Hold Me Tight

By Golden_1601

98.9K 2.8K 245

"You've started this game so let's play it fair and square, you've married me without my will so I'll fuck yo... More

Chapter 1: Auction
Chapter 2: Pain
Chapter 3: Unexpected
Chapter 4: Confrontation
Chapter 5: Welcome to hell
Chapter 6: Dejected
chapter 7: Unsettling feeling
Chapter 8: Dominating
Chapter 9: Change in heart
Chapter 10: Dancing with the Devil
Chapter 11: Dilemma
Chapter 12 : Guilt
Chapter 13: Being nice
Chapter 14: Honeymoon
Chapter 15: kissed my breath away
Chapter 16: His weakness
Chapter 17: Inner Demons
Chapter 18: Final goodbyes
Chapter 19: Body, heart and soul
Chapter 20: Realisation
Author's Note
Chapter 21: Irresistible
Chapter 22: Unfortunate
Chapter 24: My wife

Chapter 23: Back Stabber

3.3K 141 22
By Golden_1601

"Love will bleed you dry, you just have to pick the ones worth dying for"


It's the fifth joint I've lit in a row but still couldn't get the feel I want to, that light headed and streesfree feel, because no matter how hard I try to forget I still couldn't get over the things Isha said to me. She is absolutely right that I shouldn't interfere in their matter but how can I not? How am I suppose to act indifferent knowing she is going to be hurt by Adi again?

I regreted everyday that I couldn't do anything despite knowing how much Adi made her suffer. Adi is my best friend, my brother, I couldn't go against him for a girl I merely know for one month and besides she is his wife, who am I to say anything about their relationship. But it's paining me to see her like that, I could see the uncertainty in her eyes yet she is determined to please everyone, acted like nothing is happening behind that fake smile. I couldn't stop Adi or tell anyone about this not even dadi, So I try to be someone she could feel somehow happy to be with and forget about her pathetic life, which I'm certain that I successfully did.

But things getting intense when I spend more time with her, her mere presence lit up my mood. I get a sense of protecting her at all cost, I couldn't see her cry or hurt. I was overwhelmed that she rely on me whenever anything bad happens to her, she found comfort in me like I do. I like to be the one she is seeking when she is in trouble.

But it's not lasted long, my happy bubble brust the day I found out about them, them being intimate. I have never felt something like that for someone, and to be honest I felt horrible to feel this weak for Ishani, because she is my best friend's wife. Only the thought of them together infuriates me, which is totally sick. I felt like the most horrible and selfish person in this world.

But the fact that they are getting close made me jealous. I know Ishani, she would never give herself to Adi unless she has feelings for him, but how? How did she forget all the things Adi did to her or even doing? On the other hand I know Adi too, he most certainly had sex with her just because he wants to get laid, nothing else. Then why Isha didn't see that? Why she trust the man who hurt her so bad?

I chugged down the whiskey in one go and let the bitter taste burn my throat. Then took a puff of the joint between my fingers. Ugh it's driving me nuts when I thought about all the things. How am I suppose to stop her falling for the wrong guy. I know I sound so evil and selfish but that's the truth, Adi didn't deserve her love or care, because the more she fall for him the more he would hurt her, that's how he is and I wonder why he let this happen because I'm sure he is well aware how disastrous he would have been.

My deep thoughts come to an end with my doorbell blow off followed by loud banging of the front door of my apartment. It is being banged so brutally like someone is trying to break it. I frowned and stepped down from the barstool to give a piece of my mind whoever banging my door like crazy.

But as soon as I opened the door I'm being welcomed with a hard punch in my face and the impact is so intense that I slammed down in the floor. The metallic taste of blood fills my mouth and without even looking I know it's Adi. I wiped my bristled lips and saw the blood in my finger. He moved behind me and came closer with his heavy boots stompted across the marble floor then yanked me by my collar and I met his hard glare when he shouted at my face,

"You fucking back stabber! What the fuck did you tell her?" He looked pissed, like literally. Eyes red, veins popping out of his neck and forehead, nose flaring and teeth gritting. It's clear to me who he is been referring to. I gave him a blank look then wrapped my palms around his wrists to free myself from his tight grip. My t-shirt almost torn when he refuses to loose his grip.

"Calm the fuck down and talk like a civilise person." I respond in a blunt tone which infuriates him even more I guess. He glared at me for a solid minute then let go of me. I stood up on my feet while he digging holes in my body by his death stare. I sighed and opened my mouth.

"I couldn't let you ruin her life like that...."

