My Little Miss Lawyer |BTS JI...

By AllForMrPark

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'We... we took the wrong girl.' 'So, you're telling me that we just kidnapped someone?' Getting abducted was... More

45 (+18)


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By AllForMrPark


Bright light smacking me right in the face was a very aggresive way to wake up. I couldn't even open my eyes. It's like a damn laser.

I groaned and turned to the other side to keep sleeping, and something felt a bit off. I patted around with my eyes closed, and even under my hand I couldn't recognize a thing around me.

I managed to force my eyes open, just barely a squint, but it was more than enough to see what was going on. One quick glance, and my heart nearly stopped. I'm in Jimin's room. Fuck that. I'm in his bed. Oh my god is he-

I jumped up, stressed that he might be behind me, but I was alone. It doesn't look like anyone slept here but me. 

My brain slowly unfogged and then I remembered how I got here and how I fell asleep. He must be on the couch. Shit!

I crawled out of his bed, which I never thought would ever happen, and went straight to the bathroom to make myself a bit more human. I washed my face and brushed my hair, and I stole some toothpaste and mouthwash, unfortunately at the lack of a toothbrush. But I'm going home anyway and I'm not kissing no one, so I'm more than okay.

I made my way downstairs to find Jimin asleep on the sofa. He is stretched out over the entire thing, sleeping almost diagonally as his feet hang off. He's got one arm under his head, and his other one crossed over his stomach. His hair looks like he turned about 700 times, but that is about the only messy thing. 

I never knew that someone could sleep in a pretty way. He looks like a living painting. The fact that his face doesn't change from when he's awake is a bit insane. The only difference is that his eyes are closed. Nothing else.

'I wondered why he didn't sleep in his room.' Jungkook chuckled from the kitchen, scaring the shit out of me. 'Morning, mom.'

'Kookie, I will put laxative in that milk of yours.' I threaten, making him giggle softly

'Stole his room?'

'Not intentionally. I don't know why he didn't just wake me up.'

'You did look tired. Maybe that's why.' He just smiled lightly. I thought I was hiding it well, though...

'Incoming.' He muttered under his breath, his eyes jumping to the staircase where Jiwoon was coming down from the room

Her pyjamas were all pink and cute, and her little curls made her look almost angelic. Too bad she is a little demon. A demon that stopped walking when she saw Jimin, and came a bit closer to look at him. I wondered what she was doing, but she just looked sad and walked away, and then her eyes locked in on us. Or on me.

'Morning.' I smiled, trying to be nice, yet again

She just nodded a little, and only now I could see her face. She must have been crying a lot. Her eyes are puffy as hell. She walked behind us and started making tea, not uttering a word, so I focused back on Jimin.

'He looks peaceful.'

'He sure does.' Jungkook smiled

'He looks too peaceful.'

'O-oh. What did you come up with?'

'Do you have any waterbased markers?'

'No.' He snorts. 'He let you sleep in his bed, and this is how you repay him?' He was snicekring quietly, but she heard him and ran over

'You slept in Jiminie's bed?!' I thought she was going to slap me

'Wasn't exactly my plan. That's why he's on the couch.' I motion to him. 'But that aside, do you have any makeup with you?'

She squinted for a moment, and then nodded lightly.

'Great. Bring it down. Anything that can be easily washed off.'


'I wonder what Jimin will look like with whiskers.' 

Maybe she thought it would be cute or something, but she sprinted off and back in seconds, giving me eyeliner pen.

'If he wakes up, run for it.' I was warning them, while Jungkook was dying laughing, covering his mouth

The went around the couch, silently watching me lean over sleeping Jimin. Please, god, I will never ask a thing of you again, just let him sleep through this.

I had to stop my own laughter more than once before I dared to pull a single line on his cheek. And he didn't even move.

I managed to draw 3 on the left cheek, and then he moved, and I thought I was dead, but the only thing that happened was that he turned to the side, making it 10 times easier for me.

In the end, he had 3 black lines on each cheek, and it was the most adorable thing ever.

We ran from the scene of the crime, agreeing we wouldn't tell him a thing when he wakes up, and see how long it will take him to notice.

Of course, we took a ton of pictures. It was inevitable. And so was him waking up.

'Morning, Blondie.' I greeted him first

'Morning, bed kidnapper.' He greeted me back in that ocean deep, husky voice

'Sorry about that. You should have woken me up.'

'Mhm. Mhm.' He just hummed sleepily, dragging himself over to us, and flopping down on the chair

Jungkook was trying his damn hardest not to burst out laughing, and even Jinwoo was smiling, trying to act normal. Good thing he is still waking up so he doesn't notice.

