Summoned the Devil for a Date

By gr0w-ing

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I summoned him on accident, but since he's here... More

Chapter I - the bet
Chapter II - Lucifer
Chapter III - shopping
Chapter IV - brunch
Chapter V - first class
Chapter VI - fair trade
Chapter VII - the devil you
Chapter VIII - lounge
Chapter IX - keychain figurine
Chapter X - freefall
Chapter XI - the bar
Chapter XII - tequila
Chapter XIII - beachside resort
Chapter XIV - third time's the charm
Chapter XV - sign at the bottom
Chapter XVI - good morning
Chapter XVII - pinky promise
Chapter XVIII - bridesmaid dress
Chapter XVIV - lovebirds
Chapter XXI - waking up to the rain
Chapter XXII - who's scared
Chapter XXIII - coffee
Chapter XXIV - learning to dance
Chapter XXV - if only
Chapter XXVI - welcome to hell
Chapter XXVII - fight between brothers
Chapter XXVIII - Amari
Chapter XXVIV - the question game
Chapter XXX - the almost kiss
Chapter XXXI - lose lose situation
Chapter XXXII - what will it be
Chapter XXXIII - the start of our story

Chapter XX - sunset

1.6K 64 0
By gr0w-ing

A while later, we finally find some heels that I could walk in without almost falling every other step and Lucifer follows the lady out to pay for all the things while I walk out and rejoin the group.

Everyone was already done, chitchatting and admiring each other's new jewellery and shoes. Leslie spotted me as I walked over, "what did you get?" She asks, causing everyone to turn to look at me. Of course they'd be curious, we've been gone quite a while.

I shrugged, "just a few things." I tried to act like it wasn't much but I couldn't keep in my grin, I was so excited for the new shoes and jewellery. Leslie narrows her eyes at me before her gaze drifts to my right.

I turn to see Lucifer walking over with a few bags in hand. There were whispers and hushed squeals behind me and I could practically see the looks of jealousy on all of Leslie's friends faces. My grin grew even wider. Having such a great boyfriend was so much fun.

I started walking towards Lucifer and he could tell I was up to something as he slowed his steps, preparing for what I was about to do. I quickly made my way over and jumped up, throwing my arms around his neck, pulling him into a hug.

"Thank you so much" I squealed, my head on his shoulder. My excitement was real, but my action were probably a little bit exaggerated. But who cares, we're just acting anyways.

Can I kiss you ? Like just really quickly.

I had to tiptoe to keep my position, head perched on his shoulder as I asked. I did promise to.

I made a quick glance at him to see him smiling just a little, probably because he was still facing everyone. He made a soft grumble which I took as a yes then squished my lips to his cheeks.

Pulling away, I flash him another grin before turning to face the group who have gathered around us.

"Wow, you guys got a lot of things." One of them says, followed right after by another. "Isn't it expensive?"

I lean back into Lucifer's chest, my head resting on his shoulder as I peer up at him. He was the one that paid after all and I'm pretty sure they'd rather have him answer their questions too. He raised his eyebrows at me slightly but understood what I was doing.

Turning back to the rest of the girls, he flashed them a grin before answering. " I just thought I should treat her something nice once in a while."

I could literally see them all melting into puddles as collective aww's and other comments surfaced. They were all staring so intensely Lucifer let out an awkward chuckle and looked down at me for help.

I gently pushed myself off of him and called out to Leslie. "So where are we going now?" I asked her.

She announce that it was time for mani-pedis and effectively got everyone's attention, well everyone but me. As she got them to shuffle onto the bus that was already waiting, she turned to me and said "you're actually done for the day. Unless you want to come along for a spa and get your nails done?"

At that she wiggled hers at me with a wicked grin on her face. Of course I didn't want to and she knew it. "No thank you." I put on a fake smile and declined. She chuckled and pulled me in for a hug.

"I'm going to the wedding venue later with mum and dad, you can come too if you want." She says as she pulled away.

I shrugged, it's not like I have anything else planned for the day. "Great," Leslie replied before turning to get on the bus, "I'll text you." With that, the doors close and they drive away.

I let out a long sigh, who knew pretending to be a perfect couple would be so exhausting.

"Now what?" I turn back to Lucifer and ask. The bags that were in his hand were already gone, probably already back in our room. He looks at me and shrugs.

We spend the rest of the day exploring the city a little, buying more things and trying new food. And I was glad to have someone to explore with.


Just before the sun went down, Leslie texted saying she was leaving for the wedding venue with our parents. I replied saying we'll get going too before putting my phone back down next to me.

We had unknowingly walked back to the beach and decided to watch the sunset from there. Well, more like I decided we should watch the sunset because Lucifer has never seen it before.

"What's so interesting about it anyways?" He questioned, impatiently waiting for the sun to come down. The sky had already turned slightly pink so anytime now.

"You'll get it when you see it." I chuckled. "Anyways, Leslie just texted. She's on the way there now, so - " Before I could finish, Lucifer interrupted me eagerly. "So we can go now?" He didn't bother waiting for an answer before getting up from the sand.

"No!" I exclaimed, pulling him back down beside me.

He fell with a thud then remained motionless, staring up at the sky. I rolled my eyes but let him be, turning my attention back to the horizon.

A few minutes passed before I nudged him to get up, "you're going to miss it!" I exclaimed again, trying to pull him up to see the sunset we've been waiting for. He got up with a few groans.

Propping his arms behind him, he turned to see what I was staring at. The warm glow of the sun was disappearing into the ocean, the clouds were lit up by the fading light and the sun rays reflected on the ocean surface. It was beautiful.

I pulled my eyes away from the view and turned to Lucifer, the last of the sun's rays were shining on us too. He was mesmerised as he watched the sun completely disappear over the horizon.

I bumped my shoulder into his and grinned, "I told you it was nice."

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