Another PureCacao Story

By ChillCatz

9.4K 240 48

Since I've seen so many stories off my favorite ship, I have been inspired to write my own. It might not be 1... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Art Break
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Halloween Special - Chapter 16
Art Break - 2
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Author Note - Not a chapter :(
Chapter 19
Art Break - 3
Chapter 21
Author Note - They took the gay away from Pure Vanilla
Happy Valentine's Day
Author Note - Please Read!

Christmas Special- Chapter 20

183 6 2
By ChillCatz

The winter breeze was in the air, the soft snow falling to the ground, with the sounds of icicles melting off rooftops. It was Christmas, a time to be shared by every cookie and their families. In the Vanilla Kingdom the cookies were all in their homes, opening gifts and baking wonderful treats, others singing carols, some even playing out in the snow, bundled up in their cozy jackets.

Inside the Vanilla castle, was Pure Vanilla, setting up a Christmas party for his close friends. It was going to be a simple party, a party his friends would enjoy, and he had to make sure everything was in order.

Pure Vanilla was setting up in the dining room, putting down napkins and utensils nicely beside plates set down on the long dining table. Black Raisin Cookie was helping in the kitchen, making treats and other foods for cookies to enjoy, with the help of other raisin cookies. Everything was tidy, with presents for his friends under the neatly decorated tree in the room. The room was decorated with blues and yellows, the tree decorated with sunflowers and many white lilies, and each present individually wrapped in different colored wrapping paper for each one of his friends. Pure Vanilla couldn't wait to see all of their reactions once they opened their gifts, it made him smile just thinking about it.


After some time, it was time for the party, Pure Vanilla would help Black Raisin set the food out, until he heard a knock on the door. He peered up once he heard the knock, "I'll get it!" Pure Vanilla spoke as he dashed to go get the door.

He ran to the door, quickly opening it to see Hollyberry Cookie, Golden Cheese Cookie, and Wildberry Cookie, he smiled warmly upon seeing them.

"Hello my friends, please come in!"

Pure Vanilla gestured them all inside, soon closing the door behind them whenever they entered the castle.
The group of cookies would chat for a bit.
All the cookies eventually headed toward the room were they would have their party, all fascinated with the beautiful scenery of the room.

"Woah, Pure Vanilla Cookie, you weren't lying whenever you said you were going all out on the decorations!"

Hollyberry commented with a chuckle.
Pure Vanilla chuckled back.

"Ah yes... I guess I can get carried away at times."

Pure Vanilla responded with another soft chuckle.
Everyone sat down at the table, just waiting for a few more cookies... all chatting about their lives.

"So Pure Vanilla, how is your kingdom doing? Is everything doing alright as for you not being a ruler like you used to be?"
Golden Cheese questioned.
"Well you see, my kingdom is doing very well. Everything is peaceful and-"
Pure Vanilla was about to finish his sentence until he was interrupted by another knock at the door.

"Oh... I'll be right back."

Pure Vanilla said as he stood up from his seat, going to the front door to see who was there.
Pure Vanilla would open the door without hesitation as he peered to see Dark Cacao Cookie, Caramel Arrow Cookie, and Crunchy Chip Cookie.

"Ah, Dark Cacao Cookie, it's nice to see you! I see you've brought along more cookies with you this time."
Pure Vanilla spoke in a soft tone, making Dark Cacao smile upon seeing him.

"Hello Pure Vanilla Cookie, it's nice to see you too."
Dark Cacao spoke back, with his voice less harsh sounding, it was more subtle.
"Come in come in! It's cold out there!"
Pure Vanilla said as he moved to the side, letting the three cookies in, and closing the door behind them, making sure no more cold air could get in.

Soon they all followed Pure Vanilla to the room where everyone else was waiting. Once they entered the room, everyone seemed to be joyful, laughing to their hearts content. Crunchy Chip Cookie's eyes sparkled once he spotted all the food set out, as the same for Caramel Arrow, since they were rarely treated with such treats.  They looked over to their king for approval, Dark Cacao gave them a nod, letting them both eat anything as the pleased. Pure Vanilla would chuckle upon seeing everyone so happy, he's always loved spending time with his close friends.

Everyone was soon situated, sitting down at the table as they ate and talked throughout the evening.
Crunchy Chip sat between Wildberry and Caramel Arrow as he ate almost like an animal, making Caramel Arrow and Wildberry laugh. Hollyberry sat next to Golden Cheese as she drank juice like per usual, both telling each other jokes. Pure Vanilla sat in between Dark Cacao and Black Raisin, just enjoying the moment as he watched everyone... even if he sometimes wished he could see better through his eyes, he always felt like he could see things through his heart. Although he felt like something was missing... but he shook it off, thinking it was nothing, what else could he possibly ask for? All his friends were beside him already... nothing could make him happier.


