Being A Butler In Harem Fics...

By Nulho1

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All I can see is the beautiful blue sky, as I get push from the rooftop. 'Ahh, I'm sick of this world...' Bu... More

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By Nulho1

"Is it just me, but Ciel seems busy with that whale tribe punk..."

Hans complained when his friend cared about other people again when Hans was lonely there.

Hilsman just politely drank lemonade tea there listening to Hans.

He didn't care about Hans' problems.


However, Hilsman choked when Hans hit him hard on the head.

"Ah! Can't you be serious when I talk to you!?"

Hans looked really annoyed right now.

"Seriously, only Ciel understands me!"

Hans feels lonely without Ciel.

'So, why am I the victim that being beaten by you?'

Hilsman stroked his head which had been hit for no apparent reason.

"What's got you so angry? You can be social with anyone. Aren't you a social butterfly too?"

Hilsman snorted and sharpened his sword.

Hans wanted to hit Hilsman again but thought better not since Hilsman held a sword.

It was true that he was a social butterfly, but that was because of his status as deputy head butler.

Only Ciel, whom Hans truly considers his friend, and understands each other.

"You'll understand when you find one."

Hans muttered, making Hilsman feel confused.

The most important thing for Hilsman was protecting the Henituse household and protecting Cale, as his responsibilities as vice-captain.

But somehow he was stuck with Hans here listening to things he didn't understand.



Ciel smiled brightly when he saw Paseton while carrying a tray of delicious-looking food.

"Paseton, I brought you some food. Are you okay while on the ship? Are you dizzy or anything?"

Ciel handed him the tray of food gently.

"I'm fine. This isn't my first time not being in the sea that long."

Paseton also smiled kindly at Ciel.

Ciel looked at Archie's room with a worried look.

Knock, knock.

"Archie nim, are you okay?"

Ciel asked from outside the bedroom door. Archie hadn't come out of his room for some time now.

"Why can't I be okay? Go away, you small human."

Hearing Archie's impolite voice, Paseton sighed.

"I'm sure he's fine. He's the strongest killer whale in the tribe after all."

Paseton tells Ciel not to think too much about Archie. Archie didn't even care about Paseton's existence because he was half-blood, it was impossible for him to be nice to humans.

Archie was too cocky for that.

Ciel was still looking at Archie's room with a worried look but followed Paseton for now.



Knock, knock.

Ciel knocked on Archie's door again. This time he was alone, carrying some food.

"Archie nim, are you asleep? I, I just brought you food because you didn't seem to eat earlier..."

Ciel waited for some time but had no reply.

'Is he really asleep?'

However, Ciel is sure that his knock will definitely wake Archie up, considering that he is a killer whale who fought against the mermaids.

'He probably doesn't like me because I'm weak...'

Archie's character is not much different from Toonka, who views weak people as useless.


"Archie nim, I know you can hear me. If you don't say anything, I will break into your room."

Ciel spoke bravely, even though his hands were shaking. He wanted to make sure Archie was okay.

With such provocation, Archie should have gotten angry and slammed the door.


But there was really no reply from the other side.

That made Ciel even more worried.

"Archie nim, answer me, or I will really break into your room."

Ciel's voice sounded urgent.

Still not getting an answer, Ciel, who got Archie's room key from Hans, opened Archie's room easily.

Ciel has all the keys to Cale's group rooms because Hans gave them to him easily.

No, actually they even give Ciel the key if Ciel needs them for something.


Ciel saw Archie lying on the floor and immediately approached him.


Archie's face was red and when Ciel held Archie's forehead, it was hot.

"You have a fever..."

Ciel didn't know what he should do...

But Archie's eyelids fluttered when he opened his eyes, he was hallucinating, that instead he seeing, he seeing Shickler.

"Your Majesty, it seems I'm not as strong as I thought..."

For severe fever just due to changes in environment...

Really pathetic.

Ciel gritted his teeth at that.

"No, you are still very strong."

Ciel smiled at Archie.




Ciel placed Archie on the bed after considerable effort and placed a damp cloth on Archie's forehead.

Ciel left the tray of food on the table beside the bed and left Archie's room.




