Elevator: Chance Encounter

By milkydoodles

13.2K 582 316

A routine elevator ride turns into an unexpected adventure for y/n and a captivating stranger named Lloyd. As... More

Elevator: Chance Encounter
Unexpected Company at Ninjago CafΓ©
Unveiling Bonds and Goodbyes
Whispers of the Green Ninja
Frosty Laughter
Skating Surprises and Hello Kitty Remedies
Cocoa Chronicles and Ninja Nonsense
Frosted Moments: Laughter, Cocoa, and Lloyd
Nightmare in the Winter Woods
Winter's Unplanned Adventure
A Midnight Kiss to Remember - (one shot - new year addition)
Whispers of Winter Hearts
Frosty Mischief and Silent Whispers
Festive Finds and Winter Wonders
Winter Wonders and Festive Bonds
Banter and Baubles: A Festive Flirtation
Frozen Follies and Twirling Tales
Festive Frolics and Amusing Antics
Unveiling Shadows: Carnival Clash
Festival Fiasco
Ferris Wheel Whirlwind
A Week of Unforeseen Independence
Dreamy Nights and Feline Surprises
Swept in Whimsy
Whiskers and Whims
The Purrfect Adventure
Candy-Coated Chaos
The Sweet Adventure and the Little Mischief-Maker
Beneath the Mask: Lloyd's Unexpected Revelation
Arcade Adventures
Unexpected Guests
Steamy Encounters and Phone Dramas
Conflicting Emotions
Shadows of Revelation
Serendipitous Strength
Glamour and Gala: A Dress to Impress
Veiled Intrigues
The Veiled Intrigue: Prelude to the Masquerade Mysteries
Masquerade Mysteries
Dance of Deception

Unveiled Shadows

448 16 7
By milkydoodles


Hey guys... I spoke too soon with the updating everyday thing, cause that clearly didn't happen yesterday, woopsies!

All I could do was stand there, watching as Lloyd walked away. To say I was shocked would be an understatement; my heart raced, doing somersaults, and my legs felt like they could give way at any moment. The door suddenly swung open, and my mom emerged, grabbing me by the arms and excitedly exclaimed, "Who was that boy?" I covered my pink face, rushing inside. "Mom, stop," I whined. "He's just someone I met today," I sassed back. "Such a cutie, and I never heard about him, huh?" she questioned, to which I replied, "Maybe because I just met him today."

Before she could respond, I closed the door and sank onto my cosy. bed. The events of today's crazy day replayed in my mind. As I laid there for what seemed like an hour, then two, I realized I couldn't relax. Thoughts of Lloyd and, strangely, Harumi filled my mind. Who was she really? I pondered for a moment but shook off the distraction. I can't waste my time on such nonsense. With a determined slap to my cheeks, I rose from the bed, walked to my desk, and began studying.

Everything was going smoothly until thoughts of Lloyd began to infiltrate my concentration during the second hour of studying. Annoyed with myself, I let out a frustrated tut. Despite the promising start, one glance at my phone had shattered my focus. So, in an attempt to regain clarity, I resorted to the most logical solution: heading to the shops for a late-night snack in a relatively unfamiliar location at 11 pm.

Quietly, I grabbed my coat and keys, slipping out of the house while my mom slept. I mused that she didn't need to know about my current activities. I imagined her response: "We have snacks at home." But the idea of settling for something as dull as stale bread made me grimace.

Strolling through Ninjago at night felt like entering a parallel universe—dark, eerie, with not a soul in sight. In the morning, the streets were alive with bustling crowds, akin to busy bees in a rush to reach their destinations. Determined, I continued along the main footpath, convincing myself that open roads like these were safe. All seemed well when I spotted the welcoming glow of neon lights emanating from a small corner shop.

Stepping inside, the comforting embrace of warm air conditioning enveloped me, feeling like a slice of heaven. Surprisingly, the shop was abuzz with a good number of people, a stark contrast to the silence that dominated the outside world.

I perused the aisles, settling on a pack of chips and a litre of cola. Securing my goods, I made my way to the tills, silently thanking the heavens for the self-checkout option. I wasn't in the mood for small talk with a cashier. With a swift tap of my card, I left the shop in delight, retracing the same path as before. As I stepped outside, I relished in the deep, crisp air of the night.

Suddenly, a cacophony of voices filled the air, sending a chill down my spine. Intrigued, I peered over the alleyway, expecting to find the source, but to my surprise, there was nothing—just an eerie silence that hung in the night. "What the hell, man?" I muttered to myself, feeling an uneasy knot tighten in my stomach. Dismissing it, I pressed forward.

Then, a sharp crack echoed behind me. I spun around, on edge, scanning the shadows for any sign of movement. Nothing. Perhaps just the wind playing tricks, or maybe a twig snapping underfoot. Regardless, an urgency crept in, and I quickened my pace, determined to put some distance between me and the mysterious sounds.

Suddenly, chaos erupted because, quite literally, a figure dressed in green emerged, running directly toward me. Panic set in, and the realization hit me like a ton of bricks—this wasn't a game. Without a second thought, I bolted. Each step I took felt like a desperate bid for survival. However, my sprint came to an abrupt halt as I encountered even more figures, this time dressed in ominous black. Dread washed over me as I faced the impending confrontation, unsure of the outcome of the harrowing situation unfolding before my eyes.

Thinking on my feet, I believed I had outsmarted them by taking a few steps back and hiding in a nearby alley. However, before I could revel in my fleeting victory, a strong hand seized my arm, yanking me back into the clutches of the green-clothed figure. Panicking, I turned to him, blurting out, "Please don't kill me!" It was a desperate plea, fuelled by the fear of the unknown. To my surprise, he looked momentarily shocked, and his grip loosened. Seizing the opportunity, I broke free once again and sprinted away. I didn't spare a glance for the mysterious figures or the path ahead; my sole focus was on escaping that perilous situation unscathed.

My desperate sprint continued until I deemed myself sufficiently distanced from the ominous figures. However, a sinking realization settled in—I was utterly lost. Navigating this unfamiliar territory, especially in the aftermath of my hasty escape, proved to be an insurmountable challenge. Frustration took hold, and I indulged in a fleeting tantrum within a random alley. Soon, the absurdity of my situation struck me, prompting an immediate halt to my antics. Determined to find an exit, I embarked on a seemingly endless series of left and right turns. Despite my efforts, there was no end in sight. The gravity of my predicament dawned on me—I had left my phone at home, a realization that underscored my less-than-bright decision-making. In that moment, I ruefully acknowledged the wisdom of those cautionary voices that had warned against venturing out at night. How had I ended up in this precarious situation?

Just as I believed I had eluded the chaos, a silhouette materialized from the darkness – the very same green-clothed stranger who had startled me earlier. Rather than hostility, he regarded me with gentle eyes, raising his arms to signal he posed no threat. A wave of frustration washed over me; I couldn't believe I had managed to get discovered once again.

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