By cbpunk

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𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐭𝐡 𖤐 "the quality or state of being true" ⚘ 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐞𝐬𝟑 ⚘ 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐣�... More

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✾. 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐮𝐞 𝐨𝐩 .✾

137 6 1
By cbpunk

𝐅𝐚𝐰𝐜𝐞𝐭𝐭 𝐂𝐢𝐭𝐲
𝐀𝐮𝐠𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝟒, 𝟏𝟏:𝟐𝟑 𝐞𝐝𝐭

"𝐋𝐢𝐥𝐬, 𝐝𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞-" Billy cut himself off as he saw her sitting on the couch, the lamp being the only thing brightening the room as she hugged her knees and stared at the carpet.

"Hey, are you ok?"

"To be honest, not really. Those kids died. Did we do something wrong?" She asked him as a tear fell down her face.

"No. No, we didn't do anything wrong. We just weren't expecting anything that happened, it was all so... Sudden? I... Look, Lily, we can't change what happened. But if you want, why don't you go check up on Forager, and Brion and Halo too. Think that'll make you feel better?"

"Yeah. Yeah that sounds good. Thanks, Billy." She gave him a tired smile as he hugged her, pulling her down as they laid on the couch.

"Why don't we just stay like this for a little while?"

"Billy, people invented beds for a reason." He thought about what she said for a second before replying.

"Oh, is there something specific you're implying in that statement?" He asked with a sly smirk, Lily realized what he meant and lightly hitting his arm.

"Billy!" She yelled, making him laugh as he got up. She let out a yelp as he picked her up bridal style.

"C'mon. Let's go to bed. It's almost midnight anyways." He laid her down before climbing into bed himself, wrapping his arm around her waist, "Goodnight."

"Goodnight, Billy. I love you." She kissed him before laying her head on his chest.

"I love you too."

𝐇𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐛𝐨𝐫
𝐀𝐮𝐠𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝟓, 𝟐𝟏:𝟎𝟒 𝐞𝐝𝐭

"But how will Forager speak to them? Forager does not speak human language. Oh..." He made a clicking noise, "And Motherbox is not here to translate Forager's words."

"I downloaded our language into your brain." M'gann explained to him.

"Miss Martian taught Miss Martian's language to Forager?"

"Everything but the pronouns, apparently." Lily elbowed him in the arm at his comment.

"His people have an extremely complex sense of self. They don't have much use for pronouns." M'gann told him.

"Have your tried these?" Halo asked as she offered an apple.

"They're called apples." Brion told her.

"I know! They're incredible. And they grow on trees!" Halo responded energetically.

"Halo, Brion, this is Forager. He's from New Genesis." Lily introduced as Halo walked up to the bug.

"Have you tried apples yet, Forager? They're incredible!"

"New Genesis? That's another-"

"New Genesis is one of two planets of origin to the New Gods. The leader of New Genesis is Highfather, who lives on the floating city of Supertown. The surface of the planet is inhabited by a race of sentient bugs. Oh, like you!" Halo explained.

"Halo knows much of Forager's world."

"Yes, she does." Artemis agreed, "Halo, how do you know all that?"

"I... I don't know. I just do."

"So, you're an alien?" Brion asked Forager in surprise, "I... I can't believe I'm meeting a real alien!"

"Uh, hello. I'm from Mars and Conner's half-Kryptonian." M'gann reminded him as Lily let out a small laugh.

"Yes, of course. But Forager is a real alien!"

"Brion is the alien to Forager." Forager gave him a look in awe as Brion laughed.

"Well, you would think that, wouldn't you?"

"Forager's life was in danger on New Genesis, so we've brought him here for his own protection." M'gann told the two.

"Forager is in exile from Forager's home."

"From one exile to another, welcome to Earth." Brion put a comforting hand on Forager's shoulder.

"Forager thanks Brion."

"Seriously, Forager. You have to try these apples." The three walked off, leaving the other four alone.

L: I should let her try Billy's apple pie. That stuff brings pure joy to the soul.

MM: Change of topic. I was planning on having Forager join the team while he was on Earth, but where will he stay?

L: Uh, I can't explain a sentient bug coming into my apartment everyday to my neighbors.

T: And I'd love to help but we've already got a full house.

SB: So do we. Maybe the Watchtower?

L: No one's living there right now. He'd just be all alone. Cutting him off from people isn't what he needs, especially not right now.

A: Makes you miss Mount Justice.

SB: Yeah, those nights in the cave were pretty special.

"Hello, Megan!" M'gann lightly hit her head as she walked over to the car, "Brion, Forager! How would you guys like to share your own place?"

"Sleeping in a car?"

"No. Not a car." M'gann corrected Brion, M'gann used her power to shape shift the bio-ship, Jeff jumped in surprise as he spilled coffee on his shirt.