Once all the cookies filled up on food, it was now time for presents. Each one was wrapped neatly, with a bow tied around the top... each one a different color. Pure Vanilla couldn't wait, he specifically picked out each one for each cookie, each gift special in their own way.

The first cookie to open their gift was Wildberry, even though he insisted on going last, Hollyberry forced him to go first anyway. He gave in, opening the gift with wrapping paper that had red and purples all over, the bow being a sparkly red, tied neatly around the gift. The gift was revealed to be Swiss Army knife, colored in a berry red. He thanked Pure Vanilla, leaving a smile on his face as he looked at the gift in awe for a while.

The next cookie was Golden Cheese since she couldn't wait long enough, she opened a gift which had golden wrapping paper with a gold bow. She opened it faster than she picked it up, revealing a necklace and bracelets of gold. She basically squealed, grinning as much as she could.

Then there was Crunchy Chip, who seemed to be looking over at Wildberry's gift... or was he looking at Wildberry? No one could tell. He picked up his gift, which was wrapped in white and yellow wrapping paper, and a sparkly yellow bow on top. He unwrapped it, revealing a box full of blue jellies and chocolates, he would smile as his eyes sparkled. Thanking Pure Vanilla for the kind gift as he ate more than half the box right away.

Then came Caramel Arrow, she looked somewhat excited as she grabbed her gift that had hazelnut brown, white, and black wrapping paper, with a black bow on the top. She opened it to find a boba squishy and a boba making kit for at least a few uses. She couldn't help but smile, thanking Pure Vanilla as she retained herself from jumping up and down with joy.

Then there was Black Raisin, she grabbed her gift and looked at it for a while. The gift had patterns of crows on it, with a black bow on top. She opened it, now having a handmade crow plush in her hands. She smiled warmly, thanking Pure Vanilla for the kindness he put into the plush, and squeezed it tightly as she gave it a hug.

Then Hollyberry Cookie opened hers, her gift had pink wrapping, with multiple colors of pink, and a pink bow to finish it off. Once she opened her gift, she couldn't help but smile as she carried a sparkly hair pin, resembling holly berries in her hand, it was simple but yet it still brought a smile to her face. Pure Vanilla had said he made it himself when he had the time.

Last but not least was Dark Cacao, he'd just been sitting there beside Pure Vanilla watching everyone unwrap their gifts he had completely forgot he had a gift of his own. Pure Vanilla would hand him his gift, slightly brushing his fingers on his own,  making Dark Cacao's face flush for a few seconds as he looked down at the gift. The gift had black and purple wrapping, finished off with a sparkly purple bow. Dark Cacao opened his gift revealing a music box, decorated with colors of purples, and dark shades of black and gray. He looked at it for a moment, smiling at it as he examined it for a while, soon enough thanking Pure Vanilla for the kind gift. Though... he kept the box closed, wanting to wait for another moment to open it.

After all the presents were opened, everyone started to relax after a long evening. Small chats were started here and there as everyone helped clean up. The long day has came to an end... even though Pure Vanilla did wish it didn't have to... he knew all good things came to an end.


Every cookie was now at peace, resting on a comfy couch in another comfortable room. It was peaceful for some of them were playing games as the others would sit and watch. Pure Vanilla was off somewhere else chatting with Dark Cacao Cookie, talking about their kingdoms. Both brought each other happiness to one another, always bringing each other warmth.

As the two cookies chatted little did they know something was about to happen... they both stood there looking at each other for a moment... until they heard someone clearing their throat... but who? There was obviously no one around them. Pure Vanilla would look around as he suddenly looked up to find Golden Cheese... flying above them with... mistletoe in her hand?

It confused Pure Vanilla all the more  as he just stared up at Golden Cheese for a moment, who was smirking as she snickered. She was obviously up to something.

Dark Cacao yelled out in a harsh tone as he gave Golden Cheese a death stare... his cheeks looking quite red.
Golden Cheese would just smirk at him, swinging the mistletoe side to side right above the two, like she was waiting.
Pure Vanilla just chuckled as he looked at Dark Cacao, taking a step closer.
Dark Cacao would look back at him for a moment, his cheeks getting redder...

"it's funny on how he could get so flustered by this..." Pure Vanilla thought to himself.
He leaned in as he gave Dark Cacao a quick kiss on the lips, Golden Cheese just giggling in the background. Once they pulled away they stayed close... Dark Cacao blushing more than ever as for not being used to getting affection in front of other cookies who were watching... it always just made him feel weird.

"Merry Christmas my love."
"Merry Christmas Pure Vanilla... Cookie..."


Author note -

Why'd I just imagine Golden Cheese fake gagging as Pure Vanilla called Dark Cacao "my love" 💀
This probably isn't my favorite chapter but I tried 🤷‍♀️
also sorry about the chapter being a bit late, I was caught up in drawing something for this chapter, at least I finished so here you go for those hungry art eaters (*cough* *cough* Four35 )

Bro I almost spent 6 hours on this wtf 😭😭😭

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