Neighbors (a Cameron Dallas F...

By JaidinGrace

34.4K 693 57

*WARNING: this story was written four years ago. My writing improves over time but keep that in mind. If you... More

New Start
Friendship vs Cameron: Which will win?
New Information
First Expeditions!
Best night of my life.
Lets Get Out Of This Town
Cause we're 'Halfway there'!
Welcome to L.A.
The Meeting
Fourth Of July
Buggy Take Out
Clubs, Close Calls, and Colins.
Malls and Mistakes
Artwork in the Sky
Pranks! Pranks! & More Pranks!
New Things
"No one told you life was gonna be this way"
Justine and Tiffany
Dares can Scare
Lost in Life and Love
Just Friends...
TOGETHER AT LAST...? Chapter 28
quick update

Graduation = New Start

1.6K 36 7
By JaidinGrace

* Warning proceed with caution: so I just want to remind you I started writing this story four years ago, I basically just wrote out my dreams. Yes, I am completely aware that so many parts of this story are preposterous , don't make sense, etc. When you get to the presents part, I completely understand if you roll your eyes because I do too. But I want to republish this story as close to the original as possible which unfortunately includes the annoying, unlikely bits as well. I also realize a common theme throughout this book is having and spending a lot of money despite having no jobs! Again, I was like 12 and didn't care that Grace's parents miraculously afforded millions of dollars in gifts. I apologize once again. Now hopefully try and enjoy the story because it does get better... somewhat!*

t's been a few weeks. It's Saturday and my friends Dani and Charlie are sleeping over. We decided to go outside cause it's 12:30 am. We walked in the dark. We started dancing in the road it was hilarious. We went inside after and hour or so. We sat in my room and Dani was in her phone. "Guys!" Dani said.

She showed me her phone. It said:

To Dani * hey um I have a girlfriend. I saw you outside with Grace*

I was upset again. But now my close friend isn't dating him I feel bad but not really cause that would have been awkward!

She replied.

To Cameron * oh I wasn't out there cause of you! I don't even like you anymore Ew!"

To Dani * ouch!*

To Cameron * what it's true!*

To Dani * you didn't have to say ew!*

"So do you still like him?" I asked
"Yeah." She replied

It's been a few days. Dani says he is dating this 10th grader. There is a 2 year difference and school is almost out so it probably won't last. I can't believe I graduate in just a few short months!