"Ow! Dang it! This thing still freaks me out!"

"Please don't call bio-ship a thing." M'gann told him.

"Yeah, it hurts her feelings." Lily added as she leaned against the RV.

"Sorry. Besides, I should know better than to bring anything spill-able to Marstown."

"Marstown?" Conner asked him as he crossed his arms.

"Little Mars? Nevermind." Jeff replied as he made a call.

"I have never lived in a recreational vehicle before." Brion stated.

"Neither has Forager."

"Brion, Halo. I kinda promised Doctor Jace she could talk to you." Jeff told them as he showed them the phone.

"Prince Brion, Halo. I've been so worried about you both. I wanted-"

"We are fine, Dr. Jace." Brion told her as he cut her off.

"I owe you some answers, I know."

"I have only one question. Is my sister, is Tara, still alive?"

"I believe she is. At least, she was. I tried to protect her for as long as I could. But soon after her meta-gene was activated, your uncle took her away from me and shipped her off to... To I don't know where!"

"So she did have the meta-gene. What were her powers?"

"I never saw. But since you and Baron DeLamb both have different types of geo-force, it stands to reason that as your blood-relative, Tara would have a similar power set."

"That's what we were thinkin', too." Jeff looked to Dick with a questioning look.

"Uh... Me. A man named Jaqqar Marlo was killed this morning by a meta-human who dropped a massive rock on his head. Black Spider, an assassin from the League of Shadows, was also spotted in the area. Boulder-dropping isn't his style. So the possibility does exist that your sister is now with the Shadows."

"No." Brion muttered in disbelief.

"Princess Tara would never kill! They must be using a control device upon her." Jace told them.

"Like they did with Plasmus and his sister." Jeff said in agreement.

"And the meta-humans on New Genesis." Lily added.

"The Princess must be rescued from these Shadows!"

"Yes, we must rescue her now!" Brion replied angrily as steam rose from his hands.

"Brion, I want you to literally chill. We don't know conclusively that this was Tara, or even that it was someone with a 'geo-force' power."

"A telekinetic could have moved that boulder." M'gann suggested.

"Or someone with super-strength could have chucked it." Conner added.

"Even someone with plant-manipulation could have used vines to drop it. We can't jump ahead." Lily told him.

"Do you know where the Shadows are or not?" Brion asked Dick.

"They're based on Infinity Island, but that doesn't guarantee Tara's with them." Dick sighed as he showed him the map.

"There's one way to find out."

"The League of Shadows is run by Ra's al Ghul, the Demon's Head, a member of the Light and one of the most dangerous men in the planet. We are not facing al Ghul and all his Shadows without more intel and a solid plan. Brion, don't make me sorry I told you about this."

"Fine. We'll play it your way." Brion finally admitted with a sigh, "In the meantime, I supposed I should explore my new living quarters."

"Forager would explore, too."

"Prince Brion, Halo, please take care of-"

"Uh, they're gone, Doctor." Jeff explained to Jace as they went inside the RV.

"Ah, I see. Jefferson, you'll keep me apprised?"

"Of course, Helga. I promise." Lily looked over to Jeff as he spoke, she definitely noticed something.

"I can ask nothing more. Goodbye." With Jeff ending the call, they all went back inside the house.

L: First name basis, huh?

M'gann just let out a sigh as she smiled while Lily gave her a mischievous grin.

MM: You can never get away from other people's business.

L: Not true. I know I wasn't the first person who you told about your engagement, you owe me.

Lily's attention diverted to Conner, who kept harshly glaring at Dick.

"So, you wanna share your thoughts or..." She urged.

"Don't know how long you'll be able to put Brion off." He said to Dick with a deadpan look, but Dick's phone started ringing as he spoke.

"Just a second." He looked at his phone for a moment before typing something, "Just got Halo's ID. Her real name's Gabrielle Daou."

"Oh, that's great! We should go tell her! It... It might summon some memories." Artemis told them.


"They're gone. All three of 'em."

"Wolf. Where are the kids?" Wolf grumbled in response before going back to sleep, "Thanks, Wolf."

"They can't have gone far." Artemis stated before Conner noticed something, Lily checking her phone.

"Wait, where's Sphere?"

"Found them." Lily spoked up.

"What, where? How did you..."

"I put a tracker on all three of them as soon as I found out we would be helping look for Tara." She answered Dick.

"Just one question. Why?" Artemis questioned her.

"Well, if there's one thing I learned about my first year on the team, it's that kids like to go against everything they're told to do. Like, 'Hey, don't go to Infinity Island, you might die.' But oh, look at them now." She showed them her phone with a red dot — in fact — heading towards the island.

"Bio-ship. Now."


