My Sweet Demon Bell (Alastor...

By TatsukamisuohNew

67.8K 1.6K 193

This story Is about Alastor x Daughter reader. Let's just say that you are a daddy's girl to be exact and you... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 24

1.1K 28 0
By TatsukamisuohNew

Dressed in a garment that seemed to be tailored exclusively for me, every detail accentuating my curves, I couldn't help but marvel at how perfectly it all came together. My dad, in his characteristic indulgence, had outdone himself again, and I couldn't blame him for feeling proud. As I surveyed myself in the mirror, I couldn't suppress a chuckle while imagining my dad proudly asserting, 'After all, she is my baby girl.'

"All set! Time to make an entrance," I declared with a final glance at the mirror, my excitement palpable. Walking out of my room, I couldn't help but ponder how the denizens of hell would react when they saw me with my dad. The mere thought sent a thrill through me; I couldn't wait to spend the entire day in the companying of my dad. It had been too long since we'd enjoyed some quality time together. I think I can add the little show that we did in the bar two weeks ago. 

As I strolled into the dining room, the aroma of... something wafted through the air. "Is that what I think it is?" I exclaimed, my eyes sparkling with anticipation, as I kicked the door in sheer excitement.

"Oh, not again," groaned Vaggie, massaging his temples, clearly exasperated. Of course, it had to be Vaggie dealing with the aftermath of my impromptu door-kicking episodes.

"Apologies, hehehe," I chuckled, snapping my fingers, and miraculously, the door was restored to its pre-kicked state.

My dad emerged from the kitchen, announcing, "Who's hungry?" As he walked out, a variety of dishes followed him, and with another snap of his fingers, the table was beautifully set.

"What do we have here, a demon looking like an angel from heaven sent to hell?" Dad exclaimed, eyeing my transformed appearance. He wasn't wrong; the dress had indeed turned me into a different person.

"As long as she doesn't walk out the door naked, it's fine," quipped Uncle Husk, taking a swig of his beer.

"Isn't it a bit early to be hitting the bottle?" I teased, observing the beer vanish from his hand.

"Mind your own business, kid," he grumbled, clearly annoyed. "And don't give me that look; you did the same thing two weeks ago, remember?"

"Ah, yes, the infamous pancake incident," I replied with a mischievous grin. "But at least I had syrup with mine, not just beer."

Uncle Husk chuckled, a rare sight considering his usual grumpy demeanor. "Touché, kid, touché. But let me enjoy my liquid breakfast in peace."

"Give that to me," I said, yanking the bottle from his hand.

"WHAT THE HECK, GIVE ME THAT!" he exclaimed, trying to retrieve the bottle.

"Only after you finish your breakfast," I countered, placing my hand on my waist, engaging in a playful staring contest with Uncle Husk. The dynamics of our interactions never failed to add a touch of humor to the day.

As we locked eyes, Dad, the radio demon Alastor, decided to join in on the banter. "Come on, you two, we've got a busy day ahead. Let's not turn this into a family feud over breakfast beverages."

Uncle Husk finally sighed, surrendering with a begrudging smile. "Fine, fine. Breakfast it is," he mumbled, taking another swig of his now reappeared beer.

With that settled, we all gathered around the table, where chaos ensued. Dad attempted to use his demonic powers to levitate pancakes onto his plate, only for them to land on Uncle Husk's head instead. I couldn't help but burst into laughter, and even Uncle Husk cracked a smile.

"Looks like we've got a flying pancake situation here," I quipped.

Just then, the door swung open, and in walked Angel, Charlie and Niffty. Angel looked at the chaos with a raised eyebrow. "Am I interrupting something, or is this just your typical morning?"

"Join the party, Angel," I said, motioning for him to take a seat.

Angel grinned and took a seat, grabbing a pancake mid-air. "Guests or not, chaos follows this bunch like a shadow."

Charlie giggled, attempting to use her charm to calm the chaos. "Now, now, let's all behave. We have guests."

Angel raised an eyebrow, smirking. "Behave? In Hell? You've got to be kidding, toots"

Vaggie rolled her eyes but couldn't hide a small smile. "Well, as long as it's controlled chaos I will let this slide just for now"

Niffty, always the bundle of energy, zipped around the room, cleaning up the pancake mess with lightning speed. "Don't worry, I got this! Clean-up mode activated!"

Dad, with a sly grin, turned to Angel. "You know, Angel, your hair is almost as flamboyant as these pancakes."

Angel laughed, running a hand through his hair. "Well, I can't argue with that. But at least my hair doesn't land on Husk's plate."