'Did you at least sleep okay?' I ask

'I honestly prefer the couch to the bed, so you kind of did me a favour.' 

'You really are in love with that thing.'

'Leave my baby alone.'

And the sass is on. He is awake. 

'You alright, kiddo?' He asks Jinwoo

'Yes. I'm okay.' She was almost blushing, trying to hold back the smile

'You sure? You don't seem... okay.' He squinted

'All good, Jiminie.' She smiles

'Jimin hyung, I was thinking... what if he got a pet?' Jungkook pops in

'A pet? We already have you. What do we need a pet for?'

'What? You don't want a little.. kitty?' He snickered, and naturally, me and Jinwoo laughed as well

'A kitty?' Jimin furrows his eyebrows. 'You have the weirdest fucking ideas, I swear.' He suddenly reached over and rubbed his nose, and we all laughed again. He looked just like a cat.

(A kitty Jimin for you :3)

'Okay, the fuck is up with you three? Did you eat some magic mushroom while I was asleep?'

'Meowbe.' Jungkook snorts, and I could honestly barely breathe

'I swear I will need therapy.' He just sighed, deciding we were all collectively dumb. 'Oh, Shinae, your phone was going off like crazy last night. I didn't wanna go into it, but the name Tullings kept popping up, if that means anything.'

I almost spat out the coffee all over him. 

'What the-'

'Shut up. Where is my phone?'

'Rude much?' He clicks his tongue. 'There. The little table.' He pointed to the one in front of the couch. 'It was pissing me off so I put it on silent.'

I sprinted to it and rushed into the email, and sure enough, there were multiple emails from the man I contacted nearly 2 weeks ago. 

I only opened the first one, and my heart nearly jumped out.

To Shinae Moon,

Thank you for contacting me about this. I would love nothing more than to tell you every detail about working for that woman that is an evil incarnate...

'YES YES YES YES!!!!'  I squealed and jumped around like a maniac just reading those first few words

'What in the hell is going on? Did you win a prize or something?' Jungkook asks

'No, but this is sooo much betterrrr!' I ran over to them, a bit too damn excited, and I grabbed Jimin's face between my hands, almost squishing his cheeks, and making his plump lips pout. 'We just won the damn lottery!!'

'What. The fuck. Are you. On about?' He muttered, looking at me with wide eyes, much like Jinwoo and Jungkook

'I gotta go!' I started running around like a headless fly, picking up my things. 'And Jimin, you make an adorable kitty.'

I ran out after that, nearly sprinting home. This is the most important thing in my entire fucking investigation. This is what could win a damn case.

I nearly died and tripped 15 times, but I got to my laptop and clicked on the email with the speed of light. I could barely breathe, and I honestly felt like I was about to throw up. My lungs were burning and were in my throat, and my heart was banging in my head, but all I could focus on was the mail.

To Shinae Moon,

Thank you for contacting me about this. I would love nothing more than to tell you every detail about working for that woman that is an evil incarnate.

I have worked in the firm for nearly 3 years, and I had Eleanor as my superior. She was a chief editor back then, and was pretty much running the show. But that wasn't the problem. The real problem started about 2 months into working directly under her.

I was just a mere photographer. I didn't have a high title or anything, but I loved my job. I enjoyed working. Until she started with her behaviour.

It all started of as small things, such as she would come to say hello to me for no reason, and then it progressed to the fact that I ended up in every single shoot where she was the editor. After that, she made some more aggresive advances and asked me to meet her outside of work, which I didn't think was professional, nor did I want to do such a thing. And it only got worse. She would touch me or graze me when no one would look, and would make it seem accidental. She kept asking to see me in her office out of nowhere, and went even as far as to forcing a kiss on me. And then it became really bad, where she pressed me into having sexual relationship with her, and then fired me after I declined for who knows what time. 

I filed a complaint with the HR, but they dismissed it and nothing ever came out of it. I even wanted to press charges for losing my job like that, but no one would accept the case. And she even went as far as to put me on a block list of sorts. I can only work as a freelance photographer because no company will employ me. That doesn't happen out of nowhere. I know more people who suffered under similar conditions with her, but they were all afraid to come out with the complaint as she was high up in the company. 

I was always more than happy to make it public as I think people like her deserve to suffer the consequences, but no one I know has the power to do so. I do not want this to be burried under, not just for myself, but for all those that she, and people like her, wronged.

I hope that this helps to whatever you are researching. If there is anything else at all that I can help with, and I have a lot more to say, please let me know.

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