LOVE UNTOLD an Arrange Marria...

By MelissaEonnie

67.2K 1.5K 601

Y/n and Hyunjin are both royalties in a modern world Y/n doesn't have a choice, this is your purpose you eng... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 11 pt.2
Chapter 11 pt.3
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42: Alternate

Chapter 33

1.2K 43 3
By MelissaEonnie

No one's pov:

after Hyunjin and Kim talked for an hour Hyunjin then went back to their room. While he's walking he keeps on messing with his hair because of what happened but he decided not to think about it too much and just continue clearing up his mind and make a path for himself this time

Hyunjin then open the door carefully making sure not to make so much noise, even though he expected that y/n is either waiting for him or already asleep. 

He notice that y/n is not on the bed, looking around his eyes saw y/n actually sleeping on the couch while holding a book. 

A soft smile form on his lips and carefully walk towards y/n who's already sleeping right now

she's waiting for me huh?  

when Hyunjin is now  beside y/n, he fix her hair and look at her for a moment then gently carry her up like a bridal style then walk towards their bed

"aren't you heavy y/n?" he chuckle after saying that

"huh?" Hyunjin almost fell while carrying y/n because she suddenly say a word thinking that y/n heard him saying that but he look again at you and you're still in deep sleep

he shrug while carrying you then carefully laying you on the bed, Hyunjin pull the blanket to cover it all over your body then went to his side.

"goodnight y/n" 


'when did I fall asleep?' you ask yourself once you woke up because you can't remember what happened last night all you knew when Hyunjin went outside then nothing.

looking beside you, he's not there but you didn't mind once again because you're already used to it after you decided to stop writing little notes for him

this is different day that's why you fix and touch up yourself alone without the help of anyone, you're ready and already find the courage to finish all this for yourself. 

but before leaving the room for a very important meeting, you grab all your stuff in this room and neatly put them inside your bags, it's not quite a lot since when you arrive at this room there are plenty of clothes that was prepared for you. 

you couldn't help it but to remember the very beginning of entering this marriage and how far you've come right now for yourself, never thought that you're going to change for a better this time instead of shutting yourself all over again and can't decide for a bit. 

after putting inside the stuff you have in your bag, you look infront of the mirror and smile at yourself. 


"princess Cheon y/n is ready to enter the meeting your majesty" the attendant announce as you're now infront of the close huge door, taking your deep breath 

"come in" the other attendant from the inside said, and the door finally open for you 

"thank you for accepting my requested meeting your highness" y/n bow her head, the attendants leave the room and once again it's you, both the king and queen, and the lawyer are inside 

"state your concern" you feel intimidated by how the King started the meeting, after sitting on a chair facing all of them 

before a word fall in your mouth you take another deep breath 

"it's about me and prince Hyunjin's marriage" you begin, there's no expression can be seen from them that's why you continue to be more direct as soon as possible

"our marriage is not working anymore, if it will going to continue it will get worse and one of us will get hurt inside and out. It will not be good to the image of both families, we are both aware that our marriage has been done, but at the same time we both agreed to be on our separate ways. We are expecting of your full cooperation about this matter" bowing once again your head and closing your eyes tightly because you're actually nervous right now

"princess y/n what is it that your marriage isn't working anymore?" the queen ask 

you pause because of that question and think

I don't actually know 

"I want to hand you these papers and read through it about the reasons and its ground, our marriage has already been done as what I've said earlier and that means our duties for the families are already fulfilled, the following actions and decisions will not reflect that" trying to finally said this to them while giving them the paper

you heard a thud and also a sigh from the both of them 

"we will look through this and talk with your family" the king said, you smile for a bit when you heard that 

"Thank you for listening to our favor, I will take now my leave" after bowing your head for the last time you quickly left the room

the meeting was quick but you felt like it's been forever because how it hold back yourself not to tremble and put a stand for yourself, but the heavy burden you've been carrying is finally gone making you more relax

now it's time to wait for the result

'I still have back up plan if that didn't work'

As you're now walking inside the palace you don't feel any hunger right now skipping breakfast, and you want to talk about what happened to someone but can't. 

you didn't expect to see Kim as you're just wondering around, she just gave you a sharp look when she passes by. 

'what's with her?' 

