , be back before lunch!

Lucy: yay! We promise , come on gwen , we can't waste anymore time!

She then began dragging gwen by her hand out with her

Max: (sighs) kids....

(Cut to y/n)

Y/n was currently rummaging in the arcade , playing games like pac man , driving simulators , whack a mole and others

Y/n: let's goo!!! I won again!

Just then , two kids stepped upto y/n

Kid 1: Hey squirt! You've been getting too good , let's change that , hand over those tickets

Kid 2: yup , hand them over , this is our turf new kid , and whatever you win , belongs to us now , hand over your junk as well and buzz off , especially that Gameboy in your pocket (pointing at the handheld console)

Y/n: oh you just crossed the line buddy! Bring it on!(slamming down the watch)

The kids were just flabbergasted , but then , their limbs started twisting , they transformed into weird creatures , purple skin , elf ears , green eyes , and sharp fingers and toes

Y/n: (shocked) woah ! Now that is really weird , what are you guys?

The kids just responded with growls and grunts

Y/n: okay , I might have to deal with you!

He then zipped at super speeds , hitting them from all directions , he koncoled them out , and then tied them up in rope

Y/n: whoowee ! (Taking breaths) now that's a weird thing in your day

He then timed out , and turned back for his tickets and money , but then , he saw this black haired kid taking them and running off

Voice actor : Greg cipes

Y/n saw him use some blue electricity to manipulate the machines to cough out even more , he then collected his prize and gave a slight look at y/n , giving him the middle finger while while smirking and running off , y/n was irritated , he was about to go after him , he ran until he lost sight of him

Y/n: (frustrated) God dang it!!

(Cut to later)

Y/n was back with the team for lunch , he was a bit out of mood and twirling his spoon around the spaghetti, Lucy had a great time with gwen visiting tourist spots

G.Max: something wrong sport? You seem to be in a bad mood .

Lucy: Yeah what's got you so sad?

Gwen: and to top it off , where's your prizes from the arcade?

Y/n: I stopped these two weird purple kids , and then after I was done dealing with them , I turned around to see this kid about a year older than me taking my tickets and money , he had this strange power , he shot out blue sparks of energy to manipulate machines to cough up some more money

G.Max:(getting flashback) y/n , did this kid look anything like this guy(pulling out a photo)

(My pathetic attempt at photoshop , but I'm proud of it , I'm gonna try to get experienced with it more, also , the alien guys in this photo are just mutants , hybrids , cause human with alien ancestors are common nowadays so they inherited the genetic trait , it's like the x gene in marvel , where it activates at a specific moment when the person feels extreme emotions)

Y/n: come to think of it , he did look similar to that guy with black marks

G.Max: I knew it , kiddo , that guy is devin levin , a mutant , his race is unknown , he was one of my close friends , he died on a mission and in my arms , last I heard from his family, which was a couple years ago , devil's son had a kid with his wife , Kevin levin , and the most recent was their family home destroyed in an explosion , killing both the levins , kevin was nowhere around the scene , it must be him that stole!

Lucy: that's so sad , I feel bad for Kevin!

Gwen: me too....

G.Max: I do too , but seems like we finally got a trace on him , but , we really can't do anything to him , it's his life and we have no business just barging in , let's get back to lunch

Y/n: (grumbling) fine.....

They just went back to enjoying their food , y/n , however , was thinking of a plan he was gonna inact today at night

(Cut to night)

The crew were all asleep , y/n was nowhere to been , but then we cut to outside , we seen y/n , as stinkfly , flying over new york

Y/n: where are kevin?(beeping) oh no!

He started to fly to the ground , holding it in(yes , y/n actually holds it in and tries to make it last) timing out just in time as he landed on the ground

Y/n: (relieved) phew! I'm getting good at holding it in!

He then began walking , ending up in the front of an abandoned warehouse , he sneaked in and made sure to stay hidden , he watched through the cracks , he saw Kevin, holding a suitcase , in front of Kevin were these mysterious people , who looked to be in knight armor , they had a crest on their chest , which looked like a knight shield , with an infinity symbol

Kevin: alright , thats the equipment you need , now where's my payment

Gold face : your reward will be sent shortly , we thank you for your cooperation on our mission to keep earth safe from those disgusted extraterrestrials..knights! , take care of the boy!

Kevin:woah ! This was so not in the deal !

G.Face: who said anything about fair? Your one of them , well , a halfling , you may possess the blood of us humans , but use possess demon blood....it's our job as the forever knights to take care of problems to our cause

The silver faces then readied their weapons , with y/n , his omnitrix then recharged , it had never timed in this quick

Y/n: woah! I don't know , but I don't care , it's HERO TIME!!!(slamming down)

(Just the transformation)

Y/n: alright!!!

The knights , along with Kevin look at y/n who was heatblast

G.Face : a fire demon , we must extinguish him first , then deal with the boy , knights , charge

Y/n: first of all, my name is not fire demon , it's hestblast , and also , keeping earth safe ? That's gonna be my job soon , so stop where you are!

Y/n then charged at them , their armors were made of strange material that was resistant to his punches , he then used his fire power to try something new , he breathed out flames from his mouth like a dragon , they're even hotter than his normal attacks , the head of the knights , now known as Enoch, made a decision

Enoch: knights , withdraw, this battle may have ended one sided , but we will be back next time , stronger than before , that's a promise !

Enoch and his forever knights fled from the scene with the briefcase , y/n was alone and looking around

Y/n: Kevin! Where'd you go?

Kevin: (from behind) over here doofus!

Kevin ambushed y/n from behind , putting his hand on the omnitrix symbol , green sparks flew left and right , a small flash occured , y/n was blinded by the sight and opened his eyes

Y/n: oh man...wait what!??! What happened to you?