Husk, now pancake-free, shot Angel a glare. "Watch it, pretty boy, or I'll add some special ingredients to your next drink."

Dad seized the opportunity to steer the conversation back on track. "Enough shenanigans; let's not keep the delightful spread waiting any longer. We have a busy day ahead," he said, snapping his fingers, and instantly, everything returned to normal.

"Oh, smile, you're no fun," Angel whined in the background, while everyone started to dig into the delicious spread.

Uncle Husk finally sighed, surrendering with a begrudging smile. "Fine, fine. Breakfast it is," he mumbled, taking another swig of his now reappeared beer. The room buzzed with the sound of laughter and the clinking of utensils against plates as we all settled in for a hearty meal.

As we indulged in the delicious breakfast, the banter continued, creating an atmosphere of warmth and camaraderie. Charlie, with a glint of excitement in her eyes, began discussing her latest idea about the hotel, her vision of redemption, and a haven for lost souls. Laughter echoed through the dining room, blending seamlessly with the clatter of plates and the occasional quips from Uncle Husk.

Once the last crumbs were cleared, I leaned back, content. "Tasty as always, Dad."

Alastor chuckled, patting my shoulder. "I'm glad to hear that you still like my cooking, my dear. Now, how about we take a leisurely stroll and acquaint ourselves with the surroundings? It's been a while since we've enjoyed the sights of Hell together."

I eagerly agreed, "That sounds perfect, Dad."

As we prepared to leave, Charlie's concerned expression caught my attention. "Where are you two going? Is it a bit dangerous?"

"Dangerous, darling? How funny! The streets of Hell will only be dangerous if I'm there in the flesh myself. Not to mention that my daughter is far from weak. She's more than that, I assure you, dear," Alastor replied, making grand gestures as if to showcase how proud he was of me.

"I know how powerful you are, Alastor, but it's not bad to be careful," Charlie insisted, her worry evident in her tone. It wasn't lost on me that her relationship with her father, Lucifer, was markedly different from mine with Alastor. There was a touch of jealousy underlying her concern, perhaps feeling a bit left out of our unique bond.

Alastor, ever confident, tried to assuage her concerns. "Now, now, Charlie, there's no need to worry. My little one here can handle herself just fine. We're merely going for a stroll, enjoying the scenery. No harm in that, is there?"

I nodded, trying to reassure Charlie. "Exactly, Charlie. It's just a casual walk. Besides, Dad's right; I'm not a delicate flower. We'll be back before you know it."

Charlie gave a hesitant smile, still not entirely convinced. "Alright, just be careful, both of you."

With a final nod, we headed out into the streets of Hell, leaving Charlie with her thoughts

With that, Dad and I set out for a leisurely walk through the twisted streets of Hell. The scenery, though unconventional, held a unique charm. As we strolled, Dad pointed out various landmarks, sharing anecdotes and stories that added a fascinating layer to the surreal landscape.

The simple pleasure of exploring Hell's labyrinthine streets with my dad is enough for me. Dad's charismatic presence turned even the most mundane details into captivating tales, and our shared laughter echoed through the fiery avenues.

As the star thing in the sky shine, casting an eerie glow over Hell, we found ourselves back home, our day enriched with shared experiences and a deeper connection. The evening promised more adventures in this unconventional realm, and I couldn't help but look forward to whatever Hell had in store for us next.

As Dad and I began our leisurely stroll through the winding streets of Hell, an intriguing mixture of reactions awaited us. The moment we stepped out, the sinners in the vicinity couldn't help but notice the imposing figure of the radio demon himself. Murmurs spread like wildfire as they exchanged wary glances.

Some sinners, recognizing Dad, hastily made the sign of the cross and fled, terror etched across their faces. It seemed like the mere presence of the radio demon was enough to send shivers down their spectral spines. Others, frozen in their tracks, stared wide-eyed, unsure whether to run or hold their ground.

As we passed by, a group of curious sinners engaged in hushed conversations. "That's the radio demon, isn't it?" one of them whispered, his eyes never leaving Alastor.

"Yeah, and who's the girl with him?" another sinner asked, peering at me with a mixture of fear and fascination. "Is she his daughter or something?"

"I heard she is powerful just like him, but no one knows for sure. Look at her, though. She's got that same eerie charm," a third sinner chimed in, eyeing me with a mix of curiosity and trepidation.

Meanwhile, some bolder sinners dared to approach, casting sidelong glances as if testing the waters of our presence. One particularly daring sinner couldn't resist muttering, "Wonder if she's got the same powers as her old man. Wouldn't want to mess with that, huh?"