"hey y/n! ice cream?" you look in front of you and saw Minho holding two cones of ice cream not few feet away from where you're  standing right now, and quickly run towards him to make a hug

"finally! I thought you're still in your palace" 

"I got bored there and I head here as quickly as I can" you reach the ice cream and both of you went outside while the snow is still falling knowing that it's freezing cold but you're still eating an ice cream.

"you just missed me" teasingly said to him but he just laugh and started eating his ice cream


"is everything okay?" -Minho

"ah? yes haha!"-y/n

"remember what I told you?"-Minho

"don't worry, I'll open up to you when there's really something wrong. I just felt like I wanted to be with you without saying anything" you reasoned and he's convinced about it nodding his head

"how's your relationship going on?" he ask 

"it's what I've said to you, I'm moving forward from it..too forward I guess?" you chuckle 

A sudden lively sound can be heard near the both of you that's why you decided to go there and look what's going on. 

When you land your feet on that place both of you didn't expect that there's such thing going on outside the palace

There are lots of stalls being placed in every corner like there's a festival, there are mini games, souvenirs and other activities that everyone can enjoy

"what's going on here?" Minho shrug because he doesn't also know about this 

"Winter Holiday Park?" Minho read one of the posters hanging, you're quite surprise about it. Maybe you didn't notice because you're too occupied with the divorce process.

"do you want to try something here?" he's trying to hide his laugh because he couldn't also believe what's happening here

"I would really appreciate silence right now" you laugh saying that because it's so lively right now, but you can't keep up with the mood because of what's going on in your life. 

"oh look at that, there's a fireworks viewing later as a start of this event, I guess?" Minho said pointing his finger to the posted paper.

"let's watch later" y/n simply said 

"yaaahh! Leeknow! y/n!" you heard a voice coming from behind 

"let's try everything in here?? let's gooo" Felix grab Minho's arms and he's about to do it to you but you just shake it off 

"Felix I can't I'm not feeling well" you wink secretly at Minho

"what a bummer! the guys are actually enjoying every stalls here and I literally lost them" Felix said pouting his lips making you laugh 

"go with Leeknow, I still needed to do something, I'll catch up to you guys later okay?" they both nodded at you and went somewhere.

The sun has already said its goodbye making you feel more cold right now that's why you decided to go inside the palace holding a cup of hot chocolate with marshmallow in it, and just hangout on the top balcony around it since the snow already stop from falling, sitting on the bench with enough view looking at the whole winter holiday park event while the moon and stars are slowly waving at you

"surely it's a fun holiday" looking below while resting your hand on your chin

A memory flash in your mind making you smile again

"I guess he's being talkative to me as day goes by again and maybe being grateful in what I'm doing" you said to yourself sipping your hot chocolate

you just can't help but keep on smiling because you slowly becoming okay with everything and feel like there's a balance, there are times you can't help it but to feel tingly when Hyunjin is around but you know that's it, there's nothing to expect unlike before you wanted to have a relationship with him hoping will turn into romance.

The entrance door of the balcony you're currently staying open, turning your head around to see the person who you keep on thinking for the past months until now. 

"hello Hyunjin" his eyes slightly widen when you wave your hand at him while smiling because of your welcoming presence 

"hi" he walk towards you and without saying anything he sit beside you, both of you being wrapped in many clothing because of the cold 

"I notice you've been following me lately?" you look at him smiling, trying to tease him to lighten up the atmosphere and trying to be more friendly around him since you're getting a divorce and maybe the marriage is the barrier to the both of you to become friends 

"well..kinda" Hyunjin fix his hair and look at you as well 

"throughout our relationship, I didn't said this.."-y/n

"what is it?"-Hyunjin

you look at him intently and he didn't look away while you're scanning his facial features and hair "you really look like a prince" Hyunjin laugh when you said that

"I'm literally a prince"-Hyunjin

"that's not what I meant..I mean you're really go-good looking, look at your long blonde hair it feels so soft and warm, your eyebrows and nose is on point, your lips is really hydrated haha and your eyes seems like saying a thousand words when looking at someone" there you said it and you're slightly shy about it but you hold your ground

"many said that" he smirk at you but you just sigh 

"I know..maybe that's why there are many girls wanting to be with you, and Kim couldn't get over you well she's pretty as well you really look good together. Also, your look really can deceive a lot of people right?" as soon you said that you cover your mouth and look away quickly drinking your hot chocolate again