"And who the fuck are you to interfere in between us? Ishani is my wife, and only I decide what to do with her." He cut me off in mid sentence and I frowned at his comment. I scoffed at his words before saying,

"Wife? Did you ever treat her like your wife Adi? Do you even know what responsibilities you have towards her or this relationship? Absolutely nothing. Just admit it you like to see her suffer, in pain, so you use her to satisfy your sadistic needs." He didn't react just glared at me with bloodshot eyes. I didn't feared him, I'm telling the facts. Adi is only capable of inflicting pain, he has nothing to give, let alone love.

"Cut the crap Rohan and tell me what did you exactly tell her? Just answer the damn question." He gritted out coldly, there is that maniac look in his face that tell me not to fuck with him now. I knew him more than enough to know when not to push his buttons. I took a long breath before reply,

"I told her everything you said to me that night." I confessed and he seems confused so I continue,

"At your reception party." He looked away, seems like he is trying to recall his words and then his face contoured with realisation.

"Damn it!"


"Stop gawking at your own wife from afar like a crazy stalker." I commented when I caught Adi following Isha's every move with his eyes while sipping his drink. At my statement he frowned and replied,

"I'm not gwaking, she just appeared in my line of sight." I snorted and said again,

"Yeah right, like your eyes were not searching for her the whole evening." He huffed in annoyance. I know how he hated it when I stated the truth about him. I knew Adi by heart and it pissed him that I noticed his activities.

"It's not like what you're thinking. I've no interest in her, she is just a stranger forced into my life." His gritted out in utter annoyance and chugged down his whole drink. I frowned at the tone of his voice, it laced with anger and disdain. In no way he still hates Isha.

"Look Adi I know you were not ready for this marriage and I know the reason very well, but Isha is not like the other girls, atleast give her a chance man. And you too deserve to be happy, you have been suffering from a very long time now, stop being so hard on yourself and accept the happiness come along your way." I said as a matter of factly, I know it's not easy for him but I thought he give it a shot considering Isha is everything a man wants in a woman. If I would be at his place....

"Seriously Rohan, out of all the people I've never thought you'd say something like that, you know my reasons very well so you better know why I can't accept her." He spat at me angrily and turned away in his bar stool. I felt a little irritated at his stubbornness, he don't realise till now Isha's worth, that what he got without any effort. God literally blessed him with the best life partner he could ever have, and he just dwell on his past.

"Just don't hurt her man, she already had suffered so much, I wonder how did she bare so much and still have that smile on her face, it's unbelievable." It came out of my mouth in a sad tone. I felt truly guilty because I know from the start what Isha would going to get out of this marriage but for the sake of Adi I keep my mouth shut and it's dadi's last wish so I couldn't deny. But now thinking that dadi didn't know Adi's true nature, but I did, I witnessed him doing insane things to keep his sanity intact and despite that I agreed on dadi's condition, so I am equally responsible for Isha's misery as Adi.

"Why do you seems so concerned about that greedy girl? I'm just bare her for the sake of dadi, if it wouldn't for her that gold digger would ended up rotten for good." His respond shocked me, and hearing something like that about Isha my inside boil with unknown rage.

"Are you fucking out of your mind Adi? How could your judgement be so wrong about Isha? She might be the most awesome girl you would ever met, consider yourself lucky that she is in your life." I gritted out and my tone is a bit higher. Adi looked at me sharply, his piercing eyes penetrate the deepest thoughts of my mind and then with a smirk he replied,

"Awesome? Don't fucking kidding me Rohan, she is just like the other girls, greedy and seductress. She knows how to lure someone to her own favour, why do you think she is still sticking to me after what I've been put her through? Because she wants a lavish lifestyle she could never afford on her own." He looks angry but it seems like it pained him to say those words, as if he knew whatever he is saying to me is not true and more like he convince himself more than me. But out of his whole statement what caught my attention is he had done something terrible things to Isha and that doesn't settle well with me.

"What have you done to her Adi? Don't tell me you hurt her in anyway." I felt a tightness in my chest, I know what Adi is capable of and what horrible thing he could have done to her, but my heart just couldn't ready to belive he actually hurt her after knowing her up close. I mean what man could hurt the person who actually care for him with all their might.

"I don't think I'm hurting the right place till now, but now I realise to break off things with her I have to break her. Let's see how awesome she is to able to save herself from the monster in me." He said with a dangerous gleam in his tone which didn't give off a good vibe at all and made me more concerned about Ishani. I don't want Isha to face the real Adi anytime soon, or ever. But seems like Adi already made his mind and he would go to any extent to have what he wants, as for now he only want her gone.

