Harry Potter and the Marauder...


270 20 3

Harry was surrounded by fiendfyre with no way out. He closed his eyes to accept death but when he them, he so... Еще

2. The Beginning of a Survivor!

1. The End of a Saviour!

154 9 0

A 47-year-old, Harry Potter breathed heavily and painfully as he tightly pressed his right lung, which seemed to have an internal bleeding. The present director of DMLE knew that he was taking the last breaths of his life as he sat on the stone throne, he had conjured for himself. He felt himself getting weaker as the last of his magic was fighting out of control Fiendfyre, which had broken out in Nott Manor, where Harry had led a raid with his handpicked team.

Harry had decided to retire from DMLE, and this was supposed to be the last raid he conducted. He had heard from his sources that a few old death eaters and their descendants were trying to conduct a ritual, to call upon a demon that they could control to lay waste on the now moderates-led Ministry. Harry knew it was going to be dangerous, so he had picked a specialized team that had the strength to play it out safely. Unfortunately, the source had been compromised and Harry led his team into a trap. But Harry wasn't the strongest Wizard alive for nothing. He had fought off the demon and neo-death eaters, all while making sure his team made out of the badly failed mission with minimal injuries at most. He had been successful, but he was unable to avoid a dark spell from Theodus Nott, the current Lord Nott, and it slammed into his chest just above the right lung, dealing serious damage to it internally. Harry had out of reflex nailed Lord Nott on his head with an overpowered blasting curse, which bypassed the pathetic shield raised by him and blasted his head off. Unfortunately, with the murder of its Lord, the manor was put into lockdown, leaving Harry with no way out. Additionally, the ritual was disturbed in between so while the demon was pushed back to its dimension, he made sure to leave behind a parting gift- Fiendfyre!

Harry knew if he didn't go to St. Munos soon, he would die due to internal bleeding from Nott's spell. So, he tried to summon the invisibility cloak, as it had the power to trespass the wards without being bothered by him. Unfortunately, it seemed that Death had chosen the particular moment to betray him.

He let out a hoarse laugh. What was the use of fighting when a powerful entity like Death wants you dead? He took a deep breath and conjured a throne made up of stone for himself. If he was going to die, it would be in style. He took a hoarse breath and took out the communication mirror from his pocket and called out the password.

He had made sure that all his children would carry the mirror with them all the time and an emergency password meant they were to receive the call, no matter what they were doing.

He tapped the mirror with his wand enlarging it enough to accommodate all his children's images on it. And one by one five distressed and worried faces joined the mirror.

First was Edward Remus Potter-Black, son of Remus and Tonks, his godson whom he had blood adopted making him the eldest. Teddy had taken the responsibility of the head of Black family, just a year ago.

Second to join was Rose. The world knew her as Rose Minerva Granger-Weasley but was in reality the affair child of Harry Potter and Hermione Granger, which can be proved by looking at her Emerald eyes, which were constantly hidden behind glamour until a year ago. Harry had told her the truth about being her real father 4 years ago when she had graduated and named her heir of the house of Peverell. He was also her godfather and had always been more of a father than Moron Weasley had been to her. When Ron had denied giving Scorpius Malfoy his blessings for marrying Rose and then had kicked her out of the family in a fit of his idiocy, Harry had taken up the role, naming her Rose Minerva Potter-Peverell, and walked her down the aisle. Ron had tried to stop Hermione from attending the wedding, which led to Hermione finally giving the moron a divorce.

Harry had been bitter-sweet about it. His relationship with Hermione after the birth of Rose had been of love and hate. He hated that Hermione had rejected an honest relationship with him after Rose's birth. He had offered to marry her and take care of everything so that they could leave the Wizarding Britain and lead a peaceful life happily ever after. But Hermione, who had been at nearly the peak of her career, had declined him saying that it would damage all the work she had been doing for the betterment of Wizarding Britain. He had hated her constantly every day for not choosing him over the world, but he had also never loved anyone as he had loved the girl who had given up everything for him. The girl who had offered to walk alongside him to death. Harry had been heartbroken and depressed. As a result, he became cold and vicious on his work. It wasn't until a year later, that he met Daphne Greengrass, who became the shining sun of his dark life, he bounced back. They finally married and Daphne gave birth to a beautiful girl and a pair of twin boys, before being taken away by the blood maledictus of the Greengrass family.

