His brother's soul

By user804882158609

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You are the meaning of brotherhood, you are the thirsty cupbearer, you are the uncle of the saints, you are t... More

Like the moon on a dark night
I am the son of the Red Death
my dad
The spirit of Hussein
Peace be upon the poisoned Imam
a trip
Anguish and affliction
Zainab 🤍
My soul Ail
A wedding without joy
The spirit of Hussein
Hussein's child

The world and its people they redeem your eyes O Hussein

2 0 0
By user804882158609

Peace be upon the body crushed by horses. Peace be upon the reassured soul. Peace be upon the severed head. Peace be upon the slaughtered body. Peace be upon the father of martyrs. Peace be upon the "Hussein," the martyr.


Imam Al-Hussein entered the war after he did not find a supporter he said to his sisters before he entered the war : Farewell, farewell. He hugged all his sisters, daughters and wives, and when he wanted to go, Mrs. Zeinab ran towards him crying, but Imam Hussein could not, so he ran towards her as well and hugged her. Mrs. Zeinab was crying hard as she remembered everything that had happened to her family, and she knew that her brother, Imam Hussein, was the last thing left with her. And he cannot stop him so that he does not go to war because it is an order from God

So the Imam went to war and said to the people: Take my lineage and see who I am, then go back to yourselves and blame them and see if it is permissible for you to kill me and violate my sanctity? Am I not the son of your Prophet's daughter, so why are you fighting me? They said: We fight you because we hate your father, Ali. Imam Hussein was saddened by what they said about his father

Imam Al-Hussein went to war and killed many of them, and when he reached the side of the Euphrates River, he dismounted from his horse called "Maymun" (at first it was the horse of the Prophet "Muhammad," then Imam "Ali," and he was loyal to the people of the House). So Imam Al-Hussein wanted to drink water, and his lips were parched from thirst. He saw his horse and he was thirsty as well, so he said to his horse: Drink first, O Memon. Al-Maimon shook his head as he told Imam Al-Hussein to drink first, but Imam Al-Hussein said to him first (His kindness extended even to animals), so the people prevented him and advanced towards him, and he was unable to drink until Al-Maimon ran. To the family of Imam Al-Hussein to inform them that Imam Al-Hussein is attacking him

They trampled his chest with horses and hit him with many arrows. He saw the young son of Imam Al-Hassan, who was perhaps 10 years old. He tried to protect his uncle, so he hugged his uncle, trying to protect him. They shot him with a spear or an arrow. They cut his neck on his uncle's body. Imam Al-Hussein was shocked by what he saw, so Ibn Imam Al-Hassan, his voice trembling: Uncle, save me. Imam Al-Hussein hugged him while he was crying and said: If it were in my hand, my son, I would give you my life.

After Imam Al-Hussein's body was broken and crushed, Imam Al-Hussein had a beautiful ring on his finger, and a man came towards him wanting to steal the ring from his hands. Imam Al-Hussein hit him on the hand and said: Hey, go away with the men, they will crush you with horses. When the horses approached to crush the body of Imam Al-Hussein, that man cut off the finger of Imam Al-Hussein. Imam Al-Hussein began to groan in pain and his body was crushed and crushed. Imam Ali Al-Sajjad, who is called Zain Al-Abidin, says: I was in my tent when I heard the sound of my father's bones breaking. (Just imagine if Imam Abbas had seen this, only traces of their bodies would have remained)

Imam Al-Hussein's bones were broken and he could not even move, so the accursed Al-Shimr sat on the chest of Imam Al-Hussein w

hile holding a knife in his vile hands. He beat Imam Al-Hussein and stabbed him until Imam Al-Hussein said to him: Remove the veil. On your face. So he took it off and Imam Al-Hussein said: As my father, the Messenger of God (meaning his grandfather, but he calls him my father) told me. The damned fennel said: What did he tell you? Imam Al-Hussein said: He told me that someone whose face resembles the face of a pig or a dog will kill you

The cursed pig, "Shamar," stabbed Imam Hussein and began beating him and crushing his body hundreds of times until the number of his wounds reached 1,900 injury .💔

They killed the imam, so he fell to the ground and horses trampled his chest. They stabbed him and tore his shirt and did not leave him. They beat him to the point that his sister Zainab could not bear what she saw, so she turned towards him and cried hard. The owl saw what happened to Imam Hussein and cried. (This means that even animals cry over him) (And there are those who claim that they cry over Imam Hussein more than the Shiites themselves, and they do not know that Imam Hussein was killed and no one cared about him, and perhaps some of them cried over him, but the "Shiites" are the ones who fought with the Imam. Ali and everyone and Imam Hussein, but who among them did not know that Imam Hussein was killed, but the Shiites were the only ones who cried for Imam Hussein so intensely that they were serving the visitors of Imam Hussein, and when Imam Hussein died, people were visiting Imam Hussein, and there was a cursed ruler who prevented people from visiting the Imam. Al-Hussein, but the Shiites did that and did not carry out his words. Rather, he demolished the dome, but the Shiites knew the shrine of Imam Al-Hussein through a tree, so the ruler cut down the tree and the "Shiites" did not leave Imam "Al-Hussein" until they cut off their feet, and the "Shiites" still visit Imam "Al-Hussein." ".)