"What the fuck that suppose to mean?" Anger took over me, I dont want to create a seen otherwise I would be bitting the shit out of him right now. I don't know why form past few days I felt like Adi started to like her, that he cares for her. He even behaves like he finally accepted her as his wife and try to have a life ahead together. But after today's conversation I clearly know he still dwell on his past and never gonna accept Ishani.

He stood up from the barstool, didn't bother to answer me, the party almost come to an end and everybody is leaving. I am about to say to him that he is so wrong about Ishani when he stopped and said to me directly looking,

"I'll get rid of her before it's too late, for her. Save her if you care so much about her, because I don't." A shiver run down my spine hearing him, there is a hidden plea behind his dark demeanor. No matter how hard he try to deny it he has something for Isha and that's why he tries to protect her, from himself.

But I've never thought that night would have ended up so traumatic for Isha. When next day Adi told me what he did to Isha I felt like killing my best friend. How could he done something so brutal to the girl who did nothing but cares for him in his lowest?

I literally beat the shit out of him, and too my surprise he took all my hit without any defense, maybe he thought he deserved that. After I felt he might die if I didn't stop I spare him. He seems guilty for what he did but that didn't give him forgiveness, atleast not from me. I know his issues, and his brutal ways to deal with them but when it comes to Ishani I won't spare anyone, not even my best friend.

End of flashback

He runs his fingers angrily through his hair and regret is evident in his face. He didn't looked at me just thinking hard looking at the floor.

"You know Adi I'm always against this wedding but dadi's wish made me silent back then, and I also don't mind whatever happenes to the girl you marry if it would finally help you coming out of your dark phase. But after get to know Ishani I've realise how wrong I was, she deserves nothing of this and we kind of betray her trust by hiding the most crucial part of your life from her that could damage her future." I take a look at him and find him still breathing heavily while ripping his hair out, glaring the floor. I took a deep sigh and continues,

"If you couldn't share your past with her, don't give her false hopes of having a future with you. Because the more she gets close to you the more you hurt her. She might bare the physical tortures you put her through but if you fuck with her feelings it would be fatal. I don't think she ever forgive you if you break her emotionally. Change yourself, before your darkness tainted her soul." I said what I feel, I shouldn't interfere in their matter I know but I can't just watch this cruelty infront of my eyes.

"And let me tell you one more thing if you lay a finger on her ever again I'll fucking kill you." I added monotonously without blinking. I hope he would understand what I'm trying to say.

He smirked slightly then meeting my eyes he said,

"You have fallen for her, didn't you?" His maniac smile flattened as soon as those words left his mouth. Our eyes clashes like swords in battle field. His eyes clearly shows his possessiveness and jealousy. I stayed silent because it's not a question, I know sooner or later he found that out and I'll not try to hide it by spilling some bullshit, because I have no shame to accept my feelings for her. After a moment I smiled and lower my gaze and then meeting his eyes I said to him,

"Yes I did." I accepted, knowing very well he might murder me by the way he looked at me. I smiled and added further,

"But you know what, it doesn't matter Adi, because she choses you, she choses to be yours. I don't know how you didn't notice it till now but she has already fallen in love with you." At my respond his expression changed, he took a long breath and looked away.

"This is not true, she hated every moment spent with me, she is just delusional now because I treated her well from past few days. It's not love, it's just mere illusion, as soon as she meets the real me she would run for her life." He chuckled painfully. His voice laced with sadness, and I know why. I got silent, don't know what to say anymore because I can understand his helplessness.

"You are right Rohan, I shouldn't keep her hopes up, she started to expect things from me, which I couldn't give her ever. I don't know why it's hard for me to let her go, maybe I too started to dream of something that is far from reality, atleast my reality." He said with a heavy voice turning away from me and I felt a little bit guilty for blaming him so badly.

"Adi..." I trailed as he cut me off and said something that literally stunned me.

"I'm going to let her go, so that she can live peacefully away from my cursed life." It's pin drop silent for a moment but then I break it.

"This isn't the solution Adi, this isn't what I try to meant. I just wanted you to realise you too can have a normal relationship, she is worth trying for. And don't tell me you feel nothing for her because I can see it in your eyes, you are just scared to accept your feelings." I tried to slapped some sense into him but seeing at him I can tell he already made his mind. He smiled at me sadly, then walking past me towards the bar area he said,

"Made me a drink bro, I wanted to get wasted tonight." He avoided my question which tell me enough about his feelings for her. It's the first time he put a girl first before himself.