Harry had been enraged and had hunted the cause responsible for it and it had taken 3 years before he had found it. Daemone Klaus, a high being of winter, was the one who put the curse on the Greengrass line nearly a millennium ago. It had been a fierce battle, which had added to Harry's already impressive collection of scars, but Harry was determined not to lose any more of his family to the curse. He had finally got lucky after a long battle which he nearly lost. When the monster thought he had been taken down and stood over him to gloat about it, Harry had decisively summoned the sword of Gryffindor and rammed it into the monster's mouth, stabbing through its brain. The monster's healing prowess had bowed down in front of the magical properties of Basilisk venom, and Daemone Klaus had met its end at the hands of a determined father, who wanted to save his daughter from the fate of her mother. Harry had used organ expulsion curse on the corpse, taking his heart and a branch of a nearby Aspen tree, to Gregorovitch, who had fashioned Harry a 13-inch wand from them. Harry had carried it proudly as it had been proven to be a better match than his Holly and Phoenix feather wand.

The 3rd to join them was a beautiful woman who looked like a carbon copy of his deceased wife. Esmeralda Lily Potter-Greengrass was similar to her mother in both beauty and brains. He had walked her down the aisle just a few months ago when she had married her boyfriend of 2 years, Marius Redfort, a second child of some influential Nordic Royal family.

Finally, two more faces joined the others. One of them was James Sirius Potter and the other was Aries Harrison Potter-Slytherin, the twins and last of the Potter children.

Harry knew that they all would panic at seeing his state, so he blocked his side of view from the communication mirror.

"Dad, are you alrig-"

With that, Harry had started the hardest conversation he had ever had in his life.


After bidding to his distraught and heavily crying children, Harry closed his eyes, feeling his magic being completely seeped away. He knew what was to come so he closed his eyes and prepared to welcome Death, who had betrayed him, as an old friend.

He felt the heat of monstrous flames on his skin and then nothing.


Harry opened his eyes expecting the king's cross to greet him, but to his surprise, it wasn't so. The place seemed familiar but different at the same time. It didn't take him long enough to recognize the place as the Diagon Alley. The difference in patrons of the establishment alarmed him. All the people were giving him strange looks too. Already suspecting what had happened he checked his pockets for the wand and was relieved to find a wand there even though, it was not the Aspen wand, he had himself crafted by Gregorovitch. He already missed the cold but powerful magic of Daemone Klaus flowing through the wand but send his magic through it. Shower of grey and black sparks shot through it, the sparks conjoining to conjure a pale image of Thestral, revealing the core to be Thestral tail hair. After seeing his wand crafted by Gregorovitch, he knew enough about wandlore to identify the components of the wand. Running his finger through the length of wand, he detected Walnut, a powerful wand wood, which didn't discriminate between any spell cast through it. All in all, it was quite a powerful wand, even though particularly not suited to him.

A quick 'Tempus' changed his delight into horror as the date 21st July 1976 flashed before him. His horror grew as he felt pain in his right lung, at the exact same place where he had been hit by Nott's curse. His horror was now tenfold as he looked at his reflection on one of the glasses of Flourish and Blots as instead of a man in his late forties, a boy in his mid-teens stared back at him. He also understood the reason, why the people around him were staring at him. He had cuts and wounds all over his body, that hadn't even healed as they formed wet spots on the rags he was wearing.

"Vulnera Sanentaur! Episky! Vulnera Sanentaur! Vulnera Sanentaur!"

Harry chanted as he waved his wand all over his body. The counter curse of 'Sectum sempra', started pulling the lost blood back into his body while 'Episky', healed and closed the wounds.

"Sigh! It will take lots of Dittany to make sure the wounds do not scar," Harry murmured to himself, "Scourgify!"

The next spell, while couldn't complete its objective, it made Harry feel a lot cleaner. Harry added a scent-erasing spell, to dispel the smell of blood. He then proceeded to transfigure his rags into something useful, finishing it by conjuring a cloak and draping it over himself. Harry, now looking like any average working-class wizard disappeared among the crowd but not before casting a strong 'Confundus', to make sure none of the occupants present at that time remembered him.

Harry knew he was in a deep shit. If anyone knew he had come from a sort-of-future, he would be in danger as all three factions of war, namely- The Ministry, The Death Eaters and The Order of Phoenix would start to hunt him down like a wild dog who had smelled blood.

It was then, memories he never had started to flash through his mind. Looks like, he shouldn't have been worried, as he or the current him, already existed in the time. He was Hadrian Alex Peverell, which he was thankful for as he could get away with responding to name Harry, and he had been the youngest slave of an illegal Dueling organization, about which he couldn't reveal anything, due to the unbreakable vow every slave had to take. He was 15 years old but didn't know his birthday and he was able to escape because of a rebellion that took place in organization. This compromised the loyalty vows and Hadrian was able to take advantage of it. Unfortunately, the other slaves caught onto it and fell into a battle killing each other. When one of the slaves knew, he was going to fall, he had resorted to using 'Fiendfyre!', to burn every one of them. Hadrian thought he was going to be killed as someone had got him with a curse but when he opened his eyes, he was at the Diagon Alley, where he proceeded to heal and camouflage himself.