He looked at Kevin, who has seemed to absorb DNA from the omnitrix , becoming a type of mutant

Kevin: this power , it's magnificent~I need more of this~

Kevin then used fired hand to shoot out flames , which were a different color from y/n , y/n absorbed the flames in firey mini vortex , firing a spin move to throw it back at Kevin, who was hit with an even more powerful move

Kevin: ow that hurt~what's your name?

Y/n: since you asked , I'm y/n tennyson, wielder of the omnitrix , and future protector or earth and upcoming hero!

Kevin: Kevin levin , don't forget it , and I'm not done with you until I get all that power from your little watch~

Kevin then shot y/n with a large fireball , y/n was sent flying from the warehouse , landing on a train , and timing out

Y/n: oh man , bad timing omnitrix!

He was holding onto support that was outside , it was scary

(Cut to max)

The rust bucket was driving across the streets, the trio noticed y/n's absence and concluded that he went to look for Kevin

G.Max: I can't believe he'd be this impossible to deal with , I expected this since he takes his stubbornness after me

Gwen was reading her spellbook , while decked out in her lucky girl costume , and adjusted her mask

Gwen: (sighs) well , we can't do anything about it , just hope that he's safe and away from danger.

Licy was in the back , she was too tired to fight , and was sitting this one out , and watching these cat videos on gwen's laptop

Lucy: oh , so cute , I want one!

Gwen: (turning to lucy) be careful Lucy, just try not to do anything bad to it , your still learning how to use a laptop and so far you only know YouTube!

Lucy: I promise gwen!

Gwen: thank you

Max looked out the window , he saw y/n closing in like an asteroid

G.Max : (hitting the breaks and opening the door) stand back , we have a wild y/n closing in at top speed!

Gwen: (using a spell to make a mana hand) I got him!

Y/n closed in and gwen caught him just in time , he landed face first on the ground

Y/n: (groaning) that gonna leave a mark....

G.Max: what did I tell you? Hoe could you be so careless? If you had listened to me we wouldn't be right we are right now

Y/n: I know , I'm sorry , but Kevin's loose , he absorbed DNA from the omnitrix !

Gwen: (shocked) what!?!?

GmMax: that's not good at all ! , we have to get to him !

He then started to drive again ,

Y/n: btw , you look super fine in that outfit~(winking)

Gwen:(blushing a little) um thank you...

(Cut to later)

The team arrived downtown , they heard screams coming from their front and back , they saw people running around

G.Max: that's got to be him , go on y/n , gwen , you too!

Y/n:(nodding) you got it! Come on gwen!

Gwen: right behind you!

Lucy: good luck!(waving)

The both of them give her a nod , and then run out the door, y/n came back and closed it , before running off again , they saw Kevin, who was still in the form , but it looked to be fading

Y/n: looks like your runnin out of juice!

Kevin: I am , but your gonna give me some more~

Gwen: that's not gonna happen Kevin, your outnumbered , it's two against one!

Kevin: sweetie, stay out of this , it's between me and y/n!

Y/n: gwen , your in this too , get ready ! (Slamming down)

Y/n: come on !

Gwen: LEVATIA! (floating up)

The two then charged at the fire mutant , kevin fought them to the best of his ability , but then , he saw an opening , and he took it , he then put his hands on the omnitrix symbol , and began absorbing , a small flash occured , kevin , was now even more powerful , looked to be a combination of both heatblast and fourarms , a horrifying amalgam

(I've fond of body horror over the time I discovered wattpad, and I think that type of stuff would work in ben 10)

Kevin: wow! I'm stronger than ever!

Y/n: oh no!this is bad!

Kevin used his upper arms to do a thunderclap , it erupted in a mixture of fire and sound , gwen dodged every bit , and then delivered a few blows of her own , her charm was protecting her from the attacks

Kevin: ow , that hurt , but you are skilled I'll give you that , but this ends now

He then grabbed gwen out of the air and hit her with a devastating punch , which sent Fer flying into a wall and knocking her out

Y/n: GWEN!! (Mad) now you've done it!

Y/n dealt furious blow to Kevin, Kevin used both of his powers , and eventually , y/n's dial started beeping(fun fact , Kevin absorbing actually decreased y/n's transformation)

Y/n: come on!! Hold out!!

Y/n held it in , and then delivered a final hard blow square against the jaw , sending the injured Kevin flying into a wall

Y/n:(timing out and changing back) that was close! , oh right , gwen! (Running off to her direction)

Kevin:ugh(changing back) what!?!? Where's my power? , hmm?

He looked at y/n , who was running off to the injured gwen

Kevin: that power will be mine soon , I just need to prepare for the next time I run in , and besides(extends his hand , and a little fire erupts from it) I've still got a portion of that

Kevin then fled the scene , without anyone knowing , gwen finally woke up , she saw a tearful y/n looking at her

Y/n: (sniffling and shivering) are you okay? It's my fault ! I should've done better , I should have protected you , I-

Gwen: (hugging) it's okay , you saved the people here , that's all that matters , you did your job right !(giving him a reassuring smile)

Y/n: (calming down) your right , let's go back , grandpa max might be worried about us!

Gwen: you got it(standing up)

The duo then begin walking their way to the direction of the rust bucket , y/n was unaware that someone was watching him , and that soon , he'll be needed , in the FUTURE


Alright guys , that wraps up chapter 9 , and merry Christmas to all of you from India, next one will be the highly anticipated

Y/N 10,000

I'll see ya there! , also , professor paradox will be introduced in chapter 10 , he'll be the one y/n time travels

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