Ciel leaned against the door of his room, breathing heavily, and his face red.

'Why is this body always so weak...?'

Ciel sighed internally, as he lay down on his bed.

'It will be fine...'

Ciel closed his eyes, not wanting to think about anything, and wanted to fall asleep straight away.




Ciel sweat-soaked his bed. Breathing rapidly like he was having a nightmare.

'Something like you-!'


Ciel immediately got up and sat down on the bed, looking at his shivering hands.

Ciel's face was pale.

'I'm going to read the trash of the Count family novel again...'

Ciel got out of bed and looked at his surroundings which were familiar, yet unfamiliar.

"Ah, right... The novel won't be here..."

The thing that always makes Ciel calm when he has nightmares...

'I want to see Cale...'

Ciel looked at the calendar, and it was the time Cale was supposed to be with his children.

There wouldn't be any problems if he went to Cale's room.

Ciel slowly walked a little unsteadily because they were on the ship, heading towards Cale's room.

Knock, knock.

Arriving at Cale's room, Ciel knocked on the door and immediately opened it remembering that Cale never locked his room.

In his head, he just wants to meet Cale soon.



Cale looked at Ciel who suddenly came into his room with a confused look.

Ciel was surprised to see Paseton with Cale.

Paseton looked like he was just about to put on his clothes.

"I, I... Sorry to interrupt your time..."

Ciel was determined not to disturb the others' time when they were with Cale...

But now he was there interrupting Paseton's time with Cale!

Ciel immediately turned around to leave Cale's room.

He should have waited for Cale's answer before entering!

'I'm stupid!'


But Cale grabbed Ciel's hand gently stopping him from running away.

"Ciel, what's wrong? You're not someone who comes looking for me for no reason."


'It feels like holding ice...'

Cale furrowed his brows when he felt the temperature of Ciel's hand, and pulled Ciel into his arms.

'Even his body temperature is very cold.'

That made Cale even more worried.

Ciel's body was currently shivering uncontrollably.

"I, I'm fine, young master... I just disturbed your time with Paseton..."

Ciel tugged at the corners of his lips, smiling brightly as usual.

It's not difficult to smile.

"You think I believe that when you're shivering like this?"

Cale hugged Ciel tighter, not paying attention to Ciel's words.

"Ciel, your temperature is really worrying... I already want to leave young master Cale's room, so don't think too much about it."

Paseton stroked Ciel's head, moved out of Cale's room, and closed the door.

Cale carried Ciel to the bed and covered him with a thick blanket.

"Ciel, what's wrong?"

Cale asked softly as he stroked Ciel's also cold cheek with his hand.


Ciel seems hesitant to say it.

"I just had a bad dream..."

But in the end, Ciel said it.

Ciel felt guilty, for interrupting paseton time with Cale, but he also hated, that he felt so calm in Cale's arms, when he should have felt guilty...

Cale didn't ask any more questions when he heard that. Remembering what Ciel's race was, Cale could only hug him to calm him down.

And the hug really worked, when Ciel's temperature returned to normal, and Ciel stopped shivering.

'I have to apologize to Paseton tomorrow...'

Ciel thought about that, then fell asleep in Cale's arms.

Cale looked at the sleeping Ciel and sighed softly.

"I hope you will be more open to me in the future."

Cale kissed Ciel's forehead and also slept beside him.



Archie wakes up in the morning, seeing of food tray on the table next to the bed, and a now dry cloth on his forehead.

'Is that a dream?'

Archie looked at Shickler who smiled softly at him. It wasn't something he could see in the real world.

'Take this, and you'll feel much better.'

Archie looked at his hands.

'The stone nowhere to be found... It must be a dream...'

But his condition is really improving now.

'But who's put these food trays and damp cloths?'

Archie makes enemies with everyone there with his rude speech.

Archie could only sigh tiredly.




"I'm sorry about last night!"

On the ship's deck, with only Archie and Paseton, Ciel apologizes to Paseton.

"Ah, that's-"
"Why are you asking for forgiveness? Do you want to look good and Paseton look bad?"

Paseton wanted to reply, but Archie cut him off.

Ciel gasped at that. His hands shivered as he was intimidated by Archie's sharp gaze.