As we continued our stroll, the whispers and speculations among the sinners created an intriguing backdrop. Occasionally, a brave soul would approach us, seeking a closer look. Alastor, maintaining his enigmatic aura, acknowledged them with a sly grin, adding an extra layer of mystique to the encounter.

As we continued our leisurely stroll through the twisted streets of Hell, memories of our shared moments flooded our conversation. The peculiar surroundings seemed to fade into the background as we delved into the tales of our past.

"Do you remember those lazy afternoons at the radio station, my dear?" Dad mused, a nostalgic glint in his eyes. "The crackling vinyl records and the soothing hum of the microphone—it was our own little heaven."

I nodded, a fond smile on my face. "Those moments were pure magic, Dad. The way we dance in the kitchen to as we listen to the radio make me already content even if it's just the two of us" he smile at me as he pat my head.

"Shall we indulge in a bit of old-fashioned entertainment, my dear?" Dad grinned, and with a snap of his fingers, the haunting melodies of jazz once again filled the park. We danced, laughed, and reveled in the echoes of our shared past together.

From there, our stroll through memory lane led us to a surreal park in Hell—a distorted mirror of the cozy park from our human lives. Twisted trees cast peculiar shadows, and whispers of the damned provided an eerie backdrop. Despite the otherworldly setting, the essence of our time in the park mirrored those lazy Sunday afternoons in a mortal world—laughter, shared secrets, and a bond that transcended the infernal surroundings.

As the day unfolded, we found ourselves back home, the aroma of freshly baked red velvet filling the air. The kitchen, an unexpected heaven of domesticity in Hell, became our stage for a different kind of performance. We donned aprons, and in a dance of flour and laughter, we crafted a red velvet masterpiece.

"Remember the chaos of our first attempts?" Dad chuckled, a mischievous glint in his eye.

"Oh, the kitchen disasters," I laughed, recalling our earlier endeavors. "But practice makes perfect, doesn't it?"

The red velvet cake emerged from the oven, a symbol of our shared culinary adventure. As we savored the sweet victory, the oddity of our domestic scene in the midst of Hell's chaos felt strangely comforting.

Our day, woven with threads of radio magic, park serenity, and homey warmth, became a tapestry of unconventional joy. Amidst the bewildered glances of the sinners, we reveled in the simple pleasures of togetherness—a father and daughter creating their own brand of heaven in the depths of Hell.

As we finish eating dad turned to me with a genuine smile. "You've grown into quite the demoness, my dear. It warms my cold, dead heart to see the confident and capable individual you've become."

I smirked, "Well, you did have a hand in raising me, Dad. Your peculiar brand of parenting certainly left its mark.

As we talk Alastor couldn't help but reflect on our human lives and the moments he missed while I was growing up. The streets of Hell seemed to fade away for a moment as he spoke with a tinge of regret in his voice.

"You know, my dear, there's something I've always wanted to tell you," Dad began, his tone carrying a weight of sincerity. "I may not have been there for all your formative years, and for that, I feel a twinge of regret."

I looked at him with a mixture of curiosity and understanding. "Dad, you don't have to feel guilty. We've made the most of our time together here in Hell, and that's what matters."

He nodded, appreciating my sentiment. "True, but there's a part of me that wishes I could have been there for your first steps to your life as you find your first job, your school performances, your graduation and all those little moments that make up the tapestry of childhood."

 "When you were just a little girl, causing mischief in the radio station, I was busy with my own affairs. I missed the opportunity to witness the wonders of your early years, and for that, I can't help but feel a sense of loss."

I placed a comforting hand on his arm, conveying my understanding. "Dad, those moments may be gone, but what we have now is just as special. We've forged our own unique bond in Hell, and I wouldn't trade it for anything."

He smiled, gratitude reflecting in his eyes. "You truly are my little devil, finding the silver lining in every situation. I suppose, in the grand scheme of things, the time we've spent together here has been a gift—a chance to create new memories and share experiences that go beyond the limitations of mortal life."

Suddenly, as we talked, Dad's eyes brightened with recognition. "Ah, I just remembered that I have an old friend I'd love for you to meet. We used to share quite the camaraderie back in our radio station days, and I'm sure you would love to meet this person."

My curiosity piqued, I nodded in anticipation. "Really? I'd love to meet this person, Dad. Who is it?"

With a mysterious smile, Dad took my hand, and in an instant, we were teleported to a peculiar entrance bathed in neon lights—a club that pulsed with the chaotic energy unique to Hell's nightlife. As we stepped inside, the music enveloped us, and the dimly lit interior revealed a diverse congregation of demons reveling in the twisted delights of the infernal club.