Ishani I think you able to melt the heart of stone Prince.

I huffed in defeat, I guess the conversation has ended here. Adi wouldn't listen to anything if he already decided. I felt sad for him, the situation is so helpless for me too. At one side there is my best friend who's traumatising past still haunts him and refrain him to lead a peaceful happy life. And on the other side there is Ishani, whom I want to give all the happiness in this world but couldn't, because I can only love her from afar, as a friend and well wisher.

I strolled my feet towards the bar and took a seat beside him, then making two strong drinks for both of us. I handed him the glass and clinking them we both gulped down the whole liquor. I don't know how many drinks we have untill we both are out like light.


I can feel something has changed between us after that night, we became strangers again. We live under the same roof, eat the same food, going to the same office but do not talk to each other. The silence between us is so thick that sometimes it felt suffocating. Although it is very rare for us to present in the same space at the same time but whenever it happens we both try to avoid each other at any cost.

I can feel this is the silence before the storm but never in my wildest dream I thought it could be that much destructive.

"What are you saying? What do you mean by all of that?" I asked in confusion to the advocate who has been sitting opposite to me in the living area and try to explained to me about some conditions written in the papers he handed me after coming here.

"Mrs. Oberoi as I said earlier it's the contract paper you signed before your marriage, which stated clearly that my client Mr. Aditya Oberoi could annulled this marriage whenever he wants before one year of completion, and he wanted to take action on this now." I left speechless after hearing that, both in confusion and shock. I didn't remember signing any contract like that.

"You must be mistaken I didn't sign any such contract." His nonchalant face only made my anxiety worsen. He took the papers from my hand and point at it he asked,

"Isn't it your signature Mrs. Oberoi?" I looked at my blue inked signature in the bottom right corner of the paper for the 20th time, but when did I sign them?

"It is mine but I'm not sure when or how I signed them."

"Well that doesn't matter, as per the rule of annulment the marriage is null and void, and that the union was never legally valid. So you and Mr. Oberoi was never been related." He stated casually and here my whole inside crashes down. Many questions fogged my mind but I'm too stunned to even open my mouth.

"I'll read out the clauses of this contract to you to avoid any misunderstandings. As per this contract, you are no longer 'Mrs. Oberoi' and from now on addressed as your previous surname. You need to leave this house and also refrain from contacting Mr. Aditya Oberoi in future. You are exempted from claiming any asset or share from Mr. Oberoi's property and company. In the name of alimony you will only get the 50lakh rupees cash mentioned in the contract." He finished and put the paper down. I remained silent the whole time during his monologue but then I decided to open my mouth.

"I don't believe you. Where is Adi? I need to talk to him, he can't just sent some lawyer who said rubbish to me. I wanted to hear it from him if it's true." He stare at me with his poker face then said with a sigh.

"As you know Mr. Oberoi is a very busy man, that's why he has hired me to explain all this to you." His subtle replies made me so angry. My inside is trembling with fear, heartbreak and uncertainty. I never thought Adi would pull such stunt to get me out his life, but when did he made me sign this contract?

"I don't care, I won't agree any of this unless he himself said it to my face." I shouted, totally loosing my calm. Angry tears blurring my vision as my inside crumbled down. Adi couldn't do this to me.

"Ma'am please calm down." He said as I stood up abruptly and glaring at him clenching my fists. He might thought I'm gonna punch him or something, well I would love to do that if the voices in my head don't distract me from the current situation.

"I won't untill Adi came..." I screamed my lungs out, I swear if he says another word I would break his mouth. He gulped, clearly uncomfortable by my savage behaviour, I myself don't believe I got so much angry that I practically shaking. I'm about to snap at him again but my movements freeze when I heard the cold but composed voice of my so called husband behind me.

"What's this ruckus?" I turned around and find him standing just mere feet away from me with both his hands buried deep in his pockets and face void of any emotions whatsoever. I felt like crying at the sight of him, but I controlled my emotions and almost run towards him. I grabbed his blazer jacket and looking up at him I said,

"Adi what is this man saying? Tell me it's all a huge prank or something. I'm sorry if I am being too pushy with you that day, I promise I won't ask you about your past or your whereabouts ever again, please tell me it's all a lie." Tears rolling down my cheeks while I said looking at his eyes which held no emotion like I'm looking at eternal void. I wonder is this the same man making love to me few days back?