"I can't believe this. They've only been living in here five minutes and it's already a mess!" Conner complained as he threw part of an apple.

"You sure they went to Infinity Island?" M'gann couldn't help but ask, her nerves getting the best of her.

"The one place we specifically told them not to go? Yup. Just like Lily said." Nightwing replied.

"Yeah, the tracker doesn't lie M'gann." Lily added with a smile.

"Well, what goes around comes around?" M'gann smirked as she avoided Dick's stare.

"What's that supposed to mean?" He quickly asked.

"Uh, Cadmus ring any bells?" Conner asked sarcastically.

"Dick, when I say kids like to go against everything they're told, that most definitely included us. Our first official mission was supposed to be a recon, but we ended up blowing up a warehouse." Lily reminded him.

"Oh, man. I hate being a grown-up." Dick groaned as he leaned into his chair.

"I knew karma would be back to bite us." Lily muttered.


Superboy tore open the doors. The three kids and Sphere in the cell right where the tracker had led them.

"This is why you don't go in unprepared. Now hold still." Nightwing told Brion as he took off the control chip. Lily propped up Violet, throwing her arm around her neck.

"You gotta figure the Shadows are on their way." Tigress told them.

"Then let's move!"

When they made it outside, Sensei was already there with two of his Shadows standing behind him.

"We just wanna leave." Nightwing told them.

"Your trespass must be punished." Sensei replied frustratingly.

"Wrong answer." Superboy said, the battle starting at his words. Lily set Violet down against Sphere, helping Nightwing fight off the hooded Shadow. She barely got a few hits in before a voice sounded over the fighting.

"Enough." Ra's spoke, "Well, young man. Are you proud of this little debacle? I believe the detective will be quite disappointed. I assume you came to recover these children? Take them and go."

"Not without my sister, Tara Markov! We know the League of Shadows has her!"

"Stay your tongue when addressing the Demon's Head."

"It is fine, Sensei." Ra's told the man, "Boy, the Shadows may indeed have your sister, but I am no longer head of the Shadows. As you can see, there are no Shadows here. In fact, I'm no longer part of the Light." The team's faces were etched with shock at his words.

"He lies!" Brion told them frustratedly.

"Ra's al Ghul is many things, but a liar isn't one of them." Nightwing told him, Brion stood down at his words.

"It's a shot in the dark, but could this mean that you won't be attempting any future takeovers of Gotham?" Lily asked him.

"It's not in my current agenda. But things change. Why do you want to know, Miss Isley? If I understand correctly, you are no longer apart of Gotham's crime-fighting team. And you haven't been for a while." Ra's acknowledged. He might not have been planning anything, but he still made sure to keep tabs on what was going on in Gotham.

"Just an interest."

"I see."

"Would the Great One care to reveal who is running the Shadows now?" Tigress urged the question.

"No, he would not."

"It's not my dad, is it?"


"My sister?"

"Get out." They all boarded the bio-ship. The Shadows watching as they quickly flew away. Talia al Ghul stepped out from the shadows, cradling her infant son in her arms. The mysterious shadow took his hood down before speaking.

"Is-ley." He could barely get the word out. But Ra's heard it.

"Oh, your memory's finally returning. Excellent."


"I apologize. I know this mess was my fault." Brion — who changed into an extra pair of clothes Conner had — admitted.

"It happens. Once upon a time, I had to rescue Robin, Kid Flash, and Aqualad, too."

"Who?" Violet asked.

"Forager met Kid Flash." Lily's mind couldn't help but drift to the gold watch on her nightstand for a second.

"That was a different Kid-" She cut herself off, "Nevermind."

Dick gave her a sympathetic look before turning to the others, "Let's make on thing clear. We are not happy. You stole Sphere, disobeyed direct orders, and endangered your lives. You will not be doing this again."

"I know I made mistakes. Big mistakes! But please, I need your help. I'm not ready to walk away." Brion reasoned.

"Neither am I." Violet agreed.

"Forager rolls with Forager's hive."

"Forager, there's still a place for you on the team." M'gann reminded him.

"Forager has chosen Halo and Brion as Forager's hive. Also, bio-ship. Especially bio-ship." Forager rubbed the console, a breathy laugh escaping Lily's lips.

"I do not believe any of us would fit inside your team." Brion told them.

"But we can remain outside together." Dick thought for a second before finally responding.

"That's the commitment we were lookin' for."

"Does that mean-"

"Yup! We'll find a way to make it work. To make this work."

"And just like that, you're leading another team." Conner told him.

"Dude, you are such a hypocrite." Lily added, Duck groaning in response.

"Please don't rub it in."

"Oh, Halo! I almost forgot. We found out who you are. Your real name is Gabrielle. Gabrielle Daou."

"No, I'm not Gabrielle. My name is Violet."


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