As Alastor guided me through the crowd, his demeanor hinted at the forthcoming revelation. Suddenly, my eyes caught a familiar figure in the dim light—a demoness with a distinctive flair, adorned in elaborate attire that seemed to defy the conventions of Hell's fashion.

My heart skipped a beat as I recognized her, a shock coursing through me. It couldn't be. Yet, there she was—Mimzy. The memories flooded back, the awkward encounters, the attempts at flirtation that never sat well with me.

Mimzy's appearance hadn't changed much. Her hair, a vibrant cascade of hues, framed a face that radiated confidence and mischief. Her eyes, lined with kohl, held a gleam of familiarity, and her lips curved into a knowing smile. She was the epitome of Hell's unconventional beauty, a stark contrast to the demonic norm.

In that moment of recognition, my thoughts raced. Mimzy, the old friend Dad wanted me to meet. I couldn't conceal the shock that flickered across my face. The air around us seemed to thicken as I grappled with the unexpected encounter.

In my thoughts, I scrutinized Mimzy's appearance—the extravagant attire that accentuated her demonic charm, the confidence in her every move, and the subtle aura of mischief that clung to her like a familiar perfume. The realization dawned, and with it, a wave of annoyance surfaced.

Mimzy, with her flamboyant presence, embodied a side of Hell that clashed with my more reserved disposition. The memories of her attempting to flirt with my dad during our mortal lives stirred a discomfort I hadn't fully addressed. I bit my lip, trying to mask my surprise, as Alastor, oblivious to my inner turmoil, grinned with delight.

"Ah, there she is—Mimzy, my dear friend!" Dad exclaimed, his greeting a blend of warmth and theatrical flair.

Suppressing my mixed emotions, I managed a polite smile, my gaze meeting Mimzy's as she acknowledged our presence. The club's beats reverberated around us, setting the stage for a reunion that promised to unearth not only shared history but also the complexities of relationships in Hell's twisted embrace.

Mimzy's eyes sparkled as she took in our presence. "Well, if it isn't the radio demon himself, gracing my humble abode. And who's this lovely creature with you?" Her gaze shifted to me, a playful grin tugging at her lips.

I mustered a polite smile, though the subtle tension beneath it betrayed my true feelings. "Hello, Mimzy. It's been a while."

Mimzy leaned in, her voice a sultry purr. "Oh wait- oh Y/n dear look at you, I never expected to see you again. You've grown into quite the demoness, haven't you? I remember when you were just a little girl."

A forced chuckle escaped me as I replied, "Time flies, doesn't it?"

Dad, ever the charismatic host, gestured to both of us. "Mimzy, I'm happy that you still remember my daughter. We're here to enjoy the night and catch up with old friends."

Mimzy's eyes widened in mock surprise. "Of course, why would I forget Your daughter? I will never miss out on family drama. Well, I'll be damned if I forgot."

I exchanged a glance with Dad, and we shared a moment of silent amusement. "We're here to make new memories, Mimzy," Alastor remarked, his tone light yet laden with undertones of shared history.

Mimzy's gaze lingered on me, her grin widening. "Well, darling, I hope Hell's been treating you well. Your father here is quite the legend, you know."

A forced smile played on my lips as I replied, "Oh, I'm well aware."

The conversation continued, punctuated by the thumping beats of the club. Mimzy, seemingly oblivious to the nuances, regaled us with tales of Hell's nightlife and the eclectic mix of demons that frequented her establishment. I listened with a measured politeness, occasionally glancing at my dad, who seemed genuinely immersed in the reunion.

As Mimzy animatedly described some recent escapades, my mind wandered to memories of our mortal lives. The discomfort I felt around her, the subtle attempts at flirting, and the unspoken tension between us resurfaced. I took a sip of my drink, a concoction that tasted like a blend of infernal spirits, desperately trying to maintain an outward composure.

Mimzy, noting my momentary distraction, leaned in again. "You know, sweetie, you can call me 'mom' if you'd like. After all, we're practically family now."

I felt a twinge of annoyance but managed to conceal it beneath a forced laugh. "Oh, Mimzy, it's been such a long time. Let's not rush into familial ties just yet."

She chuckled, seemingly unfazed by my response. The conversation continued, a dance of words in the chaotic rhythm of Hell's nightlife. Mimzy's vibrant energy clashed with the more subdued atmosphere I preferred, yet I navigated the exchange with a grace that mirrored the delicate balance of Hell itself.

As the night unfolded, the beats of the club merged with the cadence of our conversation, creating a symphony of discordant harmony. I remained on guard, concealing my true sentiments, as Mimzy and Dad reminisced about the radio station days—the days when I was just a curious onlooker, unaware of the complexities that would unfold in the afterlife.