He held both my wrists and yanking them away he freed himself from my tight grip then said nonchalantly,

"Everything he said to you is true. This marriage is over even before it started. The papers you signed thinking that would be our marriage registration document, is actually this contract." His stoic expression and cold harsh tone made this whole situation worsen. My mouth got dried in shock. I couldn't believe he planned all of this from the very beginning, and the way he said it feels like the past months meant nothing for him.

"How could you Adi? You didn't even care how dadi would have felt if she knew about this? Atleast for her sake don't do this, please." My cries and pleas seems unaffected on him. His eyes met mine and I see no sign of regret or guilt, he seems to turn off all his emotions.

"I respect her decision that's why I dragged on this shit marriage for whole three months. But now that she is gone I don't find it necessary anymore." He replied like it's the most natural thing to say in this situation.

"And me? What about me? Do you ever think how would I feel about this? How would I cope with all this or after this how could I able to lead a normal life?" I asked him because I can't take it anymore. There is numerous times he hurt me physically and mentally but what I felt right now surpass any kind of pain I've ever felt. My heart literally shredded into pieces with each passing moment.

"I assume my attorney already told you that you'll get 50lakh rupees. You can lead a well settle life with that money. But if you need more I can signed you a blank cheque so tell me...."

I slapped him. Hard.

My hand worked faster than my brain and landed on his cheek. Everything became silent for a moment and I only heard my rapid heartbeat in my ears. I move closer to him and looking at his shocked eyes directly, I gritted out.

"You are disgusting."

That's it. I move past him and stride towards the main entrance while wiping my angry tears. I've had enough of all this, and I'm done with all of this. I'm done with him always degrading me and treats me like shit. I'm done being his toy that he plays whenever he wants and then threw away like I meant nothing.

I hate you Aditya Oberoi, from now on I hate you with every cell in my body.

I walked out of his house in a crazy rainy night, with thunderstorm striking like it would end the world. I find the weather mimics the feeling inside me and somehow I felt it comfortable. My feets move on its own, strong wind with equally heavy pouring made it difficult to move further but at that moment I might go through hell if this is the only option to get away from that man, that horrible, insensitive and cruel man. I felt pathetic to even consider a life ahead with him and I'm greatful that he shows his true colours before it's too late.

"But isn't it too late already?"

The voice inside my head intervene and more tears gathered in my eyes. Why did he have to came into my life and destroyed everything like that? I was lonely before, always felt the void of my parents around, but atleast I was happy and self sufficient. But this ruthless man has shattered my self confidence so brutally that I don't think I'd ever become happy again. He took my heart and crushed it under his feet like it meant nothing for him. I gave my everything to him only for him to throw me away from his life like a fly from milk.

I cried and scream as my chest tightened with agony, and nature roared with me like it can relate to my sadness. I don't know how long I walked but my feet stopped when I find a familiar neighbourhood and my childhood home, my uncle's house.

I just stood there in heavy rain looking at the door, contemplating if I should knock or not. I can imagine how my aunt would react if she saw me here, I doubt she even let me in or not, but where should I go? I am so puzzled and exhausted, I can't take it anymore on my own. I have to talk to uncle, I'm sure he would understand and let me live here again, atleast for some time.

I rang the doorbell and waited for a moment. No answer. I bite my lowet lip to stop it from trembling too much, I feel like I would collapse if no one open the door. Maybe they didn't hear because of the heavy rainfall. I tried again and this time knocked the door. Adi's words rang in my ears above all the noises and without me realising I banging the door like crazy while balled my eyes out. I almost fall forward when the door swing open along with a chain of cruses.

"What the hell!" There stood my aunt with frowned face and irritation in her tone. Seeing me her irritation turned into anger and she shouted at my face,

"What in the world are you doing here?" I opened my mouth but before any word left my mouth I fell on the ground, and the last few seconds before everything went black the only thought appears in my mind is that, I wish to be dead.


Hello my lovely readers!

Hope you all like this chapter because I pour my heart and soul writing this. I'm glad all of you give so much love to this story and get connected to it.

I hope you'll understand that I need time to put my own feelings in this writing and I only post whenever I felt completely satisfied with my writing. So it's a humble request to all of you to please be a little more patient and stop asking for updates. You all believe it or not I'm more egar than you to share this story as fast as possible, and I try to update each chapter whenever I finished writing it.

I'm also writing some other books with different trope which I planned to launch this month, so future updates might also take time. But I promise this is not end of Adi and Isha's story, there is still much more to happen, so stay tuned.

Follow me for further updates or queries regarding this story. Don't forget to vote and write your thoughts about this chapter in the comment section. If you find this story good enough please share this, so more people get connected to it.

Thank you, stay safe and healthy.❤

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