(And even those people who say that we cry over Imam Al-Hussein more than you, no one came to visit Imam Al-Hussein when the accursed ruler was killing the Shiites. People were placing mines under the feet of the Shiites. "Al-Hussein" in "The Arbaeen Visit" are the same ones who blew up the "Shiites" and killed them while claiming their love for Imam "Al-Hussein," and they are the same followers of "Omar" who burned the house of my lady "Al-Zahra."

Let's continue the story

My Lady Al-Zahra had asked God to see how her son was killed, but no one saw it except Imam Hussein and his family. She was crying while sitting next to the head of Imam Hussein, and she said: Oh my son, Hussein, what did you do to them? They do this for you. Mrs. Zainab came, crying hard and saying: Oh my brother Al-Hussein, answer me (Imam Al-Hussein did not answer her as he said his last words and read the verses of the Holy Quran). My lady Zainab said: O brother Hussein, answer me. He did not answer, so my lady Zainab said: O my brother Al-Hussein, in the name of my father Ali, the Commander of the Faithful, and my mother Al-Zahra Fatima, the mistress of the women of the worlds, answer me. Imam Hussein replied to her: Sister Zainab, what do you want? My lady Zainab said: Brother, what happened to you hurts me. So she sat next to his head and placed his head in her lap, but Imam Hussein did not move his body until my lady Zainab said to him: Brother, I have closed my eyes on you. Imam Hussein said: O my sister Zainab, heal my wounds, but do not harm me. So my lady Zainab wiped his wounds while crying. Imam Hussein raised his hand forcefully after it had been broken several times. He wiped away her tears as he looked at her sadly at what would happen to her. He said: Sister Zainab, you do not see any of the enemies. Keep your tears strong. In my absence, let them wish to see your tears. My lady Zainab said: If my brother Abbas were here, he would not have allowed any of them to touch us.

Then the damned "Shammar" hit her, and seeing the pain that Imam Hussein was going through, he tried hard and hit him and told her: Oh sister, Zainab, go back to the tents for my sake. Then it returned, and Imam Al-Hussein lost all his strength, so the accursed Shammar beheaded Imam Al-Hussein, and Imam Al-Hussein tried to push him away, but to no avail, as he cut off his head from vein to vein, so the army ran towards the tents and burned them. And my lady "Zeinab" ran towards Imam "Al-Hussein",the body was left, but the head was on top of the spear (just imagine). So Mrs. Zeinab grabbed the body of Imam Hussein and raised it towards the sky and said: O Lord, if this pleases you. Take until you are satisfied

Then I looked at the Messenger of God, who was crying next to the body of his son, Hussein (All of Lady Fatima, the Prophet Muhammad, and Imam Ali asked to see what happened to Imam Hussein and the Lady). Lady Zainab said, addressing the Messenger Muhammad: Oh, grandfather, Messenger of God, this is your Hussein in the open, robbed. The turban and robe.

With God

The angels were crying over Imam Hussein, and there are two stories that happened before the death of Imam Hussein, which are (Gabriel descended and the sun struck Imam Hussein's face. Then Gabriel came before him). For Imam Hussein's face to protect him from the sun. Imam Hussein said: "Gabriel," what are you doing? Gabriel said: "I protect you from the sun.") And the other story (that the Angel of Death, Azrael, was told by God to take the soul of Imam Al-Hussein. Then the Angel of Death came and descended, Then the Angel of Death came and descended, and when he saw the distress that had happened to Imam Hussein, the Angel of Death ascended and said to God: O Lord, take his soul, for I saw his body crushed. From everywhere, and I do not want to harm him more, so God took the soul of Imam Hussein, and God said: O reassured soul, return to your Lord, satisfied and pleasing, so enter among My servants and enter My Paradise. )

let's continue

All the things that made people think that the tenth day of Muharram (the day Imam Hussein was killed) was the Day of Resurrection because there was a solar eclipse, all the animals crying, and the stars exploding. And the Earth quickly rotated. The throne of God shook and the water turned into blood and rained. The sky is blood, the screaming of stone, cosmic explosions, volcanic explosions, and planets colliding with each other (and all of that is by God's command until His throne shakes and the waters move. As for the planets), they may or may not be among the planets of the solar system.