"I'm sorry" you slowly look at Hyunjin again after hearing that


"the reason why I'm here is because I wanted to talk to you about one important thing" Hyunjin finally removing his eye contact to you and start watching the people below

"and what's what?"-y/n

"remember the night we had in our hometown? the one thing you said that I could easily play with the feelings of others?" Hyunjin explain and you just gulp and put your attention to your hot chocolate 


"right after your said that to me I already knew that some of the people around there already said that I was quite known to be like a playboy, being mean, making fun of people around me especially to the feelings of those people who really like me since I'm a royalty" Hyunjin scoff after saying that but you keep silent

"I want to clear that in your mind since we never had a really good relationship in our entire marriage"-Hyunjin

is this maybe a closure? way to go Hyunjin..just like what I needed you thought to yourself

"It was all just a rumor, although I knew that many people like me because of how I look, I'm not blind. But I didn't even dare to play with someone's feelings, my grandparents taught me that in a hard way. Maybe there were times that I became mean, but that doesn't mean that's just only my personality. We're all mean at some point right? there were some light relationship I had besides Kim, but I never intended to hurt's just love will hurt you" -Hyunjin

after how many months, you can't help it but smile when he's saying all of that. You wanted for so long to know what's Hyunjin's status in love or in relationship without looking at the guide book. Remembering after you both visited your parents and went into the park asking Hyunjin about it, but now he's saying it, coming all from him. 

"I want to apologize for all the misunderstanding about that" he said finally looking back at you again

but you just played with my emotions that night when we both kissed and Kim confessed to me, maybe you really like to target me alone 

"now I get it..thank you for taking your time explaining that to me, I'm sorry also for believing them so quick" y/n looking at him as well

"I appreciate your understanding y/n" he smiled at you once again and you just felt peace looking at him

A sudden light in the sky explode making a sound all over the place, you both look at it and it's now time for the fireworks display for the beginning of the event 

"look at that.."-y/n

"we're watching this together again" Hyunjin chuckle 

you look at him who's now still watching the fireworks light up the sky, a soft smile formed again on your lips watching him with his eyes so soft and how you're being pulled in by his beauty.

"Hyunjin" you call his name like you're almost whispering but enough for him to hear it

"hmm?" he ask turning his head to look at you again

"do you finally feel happy?" asking him without breaking your smile 

"I'm slowly getting there" Hyunjin said smiling at you as well

"finally..I made you happy even at the end..and this news will make you happy again" you lean closer to Hyunjin, he didn't startle but he just watch you leaning more closer to him that you can also even feel his breathing 

"is there anything I'll be more happy beside this?" he ask, your face is so close to one another while both of you are still smiling at each other

"yes.." you slowly lean forward 

"I finally talked to the queen and king about our divorce, I gave them proof of reasons stated on the papers, we just need to wait for their approval at the end of this holiday" whispering to his ear and you back away from him to see his reaction

"I see" you frown at his plain reaction

"what's with that reaction?" you said to him but he just shook his head and look at the sky again since the fireworks is starting to end 

"you're really making an effort to do that" you can feel the coldness coming from his voice

"of course, I wanted to lift your pressure" - y/n 


*Flashback when Kim is confronting Hyunjin about the pictures

"really?? then what's the meaning of this?" - Kim 

Hyunjin pause for a minute and take a deep breath before answering Kim

"I kissed y/n" he said with a deep tone in his voice making Kim widen her eyes because of disbelief 

"why?? do you really meant this? or are you just playing with her? I know you Hyunjin!" Kim raising her voice because he felt mad and hurt atleast 

"I'm not playing with her, and yes I meant doing that to her" -Hyunjin

"stop lying! you're used to playing feelings of others right?!"-Kim

Hyunjin trying to control his emotions because of what Kim keeps on saying to him

"you know that's only a rumor Kim, why you're still bringing that up to me?" Hyunjin still lowering his voice 

"do you have feelings for her? I thought you don't want your arrange marriage? it's suffocating and keeps on pressuring you everyday?" -Kim

"I'm wrong about that, maybe I was just mixing it to some things"-Hyunjin

"you've fallen to her? how about me?!" -Kim 

" knew from the start and I knew from the start, you also have someone in your mind, I knew that"-Hyunjin

"oh! so y/n is your rebound because of that?" -Kim

"no..because of her everything is slowly clearing up my mind"-Hyunjin

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