"I really just wanted to apologize! I had no intention of interrupting Paseton's night with young master Cale!"

Ciel still speaks even though he is intimidated by Archie.

Ciel's body temperature drops the more he speaks, showing he is afraid and truly feels guilty.

"There's no proof that you had no intention of that-"



Paseton hit the back of Archie's head hard enough to make him stop talking.

"Stop that. Can't you feel Ciel's temperature and his shivering?"

Paseton sighed and approached Ciel, holding Ciel's hand which was as cold as morning water.

"Sorry, Ciel. But his personality is just like that, just ignore him."

Paseton smiled without any signs of anger or anything.

"I'm from the whale tribe, Ciel. We are very sensitive to changes in temperature."

Paseton hugged Ciel, and his body was really cold, although it wasn't as cold as last night.

"I knew you probably had a nightmare or something."

Paseton stroked Ciel's head gently.

"I really didn't have a problem with last night. So, calm down."

Hearing that from Peseton, Ciel finally became calmer.

Ciel hates it when someone hates or is angry with him.



Quite large waves hit the ship, causing the ship to tilt quite a bit.


Ciel wanted to catch Archie who fell into the sea because he was at the end of the ship's deck.

But Paseton stopped Ciel.

"Ciel, he's a whale. He'll be fine if he falls into the sea."

Paseton let out a short sigh trying to calm Ciel.

"But what if he gets carried away by the current and gets caught in the ship fan engine!? There are many dangerous things that could happen!"

Ciel really looked panicked.

'Even if that happens, he will destroy the engine of this ship.'

Paseton thought about it because Archie would totally do it if it happened.



Archie jumped out of the water, and back onto the boat deck, looking fresh.

"It's been a long time since I tasted seawater."

Seeing Archie, Ciel looked relieved.

Archie looked at Ciel who seemed like his soul had returned to his body after seeing him, sighing internally.

"You're worried about the wrong person. I'm not as weak as you."

Archie stroked Ciel's head making Ciel confused.

But after that, Archie walked into the ship.

In the water, Archie could see how worried Ciel was. And because he's a while, he can hear what Ciel says.

'He's a strange human being.'

But Archie remembered the damp cloth and the food tray.

'That must be him too.'

Everyone saw him as a powerful killer whale. No one would have thought he was sick there.





What happens?

The ship's galley looks messy when everyone is on the floor because the ship tilts a bit too much.

All things scattered...

"Looks like we have to clear this up, Hans."

Ciel, who entered with Paseton, saw that and just laughed.

"This is the only time when you remember me, huh!? Where have you been all this time!?"

Hans hugged Ciel who finally called his name.

Ciel could only smile accepting Hans' hug.

Everyone helped clean the ship that day besides Cale who was just resting in his room.

Who dares to order the young master to do any work?

But it was quite a lively and enjoyable situation for Ciel.





To be continued.

Ellen: What with him? I feel like I should give him one punch to that Archie.

Ciel: Hey, he just cares about Paseton! It's his way of caring!

Preggo Cale: Why are you always defending someone who wronged you? I don't understand.

Kim Seung Jong: Right. You should just beat their ass out and tell Cale to get rid of them.

Bern: I agree with that. Just beat them.

L.H Deruth: Then steal their belongings.

Kind Clopeh: That's right, Ciel. Just agree with the old man there.

Kim Seung Jong: You are also 35 years old, punk.

Kind Clopeh: You were 40 after the time skip.

L.H Deruth: Don't ask my age.

Naru: After knowing you're God, I wonder how old are you...

Bern: ....... *50 years old*

Ellen: ....... *Look away*

All Kim Rok Soo/Cale: ......

All Choi Han: .......

Cally: Well...

Lady Venion: I'm 20...

Depressed Venion: I don't remember anymore.

Ciel: I'm 19 after the remake, okay. And my body 18.

Naru: .......

Naru Cale: ....... (Am I the youngest here!?)

L.H Deruth Cale: You're not alone. Don't worry.

Ghost Basen: I'm the youngest here.

Damian: .......

All: .......

Okay, hope you enjoy this chapter!

See ya!

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