And so, in the heart of Hell's pulsating nightlife, we wove a tapestry of shared history, concealed emotions, and the enigmatic dance of relationships that transcended both mortal and infernal realms.

As the rhythmic beats of the club reverberated through the air, Mimzy leaned in, her voice carrying the sultry cadence of mischief. "Alastor, darling, it's been an eternity since I last saw you. Your presence still sends shivers down my spine. I've missed our little rendezvous," she purred, her eyes fixed on Alastor with an unmistakable glint.

Alastor, caught in the magnetic pull of the club's atmosphere, chuckled lightly, his attention momentarily diverted. "Ah, Mimzy, those were the good old days, weren't they? But tonight, let's focus on making new memories, shall we?"

Sensing an opportunity to gracefully intervene, I shifted in my seat, adjusting the strap of my dress with a deliberate elegance. A subtle display of confidence that, unbeknownst to Mimzy, served as a silent reminder that I, too, held a certain allure.

Mimzy, undeterred, redirected her gaze toward me, her words dripping with a flirtatious charm. "Oh, Alastor, you always know how to make my heart race. Your daughter here is quite the exquisite gem, isn't she?" Her eyes flickered in my direction, a playful challenge evident.

Maintaining a composed demeanor, I met Mimzy's gaze with a knowing smile. "Thank you, Mimzy. It's always a pleasure to be in such esteemed company."

Seizing the unspoken challenge, I smoothly steered the conversation, recounting amusing anecdotes that showcased a quick wit and a sharp sense of humor. Each story subtly asserted my presence, creating an invisible barrier against Mimzy's attempts to monopolize Dad's attention.

As Mimzy's flirtatious banter intensified, I couldn't help but playfully respond, "Well, you know, Dad, I did inherit your quick wit. Remember that we are still alive  when we pulled off that hilarious prank to Uncle Husk? Classic!"

Alastor, grinning in amusement, chimed in, "Ah, yes! The look on his faces was absolutely priceless. Seems like my dear daughter has a knack for mischief."

Mimzy, attempting to reclaim the spotlight, teased, "Oh, a family of pranksters, I see. How delightful. Care to share more, my dear?"

With a sly smile, I continued, "Well, there was also the incident in the basement as he torture those peolpe. You know, the one where Dad is the wanted serial killer in the town, but it was a good laugh when they still don't know who did all those crimes."

Dad chuckled, recalling the misadventure. "Ah, those were the days. The infernal laughter still echoes in my memory."

Mimzy, slightly vexed by the turn of the conversation, countered, "Well, it seems I've missed out on some devilish fun. Perhaps you'll have to fill me in on more of these delightful escapades sometime."

I winked at my Dad, playing along, "Oh, absolutely. Family days, you know. But enough about us. Mimzy, I'm sure you have some intriguing stories of your own from the good old days."

Mimzy, caught off guard, composed herself and replied, "Well, darling, I could tell you tales that would make your horns stand on end. But tonight, let's focus on the present, shall we?"

Dad, ever the charismatic host, responded with a playful quip, "Ah, my daughter's charm is unmatched, isn't it? The apple doesn't fall far from the tree."

Mimzy, undeterred, shot back with a sultry grin, "Well, Alastor, it seems you're surrounded by captivating individuals tonight. Lucky you."

The banter continued, words exchanged like sparks in the vibrant atmosphere of the club. I seamlessly interjected, guiding the conversation with anecdotes that showcased not only my charm but also my ability to command attention. Each playful remark was a subtle countermeasure, redirecting the spotlight away from Mimzy's attempts to make the night about a nostalgic past.

Alastor, catching the rhythm of the banter, threw in a teasing comment, "It appears my daughter has quite the repertoire of stories. I've taught her well, haven't I?"

Mimzy, undeterred, unleashed a teasing smirk, "Oh, I can see that, Alastor. The student has indeed become the master."

The dynamic exchange continued, a verbal dance filled with innuendos and subtle challenges. Mimzy, sensing the delicate dance reaching an impasse, excused herself with a tight smile.

"Well, I see the night has other plans for us. Alastor, my dear, I'll leave you to your delightful company. And to you, my dear," she turned to me, "may your night be as charming as your presence."

With a theatrical exit, Mimzy vanished into the crowd, leaving behind a lingering air of tension. I turned to Alastor with an innocent smile, "What an interesting character she is, Dad. Quite the lively personality."

Alastor nodded in agreement, seemingly unaware of the nuanced interplay that had just unfolded. "Indeed, my dear. Now, where were we? Ah yes, let's make this night one to remember!"

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