Feeling a bit confident, now that he had a background, no matter however messed up it was, Harry started to move towards the Leaky cauldron, from where he could ask Tom for help. He wasn't supposed to know many things about Wizarding world after all, and he needed to go to St. Mungos, as soon as possible. His chest pain was getting worse, and he was only able to hold himself due to his impressive pain threshold.


"Shit!", Harry cursed as he saw numerous figures in black robes and masks start appearing all over Diagon Alley and they began throwing curses towards the witches and wizards present.

To Harry's surprise, the response team of Aurors immediately arrived led by a familiar-looking man. The Aurors worked like a well-oiled machine, defending the civilians and counter-attacking the terrorists. Harry sighed and thanked Merlin and Morgana as it seemed he wouldn't need to involve himself. His relief fell short in a moment and Harry cursed himself for thinking so soon as a presence much stronger than terrorists arrived in a blast of black smoke.

Voldemort, the head honcho of the terrorists had arrived and quick as lightning shot a killing curse at the leader of the aurors.

"NO!" Harry screamed as his wand was already in motion.


A red spell shot out of Harry's wand intercepting Voldemort's curse before it could hit the target, attracting the Dark Lord's attention onto him. Voldemort grunted looking unimpressed and waved his hand in Harry's direction.

A wandless banishing curse hit Harry straight on the chest sending him flying towards nearby stalls. He heard a trill and saw a bright flash of fire before he crashed hard into the stalls.

"Ughh," Harry cried groggily as he tried to lift himself up from the position, his chest pain making it difficult.

He watched in awe as Dumbledore and Voldemort exchanged spells and danced around each other. It wasn't the power or knowledge of spells, as Harry had more magical reserves than both of them when he was in his 40s and being the head of 5 ancient families provided him with plenty of knowledge on obscure spells. It was the chemistry between them in battle with Voldemort carelessly using overpowered curses on Dumbledore who would answer with the perfect mix of conjurations, charms and curses.

Harry shook his head. It wasn't the time to fangirl on the battle between two of the strongest mages of that time. He gritted his teeth and picked himself up, his wand already thrumming with magic.

"Confringo! Bombarda! Expluso! Depulso! Lacareo!"

Voldemort wasn't expecting anyone to dare interfere in his battle. So, he wasn't ready at all for the explosive spell chain from Harry. He was blasted from his position like a ragdoll as soon as powerful spells from Harry impacted his person.

His red eyes focused on Harry as he hissed "You Dare!"

Harry just smirked and used 'Avis!' to conjure an eagle-sized bird to intercept the killing curse from him.

At the same time, a blue spell from Dumbledore blasted Voldemort once again. Agitated the Dark Lord breathed a gigantic ball of fire, that took the shape of a large snake and attacked Dumbledore. Harry nearly had a flashback of his death, seeing the 'Fiendfyre!, in action.

The spell though needed Voldemort to use his wand to fight off the large amount of water conjured by Dumbledore. Harry smirked as he raised his wand to finish the Dark Lord for once and all, or more specifically, destroy the body of said Dark Lord.

Voldemort must have sensed the killing intent because the next moment, his glaring red eye was fixed on Harry and Harry felt a strong pull on his robes the next moment his neck was in the Dark Lord's hand, who was glaring hatefully at him and was going to snap it anytime soon.

Harry managed a smirk on his face before hoarsely saying "I-Idiot!", and then channeled magic through his wand, "A-Anima Leo!"

The rubble beneath Voldemort was instantly transfigured into a stone lion, which clamped its head around Voldemort's wand arm and tore it off his shoulder with a sickening crunch. Voldemort screamed in pain, releasing Harry from his hold in the process. Harry quickly slammed Voldemort with a powerful wandless 'Depulso', sending him flying. Dumbledore, meanwhile, had gained the upper hand on 'Fiendfyre', and had managed to dispel it.

Harry quickly stomped on the Dark Lord's Yew wand, breaking it with a crunch, before he could summon it to himself, and smirked cruelly at him. He knew it would deepen the already painted target on his back but couldn't bring himself to care.

Voldemort glared balefully at him for a moment before disappearing, probably with the help of Portkey. It was then he fell on his knees, coughing a mouthful of blood. Just before darkness ensnared it, Harry caught a glimpse of greying messy brown hair and caramel-colored eyes behind glasses, understanding why the man leading the aurors had seemed familiar.

'G-Grandpa', was his last thought before he fell into the realm of Hypnos.


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