~2 months later~

I pick up my cap that I had just previously thrown! I rush down the front stairs and join freedom! Is this what it feels like to be 18 and free!? If it is then I love it! I run over to Dani. "Hey babe!" She shouts. We hug and then walk over to the group. Everyone is over here. Dani sees her mom so we go over. "Hey Mrs. Rye!" I say. "Hey Grace! I'm so proud of you guys! Congratulations and you look wonderful!" She says her eyes all glossy! "Aww thank you ma!" Dani and I say. We laugh. I call Dani's mom Ma cause she is like my second mom! I spend so much time with Dani and her mom at their house it's like my second home! Dani is the same with my mom though so it's fine. Dani calls her Ma so that's what I say. I see Dani go all googly eyes. She must see Colin her boyfriend. They met a couple months ago and made it official a month ago. We said bye to her mom and said we'd see her later. We walked over to a red sports car. I saw a guy get out of the front seat. He had brown hair that was spiked in the front. He has light brown eyes and a slightly tan complexion. She ran over to him. Well not really run more like speed walk and so did I. We had on heels and well we couldn't run... like at all! She hugged him and he kissed her forehead. As soon as she pulled away they went into a full on makeout session. I had to intervene because well people were staring and her mom was right across the street. I cleared my throat. They pulled away and Dani gave me the "oops thanks" look. I nodded and smirked. "Um Colin this is Grace! Grace this is Colin!" She smiled really big. I was happy for her. She had told me she never really liked Cameron and that she just thought he was cute and she got desperate. I then told her I liked him and she started yelling about how she knew all along. I giggled thinking about it. I snapped back to present time soon when Dani said my name. "Yeah she has told me so much about you." Colin said. "Same she just won't shut up!" I teased. She gave me a glare and I smiled. She looped her arm through his and we walked back to the group. I saw Cameron kissing Brittany the girl from awhile ago. I gagged and then Dani did too seeing the exact same thing. Colin gave us the most priceless look ever. "Oh we aren't gonna throw up!" We laughed super hard. We then motioned to Cameron and he now understood. "You guys would be cute I'm sorry!" He apologized. She must have told him. She gave me a nervous look and I sent her the it's ok I trust him if you do stare. She relaxed and I giggled. Cameron was going around congratulating all the 12th graders. He was prom king so he had too. He came towards us and I looked at Dani. She gave me the don't worry glare and I saw her eyes direct towards someone beside me. I now knew he was there. I took a deep breath and turned towards him. I gave the best possible smile I could. "Congratulations!" I mustered out the best I could without my voice cracking. "You too!" He said congrats to Dani too. "I'll see you later tonight." He said looking at me and then Dani then me again. I was so confused and he must have seen. "Dinner tonight?! Your mom invited my family! That's ok right?!" "Yeah why wouldn't it!?" I said and gave Dani a sideways look. She shrugged. When he left I started freaking. "Why did my mom invite him!?" "He's your neighbor?! I don't know this is gonna be awkward but at least you have me!" She said. I nodded. We said bye and catched up with everyone before going to our cars. Colin left to go home. Dani climbed into my car. It was my moms old car and they gave it to me for my 16th birthday. It's a good car and has treated me well! I got in and turned on some music. I played some music from when we were young teens and we laughed at our old selves! We pulled into my driveway. We got out and went inside. Her mom was already here. We went outside and saw the adults at the table. We went out and sat down. "Congratulations!" Our parents yelled. We thanked them. "Ok now since you are both officially adults and out of school! Present time!" We squealed. Our parents pulled out two huge and I mean huge bags full of stuff. They gave one to me and one to Dani. We pulled out the cards first. We had to get on our knees just to be able to get stuff out. I opened mine at the same time as Dani. We opened it and found a check each for $500! We screamed and got up and ran and hugged our parents. "Thank you!" "Hurry and open up the rest!" They said. We ran back and pulled stuff out we each had 2 new bathing suits, 5 new shirts, 3 new crop tops, 4 pairs of shorts, 2 jewelry items, and 1 pair of leggings. We pulled out more; 3 pairs of Vans, a pair of Lebrons for me and a pair of nikes for Dani, 2 maxi skirts, 1 maxi dress, a pair of heels mine were black stilettos and Dani got red wedges, 1 oversized VS sweater, 1 pair of uggs, a pair of slipper booties, new undergarments, a monogram pillow, a new comforter, empty picture frames, scentsy waxing our favorite scents and a new warmer! We had so much stuff and weren't even finished yet. There was a box at the bottom of each of our bags. They said to open them at the same time. "1...2...3... Surprise!!!" They yelled. I opened mine and found a paper that said ' Congrats you are a new proud owner of a Convertible!" I screamed! They laughed. Dani yelled too. I pulled out the new sparkly key! Dani pulled out her key! We looked at each other. "Well go to the garage already!" We ran. I opened the door and there in the dark garage as I turned on the light I saw my baby! I ran too it! "You got the Pearl White convertible you wanted!" Yelled Dani! " I know and you got the Sky Gray Convertible you wanted!" We just ran and jumped up and down together. Then at the same time we remembered our other gifts and ran back to the deck. "Get going we don't have all day." We opened the rest. We pulled out matching Tiffany bracelets that have a charm with our initial and a charm with the others initial! We out them on. We also got 5 Seconds of Summer tickets Vip on the floor, eep! We got speedway rewards cards, gift certificates to get our nails done, a massage and hair & skin treatments! We got new IPhone 6+s too! We also each got a case. Mine had a Eiffel Tower with a sunset in the back ground and there was a river with a dolphin jumping out of it at the bottom and it had my anagram! Dani's had her anagram and a picture of Big Ben. We also got iTunes gift cards for $50 so we could get all the apps and new music we wanted. Lastly we had an envelope on each of our bags. Our parents said to open Dani's first. Inside was a map of the USA with a line from where we live to LA. Then was a paper with directions to LA and at the bottom it said 'I hope you can gas up your convertibles cause your driving to LA in your new hot rods!' We screamed! They said to open mine now! We opened it. There was a picture of a Beach house. Before reading on we started screaming Vacay! They said to read before we get to excited. I frowned thinking it was bad. We read on. There was information about the house including how much it cost. It said a big number and I started freaking saying that was a lot just to spend a bit of time there! They did to read more. At the bottom it said don't miss us too much when you live in LA visit when you aren't busy making your dreams come true! We looked at them. "Your moving to Los Angeles, California!" They yelled. We started squealing!


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