The important thing is that the angels began to cry and said to God: O Lord, take revenge on those who killed Imam Hussein. So he began to raise his voice in praise, and they said: Glory be to Him, Holy, Glory be to Him, Holy, Glory be to Him, Holy, Glory be to Him, Holy. Unless God said: O my angels, with this (and he pointed to the right of his throne) with this "Qaim" I will take revenge "Hussein." (This person is called "Muhammad Al-Mahdi," and he is the last of the imams and he is the 12th Imam, and the first imam is Imam "Ali," then Al-Hassan, then Al-Hussein, then Ali Al-Sajjad Ibn Al-Hussein, Muhammad Al-Baqir Ibn Al-Sajjad, Al-Sadiq Ibn Al-Baqir, and Al-Kadhim Ibn Al-Sadiq Al-Rida Ibn Al-Kadhim, Al-Jawad Ibn Al-Rida, Al-Hadi Ibn Al-Jawad, Al-Askari Ibn Al-Hadi,and the last Imam, who is Imam Al-Mahdi Ibn Al-Askari.)

One of them pulled Mrs. Ruqayya's earrings from her ears, and the sword struck her eyes. As for the rest, Mrs. Ruqaya covered her eyes and burned the women in the tents. Imam Al-Sajjad remained in his tent because he could not move and said: Peace be upon you, Abu Aba Abdullah. Madam Zainab approached him and took him out of the tent. Then Madam Zainab started running towards her brother Abbas. When she reached him and saw what had happened to him, she cried and put his head on her lap and said to him: Oh brother, look what the enemies did to us. You won't let anyone look into our shadows, now if only you could see what's happening to us.

Then Madam Zainab went to the women and gathered them together. When she saw the darkness approaching them, she said: Oh, if you want to frighten us, they have frightened us before, and if you want to harm us, then strike us before. He said to her: My daughter, I am your father. So my lady started crying in an inaudible voice, just as Imam Ali asked God to see his eldest daughter Zainab.

After the women's tents were burned, they sat in the open and lit candles, and after that each woman went to whomever she loved. For example, Mrs. Ramla, the wife of Imam Al-Hassan, went to her son Al-Qasim, while Madam Zainab was next to Imam Al-Abbas to tell him everything. What happened to them? As for "Laila," she went to her two sons, "Ali the Great." As for my lady, "Al-Rabab," she went to her infant son, "Abdullah." And did you know that everyone who was on the side of Imam "Al-Hussein" had his head cut off? Even "Abdullah," after They killed everyone who was with Imam Al-Hussein and killed him, and the heads were distributed to every tribe that fought on the side of the accursed "Yazid." The rest of the tribe did not get a head, so they told that tribe that "Imam Al-Hussein" He buried his son Abdullah behind the tents, so they cut off his head and took him and cut off his head

Then there was a man from the city of Basra who told his tribe that we must support Imam Al-Hussein. No one went with him, so he went alone from Basra to Karbala. He arrived after the death of Imam Al-Hussein and saw tents burning, so they told him the accursed "Yazid": Who are you and why? you are here. He said, and he did not sleep until he arrived here. He said: I am here because I want to support Imam Al-Hussein. They told him: Al-Hussein has died and we are burning the tents of Al-Hussein's sisters and daughters. That man became angry and fought many of them and defeated them until he was killed and followed Imam Hussein to heaven.

(I wanted to tell you that after his death, Imam Abbas wanted the Messenger to give him water to drink, but Imam Abbas refused and said: No, before my brother Al-Hussein drinks. After he and Imam Al-Hussein met, Imam Al-Hussein drank. "Hussein" water from the hand of the Messenger and Imam "Abbas" drank after him Imam Al-Hussein saw all his companions and was very happy with them, so ask God to gather you with Imam Al-Hussein.)

(Imam Abbas was not arrogant to Imam Hussein, even in building his noble dome. His dome was similar in color to the color of the moon, whose light is not stronger than the light of the sun. Likewise, the dome of Imam Al-Abbas was respected by his brother Al-Hussein to the extent that when they wanted to build The light from the dome of Imam Abbas always disappeared, unlike that of Imam Al-Hussein, so they were always repainting it, but the light in it was not like the light that was in the dome of Imam Al-Hussein. Then Imam Abbas came to them in a dream and said to them: You must paint the dome of Imam Hussein, then paint my dome. Thus, little remains of the dome of Imam Abbas, which did not make the dome of Imam Abbas as luminous as the dome of Imam Hussein.)
Hussein remained. In the open air, without a cloak or a head, and with enemies in a tent burning it, then the wrongdoers will know which way they will turn, and the end will be for the righteous.



Ali the Great


Abdullah the infant

Habib son Mazahir

the view worse than seeing death this is a drop in the ocean of what Zainab saw

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